import json import os import shutil import uuid from flask import Flask, request, Response from compiler import Compiler from config import JUDGER_WORKSPACE_BASE, SPJ_SRC_DIR, SPJ_EXE_DIR from exception import TokenVerificationFailed, CompileError, SPJCompileError, JudgeClientError from judge_client import JudgeClient from utils import server_info, logger, token app = Flask(__name__) DEBUG = os.environ.get("judger_debug") == "1" app.debug = DEBUG class InitSubmissionEnv(object): def __init__(self, judger_workspace, submission_id): self.path = os.path.join(judger_workspace, submission_id) def __enter__(self): try: os.mkdir(self.path) os.chmod(self.path, 0o777) except Exception as e: logger.exception(e) raise JudgeClientError("failed to create runtime dir") return self.path def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): if not DEBUG: try: shutil.rmtree(self.path) except Exception as e: logger.exception(e) raise JudgeClientError("failed to clean runtime dir") class JudgeServer: @classmethod def ping(cls): data = server_info() data["action"] = "pong" return data @classmethod def judge(cls, language_config, src, max_cpu_time, max_memory, test_case_id, spj_version=None, spj_config=None, spj_compile_config=None, spj_src=None, output=False): # init compile_config = language_config.get("compile") run_config = language_config["run"] submission_id = uuid.uuid4().hex if spj_version and spj_config: spj_exe_path = os.path.join(SPJ_EXE_DIR, spj_config["exe_name"].format(spj_version=spj_version)) # spj src has not been compiled if not os.path.isfile(spj_exe_path): logger.warning("%s does not exists, spj src will be recompiled") cls.compile_spj(spj_version=spj_version, src=spj_src, spj_compile_config=spj_compile_config) with InitSubmissionEnv(JUDGER_WORKSPACE_BASE, submission_id=str(submission_id)) as submission_dir: if compile_config: src_path = os.path.join(submission_dir, compile_config["src_name"]) # write source code into file with open(src_path, "w", encoding="utf-8") as f: f.write(src) # compile source code, return exe file path exe_path = Compiler().compile(compile_config=compile_config, src_path=src_path, output_dir=submission_dir) else: exe_path = os.path.join(submission_dir, run_config["exe_name"]) with open(exe_path, "w", encoding="utf-8") as f: f.write(src) judge_client = JudgeClient(run_config=language_config["run"], exe_path=exe_path, max_cpu_time=max_cpu_time, max_memory=max_memory, test_case_id=str(test_case_id), submission_dir=submission_dir, spj_version=spj_version, spj_config=spj_config, output=output) run_result = return run_result @classmethod def compile_spj(cls, spj_version, src, spj_compile_config): spj_compile_config["src_name"] = spj_compile_config["src_name"].format(spj_version=spj_version) spj_compile_config["exe_name"] = spj_compile_config["exe_name"].format(spj_version=spj_version) spj_src_path = os.path.join(SPJ_SRC_DIR, spj_compile_config["src_name"]) # if spj source code not found, then write it into file if not os.path.exists(spj_src_path): with open(spj_src_path, "w", encoding="utf-8") as f: f.write(src) try: Compiler().compile(compile_config=spj_compile_config, src_path=spj_src_path, output_dir=SPJ_EXE_DIR) # turn common CompileError into SPJCompileError except CompileError as e: raise SPJCompileError(e.message) return "success" @app.route('/', defaults={'path': ''}) @app.route('/', methods=["POST"]) def server(path): if path in ("judge", "ping", "compile_spj"): _token = request.headers.get("X-Judge-Server-Token") try: if _token != token: raise TokenVerificationFailed("invalid token") try: data = request.json except Exception: data = {} ret = {"err": None, "data": getattr(JudgeServer, path)(**data)} except (CompileError, TokenVerificationFailed, SPJCompileError, JudgeClientError) as e: logger.exception(e) ret = {"err": e.__class__.__name__, "data": e.message} except Exception as e: logger.exception(e) ret = {"err": "JudgeClientError", "data": e.__class__.__name__ + " :" + str(e)} else: ret = {"err": "InvalidRequest", "data": "404"} return Response(json.dumps(ret), mimetype='application/json') if DEBUG:"DEBUG=ON") # gunicorn -w 4 -b server:app if __name__ == "__main__":