fix(miscellaneous): fix iterator for only movable base object
This commit is contained in:
@ -136,16 +136,16 @@ public:
FORCEINLINE constexpr explicit TCountedIterator(U&& InValue, ptrdiff N) : Current(Forward<U>(InValue)), Length(N) { check_code({ MaxLength = N; }); }
template <CInputOrOutputIterator J> requires (!CSameAs<IteratorType, J> && CConstructibleFrom<IteratorType, const J&>)
FORCEINLINE constexpr explicit (!CConvertibleTo<const J&, IteratorType>) TCountedIterator(const TCountedIterator<J>& InValue) : Current(InValue.GetBase()), Length(InValue.Num()) { check_code({ MaxLength = InValue.MaxLength; }); }
FORCEINLINE constexpr explicit (!CConvertibleTo<const J&, IteratorType>) TCountedIterator(const TCountedIterator<J>& InValue) : Current(InValue.Current), Length(InValue.Num()) { check_code({ MaxLength = InValue.MaxLength; }); }
template <CInputOrOutputIterator J> requires (!CSameAs<IteratorType, J> && CConstructibleFrom<IteratorType, J>)
FORCEINLINE constexpr explicit (!CConvertibleTo<J&&, IteratorType>) TCountedIterator(TCountedIterator<J>&& InValue) : Current(MoveTemp(InValue).GetBase()), Length(InValue.Num()) { check_code({ MaxLength = InValue.MaxLength; }); }
FORCEINLINE constexpr explicit (!CConvertibleTo<J&&, IteratorType>) TCountedIterator(TCountedIterator<J>&& InValue) : Current(MoveTemp(InValue).Current), Length(InValue.Num()) { check_code({ MaxLength = InValue.MaxLength; }); }
template <CInputOrOutputIterator J> requires (!CSameAs<IteratorType, J> && CConvertibleTo<const J&, IteratorType> && CAssignableFrom<IteratorType&, const J&>)
FORCEINLINE constexpr TCountedIterator& operator=(const TCountedIterator<J>& InValue) { Current = InValue.GetBase(); Length = InValue.Num(); check_code({ MaxLength = InValue.MaxLength; }); return *this; }
FORCEINLINE constexpr TCountedIterator& operator=(const TCountedIterator<J>& InValue) { Current = InValue.Current; Length = InValue.Num(); check_code({ MaxLength = InValue.MaxLength; }); return *this; }
template <CInputOrOutputIterator J> requires (!CSameAs<IteratorType, J> && CConvertibleTo<J&&, IteratorType> && CAssignableFrom<IteratorType&, J&&>)
FORCEINLINE constexpr TCountedIterator& operator=(TCountedIterator<J>&& InValue) { Current = MoveTemp(InValue).GetBase(); Length = InValue.Num(); check_code({ MaxLength = InValue.MaxLength; }); return *this; }
FORCEINLINE constexpr TCountedIterator& operator=(TCountedIterator<J>&& InValue) { Current = MoveTemp(InValue).Current; Length = InValue.Num(); check_code({ MaxLength = InValue.MaxLength; }); return *this; }
template <CCommonType<IteratorType> J>
NODISCARD friend FORCEINLINE constexpr bool operator==(const TCountedIterator& LHS, const TCountedIterator<J>& RHS) { return LHS.Length == RHS.Length; }
@ -182,9 +182,9 @@ public:
NODISCARD friend FORCEINLINE constexpr ptrdiff operator-(const TCountedIterator& LHS, FDefaultSentinel) { LHS.CheckThis(); return -LHS.Num(); }
NODISCARD friend FORCEINLINE constexpr ptrdiff operator-(FDefaultSentinel, const TCountedIterator& RHS) { RHS.CheckThis(); return RHS.Num(); }
NODISCARD FORCEINLINE constexpr const IteratorType& GetBase() const& { CheckThis(); return Current; }
NODISCARD FORCEINLINE constexpr IteratorType GetBase() && { CheckThis(); return Current; }
NODISCARD FORCEINLINE constexpr ptrdiff Num() const { CheckThis(); return Length; }
NODISCARD FORCEINLINE constexpr const IteratorType& GetBase() const& { CheckThis(); return Current; }
NODISCARD FORCEINLINE constexpr IteratorType GetBase() && { CheckThis(); return MoveTemp(Current); }
NODISCARD FORCEINLINE constexpr ptrdiff Num() const { CheckThis(); return Length; }
@ -17,13 +17,11 @@ NAMESPACE_PRIVATE_BEGIN
template <typename T> using WithReference = T&;
template <typename I> struct TIteratorElementType { using Type = typename I::ElementType; };
template <typename I> struct TIteratorElementType { using Type = typename I::ElementType; };
template <typename T> struct TIteratorElementType<T*> { using Type = TRemoveCV<T>; };
template <typename T> struct TIteratorElementType<T*> { using Type = TRemoveCV<T>; };
template <typename I> struct TIteratorPointerType { using Type = void; };
template <typename T> struct TIteratorPointerType<T*> { using Type = T*; };
template <typename I> struct TIteratorPointerType { using Type = void; };
template <typename T> struct TIteratorPointerType<T*> { using Type = T*; };
template <typename I> requires (requires(I& Iter) { { Iter.operator->() } -> CPointer; })
struct TIteratorPointerType<I> { using Type = decltype(DeclVal<I&>().operator->()); };
@ -138,6 +136,62 @@ concept CContiguousIterator = CRandomAccessIterator<I> && CLValueReference<TIter
/** Increments given iterator 'Iter' by 'N' elements. */
template <CInputIterator I>
FORCEINLINE constexpr void Advance(I& Iter, ptrdiff N)
if constexpr (CRandomAccessIterator<I>)
Iter += N;
else if constexpr (CBidirectionalIterator<I>)
for (; N > 0; --N) ++Iter;
for (; N < 0; ++N) --Iter;
checkf(N >= 0, TEXT("The iterator must satisfy the CBidirectionalIterator in order to be decremented."));
for (; N > 0; --N) ++Iter;
/** @return The number of hops from 'First' to 'Last'. */
template <CInputIterator I, CSentinelFor<I> S>
FORCEINLINE constexpr ptrdiff Distance(I First, S Last)
if constexpr (CSizedSentinelFor<S, I>)
return Last - First;
ptrdiff Result = 0;
for (; First != Last; ++First) ++Result;
return Result;
/** @return The 'N'-th successor of iterator 'Iter'. */
template <CInputIterator I>
FORCEINLINE constexpr I Next(I Iter, TMakeUnsigned<ptrdiff> N = 1)
Iteration::Advance(Iter, N);
return Iter;
/** @return The 'N'-th predecessor of iterator 'Iter'. */
template <CBidirectionalIterator I>
FORCEINLINE constexpr I Prev(I Iter, TMakeUnsigned<ptrdiff> N = 1)
Iteration::Advance(Iter, -N);
return Iter;
/** A iterator adaptor for reverse-order traversal. */
template <CBidirectionalIterator I>
class TReverseIterator final
@ -161,27 +215,27 @@ public:
FORCEINLINE constexpr explicit TReverseIterator(T&& InValue) : Current(Forward<T>(InValue)) { }
template <CBidirectionalIterator J> requires (!CSameAs<IteratorType, J> && CConstructibleFrom<IteratorType, const J&>)
FORCEINLINE constexpr explicit (!CConvertibleTo<const J&, IteratorType>) TReverseIterator(const TReverseIterator<J>& InValue) : Current(InValue.GetBase()) { }
FORCEINLINE constexpr explicit (!CConvertibleTo<const J&, IteratorType>) TReverseIterator(const TReverseIterator<J>& InValue) : Current(InValue.Current) { }
template <CBidirectionalIterator J> requires (!CSameAs<IteratorType, J> && CConstructibleFrom<IteratorType, J>)
FORCEINLINE constexpr explicit (!CConvertibleTo<J&&, IteratorType>) TReverseIterator(TReverseIterator<J>&& InValue) : Current(MoveTemp(InValue).GetBase()) { }
FORCEINLINE constexpr explicit (!CConvertibleTo<J&&, IteratorType>) TReverseIterator(TReverseIterator<J>&& InValue) : Current(MoveTemp(InValue).Current) { }
template <CBidirectionalIterator J> requires (!CSameAs<IteratorType, J> && CConvertibleTo<const J&, IteratorType> && CAssignableFrom<IteratorType&, const J&>)
FORCEINLINE constexpr TReverseIterator& operator=(const TReverseIterator<J>& InValue) { Current = InValue.GetBase(); return *this; }
FORCEINLINE constexpr TReverseIterator& operator=(const TReverseIterator<J>& InValue) { Current = InValue.Current; return *this; }
template <CBidirectionalIterator J> requires (!CSameAs<IteratorType, J> && CConvertibleTo<J&&, IteratorType> && CAssignableFrom<IteratorType&, J&&>)
FORCEINLINE constexpr TReverseIterator& operator=(TReverseIterator<J>&& InValue) { Current = MoveTemp(InValue).GetBase(); return *this; }
FORCEINLINE constexpr TReverseIterator& operator=(TReverseIterator<J>&& InValue) { Current = MoveTemp(InValue).Current; return *this; }
template <CBidirectionalIterator J> requires (CSentinelFor<J, IteratorType>)
NODISCARD friend FORCEINLINE constexpr bool operator==(const TReverseIterator& LHS, const TReverseIterator<J>& RHS) { return LHS.GetBase() == RHS.GetBase(); }
NODISCARD friend FORCEINLINE constexpr bool operator==(const TReverseIterator& LHS, const TReverseIterator<J>& RHS) { return LHS.Current == RHS.Current; }
template <CBidirectionalIterator J> requires (CSizedSentinelFor<J, IteratorType>)
NODISCARD friend FORCEINLINE constexpr TCompareThreeWayResult<J, IteratorType> operator<=>(const TReverseIterator& LHS, const TReverseIterator<J>& RHS) { return RHS.GetBase() <=> LHS.GetBase(); }
NODISCARD friend FORCEINLINE constexpr TCompareThreeWayResult<J, IteratorType> operator<=>(const TReverseIterator& LHS, const TReverseIterator<J>& RHS) { return RHS.Current <=> LHS.Current; }
NODISCARD FORCEINLINE constexpr TIteratorReferenceType<IteratorType> operator*() const { IteratorType Temp = GetBase(); return *--Temp; }
NODISCARD FORCEINLINE constexpr TIteratorPointerType<IteratorType> operator->() const { IteratorType Temp = GetBase(); return ToAddress(--Temp); }
NODISCARD FORCEINLINE constexpr TIteratorReferenceType<IteratorType> operator*() const { IteratorType Temp = Current; return *--Temp; }
NODISCARD FORCEINLINE constexpr TIteratorPointerType<IteratorType> operator->() const { IteratorType Temp = Current; return ToAddress(--Temp); }
NODISCARD FORCEINLINE constexpr TIteratorReferenceType<IteratorType> operator[](ptrdiff Index) const requires (CRandomAccessIterator<IteratorType>) { return GetBase()[-Index - 1]; }
NODISCARD FORCEINLINE constexpr TIteratorReferenceType<IteratorType> operator[](ptrdiff Index) const requires (CRandomAccessIterator<IteratorType>) { return Current[-Index - 1]; }
FORCEINLINE constexpr TReverseIterator& operator++() { --Current; return *this; }
FORCEINLINE constexpr TReverseIterator& operator--() { ++Current; return *this; }
@ -197,10 +251,10 @@ public:
NODISCARD FORCEINLINE constexpr TReverseIterator operator-(ptrdiff Offset) const requires (CRandomAccessIterator<IteratorType>) { TReverseIterator Temp = *this; Temp += Offset; return Temp; }
NODISCARD friend FORCEINLINE constexpr ptrdiff operator-(const TReverseIterator& LHS, const TReverseIterator& RHS) { return RHS.GetBase() - LHS.GetBase(); }
NODISCARD friend FORCEINLINE constexpr ptrdiff operator-(const TReverseIterator& LHS, const TReverseIterator& RHS) { return RHS.Current - LHS.Current; }
NODISCARD FORCEINLINE constexpr const IteratorType& GetBase() const& { return Current; }
NODISCARD FORCEINLINE constexpr IteratorType GetBase() && { return Current; }
NODISCARD FORCEINLINE constexpr const IteratorType& GetBase() const& { return Current; }
NODISCARD FORCEINLINE constexpr IteratorType GetBase() && { return MoveTemp(Current); }
@ -236,27 +290,27 @@ public:
FORCEINLINE constexpr explicit TMoveIterator(T&& InValue) : Current(Forward<T>(InValue)) { }
template <CInputIterator J> requires (!CSameAs<IteratorType, J> && CConstructibleFrom<IteratorType, const J&>)
FORCEINLINE constexpr explicit (!CConvertibleTo<const J&, IteratorType>) TMoveIterator(const TMoveIterator<J>& InValue) : Current(InValue.GetBase()) { }
FORCEINLINE constexpr explicit (!CConvertibleTo<const J&, IteratorType>) TMoveIterator(const TMoveIterator<J>& InValue) : Current(InValue.Current) { }
template <CInputIterator J> requires (!CSameAs<IteratorType, J> && CConstructibleFrom<IteratorType, J>)
FORCEINLINE constexpr explicit (!CConvertibleTo<J&&, IteratorType>) TMoveIterator(TMoveIterator<J>&& InValue) : Current(MoveTemp(InValue).GetBase()) { }
FORCEINLINE constexpr explicit (!CConvertibleTo<J&&, IteratorType>) TMoveIterator(TMoveIterator<J>&& InValue) : Current(MoveTemp(InValue).Current) { }
template <CInputIterator J> requires (!CSameAs<IteratorType, J> && CConvertibleTo<const J&, IteratorType> && CAssignableFrom<IteratorType&, const J&>)
FORCEINLINE constexpr TMoveIterator& operator=(const TMoveIterator<J>& InValue) { Current = InValue.GetBase(); return *this; }
FORCEINLINE constexpr TMoveIterator& operator=(const TMoveIterator<J>& InValue) { Current = InValue.Current; return *this; }
template <CInputIterator J> requires (!CSameAs<IteratorType, J> && CConvertibleTo<J&&, IteratorType> && CAssignableFrom<IteratorType&, J&&>)
FORCEINLINE constexpr TMoveIterator& operator=(TMoveIterator<J>&& InValue) { Current = MoveTemp(InValue).GetBase(); return *this; }
FORCEINLINE constexpr TMoveIterator& operator=(TMoveIterator<J>&& InValue) { Current = MoveTemp(InValue).Current; return *this; }
template <CInputIterator J> requires (CSentinelFor<J, IteratorType>)
NODISCARD friend FORCEINLINE constexpr bool operator==(const TMoveIterator& LHS, const TMoveIterator<J>& RHS) { return LHS.GetBase() == RHS.GetBase(); }
NODISCARD friend FORCEINLINE constexpr bool operator==(const TMoveIterator& LHS, const TMoveIterator<J>& RHS) { return LHS.Current == RHS.Current; }
template <CInputIterator J> requires (CSizedSentinelFor<J, IteratorType>)
NODISCARD friend FORCEINLINE constexpr TCompareThreeWayResult<J, IteratorType> operator<=>(const TMoveIterator& LHS, const TMoveIterator<J>& RHS) { return LHS.GetBase() <=> RHS.GetBase(); }
NODISCARD friend FORCEINLINE constexpr TCompareThreeWayResult<J, IteratorType> operator<=>(const TMoveIterator& LHS, const TMoveIterator<J>& RHS) { return LHS.Current <=> RHS.Current; }
NODISCARD FORCEINLINE constexpr TIteratorRValueReferenceType<IteratorType> operator*() const { return MoveTemp(*GetBase()); }
NODISCARD FORCEINLINE constexpr TIteratorRValueReferenceType<IteratorType> operator*() const { return MoveTemp(*Current); }
NODISCARD FORCEINLINE constexpr TIteratorPointerType<IteratorType> operator->() const = delete;
NODISCARD FORCEINLINE constexpr TIteratorRValueReferenceType<IteratorType> operator[](ptrdiff Index) const requires (CRandomAccessIterator<IteratorType>) { return MoveTemp(GetBase()[Index]); }
NODISCARD FORCEINLINE constexpr TIteratorRValueReferenceType<IteratorType> operator[](ptrdiff Index) const requires (CRandomAccessIterator<IteratorType>) { return MoveTemp(Current[Index]); }
FORCEINLINE constexpr TMoveIterator& operator++() { ++Current; return *this; }
FORCEINLINE constexpr TMoveIterator& operator--() requires (CBidirectionalIterator<IteratorType>) { --Current; return *this; }
@ -273,10 +327,10 @@ public:
NODISCARD FORCEINLINE constexpr TMoveIterator operator-(ptrdiff Offset) const requires (CRandomAccessIterator<IteratorType>) { TMoveIterator Temp = *this; Temp -= Offset; return Temp; }
NODISCARD friend FORCEINLINE constexpr ptrdiff operator-(const TMoveIterator& LHS, const TMoveIterator& RHS) { return LHS.GetBase() - RHS.GetBase(); }
NODISCARD friend FORCEINLINE constexpr ptrdiff operator-(const TMoveIterator& LHS, const TMoveIterator& RHS) { return LHS.Current - RHS.Current; }
NODISCARD FORCEINLINE constexpr const IteratorType& GetBase() const& { return Current; }
NODISCARD FORCEINLINE constexpr IteratorType GetBase() && { return Current; }
NODISCARD FORCEINLINE constexpr const IteratorType& GetBase() const& { return Current; }
NODISCARD FORCEINLINE constexpr IteratorType GetBase() && { return MoveTemp(Current); }
@ -304,38 +358,38 @@ public:
FORCEINLINE constexpr ~TMoveSentinel() = default;
template <typename T = SentinelType> requires (!CSameAs<TMoveSentinel, TRemoveCVRef<T>> && CConstructibleFrom<SentinelType, T>)
FORCEINLINE constexpr explicit TMoveSentinel(T&& InValue) : Last(Forward<T>(InValue)) { }
FORCEINLINE constexpr explicit TMoveSentinel(T&& InValue) : Current(Forward<T>(InValue)) { }
template <CSemiregular T> requires (!CSameAs<SentinelType, T> && CConstructibleFrom<SentinelType, const T&>)
FORCEINLINE constexpr explicit (!CConvertibleTo<const T&, SentinelType>) TMoveSentinel(const TMoveSentinel<T>& InValue) : Last(InValue.GetBase()) { }
FORCEINLINE constexpr explicit (!CConvertibleTo<const T&, SentinelType>) TMoveSentinel(const TMoveSentinel<T>& InValue) : Current(InValue.Current) { }
template <CSemiregular T> requires (!CSameAs<SentinelType, T> && CConstructibleFrom<SentinelType, T>)
FORCEINLINE constexpr explicit (!CConvertibleTo<T&&, SentinelType>) TMoveSentinel(TMoveSentinel<T>&& InValue) : Last(MoveTemp(InValue).GetBase()) { }
FORCEINLINE constexpr explicit (!CConvertibleTo<T&&, SentinelType>) TMoveSentinel(TMoveSentinel<T>&& InValue) : Current(MoveTemp(InValue).Current) { }
template <CSemiregular T> requires (!CSameAs<SentinelType, T> && CConvertibleTo<const T&, SentinelType> && CAssignableFrom<SentinelType&, const T&>)
FORCEINLINE constexpr TMoveSentinel& operator=(const TMoveSentinel<T>& InValue) { Last = InValue.GetBase(); return *this; }
FORCEINLINE constexpr TMoveSentinel& operator=(const TMoveSentinel<T>& InValue) { Current = InValue.Current; return *this; }
template <CSemiregular T> requires (!CSameAs<SentinelType, T> && CConvertibleTo<T&&, SentinelType> && CAssignableFrom<SentinelType&, T&&>)
FORCEINLINE constexpr TMoveSentinel& operator=(TMoveSentinel<T>&& InValue) { Last = MoveTemp(InValue).GetBase(); return *this; }
FORCEINLINE constexpr TMoveSentinel& operator=(TMoveSentinel<T>&& InValue) { Current = MoveTemp(InValue).Current; return *this; }
template <CInputIterator I> requires (CSentinelFor<SentinelType, I>)
NODISCARD FORCEINLINE constexpr bool operator==(const TMoveIterator<I>& InValue) const& { return GetBase() == InValue.GetBase(); }
NODISCARD FORCEINLINE constexpr bool operator==(const TMoveIterator<I>& InValue) const& { return Current == InValue.Current; }
template <CInputIterator I> requires (CSizedSentinelFor<SentinelType, I>)
NODISCARD FORCEINLINE constexpr TCompareThreeWayResult<SentinelType, I> operator<=>(const TMoveIterator<I>& InValue) const& { return GetBase() <=> InValue.GetBase(); }
NODISCARD FORCEINLINE constexpr TCompareThreeWayResult<SentinelType, I> operator<=>(const TMoveIterator<I>& InValue) const& { return Current <=> InValue.Current; }
template <CInputIterator I> requires (CSizedSentinelFor<SentinelType, I>)
NODISCARD friend FORCEINLINE constexpr ptrdiff operator-(const TMoveSentinel& Sentinel, const TMoveIterator<I>& Iter) { return Sentinel.GetBase() - Iter.GetBase(); }
NODISCARD friend FORCEINLINE constexpr ptrdiff operator-(const TMoveSentinel& Sentinel, const TMoveIterator<I>& Iter) { return Sentinel.Current - Iter.Current; }
template <CInputIterator I> requires (CSizedSentinelFor<SentinelType, I>)
NODISCARD friend FORCEINLINE constexpr ptrdiff operator-(const TMoveIterator<I>& Iter, const TMoveSentinel& Sentinel) { return Iter.GetBase() - Sentinel.GetBase(); }
NODISCARD friend FORCEINLINE constexpr ptrdiff operator-(const TMoveIterator<I>& Iter, const TMoveSentinel& Sentinel) { return Iter.Current - Sentinel.Current; }
NODISCARD FORCEINLINE constexpr const SentinelType& GetBase() const& { return Last; }
NODISCARD FORCEINLINE constexpr SentinelType GetBase() && { return Last; }
NODISCARD FORCEINLINE constexpr const SentinelType& GetBase() const& { return Current; }
NODISCARD FORCEINLINE constexpr SentinelType GetBase() && { return MoveTemp(Current); }
SentinelType Last;
SentinelType Current;
@ -382,16 +436,16 @@ public:
FORCEINLINE constexpr explicit TCountedIterator(T&& InValue, ptrdiff N) : Current(Forward<T>(InValue)), Length(N) { check_code({ MaxLength = N; }); }
template <CInputOrOutputIterator J> requires (!CSameAs<IteratorType, J> && CConstructibleFrom<IteratorType, const J&>)
FORCEINLINE constexpr explicit (!CConvertibleTo<const J&, IteratorType>) TCountedIterator(const TCountedIterator<J>& InValue) : Current(InValue.GetBase()), Length(InValue.Num()) { check_code({ MaxLength = InValue.MaxLength; }); }
FORCEINLINE constexpr explicit (!CConvertibleTo<const J&, IteratorType>) TCountedIterator(const TCountedIterator<J>& InValue) : Current(InValue.Current), Length(InValue.Num()) { check_code({ MaxLength = InValue.MaxLength; }); }
template <CInputOrOutputIterator J> requires (!CSameAs<IteratorType, J> && CConstructibleFrom<IteratorType, J>)
FORCEINLINE constexpr explicit (!CConvertibleTo<J&&, IteratorType>) TCountedIterator(TCountedIterator<J>&& InValue) : Current(MoveTemp(InValue).GetBase()), Length(InValue.Num()) { check_code({ MaxLength = InValue.MaxLength; }); }
FORCEINLINE constexpr explicit (!CConvertibleTo<J&&, IteratorType>) TCountedIterator(TCountedIterator<J>&& InValue) : Current(MoveTemp(InValue).Current), Length(InValue.Num()) { check_code({ MaxLength = InValue.MaxLength; }); }
template <CInputOrOutputIterator J> requires (!CSameAs<IteratorType, J> && CConvertibleTo<const J&, IteratorType> && CAssignableFrom<IteratorType&, const J&>)
FORCEINLINE constexpr TCountedIterator& operator=(const TCountedIterator<J>& InValue) { Current = InValue.GetBase(); Length = InValue.Num(); check_code({ MaxLength = InValue.MaxLength; }); return *this; }
FORCEINLINE constexpr TCountedIterator& operator=(const TCountedIterator<J>& InValue) { Current = InValue.Current; Length = InValue.Num(); check_code({ MaxLength = InValue.MaxLength; }); return *this; }
template <CInputOrOutputIterator J> requires (!CSameAs<IteratorType, J> && CConvertibleTo<J&&, IteratorType> && CAssignableFrom<IteratorType&, J&&>)
FORCEINLINE constexpr TCountedIterator& operator=(TCountedIterator<J>&& InValue) { Current = MoveTemp(InValue).GetBase(); Length = InValue.Num(); check_code({ MaxLength = InValue.MaxLength; }); return *this; }
FORCEINLINE constexpr TCountedIterator& operator=(TCountedIterator<J>&& InValue) { Current = MoveTemp(InValue).Current; Length = InValue.Num(); check_code({ MaxLength = InValue.MaxLength; }); return *this; }
template <CCommonType<IteratorType> J>
NODISCARD friend FORCEINLINE constexpr bool operator==(const TCountedIterator& LHS, const TCountedIterator<J>& RHS) { return LHS.Length == RHS.Length; }
@ -432,9 +486,9 @@ public:
NODISCARD friend FORCEINLINE constexpr ptrdiff operator-(const TCountedIterator& LHS, FDefaultSentinel) { LHS.CheckThis(); return -LHS.Num(); }
NODISCARD friend FORCEINLINE constexpr ptrdiff operator-(FDefaultSentinel, const TCountedIterator& RHS) { RHS.CheckThis(); return RHS.Num(); }
NODISCARD FORCEINLINE constexpr const IteratorType& GetBase() const& { CheckThis(); return Current; }
NODISCARD FORCEINLINE constexpr IteratorType GetBase() && { CheckThis(); return Current; }
NODISCARD FORCEINLINE constexpr ptrdiff Num() const { CheckThis(); return Length; }
NODISCARD FORCEINLINE constexpr const IteratorType& GetBase() const& { CheckThis(); return Current; }
NODISCARD FORCEINLINE constexpr IteratorType GetBase() && { CheckThis(); return MoveTemp(Current); }
NODISCARD FORCEINLINE constexpr ptrdiff Num() const { CheckThis(); return Length; }
@ -625,58 +679,6 @@ NODISCARD FORCEINLINE constexpr auto MakeInserter(C& Container, const typename C
/** Increments given iterator 'Iter' by 'N' elements. */
template <CInputIterator I>
FORCEINLINE constexpr void Advance(I& Iter, ptrdiff N)
if constexpr (CRandomAccessIterator<I>)
Iter += N;
else if constexpr (CBidirectionalIterator<I>)
for (; N > 0; --N) ++Iter;
for (; N < 0; ++N) --Iter;
checkf(N >= 0, TEXT("The iterator must satisfy the CBidirectionalIterator in order to be decremented."));
for (; N > 0; --N) ++Iter;
/** @return The number of hops from 'First' to 'Last'. */
template <CInputIterator I, CSentinelFor<I> S>
FORCEINLINE constexpr ptrdiff Distance(I First, S Last)
if constexpr (CSizedSentinelFor<S, I>)
return Last - First;
ptrdiff Result = 0;
for (; First != Last; ++First) ++Result;
return Result;
/** @return The 'N'-th successor of iterator 'Iter'. */
template <CInputIterator I>
FORCEINLINE constexpr I Next(I Iter, TMakeUnsigned<ptrdiff> N = 1)
Advance(Iter, N);
return Iter;
/** @return The 'N'-th predecessor of iterator 'Iter'. */
template <CBidirectionalIterator I>
FORCEINLINE constexpr I Prev(I Iter, TMakeUnsigned<ptrdiff> N = 1)
Advance(Iter, -N);
return Iter;
/** @return The iterator to the beginning of a container. */
template <typename T> requires (requires(T&& Container) { { Container.Begin() } -> CForwardIterator; })
FORCEINLINE constexpr auto Begin(T&& Container)
Reference in New Issue
Block a user