mirror of
synced 2025-01-01 09:31:48 +00:00
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137 lines
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* New: Anti double post (including comments, topics and private topics)
* New: Adds `ST_DOUBLE_POST_THRESHOLD_MINUTES` setting to change the
the threshold time in which the double posting is prevented
* Improvement: Adds `ST_COMMENT_MAX_LEN` setting to change
the maximum characters limit per comment (#107)
* New: Adds optional category title color (#110 thanks to @sheepsy90)
* Fix: `Too many submissions` when form submission has an error (#58)
* New: Key based expiration rate-limit.
* New: `ST_RATELIMIT_CACHE = 'st_rate_limit'` setting and `CACHE`.
* Fix: Boolean filters for Elasticsearch (PR #130)
* Improvement: UTC timezones instead of GMT in user profile form (#108)
* Fix: missing emojis (#93)
* Improvement: Replaced twitter emoji pack by emojiOne pack (PR #126)
* Improvement: Search within comments (#57)
* Improvement: Search-index partial update (PR #129)
* Improvement: Support for YouTube embeds that have a
timestamp (PR #116 thanks to @alesdotio)
* Removed unused `ST_UNCATEGORIZED_CATEGORY_PK` setting
* Security fix: fixes a regression within markdown
URLs present in v0.4.6 (#105 thanks to @qll)
* New: `settings.ST_ALLOWED_URL_PROTOCOLS` a set containing valid URL protocols
* Improvement: Updated mistune (markdown) dependency
* Fix: Facebook share link (#87 thanks to @initialkommit)
* Improvement: Adds email confirmation in registration
* Improvement: Removes password confirmation in registration
* Improvement: Login message changed to inform when the username is not found
* Improvement: Force HTML5 youtube player
* Adds Python 3.5 support
* New: Comment history diff (inserted & deleted lines)
* New: Twitter emojis pack
* New (Dev): Gulp tasks `npm run gulp css` and `npm run gulp coffee` for building assets
* Improvement: Adds `rel="nofollow"` to all comment links of regular users
* Improvement: CSS & JS minification and concatenation
* Improvement: Added `STATICFILES_STORAGE = 'ManifestStaticFilesStorage'` (settings.prod only) to
append hashes to assets file names
* Improvement: `woff2` font support
* Fix: Email required on registration
* Fix: Changed `DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL` default to `webmaster@localhost` (Django's default)
* Fix: Redirect to first unread comment on visited topics
* Fix: Adds missing `apps.AppConfig` in `spirit.search` to avoid app label clashes.
* New: mark topic as visited (grey out the link) when it has a bookmark
* New: mark topic as *has new comments* (red out comment icon) when it has new comments
* Fix: send emails as `DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL` (default to `site.name <noreply@[site.domain]>`),
setting this will be mandatory in future releases (default will be removed).
* Fix: Implement missing `apps.AppConfig` in `spirit.core` to avoid app label clashes.
* Fix: Show category names in the advance search template.
* New app comment.poll: Polls within comments
* New: Floating flash messages when there is a hash in the URL
* New: Case insensitive emails (setting.ST_CASE_INSENSITIVE_EMAILS)
* New & updated translations: Turkish (thanks to negativefix), Hungarian (thanks to istvanf),
Polish, Polish (Poland), Spanish, German, Chinese, Swedish and Russian
* Adds management commands: spiritinstall, spiritupgrade
* Fix to use current date when a history comment is created
* Adds missing user profile migration (issue #62)
* Removed old migrations.
* Removed `spirit` app, it has been decoupled into many apps.
* Requires Django 1.8 (support for 1.7 has been dropped).
* Drops the custom `AUTH_USER_MODEL`.
* Deprecated `AbstractForumUser` and `AbstractUser`. They will be removed in future releases.
* Moved `spirit.middleware.XForwardedForMiddleware` to `spirit.core.middleware.XForwardedForMiddleware`.
* Moved `spirit.middleware.TimezoneMiddleware` to `spirit.user.middleware.TimezoneMiddleware`.
* Moved `spirit.middleware.LastIPMiddleware` to `spirit.user.middleware.LastIPMiddleware`.
* Moved `spirit.middleware.LastSeenMiddleware` to `spirit.user.middleware.LastSeenMiddleware`.
* Moved `spirit.middleware.ActiveUserMiddleware` to `spirit.user.middleware.ActiveUserMiddleware`.
* Moved `spirit.middleware.PrivateForumMiddleware` to `spirit.core.middleware.PrivateForumMiddleware`.
* Removed most signals.
* Renamed models: `spirit.Category` to `spirit_category.category`, `spirit.UserProfile` to `spirit_user.UserProfile`, `spirit.Topic` to `spirit_topic.Topic`, `spirit.TopicFavorite` to `spirit_topic_favorite.TopicFavorite`, `spirit.Comment` to `spirit_comment.Comment`, `spirit.TopicNotification` to `spirit_topic_notification.TopicNotification`, `spirit.TopicPoll` to `spirit_topic_poll.TopicPoll`, `spirit.TopicPollChoice` to `spirit_topic_poll.TopicPollChoice`, `spirit.TopicPollVote` to `spirit_topic_poll.TopicPollVote`, `spirit.TopicPrivate` to `spirit_topic_private.TopicPrivate`, `spirit.TopicUnread` to `spirit_topic_unread.TopicUnread`, `spirit.CommentBookmark` to `spirit_comment_bookmark.CommentBookmark`, `spirit.CommentFlag` to `spirit_comment_flag.CommentFlag`, `spirit.Flag` to `spirit_comment_flag.Flag`, `spirit.CommentHistory` to `spirit_comment_history.CommentHistory` and `spirit.CommentLike` to `spirit_comment_like.CommentLike`. `ContentTypes` were renamed accordingly, so if you have a model that relates to Spirit via a GenericForeignKey, you should not worry about it.
* Requires Django 1.7 (support for 1.6 has been dropped).
* Polls.
* Better markdown parser.
* Global pinned topics and regular pinned topics.
* Unicode url slug.
* Swappable user model: allows you to replace the Spirit user model by your own user model.
* Code highlighting.
* Emojis popup selector.
* Js scripts rewritten in coffeescript + tests.
* Social Integration: share comments on twitter, etc.
* Languages: German (by derWalter), Swedish (by silverstream).
* Private forum setting: if it's on, it won't allow non-members to browse the forum.
* Markdown fenced code blocks.
* Image upload for comments (not Drag&Drop).