refactor(containers): refactor TArray's constructors and member functions
This commit is contained in:
@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ public:
FORCEINLINE TArray() : TArray(0) { }
/** Constructs the container with 'Count' default instances of T. */
explicit TArray(size_t Count) requires (CDefaultConstructible<FElementType>)
explicit TArray(size_t Count) requires (CDefaultConstructible<T>)
Impl.ArrayNum = Count;
Impl.ArrayMax = Impl->CalculateSlackReserve(Num());
@ -55,13 +55,13 @@ public:
/** Constructs the container with 'Count' copies of elements with 'InValue'. */
TArray(size_t Count, const FElementType& InValue) requires (CCopyConstructible<FElementType>)
FORCEINLINE explicit TArray(size_t Count, const FElementType& InValue) requires (CCopyConstructible<T>)
: TArray(Range::Repeat(InValue, Count))
{ }
/** Constructs the container with the contents of the range ['First', 'Last'). */
template <CInputIterator I, CSentinelFor<I> S> requires (CConstructibleFrom<FElementType, TIteratorReference<I>> && CMovable<FElementType>)
TArray(I First, S Last)
template <CInputIterator I, CSentinelFor<I> S> requires (CConstructibleFrom<T, TIteratorReference<I>> && CMovable<T>)
explicit TArray(I First, S Last)
if constexpr (CForwardIterator<I>)
@ -99,11 +99,11 @@ public:
/** Constructs the container with the contents of the range. */
template <CInputRange R> requires (!CSameAs<TRemoveCVRef<R>, TArray> && CConstructibleFrom<FElementType, TRangeReference<R>> && CMovable<FElementType>)
template <CInputRange R> requires (!CSameAs<TRemoveCVRef<R>, TArray> && CConstructibleFrom<T, TRangeReference<R>> && CMovable<T>)
FORCEINLINE explicit TArray(R&& Range) : TArray(Range::Begin(Range), Range::End(Range)) { }
/** Copy constructor. Constructs the container with the copy of the contents of 'InValue'. */
TArray(const TArray& InValue) requires (CCopyConstructible<FElementType>)
TArray(const TArray& InValue) requires (CCopyConstructible<T>)
Impl.ArrayNum = InValue.Num();
Impl.ArrayMax = Impl->CalculateSlackReserve(Num());
@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ public:
/** Move constructor. After the move, 'InValue' is guaranteed to be empty. */
TArray(TArray&& InValue) requires (CMoveConstructible<FElementType>)
TArray(TArray&& InValue) requires (CMoveConstructible<T>)
Impl.ArrayNum = InValue.Num();
@ -138,7 +138,7 @@ public:
/** Constructs the container with the contents of the initializer list. */
FORCEINLINE TArray(initializer_list<FElementType> IL) requires (CCopyConstructible<FElementType>) : TArray(Range::Begin(IL), Range::End(IL)) { }
FORCEINLINE TArray(initializer_list<FElementType> IL) requires (CCopyConstructible<T>) : TArray(Range::Begin(IL), Range::End(IL)) { }
/** Destructs the array. The destructors of the elements are called and the used storage is deallocated. */
@ -148,7 +148,7 @@ public:
/** Copy assignment operator. Replaces the contents with a copy of the contents of 'InValue'. */
TArray& operator=(const TArray& InValue) requires (CCopyable<FElementType>)
TArray& operator=(const TArray& InValue) requires (CCopyable<T>)
if (&InValue == this) UNLIKELY return *this;
@ -189,7 +189,7 @@ public:
/** Move assignment operator. After the move, 'InValue' is guaranteed to be empty. */
TArray& operator=(TArray&& InValue) requires (CMovable<FElementType>)
TArray& operator=(TArray&& InValue) requires (CMovable<T>)
if (&InValue == this) UNLIKELY return *this;
@ -250,7 +250,7 @@ public:
/** Replaces the contents with those identified by initializer list. */
TArray& operator=(initializer_list<FElementType> IL) requires (CCopyable<FElementType>)
TArray& operator=(initializer_list<FElementType> IL) requires (CCopyable<T>)
size_t NumToAllocate = Range::Num(IL);
@ -289,7 +289,7 @@ public:
/** Compares the contents of two arrays. */
NODISCARD friend bool operator==(const TArray& LHS, const TArray& RHS) requires (CWeaklyEqualityComparable<FElementType>)
NODISCARD friend bool operator==(const TArray& LHS, const TArray& RHS) requires (CWeaklyEqualityComparable<T>)
if (LHS.Num() != RHS.Num()) return false;
@ -302,7 +302,7 @@ public:
/** Compares the contents of 'LHS' and 'RHS' lexicographically. */
NODISCARD friend auto operator<=>(const TArray& LHS, const TArray& RHS) requires (CSynthThreeWayComparable<FElementType>)
NODISCARD friend auto operator<=>(const TArray& LHS, const TArray& RHS) requires (CSynthThreeWayComparable<T>)
const size_t NumToCompare = LHS.Num() < RHS.Num() ? LHS.Num() : RHS.Num();
@ -315,7 +315,7 @@ public:
/** Inserts 'InValue' before 'Iter' in the container. */
FIterator Insert(FConstIterator Iter, const FElementType& InValue) requires (CCopyable<FElementType>)
FIterator Insert(FConstIterator Iter, const FElementType& InValue) requires (CCopyable<T>)
checkf(IsValidIterator(Iter), TEXT("Read access violation. Please check IsValidIterator()."));
@ -363,7 +363,7 @@ public:
/** Inserts 'InValue' before 'Iter' in the container. */
FIterator Insert(FConstIterator Iter, FElementType&& InValue) requires (CMovable<FElementType>)
FIterator Insert(FConstIterator Iter, FElementType&& InValue) requires (CMovable<T>)
checkf(IsValidIterator(Iter), TEXT("Read access violation. Please check IsValidIterator()."));
@ -411,7 +411,7 @@ public:
/** Inserts 'Count' copies of the 'InValue' before 'Iter' in the container. */
FIterator Insert(FConstIterator Iter, size_t Count, const FElementType& InValue) requires (CCopyable<FElementType>)
FIterator Insert(FConstIterator Iter, size_t Count, const FElementType& InValue) requires (CCopyable<T>)
checkf(IsValidIterator(Iter), TEXT("Read access violation. Please check IsValidIterator()."));
@ -419,8 +419,7 @@ public:
/** Inserts elements from range ['First', 'Last') before 'Iter'. */
template <CInputIterator I, CSentinelFor<I> S> requires (CConstructibleFrom<FElementType, TIteratorReference<I>>
&& CAssignableFrom<FElementType&, TIteratorReference<I>> && CMovable<FElementType>)
template <CInputIterator I, CSentinelFor<I> S> requires (CConstructibleFrom<T, TIteratorReference<I>> && CAssignableFrom<T&, TIteratorReference<I>> && CMovable<T>)
FIterator Insert(FConstIterator Iter, I First, S Last)
checkf(IsValidIterator(Iter), TEXT("Read access violation. Please check IsValidIterator()."));
@ -540,21 +539,20 @@ public:
/** Inserts elements from range before 'Iter'. */
template <CInputRange R> requires (CConstructibleFrom<FElementType, TRangeReference<R>>
&& CAssignableFrom<FElementType&, TRangeReference<R>> && CMovable<FElementType>)
template <CInputRange R> requires (CConstructibleFrom<T, TRangeReference<R>> && CAssignableFrom<T&, TRangeReference<R>> && CMovable<T>)
FORCEINLINE FIterator Insert(FConstIterator Iter, R&& Range)
return Insert(Iter, Range::Begin(Range), Range::End(Range));
/** Inserts elements from initializer list before 'Iter' in the container. */
FORCEINLINE FIterator Insert(FConstIterator Iter, initializer_list<FElementType> IL) requires (CCopyable<FElementType>)
FORCEINLINE FIterator Insert(FConstIterator Iter, initializer_list<FElementType> IL) requires (CCopyable<T>)
return Insert(Iter, Range::Begin(IL), Range::End(IL));
/** Inserts a new element into the container directly before 'Iter'. */
template <typename... Ts> requires (CConstructibleFrom<FElementType, Ts...> && CMovable<FElementType>)
template <typename... Ts> requires (CConstructibleFrom<T, Ts...> && CMovable<T>)
FIterator Emplace(FConstIterator Iter, Ts&&... Args)
checkf(IsValidIterator(Iter), TEXT("Read access violation. Please check IsValidIterator()."));
@ -603,7 +601,7 @@ public:
/** Removes the element at 'Iter' in the container. Without changing the order of elements. */
FORCEINLINE FIterator StableErase(FConstIterator Iter, bool bAllowShrinking = true) requires (CMovable<FElementType>)
FORCEINLINE FIterator StableErase(FConstIterator Iter, bool bAllowShrinking = true) requires (CMovable<T>)
checkf(IsValidIterator(Iter) && Iter != End(), TEXT("Read access violation. Please check IsValidIterator()."));
@ -611,7 +609,7 @@ public:
/** Removes the elements in the range ['First', 'Last') in the container. Without changing the order of elements. */
FIterator StableErase(FConstIterator First, FConstIterator Last, bool bAllowShrinking = true) requires (CMovable<FElementType>)
FIterator StableErase(FConstIterator First, FConstIterator Last, bool bAllowShrinking = true) requires (CMovable<T>)
checkf(IsValidIterator(First) && IsValidIterator(Last) && First <= Last, TEXT("Read access violation. Please check IsValidIterator()."));
@ -653,7 +651,7 @@ public:
/** Removes the element at 'Iter' in the container. But it may change the order of elements. */
FORCEINLINE FIterator Erase(FConstIterator Iter, bool bAllowShrinking = true) requires (CMovable<FElementType>)
FORCEINLINE FIterator Erase(FConstIterator Iter, bool bAllowShrinking = true) requires (CMovable<T>)
checkf(IsValidIterator(Iter) && Iter != End(), TEXT("Read access violation. Please check IsValidIterator()."));
@ -661,7 +659,7 @@ public:
/** Removes the elements in the range ['First', 'Last') in the container. But it may change the order of elements. */
FIterator Erase(FConstIterator First, FConstIterator Last, bool bAllowShrinking = true) requires (CMovable<FElementType>)
FIterator Erase(FConstIterator First, FConstIterator Last, bool bAllowShrinking = true) requires (CMovable<T>)
checkf(IsValidIterator(First) && IsValidIterator(Last) && First <= Last, TEXT("Read access violation. Please check IsValidIterator()."));
@ -705,19 +703,19 @@ public:
/** Appends the given element value to the end of the container. */
FORCEINLINE void PushBack(const FElementType& InValue) requires (CCopyable<FElementType>)
FORCEINLINE void PushBack(const FElementType& InValue) requires (CCopyable<T>)
/** Appends the given element value to the end of the container. */
FORCEINLINE void PushBack(FElementType&& InValue) requires (CMovable<FElementType>)
FORCEINLINE void PushBack(FElementType&& InValue) requires (CMovable<T>)
/** Appends a new element to the end of the container. */
template <typename... Ts> requires (CConstructibleFrom<FElementType, Ts...> && CMovable<FElementType>)
template <typename... Ts> requires (CConstructibleFrom<T, Ts...> && CMovable<T>)
FElementType& EmplaceBack(Ts&&... Args)
const size_t NumToAllocate = Num() + 1 > Max() ? Impl->CalculateSlackGrow(Num() + 1, Max()) : Max();
@ -750,13 +748,13 @@ public:
/** Removes the last element of the container. The array cannot be empty. */
FORCEINLINE void PopBack(bool bAllowShrinking = true) requires (CMovable<FElementType>)
FORCEINLINE void PopBack(bool bAllowShrinking = true) requires (CMovable<T>)
Erase(End() - 1, bAllowShrinking);
/** Resizes the container to contain 'Count' elements. Additional default elements are appended. */
void SetNum(size_t Count, bool bAllowShrinking = true) requires (CDefaultConstructible<FElementType> && CMovable<FElementType>)
void SetNum(size_t Count, bool bAllowShrinking = true) requires (CDefaultConstructible<T> && CMovable<T>)
size_t NumToAllocate = Count;
@ -802,7 +800,7 @@ public:
/** Resizes the container to contain 'Count' elements. Additional copies of 'InValue' are appended. */
void SetNum(size_t Count, const FElementType& InValue, bool bAllowShrinking = true) requires (CCopyConstructible<FElementType> && CMovable<FElementType>)
void SetNum(size_t Count, const FElementType& InValue, bool bAllowShrinking = true) requires (CCopyConstructible<T> && CMovable<T>)
size_t NumToAllocate = Count;
@ -855,7 +853,7 @@ public:
/** Increase the max capacity of the array to a value that's greater or equal to 'Count'. */
void Reserve(size_t Count) requires (CMovable<FElementType>)
void Reserve(size_t Count) requires (CMovable<T>)
if (Count <= Max()) return;
@ -953,7 +951,7 @@ public:
/** Overloads the GetTypeHash algorithm for TArray. */
NODISCARD friend FORCEINLINE size_t GetTypeHash(const TArray& A) requires (CHashable<FElementType>)
NODISCARD friend FORCEINLINE size_t GetTypeHash(const TArray& A) requires (CHashable<T>)
size_t Result = 0;
@ -966,7 +964,7 @@ public:
/** Overloads the Swap algorithm for TArray. */
friend void Swap(TArray& A, TArray& B) requires (CMovable<FElementType>)
friend void Swap(TArray& A, TArray& B) requires (CMovable<T>)
const bool bIsTransferable =
A.Impl->IsTransferable(A.Impl.Pointer) &&
@ -1005,7 +1003,7 @@ private:
using FElementType = TRemoveCV<T>;
using FElementType = T;
FORCEINLINE TIteratorImpl() = default;
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