refactor(templates): add FORCEINLINE to the constexpr function
This commit is contained in:
@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ NAMESPACE_MODULE_BEGIN(Utility)
constexpr bool IsValidAlignment(size_t Alignment) { return !(Alignment & (Alignment - 1)); }
FORCEINLINE constexpr bool IsValidAlignment(size_t Alignment) { return !(Alignment & (Alignment - 1)); }
template <typename T> requires (CIntegral<T> || CPointer<T>)
FORCEINLINE constexpr T Align(T InValue, size_t Alignment)
@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ template <typename T, typename U = T, typename OrderingType = partial_ordering>
concept CSynthThreeWayComparable = CThreeWayComparable<T, U> || CTotallyOrdered<T, U>;
template <typename T, typename U = T> requires (CSynthThreeWayComparable<T, U>)
constexpr decltype(auto) SynthThreeWayCompare(T&& LHS, U&& RHS)
FORCEINLINE constexpr decltype(auto) SynthThreeWayCompare(T&& LHS, U&& RHS)
if constexpr (CThreeWayComparable<T, U>)
@ -68,8 +68,8 @@ public:
static constexpr size_t RequiredAlignment = NAMESPACE_STD::atomic_ref<T>::required_alignment;
constexpr TAtomicImpl() requires (!bIsRef) : NativeAtomic() { };
constexpr TAtomicImpl(ValueType Desired) requires (!bIsRef) : NativeAtomic(Desired) { };
FORCEINLINE constexpr TAtomicImpl() requires (!bIsRef) : NativeAtomic() { };
FORCEINLINE constexpr TAtomicImpl(ValueType Desired) requires (!bIsRef) : NativeAtomic(Desired) { };
FORCEINLINE explicit TAtomicImpl(ValueType& Desired) requires (bIsRef) : NativeAtomic(Desired) { check(Memory::IsAligned(&Desired, RequiredAlignment)); };
FORCEINLINE TAtomicImpl(TAtomicImpl& InValue) requires (bIsRef) : NativeAtomic(InValue) { };
@ -247,7 +247,7 @@ struct FAtomicFlag : FSingleton
constexpr FAtomicFlag() : NativeAtomic() { };
FORCEINLINE constexpr FAtomicFlag() : NativeAtomic() { };
FORCEINLINE void Clear(EMemoryOrder Order = EMemoryOrder::SequentiallyConsistent) { MEMORY_ORDER_CHECK(Order, 0x01 | 0x08 | 0x20); NativeAtomic.clear(static_cast<NAMESPACE_STD::memory_order>(Order)); }
FORCEINLINE void Clear(EMemoryOrder Order = EMemoryOrder::SequentiallyConsistent) volatile { MEMORY_ORDER_CHECK(Order, 0x01 | 0x08 | 0x20); NativeAtomic.clear(static_cast<NAMESPACE_STD::memory_order>(Order)); }
@ -7,47 +7,47 @@ NAMESPACE_MODULE_BEGIN(Redcraft)
template <typename T> requires (requires(T&& Container) { Container.GetData(); })
constexpr decltype(auto) GetData(T&& Container)
FORCEINLINE constexpr decltype(auto) GetData(T&& Container)
return Container.GetData();
template <typename T, size_t N> constexpr T* GetData( T(& Container)[N]) { return Container; }
template <typename T, size_t N> constexpr T* GetData( T(&& Container)[N]) { return Container; }
template <typename T, size_t N> constexpr const T* GetData(const T(& Container)[N]) { return Container; }
template <typename T, size_t N> constexpr const T* GetData(const T(&& Container)[N]) { return Container; }
template <typename T, size_t N> FORCEINLINE constexpr T* GetData( T(& Container)[N]) { return Container; }
template <typename T, size_t N> FORCEINLINE constexpr T* GetData( T(&& Container)[N]) { return Container; }
template <typename T, size_t N> FORCEINLINE constexpr const T* GetData(const T(& Container)[N]) { return Container; }
template <typename T, size_t N> FORCEINLINE constexpr const T* GetData(const T(&& Container)[N]) { return Container; }
template <typename T> requires (requires(T&& Container) {; })
constexpr decltype(auto) GetData(T&& Container)
FORCEINLINE constexpr decltype(auto) GetData(T&& Container)
template <typename T>
constexpr decltype(auto) GetData(initializer_list<T> Container)
FORCEINLINE constexpr decltype(auto) GetData(initializer_list<T> Container)
return Container.begin();
template <typename T> requires (requires(T&& Container) { Container.Num(); })
constexpr decltype(auto) GetNum(T&& Container)
FORCEINLINE constexpr decltype(auto) GetNum(T&& Container)
return Container.Num();
template <typename T, size_t N> constexpr size_t GetNum( T(& Container)[N]) { return N; }
template <typename T, size_t N> constexpr size_t GetNum( T(&& Container)[N]) { return N; }
template <typename T, size_t N> constexpr size_t GetNum(const T(& Container)[N]) { return N; }
template <typename T, size_t N> constexpr size_t GetNum(const T(&& Container)[N]) { return N; }
template <typename T, size_t N> FORCEINLINE constexpr size_t GetNum( T(& Container)[N]) { return N; }
template <typename T, size_t N> FORCEINLINE constexpr size_t GetNum( T(&& Container)[N]) { return N; }
template <typename T, size_t N> FORCEINLINE constexpr size_t GetNum(const T(& Container)[N]) { return N; }
template <typename T, size_t N> FORCEINLINE constexpr size_t GetNum(const T(&& Container)[N]) { return N; }
template <typename T> requires (requires(T&& Container) { Container.size(); })
constexpr decltype(auto) GetNum(T&& Container)
FORCEINLINE constexpr decltype(auto) GetNum(T&& Container)
return Container.size();
template <typename T>
constexpr decltype(auto) GetNum(initializer_list<T> Container)
FORCEINLINE constexpr decltype(auto) GetNum(initializer_list<T> Container)
return Container.size();
@ -54,34 +54,34 @@ class TFunctionStorage<true, bIsUnique>
constexpr TFunctionStorage() = default;
constexpr TFunctionStorage(const TFunctionStorage&) = default;
constexpr TFunctionStorage(TFunctionStorage&&) = default;
constexpr TFunctionStorage& operator=(const TFunctionStorage&) = delete;
constexpr TFunctionStorage& operator=(TFunctionStorage&&) = delete;
constexpr ~TFunctionStorage() = default;
FORCEINLINE constexpr TFunctionStorage() = default;
FORCEINLINE constexpr TFunctionStorage(const TFunctionStorage&) = default;
FORCEINLINE constexpr TFunctionStorage(TFunctionStorage&&) = default;
FORCEINLINE constexpr TFunctionStorage& operator=(const TFunctionStorage&) = delete;
FORCEINLINE constexpr TFunctionStorage& operator=(TFunctionStorage&&) = delete;
FORCEINLINE constexpr ~TFunctionStorage() = default;
constexpr uintptr GetValuePtr() const { return ValuePtr; }
constexpr uintptr GetCallable() const { return Callable; }
FORCEINLINE constexpr uintptr GetValuePtr() const { return ValuePtr; }
FORCEINLINE constexpr uintptr GetCallable() const { return Callable; }
constexpr bool IsValid() const { return ValuePtr != 0; }
FORCEINLINE constexpr bool IsValid() const { return ValuePtr != 0; }
// Use Invalidate() to invalidate the storage or use Emplace<T>() to emplace a new object after destruction.
constexpr void Destroy() { }
FORCEINLINE constexpr void Destroy() { }
// Make sure you call this function after you have destroyed the held object using Destroy().
constexpr void Invalidate() { ValuePtr = 0; }
FORCEINLINE constexpr void Invalidate() { ValuePtr = 0; }
// Make sure you call this function after you have destroyed the held object using Destroy().
template <typename T, typename U>
constexpr void Emplace(intptr InCallable, U&& Args)
FORCEINLINE constexpr void Emplace(intptr InCallable, U&& Args)
static_assert(CSameAs<TDecay<T>, TDecay<U>>);
ValuePtr = reinterpret_cast<uintptr>(AddressOf(Args));
Callable = InCallable;
constexpr void Swap(TFunctionStorage& InValue)
FORCEINLINE constexpr void Swap(TFunctionStorage& InValue)
NAMESPACE_REDCRAFT::Swap(ValuePtr, InValue.ValuePtr);
NAMESPACE_REDCRAFT::Swap(Callable, InValue.Callable);
@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ class alignas(16) TFunctionStorage<false, bIsUnique>
constexpr TFunctionStorage() = default;
FORCEINLINE constexpr TFunctionStorage() = default;
FORCEINLINE TFunctionStorage(const TFunctionStorage& InValue) requires (!bIsUnique)
: TypeInfo(InValue.TypeInfo)
@ -232,10 +232,10 @@ public:
return *this;
constexpr uintptr GetValuePtr() const { return reinterpret_cast<uintptr>(GetStorage()); }
constexpr uintptr GetCallable() const { return Callable; }
FORCEINLINE constexpr uintptr GetValuePtr() const { return reinterpret_cast<uintptr>(GetStorage()); }
FORCEINLINE constexpr uintptr GetCallable() const { return Callable; }
constexpr bool IsValid() const { return TypeInfo != 0; }
FORCEINLINE constexpr bool IsValid() const { return TypeInfo != 0; }
// Use Invalidate() to invalidate the storage or use Emplace<T>() to emplace a new object after destruction.
FORCEINLINE void Destroy()
@ -259,7 +259,7 @@ public:
// Make sure you call this function after you have destroyed the held object using Destroy().
constexpr void Invalidate() { TypeInfo = 0; }
FORCEINLINE constexpr void Invalidate() { TypeInfo = 0; }
// Make sure you call this function after you have destroyed the held object using Destroy().
template <typename T, typename... Ts>
@ -342,7 +342,7 @@ private:
const FDestruct Destruct;
template <typename T>
constexpr FMovableTypeInfo(TInPlaceType<T>)
FORCEINLINE constexpr FMovableTypeInfo(TInPlaceType<T>)
: TypeSize(sizeof(T)), TypeAlignment(alignof(T))
, MoveConstruct(
[](void* A, void* B)
@ -366,7 +366,7 @@ private:
const FCopyConstruct CopyConstruct;
template <typename T>
constexpr FCopyableTypeInfo(TInPlaceType<T>)
FORCEINLINE constexpr FCopyableTypeInfo(TInPlaceType<T>)
: FMovableTypeInfo(InPlaceType<T>)
, CopyConstruct(
[](void* A, const void* B)
@ -391,16 +391,16 @@ private:
Big = 3, // ExternalStorage
constexpr ERepresentation GetRepresentation() const { return static_cast<ERepresentation>(TypeInfo & RepresentationMask); }
constexpr const FTypeInfo& GetTypeInfo() const { return *reinterpret_cast<const FTypeInfo*>(TypeInfo & ~RepresentationMask); }
FORCEINLINE constexpr ERepresentation GetRepresentation() const { return static_cast<ERepresentation>(TypeInfo & RepresentationMask); }
FORCEINLINE constexpr const FTypeInfo& GetTypeInfo() const { return *reinterpret_cast<const FTypeInfo*>(TypeInfo & ~RepresentationMask); }
constexpr void* GetStorage() { return GetRepresentation() == ERepresentation::Trivial || GetRepresentation() == ERepresentation::Small ? InternalStorage : ExternalStorage; }
constexpr const void* GetStorage() const { return GetRepresentation() == ERepresentation::Trivial || GetRepresentation() == ERepresentation::Small ? InternalStorage : ExternalStorage; }
FORCEINLINE constexpr void* GetStorage() { return GetRepresentation() == ERepresentation::Trivial || GetRepresentation() == ERepresentation::Small ? InternalStorage : ExternalStorage; }
FORCEINLINE constexpr const void* GetStorage() const { return GetRepresentation() == ERepresentation::Trivial || GetRepresentation() == ERepresentation::Small ? InternalStorage : ExternalStorage; }
template <typename T>
constexpr bool FunctionIsBound(const T& Func)
FORCEINLINE constexpr bool FunctionIsBound(const T& Func)
if constexpr (CPointer<T> || CMemberPointer<T> || CTFunctionRef<T> || CTFunction<T> || CTUniqueFunction<T>)
@ -448,12 +448,12 @@ public:
using ResultType = Ret;
using ArgumentType = TTypeSequence<Ts...>;
constexpr TFunctionImpl() = default;
constexpr TFunctionImpl(const TFunctionImpl&) = default;
constexpr TFunctionImpl(TFunctionImpl&&) = default;
constexpr TFunctionImpl& operator=(const TFunctionImpl&) = default;
constexpr TFunctionImpl& operator=(TFunctionImpl&&) = default;
constexpr ~TFunctionImpl() = default;
FORCEINLINE constexpr TFunctionImpl() = default;
FORCEINLINE constexpr TFunctionImpl(const TFunctionImpl&) = default;
FORCEINLINE constexpr TFunctionImpl(TFunctionImpl&&) = default;
FORCEINLINE constexpr TFunctionImpl& operator=(const TFunctionImpl&) = default;
FORCEINLINE constexpr TFunctionImpl& operator=(TFunctionImpl&&) = default;
FORCEINLINE constexpr ~TFunctionImpl() = default;
FORCEINLINE ResultType operator()(Ts... Args) requires (CSameAs<CVRef, int >) { return CallImpl(Forward<Ts>(Args)...); }
FORCEINLINE ResultType operator()(Ts... Args) & requires (CSameAs<CVRef, int& >) { return CallImpl(Forward<Ts>(Args)...); }
@ -462,10 +462,10 @@ public:
FORCEINLINE ResultType operator()(Ts... Args) const& requires (CSameAs<CVRef, const int& >) { return CallImpl(Forward<Ts>(Args)...); }
FORCEINLINE ResultType operator()(Ts... Args) const&& requires (CSameAs<CVRef, const int&&>) { return CallImpl(Forward<Ts>(Args)...); }
constexpr bool IsValid() const { return Storage.IsValid(); }
constexpr explicit operator bool() const { return Storage.IsValid(); }
FORCEINLINE constexpr bool IsValid() const { return Storage.IsValid(); }
FORCEINLINE constexpr explicit operator bool() const { return Storage.IsValid(); }
constexpr void Swap(TFunctionImpl& InValue) { Storage.Swap(InValue.Storage); }
FORCEINLINE constexpr void Swap(TFunctionImpl& InValue) { Storage.Swap(InValue.Storage); }
@ -483,14 +483,14 @@ private:
protected: // These functions should not be used by user-defined class
// Use Invalidate() to invalidate the storage or use Emplace<T>() to emplace a new object after destruction.
FORCEINLINE void Destroy() { Storage.Destroy(); }
FORCEINLINE constexpr void Destroy() { Storage.Destroy(); }
// Make sure you call this function after you have destroyed the held object using Destroy().
constexpr void Invalidate() { Storage.Invalidate(); }
FORCEINLINE constexpr void Invalidate() { Storage.Invalidate(); }
// Make sure you call this function after you have destroyed the held object using Destroy().
template <typename T, typename... ArgTypes>
FORCEINLINE TDecay<T>& Emplace(ArgTypes&&... Args)
FORCEINLINE constexpr TDecay<T>& Emplace(ArgTypes&&... Args)
using DecayedType = TDecay<T>;
@ -534,20 +534,20 @@ private:
TFunctionRef() = delete;
FORCEINLINE constexpr TFunctionRef() = delete;
TFunctionRef(const TFunctionRef& InValue) = default;
TFunctionRef(TFunctionRef&& InValue) = default;
FORCEINLINE constexpr TFunctionRef(const TFunctionRef& InValue) = default;
FORCEINLINE constexpr TFunctionRef(TFunctionRef&& InValue) = default;
// We delete the assignment operators because we don't want it to be confused with being related to
// regular C++ reference assignment - i.e. calling the assignment operator of whatever the reference
// is bound to - because that's not what TFunctionRef does, nor is it even capable of doing that.
TFunctionRef& operator=(const TFunctionRef& InValue) = delete;
TFunctionRef& operator=(TFunctionRef&& InValue) = delete;
FORCEINLINE constexpr TFunctionRef& operator=(const TFunctionRef& InValue) = delete;
FORCEINLINE constexpr TFunctionRef& operator=(TFunctionRef&& InValue) = delete;
template <typename T> requires (!CTFunctionRef<TDecay<T>>
&& NAMESPACE_PRIVATE::TIsInvocableSignature<F, TDecay<T>>::Value)
FORCEINLINE TFunctionRef(T&& InValue)
FORCEINLINE constexpr TFunctionRef(T&& InValue)
checkf(NAMESPACE_PRIVATE::FunctionIsBound(InValue), TEXT("Cannot bind a null/unbound callable to a TFunctionRef"));
Impl::template Emplace<T>(Forward<T>(InValue));
@ -571,7 +571,7 @@ private:
constexpr TFunction(nullptr_t = nullptr) { Impl::Invalidate(); }
FORCEINLINE constexpr TFunction(nullptr_t = nullptr) { Impl::Invalidate(); }
FORCEINLINE TFunction(const TFunction& InValue) = default;
FORCEINLINE TFunction(TFunction&& InValue) = default;
@ -592,12 +592,12 @@ public:
template <typename T, typename... ArgTypes> requires (NAMESPACE_PRIVATE::TIsInvocableSignature<F, TDecay<T>>::Value
&& CConstructibleFrom<TDecay<T>, ArgTypes...> && CCopyConstructible<TDecay<T>>
&& CMoveConstructible<TDecay<T>> && CDestructible<TDecay<T>>)
FORCEINLINE TFunction(TInPlaceType<T>, ArgTypes&&... Args)
FORCEINLINE explicit TFunction(TInPlaceType<T>, ArgTypes&&... Args)
Impl::template Emplace<T>(Forward<ArgTypes>(Args)...);
constexpr TFunction& operator=(nullptr_t) { Reset(); return *this; }
FORCEINLINE constexpr TFunction& operator=(nullptr_t) { Reset(); return *this; }
template <typename T> requires (NAMESPACE_PRIVATE::TIsInvocableSignature<F, TDecay<T>>::Value
&& !CTFunctionRef<TDecay<T>> && !CTFunction<TDecay<T>> && !CTUniqueFunction<TDecay<T>>
@ -620,7 +620,7 @@ public:
return Impl::template Emplace<T>(Forward<ArgTypes>(Args)...);
constexpr void Reset() { Impl::Destroy(); Impl::Invalidate(); }
FORCEINLINE constexpr void Reset() { Impl::Destroy(); Impl::Invalidate(); }
@ -640,7 +640,7 @@ private:
constexpr TUniqueFunction(nullptr_t = nullptr) { Impl::Invalidate(); }
FORCEINLINE constexpr TUniqueFunction(nullptr_t = nullptr) { Impl::Invalidate(); }
FORCEINLINE TUniqueFunction(const TUniqueFunction& InValue) = delete;
FORCEINLINE TUniqueFunction(TUniqueFunction&& InValue) = default;
@ -681,12 +681,12 @@ public:
template <typename T, typename... ArgTypes> requires (NAMESPACE_PRIVATE::TIsInvocableSignature<F, TDecay<T>>::Value
&& CConstructibleFrom<TDecay<T>, ArgTypes...> && CMoveConstructible<TDecay<T>> && CDestructible<TDecay<T>>)
FORCEINLINE TUniqueFunction(TInPlaceType<T>, ArgTypes&&... Args)
FORCEINLINE explicit TUniqueFunction(TInPlaceType<T>, ArgTypes&&... Args)
Impl::template Emplace<T>(Forward<ArgTypes>(Args)...);
constexpr TUniqueFunction& operator=(nullptr_t) { Impl::Destroy(); Impl::Invalidate(); return *this; }
FORCEINLINE constexpr TUniqueFunction& operator=(nullptr_t) { Impl::Destroy(); Impl::Invalidate(); return *this; }
template <typename T> requires (NAMESPACE_PRIVATE::TIsInvocableSignature<F, TDecay<T>>::Value
&& !CTFunctionRef<TDecay<T>> && !CTFunction<TDecay<T>> && !CTUniqueFunction<TDecay<T>>
@ -708,24 +708,24 @@ public:
return Impl::template Emplace<T>(Forward<ArgTypes>(Args)...);
constexpr void Reset() { Impl::Destroy(); Impl::Invalidate(); }
FORCEINLINE constexpr void Reset() { Impl::Destroy(); Impl::Invalidate(); }
template <CFunction F>
constexpr bool operator==(const TFunctionRef<F>& LHS, nullptr_t)
FORCEINLINE constexpr bool operator==(const TFunctionRef<F>& LHS, nullptr_t)
return !LHS;
template <CFunction F>
constexpr bool operator==(const TFunction<F>& LHS, nullptr_t)
FORCEINLINE constexpr bool operator==(const TFunction<F>& LHS, nullptr_t)
return !LHS;
template <CFunction F>
constexpr bool operator==(const TUniqueFunction<F>& LHS, nullptr_t)
FORCEINLINE constexpr bool operator==(const TUniqueFunction<F>& LHS, nullptr_t)
return !LHS;
@ -743,35 +743,29 @@ struct TNotFunction
F Storage;
TNotFunction(const TNotFunction&) = default;
TNotFunction(TNotFunction&&) = default;
template <typename InF>
constexpr TNotFunction(InF&& InFunc) : Storage(Forward<InF>(InFunc)) { }
template <typename... Ts> requires (CInvocable<F&, Ts&&...>)
constexpr auto operator()(Ts&&... Args) &
FORCEINLINE constexpr auto operator()(Ts&&... Args) &
-> decltype(!Invoke(Storage, Forward<Ts>(Args)...))
return !Invoke(Storage, Forward<Ts>(Args)...);
template <typename... Ts> requires (CInvocable<F&&, Ts&&...>)
constexpr auto operator()(Ts&&... Args) &&
FORCEINLINE constexpr auto operator()(Ts&&... Args) &&
-> decltype(!Invoke(MoveTemp(Storage), Forward<Ts>(Args)...))
return !Invoke(MoveTemp(Storage), Forward<Ts>(Args)...);
template <typename... Ts> requires (CInvocable<const F&, Ts&&...>)
constexpr auto operator()(Ts&&... Args) const&
FORCEINLINE constexpr auto operator()(Ts&&... Args) const&
-> decltype(!Invoke(Storage, Forward<Ts>(Args)...))
return !Invoke(Storage, Forward<Ts>(Args)...);
template <typename... Ts> requires (CInvocable<const F&&, Ts&&...>)
constexpr auto operator()(Ts&&... Args) const&&
FORCEINLINE constexpr auto operator()(Ts&&... Args) const&&
-> decltype(!Invoke(MoveTemp(Storage), Forward<Ts>(Args)...))
return !Invoke(MoveTemp(Storage), Forward<Ts>(Args)...);
@ -781,9 +775,9 @@ struct TNotFunction
template <typename F> requires (CConstructibleFrom<F, F&&>)
constexpr NAMESPACE_PRIVATE::TNotFunction<TDecay<F>> NotFn(F&& Func)
FORCEINLINE constexpr NAMESPACE_PRIVATE::TNotFunction<TDecay<F>> NotFn(F&& Func)
return NAMESPACE_PRIVATE::TNotFunction<TDecay<F>>(Forward<F>(Func));
return { Forward<F>(Func) };
@ -82,14 +82,14 @@ struct InvokeImpl<F, T, Ts...> : InvokeMember<F, T> { };
template <typename F, typename... Ts> requires (CInvocable<F, Ts...>)
constexpr auto Invoke(F&& Func, Ts&&... Args)
FORCEINLINE constexpr auto Invoke(F&& Func, Ts&&... Args)
-> decltype(NAMESPACE_PRIVATE::InvokeImpl<F, Ts...>::Invoke(Forward<F>(Func), Forward<Ts>(Args)...))
return NAMESPACE_PRIVATE::InvokeImpl<F, Ts...>::Invoke(Forward<F>(Func), Forward<Ts>(Args)...);
template <typename R, typename F, typename... Ts> requires (CInvocableResult<R, F, Ts...>)
constexpr R InvokeResult(F&& Func, Ts&&... Args)
FORCEINLINE constexpr R InvokeResult(F&& Func, Ts&&... Args)
if constexpr (CVoid<R>) Invoke(Forward<F>(Func), Forward<Ts>(Args)...);
else return Invoke(Forward<F>(Func), Forward<Ts>(Args)...);
@ -13,8 +13,8 @@ template <typename T, T... Ints>
struct TIntegerSequence
using ValueType = T;
static constexpr size_t Num() { return sizeof...(Ints); }
static constexpr const T* GetData() { return NAMESPACE_REDCRAFT::GetData({ Ints... }); }
FORCEINLINE static constexpr size_t Num() { return sizeof...(Ints); }
FORCEINLINE static constexpr const T* GetData() { return NAMESPACE_REDCRAFT::GetData({ Ints... }); }
@ -36,12 +36,12 @@ public:
using ValueType = OptionalType;
constexpr TOptional() : bIsValid(false) { }
FORCEINLINE constexpr TOptional() : bIsValid(false) { }
constexpr TOptional(FInvalid) : TOptional() { }
FORCEINLINE constexpr TOptional(FInvalid) : TOptional() { }
template <typename... Ts> requires (CConstructibleFrom<OptionalType, Ts...>)
constexpr explicit TOptional(FInPlace, Ts&&... Args)
FORCEINLINE constexpr explicit TOptional(FInPlace, Ts&&... Args)
: bIsValid(true)
new (&Value) OptionalType(Forward<Ts>(Args)...);
@ -49,50 +49,50 @@ public:
template <typename T = OptionalType> requires (CConstructibleFrom<OptionalType, T&&>)
&& (!CSameAs<TRemoveCVRef<T>, FInPlace>) && (!CBaseOf<TOptional, TRemoveCVRef<T>>)
constexpr explicit (!CConvertibleTo<T&&, OptionalType>) TOptional(T&& InValue)
FORCEINLINE constexpr explicit (!CConvertibleTo<T&&, OptionalType>) TOptional(T&& InValue)
: TOptional(InPlace, Forward<T>(InValue))
{ }
constexpr TOptional(const TOptional& InValue) requires (CTriviallyCopyConstructible<OptionalType>) = default;
FORCEINLINE constexpr TOptional(const TOptional& InValue) requires (CTriviallyCopyConstructible<OptionalType>) = default;
constexpr TOptional(const TOptional& InValue) requires (CCopyConstructible<OptionalType> && !CTriviallyCopyConstructible<OptionalType>)
FORCEINLINE constexpr TOptional(const TOptional& InValue) requires (CCopyConstructible<OptionalType> && !CTriviallyCopyConstructible<OptionalType>)
: bIsValid(InValue.IsValid())
if (InValue.IsValid()) new (&Value) OptionalType(InValue.GetValue());
constexpr TOptional(TOptional&& InValue) requires (CTriviallyMoveConstructible<OptionalType>) = default;
FORCEINLINE constexpr TOptional(TOptional&& InValue) requires (CTriviallyMoveConstructible<OptionalType>) = default;
constexpr TOptional(TOptional&& InValue) requires (CMoveConstructible<OptionalType> && !CTriviallyMoveConstructible<OptionalType>)
FORCEINLINE constexpr TOptional(TOptional&& InValue) requires (CMoveConstructible<OptionalType> && !CTriviallyMoveConstructible<OptionalType>)
: bIsValid(InValue.IsValid())
if (InValue.IsValid()) new (&Value) OptionalType(MoveTemp(InValue.GetValue()));
template <typename T = OptionalType> requires (CConstructibleFrom<OptionalType, const T&> && TAllowUnwrapping<T>::Value)
constexpr explicit (!CConvertibleTo<const T&, OptionalType>) TOptional(const TOptional<T>& InValue)
FORCEINLINE constexpr explicit (!CConvertibleTo<const T&, OptionalType>) TOptional(const TOptional<T>& InValue)
: bIsValid(InValue.IsValid())
if (InValue.IsValid()) new (&Value) OptionalType(InValue.GetValue());
template <typename T = OptionalType> requires (CConstructibleFrom<OptionalType, T&&> && TAllowUnwrapping<T>::Value)
constexpr explicit (!CConvertibleTo<T&&, OptionalType>) TOptional(TOptional<T>&& InValue)
FORCEINLINE constexpr explicit (!CConvertibleTo<T&&, OptionalType>) TOptional(TOptional<T>&& InValue)
: bIsValid(InValue.IsValid())
if (InValue.IsValid()) new (&Value) OptionalType(MoveTemp(InValue.GetValue()));
constexpr ~TOptional() requires (CTriviallyDestructible<OptionalType>) = default;
FORCEINLINE constexpr ~TOptional() requires (CTriviallyDestructible<OptionalType>) = default;
constexpr ~TOptional() requires (!CTriviallyDestructible<OptionalType>)
FORCEINLINE constexpr ~TOptional() requires (!CTriviallyDestructible<OptionalType>)
constexpr TOptional& operator=(const TOptional& InValue) requires (CTriviallyCopyConstructible<OptionalType> && CTriviallyCopyAssignable<OptionalType>) = default;
FORCEINLINE constexpr TOptional& operator=(const TOptional& InValue) requires (CTriviallyCopyConstructible<OptionalType> && CTriviallyCopyAssignable<OptionalType>) = default;
constexpr TOptional& operator=(const TOptional& InValue) requires (CCopyConstructible<OptionalType> && CCopyAssignable<OptionalType>
FORCEINLINE constexpr TOptional& operator=(const TOptional& InValue) requires (CCopyConstructible<OptionalType> && CCopyAssignable<OptionalType>
&& !CTriviallyCopyConstructible<OptionalType> && !CTriviallyCopyAssignable<OptionalType>)
if (&InValue == this) return *this;
@ -113,9 +113,9 @@ public:
return *this;
constexpr TOptional& operator=(TOptional&& InValue) requires (CTriviallyMoveConstructible<OptionalType> && CTriviallyMoveAssignable<OptionalType>) = default;
FORCEINLINE constexpr TOptional& operator=(TOptional&& InValue) requires (CTriviallyMoveConstructible<OptionalType> && CTriviallyMoveAssignable<OptionalType>) = default;
constexpr TOptional& operator=(TOptional&& InValue) requires (CMoveConstructible<OptionalType> && CMoveAssignable<OptionalType>
FORCEINLINE constexpr TOptional& operator=(TOptional&& InValue) requires (CMoveConstructible<OptionalType> && CMoveAssignable<OptionalType>
&& !CTriviallyMoveConstructible<OptionalType> && !CTriviallyMoveAssignable<OptionalType>)
if (&InValue == this) return *this;
@ -138,7 +138,7 @@ public:
template <typename T = OptionalType> requires (CConstructibleFrom<OptionalType, const T&>
&& CAssignableFrom<OptionalType&, const T&> && TAllowUnwrapping<T>::Value)
constexpr TOptional& operator=(const TOptional<T>& InValue)
FORCEINLINE constexpr TOptional& operator=(const TOptional<T>& InValue)
if (!InValue.IsValid())
@ -158,7 +158,7 @@ public:
template <typename T = OptionalType> requires (CConstructibleFrom<OptionalType, T&&>
&& CAssignableFrom<OptionalType&, T&&> && TAllowUnwrapping<T>::Value)
constexpr TOptional& operator=(TOptional<T>&& InValue)
FORCEINLINE constexpr TOptional& operator=(TOptional<T>&& InValue)
if (!InValue.IsValid())
@ -177,7 +177,7 @@ public:
template <typename T = OptionalType> requires (CConstructibleFrom<OptionalType, T&&> && CAssignableFrom<OptionalType&, T&&>)
constexpr TOptional& operator=(T&& InValue)
FORCEINLINE constexpr TOptional& operator=(T&& InValue)
if (IsValid()) GetValue() = Forward<T>(InValue);
@ -190,7 +190,7 @@ public:
template <typename... ArgTypes> requires (CConstructibleFrom<OptionalType, ArgTypes...>)
constexpr OptionalType& Emplace(ArgTypes&&... Args)
FORCEINLINE constexpr OptionalType& Emplace(ArgTypes&&... Args)
@ -200,26 +200,26 @@ public:
return *Result;
constexpr bool IsValid() const { return bIsValid; }
constexpr explicit operator bool() const { return bIsValid; }
FORCEINLINE constexpr bool IsValid() const { return bIsValid; }
FORCEINLINE constexpr explicit operator bool() const { return bIsValid; }
constexpr OptionalType& GetValue() & { checkf(IsValid(), TEXT("It is an error to call GetValue() on an unset TOptional. Please either check IsValid() or use Get(DefaultValue) instead.")); return *reinterpret_cast< OptionalType*>(&Value); }
constexpr OptionalType&& GetValue() && { checkf(IsValid(), TEXT("It is an error to call GetValue() on an unset TOptional. Please either check IsValid() or use Get(DefaultValue) instead.")); return MoveTemp(*reinterpret_cast< OptionalType*>(&Value)); }
constexpr const OptionalType& GetValue() const& { checkf(IsValid(), TEXT("It is an error to call GetValue() on an unset TOptional. Please either check IsValid() or use Get(DefaultValue) instead.")); return *reinterpret_cast<const OptionalType*>(&Value); }
constexpr const OptionalType&& GetValue() const&& { checkf(IsValid(), TEXT("It is an error to call GetValue() on an unset TOptional. Please either check IsValid() or use Get(DefaultValue) instead.")); return MoveTemp(*reinterpret_cast<const OptionalType*>(&Value)); }
FORCEINLINE constexpr OptionalType& GetValue() & { checkf(IsValid(), TEXT("It is an error to call GetValue() on an unset TOptional. Please either check IsValid() or use Get(DefaultValue) instead.")); return *reinterpret_cast< OptionalType*>(&Value); }
FORCEINLINE constexpr OptionalType&& GetValue() && { checkf(IsValid(), TEXT("It is an error to call GetValue() on an unset TOptional. Please either check IsValid() or use Get(DefaultValue) instead.")); return MoveTemp(*reinterpret_cast< OptionalType*>(&Value)); }
FORCEINLINE constexpr const OptionalType& GetValue() const& { checkf(IsValid(), TEXT("It is an error to call GetValue() on an unset TOptional. Please either check IsValid() or use Get(DefaultValue) instead.")); return *reinterpret_cast<const OptionalType*>(&Value); }
FORCEINLINE constexpr const OptionalType&& GetValue() const&& { checkf(IsValid(), TEXT("It is an error to call GetValue() on an unset TOptional. Please either check IsValid() or use Get(DefaultValue) instead.")); return MoveTemp(*reinterpret_cast<const OptionalType*>(&Value)); }
constexpr const OptionalType* operator->() const { return &GetValue(); }
constexpr OptionalType* operator->() { return &GetValue(); }
FORCEINLINE constexpr const OptionalType* operator->() const { return &GetValue(); }
FORCEINLINE constexpr OptionalType* operator->() { return &GetValue(); }
constexpr OptionalType& operator*() & { return GetValue(); }
constexpr OptionalType&& operator*() && { return GetValue(); }
constexpr const OptionalType& operator*() const& { return GetValue(); }
constexpr const OptionalType&& operator*() const&& { return GetValue(); }
FORCEINLINE constexpr OptionalType& operator*() & { return GetValue(); }
FORCEINLINE constexpr OptionalType&& operator*() && { return GetValue(); }
FORCEINLINE constexpr const OptionalType& operator*() const& { return GetValue(); }
FORCEINLINE constexpr const OptionalType&& operator*() const&& { return GetValue(); }
constexpr OptionalType& Get( OptionalType& DefaultValue) & { return IsValid() ? GetValue() : DefaultValue; }
constexpr const OptionalType& Get(const OptionalType& DefaultValue) const& { return IsValid() ? GetValue() : DefaultValue; }
FORCEINLINE constexpr OptionalType& Get( OptionalType& DefaultValue) & { return IsValid() ? GetValue() : DefaultValue; }
FORCEINLINE constexpr const OptionalType& Get(const OptionalType& DefaultValue) const& { return IsValid() ? GetValue() : DefaultValue; }
constexpr void Reset()
FORCEINLINE constexpr void Reset()
if (bIsValid)
@ -230,14 +230,14 @@ public:
constexpr size_t GetTypeHash() const requires (CHashable<OptionalType>)
FORCEINLINE constexpr size_t GetTypeHash() const requires (CHashable<OptionalType>)
if (!IsValid()) return 2824517378;
return NAMESPACE_REDCRAFT::GetTypeHash(GetValue());
template <typename T> requires (CMoveConstructible<OptionalType> && CSwappable<OptionalType>)
constexpr void Swap(TOptional& InValue)
FORCEINLINE constexpr void Swap(TOptional& InValue)
if (!IsValid() && !InValue.IsValid()) return;
@ -269,7 +269,7 @@ template <typename T>
TOptional(T) -> TOptional<T>;
template <typename T, typename U> requires (CWeaklyEqualityComparable<T, U>)
constexpr bool operator==(const TOptional<T>& LHS, const TOptional<U>& RHS)
FORCEINLINE constexpr bool operator==(const TOptional<T>& LHS, const TOptional<U>& RHS)
if (LHS.IsValid() != RHS.IsValid()) return false;
if (LHS.IsValid() == false) return true;
@ -277,7 +277,7 @@ constexpr bool operator==(const TOptional<T>& LHS, const TOptional<U>& RHS)
template <typename T, typename U> requires (CSynthThreeWayComparable<T, U>)
constexpr partial_ordering operator<=>(const TOptional<T>& LHS, const TOptional<U>& RHS)
FORCEINLINE constexpr partial_ordering operator<=>(const TOptional<T>& LHS, const TOptional<U>& RHS)
if (LHS.IsValid() != RHS.IsValid()) return partial_ordering::unordered;
if (LHS.IsValid() == false) return partial_ordering::equivalent;
@ -285,31 +285,31 @@ constexpr partial_ordering operator<=>(const TOptional<T>& LHS, const TOptional<
template <typename T, typename U> requires (CWeaklyEqualityComparable<T, U>)
constexpr bool operator==(const TOptional<T>& LHS, const U& RHS)
FORCEINLINE constexpr bool operator==(const TOptional<T>& LHS, const U& RHS)
return LHS.IsValid() ? *LHS == RHS : false;
template <typename T>
constexpr bool operator==(const TOptional<T>& LHS, FInvalid)
FORCEINLINE constexpr bool operator==(const TOptional<T>& LHS, FInvalid)
return !LHS.IsValid();
template <typename T> requires (CDestructible<T>)
constexpr TOptional<TDecay<T>> MakeOptional(FInvalid)
FORCEINLINE constexpr TOptional<TDecay<T>> MakeOptional(FInvalid)
return TOptional<TDecay<T>>(Invalid);
template <typename T> requires (CDestructible<T> && CConstructibleFrom<T, T&&>)
constexpr TOptional<T> MakeOptional(T&& InValue)
FORCEINLINE constexpr TOptional<T> MakeOptional(T&& InValue)
return TOptional<T>(Forward<T>(InValue));
template <typename T, typename... Ts> requires (CDestructible<T> && CConstructibleFrom<T, Ts...>)
constexpr TOptional<T> MakeOptional(Ts&&... Args)
FORCEINLINE constexpr TOptional<T> MakeOptional(Ts&&... Args)
return TOptional<T>(InPlace, Forward<T>(Args)...);
@ -18,43 +18,43 @@ public:
using Type = ReferencedType;
template <typename T = ReferencedType> requires (CConvertibleTo<T, ReferencedType&>)
constexpr TReferenceWrapper(T&& Object)
FORCEINLINE constexpr TReferenceWrapper(T&& Object)
ReferencedType& Reference = Forward<T>(Object);
Pointer = AddressOf(Reference);
TReferenceWrapper(const TReferenceWrapper&) = default;
FORCEINLINE constexpr TReferenceWrapper(const TReferenceWrapper&) = default;
template <typename T = ReferencedType> requires (CConvertibleTo<T&, ReferencedType&>)
constexpr TReferenceWrapper(const TReferenceWrapper<T>& InValue)
FORCEINLINE constexpr TReferenceWrapper(const TReferenceWrapper<T>& InValue)
: Pointer(InValue.Pointer)
{ }
TReferenceWrapper& operator=(const TReferenceWrapper&) = default;
FORCEINLINE constexpr TReferenceWrapper& operator=(const TReferenceWrapper&) = default;
template <typename T = ReferencedType> requires (CConvertibleTo<T&, ReferencedType&>)
constexpr TReferenceWrapper& operator=(const TReferenceWrapper<T>& InValue)
FORCEINLINE constexpr TReferenceWrapper& operator=(const TReferenceWrapper<T>& InValue)
Pointer = InValue.Pointer;
return *this;
constexpr operator ReferencedType&() const { return *Pointer; }
constexpr ReferencedType& Get() const { return *Pointer; }
FORCEINLINE constexpr operator ReferencedType&() const { return *Pointer; }
FORCEINLINE constexpr ReferencedType& Get() const { return *Pointer; }
template <typename... Ts>
constexpr TInvokeResult<ReferencedType&, Ts...> operator()(Ts&&... Args) const
FORCEINLINE constexpr TInvokeResult<ReferencedType&, Ts...> operator()(Ts&&... Args) const
return Invoke(Get(), Forward<Ts>(Args)...);
constexpr size_t GetTypeHash() const requires (CHashable<ReferencedType>)
FORCEINLINE constexpr size_t GetTypeHash() const requires (CHashable<ReferencedType>)
return NAMESPACE_REDCRAFT::GetTypeHash(Get());
constexpr void Swap(TReferenceWrapper& InValue)
FORCEINLINE constexpr void Swap(TReferenceWrapper& InValue)
ReferencedType* Temp = Pointer;
Pointer = InValue.Pointer;
@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ private:
template <typename T> requires (CObject<T> || CFunction<T>) friend class TReferenceWrapper;
// Optimize TOptional with these hacking
constexpr TReferenceWrapper(FInvalid) : Pointer(nullptr) { };
FORCEINLINE constexpr TReferenceWrapper(FInvalid) : Pointer(nullptr) { };
template <typename T> requires (CDestructible<T>) friend class TOptional;
@ -80,25 +80,25 @@ template <typename T>
void Ref(const T&&) = delete;
template <typename T>
constexpr TReferenceWrapper<T> Ref(T& InValue)
FORCEINLINE constexpr TReferenceWrapper<T> Ref(T& InValue)
return TReferenceWrapper<T>(InValue);
template <typename T>
constexpr TReferenceWrapper<T> Ref(TReferenceWrapper<T> InValue)
FORCEINLINE constexpr TReferenceWrapper<T> Ref(TReferenceWrapper<T> InValue)
return Ref(InValue.Get());
template <typename T>
constexpr TReferenceWrapper<const T> Ref(const T& InValue)
FORCEINLINE constexpr TReferenceWrapper<const T> Ref(const T& InValue)
return TReferenceWrapper<const T>(InValue);
template <typename T>
constexpr TReferenceWrapper<const T> Ref(TReferenceWrapper<T> InValue)
FORCEINLINE constexpr TReferenceWrapper<const T> Ref(TReferenceWrapper<T> InValue)
return Ref(InValue.Get());
@ -151,87 +151,87 @@ public:
using ValueType = OptionalType;
constexpr TOptional() : Reference(Invalid) { }
FORCEINLINE constexpr TOptional() : Reference(Invalid) { }
constexpr TOptional(FInvalid) : TOptional() { }
FORCEINLINE constexpr TOptional(FInvalid) : TOptional() { }
template <typename... Ts> requires (CConstructibleFrom<OptionalType, Ts...>)
constexpr explicit TOptional(FInPlace, Ts&&... Args)
FORCEINLINE constexpr explicit TOptional(FInPlace, Ts&&... Args)
: Reference(Forward<Ts>(Args)...)
{ }
template <typename T = OptionalType> requires (CConstructibleFrom<OptionalType, T&&>
&& !CSameAs<TRemoveCVRef<T>, FInPlace> && !CBaseOf<TOptional, TRemoveCVRef<T>>)
constexpr explicit (!CConvertibleTo<T&&, OptionalType>) TOptional(T&& InValue)
FORCEINLINE constexpr explicit (!CConvertibleTo<T&&, OptionalType>) TOptional(T&& InValue)
: TOptional(InPlace, Forward<T>(InValue))
{ }
TOptional(const TOptional& InValue) = default;
TOptional(TOptional&& InValue) = default;
FORCEINLINE TOptional(const TOptional& InValue) = default;
FORCEINLINE TOptional(TOptional&& InValue) = default;
template <typename T = OptionalType> requires (CConstructibleFrom<OptionalType, const T&> && TAllowUnwrapping<T>::Value)
constexpr explicit (!CConvertibleTo<const T&, OptionalType>) TOptional(const TOptional<T>& InValue)
FORCEINLINE constexpr explicit (!CConvertibleTo<const T&, OptionalType>) TOptional(const TOptional<T>& InValue)
: Reference(InValue.Reference)
{ }
~TOptional() = default;
FORCEINLINE ~TOptional() = default;
TOptional& operator=(const TOptional& InValue) = default;
TOptional& operator=(TOptional&& InValue) = default;
FORCEINLINE TOptional& operator=(const TOptional& InValue) = default;
FORCEINLINE TOptional& operator=(TOptional&& InValue) = default;
template <typename T = OptionalType> requires (CConstructibleFrom<OptionalType, const T&>
&& CAssignableFrom<OptionalType&, const T&> && TAllowUnwrapping<T>::Value)
constexpr TOptional& operator=(const TOptional<T>& InValue)
FORCEINLINE constexpr TOptional& operator=(const TOptional<T>& InValue)
Reference = InValue.Reference;
return *this;
template <typename T = OptionalType> requires (CConstructibleFrom<OptionalType, T&&> && CAssignableFrom<OptionalType&, T&&>)
constexpr TOptional& operator=(T&& InValue)
FORCEINLINE constexpr TOptional& operator=(T&& InValue)
Reference = InValue;
return *this;
template <typename... ArgTypes> requires (CConstructibleFrom<OptionalType, ArgTypes...>)
constexpr OptionalType& Emplace(ArgTypes&&... Args)
FORCEINLINE constexpr OptionalType& Emplace(ArgTypes&&... Args)
Reference = TReferenceWrapper<ReferencedType>(Forward<ArgTypes>(Args)...);
return Reference;
constexpr bool IsValid() const { return Reference.Pointer != nullptr; }
constexpr explicit operator bool() const { return Reference.Pointer != nullptr; }
FORCEINLINE constexpr bool IsValid() const { return Reference.Pointer != nullptr; }
FORCEINLINE constexpr explicit operator bool() const { return Reference.Pointer != nullptr; }
constexpr OptionalType& GetValue() & { checkf(IsValid(), TEXT("It is an error to call GetValue() on an unset TOptional. Please either check IsValid() or use Get(DefaultValue) instead.")); return Reference; }
constexpr OptionalType&& GetValue() && { checkf(IsValid(), TEXT("It is an error to call GetValue() on an unset TOptional. Please either check IsValid() or use Get(DefaultValue) instead.")); return Reference; }
constexpr const OptionalType& GetValue() const& { checkf(IsValid(), TEXT("It is an error to call GetValue() on an unset TOptional. Please either check IsValid() or use Get(DefaultValue) instead.")); return Reference; }
constexpr const OptionalType&& GetValue() const&& { checkf(IsValid(), TEXT("It is an error to call GetValue() on an unset TOptional. Please either check IsValid() or use Get(DefaultValue) instead.")); return Reference; }
FORCEINLINE constexpr OptionalType& GetValue() & { checkf(IsValid(), TEXT("It is an error to call GetValue() on an unset TOptional. Please either check IsValid() or use Get(DefaultValue) instead.")); return Reference; }
FORCEINLINE constexpr OptionalType&& GetValue() && { checkf(IsValid(), TEXT("It is an error to call GetValue() on an unset TOptional. Please either check IsValid() or use Get(DefaultValue) instead.")); return Reference; }
FORCEINLINE constexpr const OptionalType& GetValue() const& { checkf(IsValid(), TEXT("It is an error to call GetValue() on an unset TOptional. Please either check IsValid() or use Get(DefaultValue) instead.")); return Reference; }
FORCEINLINE constexpr const OptionalType&& GetValue() const&& { checkf(IsValid(), TEXT("It is an error to call GetValue() on an unset TOptional. Please either check IsValid() or use Get(DefaultValue) instead.")); return Reference; }
constexpr const OptionalType* operator->() const { return &GetValue(); }
constexpr OptionalType* operator->() { return &GetValue(); }
FORCEINLINE constexpr const OptionalType* operator->() const { return &GetValue(); }
FORCEINLINE constexpr OptionalType* operator->() { return &GetValue(); }
constexpr OptionalType& operator*() & { return GetValue(); }
constexpr OptionalType&& operator*() && { return GetValue(); }
constexpr const OptionalType& operator*() const& { return GetValue(); }
constexpr const OptionalType&& operator*() const&& { return GetValue(); }
FORCEINLINE constexpr OptionalType& operator*() & { return GetValue(); }
FORCEINLINE constexpr OptionalType&& operator*() && { return GetValue(); }
FORCEINLINE constexpr const OptionalType& operator*() const& { return GetValue(); }
FORCEINLINE constexpr const OptionalType&& operator*() const&& { return GetValue(); }
constexpr OptionalType& Get( OptionalType& DefaultValue) & { return IsValid() ? GetValue() : DefaultValue; }
constexpr const OptionalType& Get(const OptionalType& DefaultValue) const& { return IsValid() ? GetValue() : DefaultValue; }
FORCEINLINE constexpr OptionalType& Get( OptionalType& DefaultValue) & { return IsValid() ? GetValue() : DefaultValue; }
FORCEINLINE constexpr const OptionalType& Get(const OptionalType& DefaultValue) const& { return IsValid() ? GetValue() : DefaultValue; }
constexpr void Reset()
FORCEINLINE constexpr void Reset()
Reference = Invalid;
constexpr size_t GetTypeHash() const requires (CHashable<ReferencedType>)
FORCEINLINE constexpr size_t GetTypeHash() const requires (CHashable<ReferencedType>)
if (!IsValid()) return 2824517378;
return Reference.GetTypeHash();
constexpr void Swap(TOptional& InValue)
FORCEINLINE constexpr void Swap(TOptional& InValue)
@ -82,54 +82,56 @@ private:
template <typename Type>
constexpr TTupleBasicElement(Type&& Arg)
FORCEINLINE constexpr TTupleBasicElement(Type&& Arg)
: Value(Forward<Type>(Arg))
{ }
TTupleBasicElement() = default;
TTupleBasicElement(TTupleBasicElement&&) = default;
TTupleBasicElement(const TTupleBasicElement&) = default;
TTupleBasicElement& operator=(TTupleBasicElement&&) = default;
TTupleBasicElement& operator=(const TTupleBasicElement&) = default;
FORCEINLINE constexpr TTupleBasicElement() = default;
FORCEINLINE constexpr TTupleBasicElement(const TTupleBasicElement&) = default;
FORCEINLINE constexpr TTupleBasicElement(TTupleBasicElement&&) = default;
FORCEINLINE constexpr TTupleBasicElement& operator=(const TTupleBasicElement&) = default;
FORCEINLINE constexpr TTupleBasicElement& operator=(TTupleBasicElement&&) = default;
FORCEINLINE constexpr ~TTupleBasicElement() = default;
constexpr T& GetValue() & { return static_cast< T& >(Value); }
constexpr const T& GetValue() const & { return static_cast<const T& >(Value); }
constexpr volatile T& GetValue() volatile& { return static_cast< volatile T& >(Value); }
constexpr const volatile T& GetValue() const volatile& { return static_cast<const volatile T& >(Value); }
constexpr T&& GetValue() && { return static_cast< T&&>(Value); }
constexpr const T&& GetValue() const && { return static_cast<const T&&>(Value); }
constexpr volatile T&& GetValue() volatile&& { return static_cast< volatile T&&>(Value); }
constexpr const volatile T&& GetValue() const volatile&& { return static_cast<const volatile T&&>(Value); }
FORCEINLINE constexpr T& GetValue() & { return static_cast< T& >(Value); }
FORCEINLINE constexpr const T& GetValue() const & { return static_cast<const T& >(Value); }
FORCEINLINE constexpr volatile T& GetValue() volatile& { return static_cast< volatile T& >(Value); }
FORCEINLINE constexpr const volatile T& GetValue() const volatile& { return static_cast<const volatile T& >(Value); }
FORCEINLINE constexpr T&& GetValue() && { return static_cast< T&&>(Value); }
FORCEINLINE constexpr const T&& GetValue() const && { return static_cast<const T&&>(Value); }
FORCEINLINE constexpr volatile T&& GetValue() volatile&& { return static_cast< volatile T&&>(Value); }
FORCEINLINE constexpr const volatile T&& GetValue() const volatile&& { return static_cast<const volatile T&&>(Value); }
#define DEFINE_TTupleBasicElement(Index, Name) \
template <typename T> \
struct TTupleBasicElement<T, Index> \
{ \
using Name##Type = T; \
Name##Type Name; \
template <typename Type> \
constexpr TTupleBasicElement(Type&& Arg) \
: Name(Forward<Type>(Arg)) \
{ } \
TTupleBasicElement() = default; \
TTupleBasicElement(TTupleBasicElement&&) = default; \
TTupleBasicElement(const TTupleBasicElement&) = default; \
TTupleBasicElement& operator=(TTupleBasicElement&&) = default; \
TTupleBasicElement& operator=(const TTupleBasicElement&) = default; \
constexpr T& GetValue() & { return static_cast< T& >(Name); } \
constexpr const T& GetValue() const & { return static_cast<const T& >(Name); } \
constexpr volatile T& GetValue() volatile& { return static_cast< volatile T& >(Name); } \
constexpr const volatile T& GetValue() const volatile& { return static_cast<const volatile T& >(Name); } \
constexpr T&& GetValue() && { return static_cast< T&&>(Name); } \
constexpr const T&& GetValue() const && { return static_cast<const T&&>(Name); } \
constexpr volatile T&& GetValue() volatile&& { return static_cast< volatile T&&>(Name); } \
constexpr const volatile T&& GetValue() const volatile&& { return static_cast<const volatile T&&>(Name); } \
#define DEFINE_TTupleBasicElement(Index, Name) \
template <typename T> \
struct TTupleBasicElement<T, Index> \
{ \
using Name##Type = T; \
Name##Type Name; \
template <typename Type> \
FORCEINLINE constexpr TTupleBasicElement(Type&& Arg) \
: Name(Forward<Type>(Arg)) \
{ } \
FORCEINLINE constexpr TTupleBasicElement() = default; \
FORCEINLINE constexpr TTupleBasicElement(const TTupleBasicElement&) = default; \
FORCEINLINE constexpr TTupleBasicElement(TTupleBasicElement&&) = default; \
FORCEINLINE constexpr TTupleBasicElement& operator=(const TTupleBasicElement&) = default; \
FORCEINLINE constexpr TTupleBasicElement& operator=(TTupleBasicElement&&) = default; \
FORCEINLINE constexpr ~TTupleBasicElement() = default; \
FORCEINLINE constexpr T& GetValue() & { return static_cast< T& >(Name); } \
FORCEINLINE constexpr const T& GetValue() const & { return static_cast<const T& >(Name); } \
FORCEINLINE constexpr volatile T& GetValue() volatile& { return static_cast< volatile T& >(Name); } \
FORCEINLINE constexpr const volatile T& GetValue() const volatile& { return static_cast<const volatile T& >(Name); } \
FORCEINLINE constexpr T&& GetValue() && { return static_cast< T&&>(Name); } \
FORCEINLINE constexpr const T&& GetValue() const && { return static_cast<const T&&>(Name); } \
FORCEINLINE constexpr volatile T&& GetValue() volatile&& { return static_cast< volatile T&&>(Name); } \
FORCEINLINE constexpr const volatile T&& GetValue() const volatile&& { return static_cast<const volatile T&&>(Name); } \
DEFINE_TTupleBasicElement(0x0, First);
@ -154,7 +156,7 @@ DEFINE_TTupleBasicElement(0xF, Sixteenth);
template <typename... Ts>
constexpr TTuple<TUnwrapRefDecay<Ts>...> MakeTupleImpl(Ts&&... Args)
FORCEINLINE constexpr TTuple<TUnwrapRefDecay<Ts>...> MakeTupleImpl(Ts&&... Args)
return TTuple<TUnwrapRefDecay<Ts>...>(Forward<Ts>(Args)...);
@ -167,24 +169,23 @@ class TTupleImpl<TIndexSequence<Indices...>, Ts...> : public TTupleBasicElement<
TTupleImpl() = default;
FORCEINLINE constexpr TTupleImpl() = default;
FORCEINLINE constexpr TTupleImpl(const TTupleImpl&) = default;
FORCEINLINE constexpr TTupleImpl(TTupleImpl&&) = default;
FORCEINLINE constexpr TTupleImpl& operator=(const TTupleImpl&) = default;
FORCEINLINE constexpr TTupleImpl& operator=(TTupleImpl&&) = default;
FORCEINLINE constexpr ~TTupleImpl() = default;
template <typename... ArgTypes>
constexpr explicit TTupleImpl(FForwardingConstructor, ArgTypes&&... Args)
FORCEINLINE constexpr explicit TTupleImpl(FForwardingConstructor, ArgTypes&&... Args)
: TTupleBasicElement<Ts, Indices>(Forward<ArgTypes>(Args))...
{ }
template <typename TupleType>
constexpr explicit TTupleImpl(FOtherTupleConstructor, TupleType&& InValue)
FORCEINLINE constexpr explicit TTupleImpl(FOtherTupleConstructor, TupleType&& InValue)
: TTupleBasicElement<Ts, Indices>(Forward<TupleType>(InValue).template GetValue<Indices>())...
{ }
constexpr TTupleImpl(const TTupleImpl&) = default;
constexpr TTupleImpl(TTupleImpl&&) = default;
constexpr TTupleImpl& operator=(const TTupleImpl&) = default;
constexpr TTupleImpl& operator=(TTupleImpl&&) = default;
template <typename Indices, typename... Ts>
@ -196,7 +197,7 @@ class TTupleHelper<TIndexSequence<Indices...>>
template <typename LHSTupleType, typename RHSTupleType>
static constexpr void Assign(LHSTupleType& LHS, RHSTupleType&& RHS)
FORCEINLINE static constexpr void Assign(LHSTupleType& LHS, RHSTupleType&& RHS)
static_assert(sizeof...(Indices) == TTupleArityImpl<TRemoveCVRef<LHSTupleType>>::Value
&& TTupleArityImpl<TRemoveCVRef<LHSTupleType>>::Value == TTupleArityImpl<TRemoveCVRef<RHSTupleType>>::Value,
@ -206,19 +207,19 @@ public:
template <typename F, typename TTupleType>
static constexpr auto Apply(F&& Func, TTupleType&& Arg)
FORCEINLINE static constexpr auto Apply(F&& Func, TTupleType&& Arg)
return Invoke(Forward<F>(Func), Forward<TTupleType>(Arg).template GetValue<Indices>()...);
template <typename F, typename TTupleType>
static constexpr auto Transform(F&& Func, TTupleType&& Arg)
FORCEINLINE static constexpr auto Transform(F&& Func, TTupleType&& Arg)
return MakeTupleImpl(Invoke(Forward<F>(Func), Forward<TTupleType>(Arg).template GetValue<Indices>())...);
template <typename T, typename TTupleType>
static constexpr T Construct(TTupleType&& Arg)
FORCEINLINE static constexpr T Construct(TTupleType&& Arg)
return T(Forward<TTupleType>(Arg).template GetValue<Indices>()...);
@ -249,34 +250,34 @@ private:
constexpr TTuple() = default;
FORCEINLINE constexpr TTuple() = default;
template <typename... ArgTypes> requires (sizeof...(Ts) >= 1 && sizeof...(ArgTypes) == sizeof...(Ts))
&& (true && ... && CConstructibleFrom<Ts, ArgTypes&&>)
constexpr explicit (!(true && ... && CConvertibleTo<ArgTypes&&, Ts>)) TTuple(ArgTypes&&... Args)
FORCEINLINE constexpr explicit (!(true && ... && CConvertibleTo<ArgTypes&&, Ts>)) TTuple(ArgTypes&&... Args)
: Super(NAMESPACE_PRIVATE::ForwardingConstructor, Forward<ArgTypes>(Args)...)
{ }
template <typename... OtherTypes> requires (sizeof...(OtherTypes) == sizeof...(Ts)
&& (true && ... && CConstructibleFrom<Ts, const OtherTypes&>)
&& NAMESPACE_PRIVATE::TTupleConvertCopy<sizeof...(Ts) != 1, Ts..., OtherTypes...>::Value)
constexpr explicit (!(true && ... && CConvertibleTo<OtherTypes&&, Ts>)) TTuple(const TTuple<OtherTypes...>& InValue)
FORCEINLINE constexpr explicit (!(true && ... && CConvertibleTo<OtherTypes&&, Ts>)) TTuple(const TTuple<OtherTypes...>& InValue)
: Super(NAMESPACE_PRIVATE::OtherTupleConstructor, InValue)
{ }
template <typename... OtherTypes> requires (sizeof...(OtherTypes) == sizeof...(Ts)
&& (true && ... && CConstructibleFrom<Ts, OtherTypes&&>)
&& NAMESPACE_PRIVATE::TTupleConvertMove<sizeof...(Ts) != 1, Ts..., OtherTypes...>::Value)
constexpr explicit (!(true && ... && CConvertibleTo<OtherTypes&&, Ts>)) TTuple(TTuple<OtherTypes...>&& InValue)
FORCEINLINE constexpr explicit (!(true && ... && CConvertibleTo<OtherTypes&&, Ts>)) TTuple(TTuple<OtherTypes...>&& InValue)
: Super(NAMESPACE_PRIVATE::OtherTupleConstructor, MoveTemp(InValue))
{ }
constexpr TTuple(const TTuple&) = default;
constexpr TTuple(TTuple&&) = default;
FORCEINLINE constexpr TTuple(const TTuple&) = default;
FORCEINLINE constexpr TTuple(TTuple&&) = default;
template <typename... OtherTypes> requires (sizeof...(OtherTypes) == sizeof...(Ts)
&& (true && ... && CAssignableFrom<Ts&, const OtherTypes&>))
constexpr TTuple& operator=(const TTuple<OtherTypes...>& InValue)
FORCEINLINE constexpr TTuple& operator=(const TTuple<OtherTypes...>& InValue)
Helper::Assign(*this, InValue);
return *this;
@ -284,61 +285,61 @@ public:
template <typename... OtherTypes> requires (sizeof...(OtherTypes) == sizeof...(Ts)
&& (true && ... && CAssignableFrom<Ts&, OtherTypes&&>))
constexpr TTuple& operator=(TTuple<OtherTypes...>&& InValue)
FORCEINLINE constexpr TTuple& operator=(TTuple<OtherTypes...>&& InValue)
Helper::Assign(*this, MoveTemp(InValue));
return *this;
constexpr TTuple& operator=(const TTuple&) = default;
constexpr TTuple& operator=(TTuple&&) = default;
FORCEINLINE constexpr TTuple& operator=(const TTuple&) = default;
FORCEINLINE constexpr TTuple& operator=(TTuple&&) = default;
template <size_t I> requires (I < sizeof...(Ts)) constexpr decltype(auto) GetValue() & { return static_cast< NAMESPACE_PRIVATE::TTupleBasicElement<TTupleElement<I, TTuple<Ts...>>, I>& >(*this).GetValue(); }
template <size_t I> requires (I < sizeof...(Ts)) constexpr decltype(auto) GetValue() const & { return static_cast<const NAMESPACE_PRIVATE::TTupleBasicElement<TTupleElement<I, TTuple<Ts...>>, I>& >(*this).GetValue(); }
template <size_t I> requires (I < sizeof...(Ts)) constexpr decltype(auto) GetValue() volatile& { return static_cast< volatile NAMESPACE_PRIVATE::TTupleBasicElement<TTupleElement<I, TTuple<Ts...>>, I>& >(*this).GetValue(); }
template <size_t I> requires (I < sizeof...(Ts)) constexpr decltype(auto) GetValue() const volatile& { return static_cast<const volatile NAMESPACE_PRIVATE::TTupleBasicElement<TTupleElement<I, TTuple<Ts...>>, I>& >(*this).GetValue(); }
template <size_t I> requires (I < sizeof...(Ts)) constexpr decltype(auto) GetValue() && { return static_cast< NAMESPACE_PRIVATE::TTupleBasicElement<TTupleElement<I, TTuple<Ts...>>, I>&&>(*this).GetValue(); }
template <size_t I> requires (I < sizeof...(Ts)) constexpr decltype(auto) GetValue() const && { return static_cast<const NAMESPACE_PRIVATE::TTupleBasicElement<TTupleElement<I, TTuple<Ts...>>, I>&&>(*this).GetValue(); }
template <size_t I> requires (I < sizeof...(Ts)) constexpr decltype(auto) GetValue() volatile&& { return static_cast< volatile NAMESPACE_PRIVATE::TTupleBasicElement<TTupleElement<I, TTuple<Ts...>>, I>&&>(*this).GetValue(); }
template <size_t I> requires (I < sizeof...(Ts)) constexpr decltype(auto) GetValue() const volatile&& { return static_cast<const volatile NAMESPACE_PRIVATE::TTupleBasicElement<TTupleElement<I, TTuple<Ts...>>, I>&&>(*this).GetValue(); }
template <size_t I> requires (I < sizeof...(Ts)) FORCEINLINE constexpr decltype(auto) GetValue() & { return static_cast< NAMESPACE_PRIVATE::TTupleBasicElement<TTupleElement<I, TTuple<Ts...>>, I>& >(*this).GetValue(); }
template <size_t I> requires (I < sizeof...(Ts)) FORCEINLINE constexpr decltype(auto) GetValue() const & { return static_cast<const NAMESPACE_PRIVATE::TTupleBasicElement<TTupleElement<I, TTuple<Ts...>>, I>& >(*this).GetValue(); }
template <size_t I> requires (I < sizeof...(Ts)) FORCEINLINE constexpr decltype(auto) GetValue() volatile& { return static_cast< volatile NAMESPACE_PRIVATE::TTupleBasicElement<TTupleElement<I, TTuple<Ts...>>, I>& >(*this).GetValue(); }
template <size_t I> requires (I < sizeof...(Ts)) FORCEINLINE constexpr decltype(auto) GetValue() const volatile& { return static_cast<const volatile NAMESPACE_PRIVATE::TTupleBasicElement<TTupleElement<I, TTuple<Ts...>>, I>& >(*this).GetValue(); }
template <size_t I> requires (I < sizeof...(Ts)) FORCEINLINE constexpr decltype(auto) GetValue() && { return static_cast< NAMESPACE_PRIVATE::TTupleBasicElement<TTupleElement<I, TTuple<Ts...>>, I>&&>(*this).GetValue(); }
template <size_t I> requires (I < sizeof...(Ts)) FORCEINLINE constexpr decltype(auto) GetValue() const && { return static_cast<const NAMESPACE_PRIVATE::TTupleBasicElement<TTupleElement<I, TTuple<Ts...>>, I>&&>(*this).GetValue(); }
template <size_t I> requires (I < sizeof...(Ts)) FORCEINLINE constexpr decltype(auto) GetValue() volatile&& { return static_cast< volatile NAMESPACE_PRIVATE::TTupleBasicElement<TTupleElement<I, TTuple<Ts...>>, I>&&>(*this).GetValue(); }
template <size_t I> requires (I < sizeof...(Ts)) FORCEINLINE constexpr decltype(auto) GetValue() const volatile&& { return static_cast<const volatile NAMESPACE_PRIVATE::TTupleBasicElement<TTupleElement<I, TTuple<Ts...>>, I>&&>(*this).GetValue(); }
template <typename T> constexpr decltype(auto) GetValue() & { return static_cast< TTuple& >(*this).GetValue<TTupleIndex<T, TTuple<Ts...>>>(); }
template <typename T> constexpr decltype(auto) GetValue() const & { return static_cast<const TTuple& >(*this).GetValue<TTupleIndex<T, TTuple<Ts...>>>(); }
template <typename T> constexpr decltype(auto) GetValue() volatile& { return static_cast< volatile TTuple& >(*this).GetValue<TTupleIndex<T, TTuple<Ts...>>>(); }
template <typename T> constexpr decltype(auto) GetValue() const volatile& { return static_cast<const volatile TTuple& >(*this).GetValue<TTupleIndex<T, TTuple<Ts...>>>(); }
template <typename T> constexpr decltype(auto) GetValue() && { return static_cast< TTuple&&>(*this).GetValue<TTupleIndex<T, TTuple<Ts...>>>(); }
template <typename T> constexpr decltype(auto) GetValue() const && { return static_cast<const TTuple&&>(*this).GetValue<TTupleIndex<T, TTuple<Ts...>>>(); }
template <typename T> constexpr decltype(auto) GetValue() volatile&& { return static_cast< volatile TTuple&&>(*this).GetValue<TTupleIndex<T, TTuple<Ts...>>>(); }
template <typename T> constexpr decltype(auto) GetValue() const volatile&& { return static_cast<const volatile TTuple&&>(*this).GetValue<TTupleIndex<T, TTuple<Ts...>>>(); }
template <typename T> FORCEINLINE constexpr decltype(auto) GetValue() & { return static_cast< TTuple& >(*this).GetValue<TTupleIndex<T, TTuple<Ts...>>>(); }
template <typename T> FORCEINLINE constexpr decltype(auto) GetValue() const & { return static_cast<const TTuple& >(*this).GetValue<TTupleIndex<T, TTuple<Ts...>>>(); }
template <typename T> FORCEINLINE constexpr decltype(auto) GetValue() volatile& { return static_cast< volatile TTuple& >(*this).GetValue<TTupleIndex<T, TTuple<Ts...>>>(); }
template <typename T> FORCEINLINE constexpr decltype(auto) GetValue() const volatile& { return static_cast<const volatile TTuple& >(*this).GetValue<TTupleIndex<T, TTuple<Ts...>>>(); }
template <typename T> FORCEINLINE constexpr decltype(auto) GetValue() && { return static_cast< TTuple&&>(*this).GetValue<TTupleIndex<T, TTuple<Ts...>>>(); }
template <typename T> FORCEINLINE constexpr decltype(auto) GetValue() const && { return static_cast<const TTuple&&>(*this).GetValue<TTupleIndex<T, TTuple<Ts...>>>(); }
template <typename T> FORCEINLINE constexpr decltype(auto) GetValue() volatile&& { return static_cast< volatile TTuple&&>(*this).GetValue<TTupleIndex<T, TTuple<Ts...>>>(); }
template <typename T> FORCEINLINE constexpr decltype(auto) GetValue() const volatile&& { return static_cast<const volatile TTuple&&>(*this).GetValue<TTupleIndex<T, TTuple<Ts...>>>(); }
template <typename F> requires (CInvocable<F, Ts...>) constexpr decltype(auto) Apply(F&& Func) & { return Helper::Apply(Forward<F>(Func), static_cast< TTuple& >(*this)); }
template <typename F> requires (CInvocable<F, Ts...>) constexpr decltype(auto) Apply(F&& Func) const & { return Helper::Apply(Forward<F>(Func), static_cast<const TTuple& >(*this)); }
template <typename F> requires (CInvocable<F, Ts...>) constexpr decltype(auto) Apply(F&& Func) volatile& { return Helper::Apply(Forward<F>(Func), static_cast< volatile TTuple& >(*this)); }
template <typename F> requires (CInvocable<F, Ts...>) constexpr decltype(auto) Apply(F&& Func) const volatile& { return Helper::Apply(Forward<F>(Func), static_cast<const volatile TTuple& >(*this)); }
template <typename F> requires (CInvocable<F, Ts...>) constexpr decltype(auto) Apply(F&& Func) && { return Helper::Apply(Forward<F>(Func), static_cast< TTuple&&>(*this)); }
template <typename F> requires (CInvocable<F, Ts...>) constexpr decltype(auto) Apply(F&& Func) const && { return Helper::Apply(Forward<F>(Func), static_cast<const TTuple&&>(*this)); }
template <typename F> requires (CInvocable<F, Ts...>) constexpr decltype(auto) Apply(F&& Func) volatile&& { return Helper::Apply(Forward<F>(Func), static_cast< volatile TTuple&&>(*this)); }
template <typename F> requires (CInvocable<F, Ts...>) constexpr decltype(auto) Apply(F&& Func) const volatile&& { return Helper::Apply(Forward<F>(Func), static_cast<const volatile TTuple&&>(*this)); }
template <typename F> requires (CInvocable<F, Ts...>) FORCEINLINE constexpr decltype(auto) Apply(F&& Func) & { return Helper::Apply(Forward<F>(Func), static_cast< TTuple& >(*this)); }
template <typename F> requires (CInvocable<F, Ts...>) FORCEINLINE constexpr decltype(auto) Apply(F&& Func) const & { return Helper::Apply(Forward<F>(Func), static_cast<const TTuple& >(*this)); }
template <typename F> requires (CInvocable<F, Ts...>) FORCEINLINE constexpr decltype(auto) Apply(F&& Func) volatile& { return Helper::Apply(Forward<F>(Func), static_cast< volatile TTuple& >(*this)); }
template <typename F> requires (CInvocable<F, Ts...>) FORCEINLINE constexpr decltype(auto) Apply(F&& Func) const volatile& { return Helper::Apply(Forward<F>(Func), static_cast<const volatile TTuple& >(*this)); }
template <typename F> requires (CInvocable<F, Ts...>) FORCEINLINE constexpr decltype(auto) Apply(F&& Func) && { return Helper::Apply(Forward<F>(Func), static_cast< TTuple&&>(*this)); }
template <typename F> requires (CInvocable<F, Ts...>) FORCEINLINE constexpr decltype(auto) Apply(F&& Func) const && { return Helper::Apply(Forward<F>(Func), static_cast<const TTuple&&>(*this)); }
template <typename F> requires (CInvocable<F, Ts...>) FORCEINLINE constexpr decltype(auto) Apply(F&& Func) volatile&& { return Helper::Apply(Forward<F>(Func), static_cast< volatile TTuple&&>(*this)); }
template <typename F> requires (CInvocable<F, Ts...>) FORCEINLINE constexpr decltype(auto) Apply(F&& Func) const volatile&& { return Helper::Apply(Forward<F>(Func), static_cast<const volatile TTuple&&>(*this)); }
template <typename F> requires (true && ... && (CInvocable<F, Ts> && !CSameAs<void, TInvokeResult<F, Ts>>)) constexpr decltype(auto) Transform(F&& Func) & { return Helper::Transform(Forward<F>(Func), static_cast< TTuple& >(*this)); }
template <typename F> requires (true && ... && (CInvocable<F, Ts> && !CSameAs<void, TInvokeResult<F, Ts>>)) constexpr decltype(auto) Transform(F&& Func) const & { return Helper::Transform(Forward<F>(Func), static_cast<const TTuple& >(*this)); }
template <typename F> requires (true && ... && (CInvocable<F, Ts> && !CSameAs<void, TInvokeResult<F, Ts>>)) constexpr decltype(auto) Transform(F&& Func) volatile& { return Helper::Transform(Forward<F>(Func), static_cast< volatile TTuple& >(*this)); }
template <typename F> requires (true && ... && (CInvocable<F, Ts> && !CSameAs<void, TInvokeResult<F, Ts>>)) constexpr decltype(auto) Transform(F&& Func) const volatile& { return Helper::Transform(Forward<F>(Func), static_cast<const volatile TTuple& >(*this)); }
template <typename F> requires (true && ... && (CInvocable<F, Ts> && !CSameAs<void, TInvokeResult<F, Ts>>)) constexpr decltype(auto) Transform(F&& Func) && { return Helper::Transform(Forward<F>(Func), static_cast< TTuple&&>(*this)); }
template <typename F> requires (true && ... && (CInvocable<F, Ts> && !CSameAs<void, TInvokeResult<F, Ts>>)) constexpr decltype(auto) Transform(F&& Func) const && { return Helper::Transform(Forward<F>(Func), static_cast<const TTuple&&>(*this)); }
template <typename F> requires (true && ... && (CInvocable<F, Ts> && !CSameAs<void, TInvokeResult<F, Ts>>)) constexpr decltype(auto) Transform(F&& Func) volatile&& { return Helper::Transform(Forward<F>(Func), static_cast< volatile TTuple&&>(*this)); }
template <typename F> requires (true && ... && (CInvocable<F, Ts> && !CSameAs<void, TInvokeResult<F, Ts>>)) constexpr decltype(auto) Transform(F&& Func) const volatile&& { return Helper::Transform(Forward<F>(Func), static_cast<const volatile TTuple&&>(*this)); }
template <typename F> requires (true && ... && (CInvocable<F, Ts> && !CSameAs<void, TInvokeResult<F, Ts>>)) FORCEINLINE constexpr decltype(auto) Transform(F&& Func) & { return Helper::Transform(Forward<F>(Func), static_cast< TTuple& >(*this)); }
template <typename F> requires (true && ... && (CInvocable<F, Ts> && !CSameAs<void, TInvokeResult<F, Ts>>)) FORCEINLINE constexpr decltype(auto) Transform(F&& Func) const & { return Helper::Transform(Forward<F>(Func), static_cast<const TTuple& >(*this)); }
template <typename F> requires (true && ... && (CInvocable<F, Ts> && !CSameAs<void, TInvokeResult<F, Ts>>)) FORCEINLINE constexpr decltype(auto) Transform(F&& Func) volatile& { return Helper::Transform(Forward<F>(Func), static_cast< volatile TTuple& >(*this)); }
template <typename F> requires (true && ... && (CInvocable<F, Ts> && !CSameAs<void, TInvokeResult<F, Ts>>)) FORCEINLINE constexpr decltype(auto) Transform(F&& Func) const volatile& { return Helper::Transform(Forward<F>(Func), static_cast<const volatile TTuple& >(*this)); }
template <typename F> requires (true && ... && (CInvocable<F, Ts> && !CSameAs<void, TInvokeResult<F, Ts>>)) FORCEINLINE constexpr decltype(auto) Transform(F&& Func) && { return Helper::Transform(Forward<F>(Func), static_cast< TTuple&&>(*this)); }
template <typename F> requires (true && ... && (CInvocable<F, Ts> && !CSameAs<void, TInvokeResult<F, Ts>>)) FORCEINLINE constexpr decltype(auto) Transform(F&& Func) const && { return Helper::Transform(Forward<F>(Func), static_cast<const TTuple&&>(*this)); }
template <typename F> requires (true && ... && (CInvocable<F, Ts> && !CSameAs<void, TInvokeResult<F, Ts>>)) FORCEINLINE constexpr decltype(auto) Transform(F&& Func) volatile&& { return Helper::Transform(Forward<F>(Func), static_cast< volatile TTuple&&>(*this)); }
template <typename F> requires (true && ... && (CInvocable<F, Ts> && !CSameAs<void, TInvokeResult<F, Ts>>)) FORCEINLINE constexpr decltype(auto) Transform(F&& Func) const volatile&& { return Helper::Transform(Forward<F>(Func), static_cast<const volatile TTuple&&>(*this)); }
template <typename T> requires (CConstructibleFrom<T, Ts...>) constexpr T Construct() & { return Helper::template Construct<T>(static_cast< TTuple& >(*this)); }
template <typename T> requires (CConstructibleFrom<T, Ts...>) constexpr T Construct() const & { return Helper::template Construct<T>(static_cast<const TTuple& >(*this)); }
template <typename T> requires (CConstructibleFrom<T, Ts...>) constexpr T Construct() volatile& { return Helper::template Construct<T>(static_cast< volatile TTuple& >(*this)); }
template <typename T> requires (CConstructibleFrom<T, Ts...>) constexpr T Construct() const volatile& { return Helper::template Construct<T>(static_cast<const volatile TTuple& >(*this)); }
template <typename T> requires (CConstructibleFrom<T, Ts...>) constexpr T Construct() && { return Helper::template Construct<T>(static_cast< TTuple&&>(*this)); }
template <typename T> requires (CConstructibleFrom<T, Ts...>) constexpr T Construct() const && { return Helper::template Construct<T>(static_cast<const TTuple&&>(*this)); }
template <typename T> requires (CConstructibleFrom<T, Ts...>) constexpr T Construct() volatile&& { return Helper::template Construct<T>(static_cast< volatile TTuple&&>(*this)); }
template <typename T> requires (CConstructibleFrom<T, Ts...>) constexpr T Construct() const volatile&& { return Helper::template Construct<T>(static_cast<const volatile TTuple&&>(*this)); }
template <typename T> requires (CConstructibleFrom<T, Ts...>) FORCEINLINE constexpr T Construct() & { return Helper::template Construct<T>(static_cast< TTuple& >(*this)); }
template <typename T> requires (CConstructibleFrom<T, Ts...>) FORCEINLINE constexpr T Construct() const & { return Helper::template Construct<T>(static_cast<const TTuple& >(*this)); }
template <typename T> requires (CConstructibleFrom<T, Ts...>) FORCEINLINE constexpr T Construct() volatile& { return Helper::template Construct<T>(static_cast< volatile TTuple& >(*this)); }
template <typename T> requires (CConstructibleFrom<T, Ts...>) FORCEINLINE constexpr T Construct() const volatile& { return Helper::template Construct<T>(static_cast<const volatile TTuple& >(*this)); }
template <typename T> requires (CConstructibleFrom<T, Ts...>) FORCEINLINE constexpr T Construct() && { return Helper::template Construct<T>(static_cast< TTuple&&>(*this)); }
template <typename T> requires (CConstructibleFrom<T, Ts...>) FORCEINLINE constexpr T Construct() const && { return Helper::template Construct<T>(static_cast<const TTuple&&>(*this)); }
template <typename T> requires (CConstructibleFrom<T, Ts...>) FORCEINLINE constexpr T Construct() volatile&& { return Helper::template Construct<T>(static_cast< volatile TTuple&&>(*this)); }
template <typename T> requires (CConstructibleFrom<T, Ts...>) FORCEINLINE constexpr T Construct() const volatile&& { return Helper::template Construct<T>(static_cast<const volatile TTuple&&>(*this)); }
constexpr size_t GetTypeHash() const requires (true && ... && CHashable<Ts>)
FORCEINLINE constexpr size_t GetTypeHash() const requires (true && ... && CHashable<Ts>)
return [this]<size_t... Indices>(TIndexSequence<Indices...>) -> size_t
@ -347,7 +348,7 @@ public:
constexpr void Swap(TTuple& InValue) requires (true && ... && (CMoveConstructible<Ts>&& CSwappable<Ts>))
FORCEINLINE constexpr void Swap(TTuple& InValue) requires (true && ... && (CMoveConstructible<Ts> && CSwappable<Ts>))
[&A = *this, &B = InValue]<size_t... Indices>(TIndexSequence<Indices...>)
@ -365,19 +366,19 @@ template <typename T, typename U>
using TPair = TTuple<T, U>;
template <typename... Ts>
constexpr TTuple<TUnwrapRefDecay<Ts>...> MakeTuple(Ts&&... Args)
FORCEINLINE constexpr TTuple<TUnwrapRefDecay<Ts>...> MakeTuple(Ts&&... Args)
return TTuple<TUnwrapRefDecay<Ts>...>(Forward<Ts>(Args)...);
template <typename... Ts>
constexpr TTuple<Ts&...> Tie(Ts&... Args)
FORCEINLINE constexpr TTuple<Ts&...> Tie(Ts&... Args)
return TTuple<Ts&...>(Args...);
template <typename... Ts>
constexpr TTuple<Ts&&...> ForwardAsTuple(Ts&&... Args)
FORCEINLINE constexpr TTuple<Ts&&...> ForwardAsTuple(Ts&&... Args)
return TTuple<Ts&&...>(Forward<Ts>(Args)...);
@ -411,7 +412,7 @@ struct TTupleCatMake<TTuple<RTypes...>, TIndexSequence<Indices...>>
struct ForwardType { using Type = TConditional<CRValueReference<T>, TRemoveReference<U>&&, U>; };
template <typename TTupleType>
static constexpr TTuple<RTypes...> Do(TTupleType&& InValue)
FORCEINLINE static constexpr TTuple<RTypes...> Do(TTupleType&& InValue)
return TTuple<RTypes...>
@ -430,7 +431,7 @@ template <size_t... ForwardIndices, size_t... TTupleIndices>
struct TTupleCatForward<TIndexSequence<ForwardIndices...>, TIndexSequence<TTupleIndices...>>
template <typename ForwardType, typename TTupleType>
static constexpr decltype(auto) Do(ForwardType&& ForwardTuple, TTupleType&& InValue)
FORCEINLINE static constexpr decltype(auto) Do(ForwardType&& ForwardTuple, TTupleType&& InValue)
return ForwardAsTuple(Forward<ForwardType>(ForwardTuple).template GetValue<ForwardIndices>()..., Forward<TTupleType>(InValue).template GetValue<TTupleIndices>()...);
@ -440,7 +441,7 @@ template <typename R>
struct TTupleCatImpl
template <typename ForwardType, typename TTupleType, typename... OtherTTupleTypes>
static constexpr decltype(auto) Do(ForwardType&& ForwardTuple, TTupleType&& InValue, OtherTTupleTypes&&... OtherValue)
FORCEINLINE static constexpr decltype(auto) Do(ForwardType&& ForwardTuple, TTupleType&& InValue, OtherTTupleTypes&&... OtherValue)
return Do(TTupleCatForward<
@ -449,7 +450,7 @@ struct TTupleCatImpl
template <typename ForwardType>
static constexpr decltype(auto) Do(ForwardType&& ForwardTuple)
FORCEINLINE static constexpr decltype(auto) Do(ForwardType&& ForwardTuple)
return TTupleCatMake<R, TMakeIndexSequence<TTupleArity<ForwardType>>>::Do(Forward<ForwardType>(ForwardTuple));
@ -462,7 +463,7 @@ template <typename R, size_t I, size_t... Indices>
struct TTupleThreeWay<R, TIndexSequence<I, Indices...>>
template <typename LHSTupleType, typename RHSTupleType>
static constexpr R Do(const LHSTupleType& LHS, const RHSTupleType& RHS)
FORCEINLINE static constexpr R Do(const LHSTupleType& LHS, const RHSTupleType& RHS)
auto Result = SynthThreeWayCompare(LHS.template GetValue<I>(), RHS.template GetValue<I>());
if (Result != 0) return Result;
@ -474,7 +475,7 @@ template <typename R>
struct TTupleThreeWay<R, TIndexSequence<>>
template <typename LHSTupleType, typename RHSTupleType>
static constexpr R Do(const LHSTupleType& LHS, const RHSTupleType& RHS)
FORCEINLINE static constexpr R Do(const LHSTupleType& LHS, const RHSTupleType& RHS)
return R::equivalent;
@ -487,7 +488,7 @@ template <size_t I, size_t... Indices>
struct TTupleVisitImpl<TIndexSequence<I, Indices...>>
template <typename F, typename... TupleTypes>
static constexpr void Do(F&& Func, TupleTypes&&... Tuples)
FORCEINLINE static constexpr void Do(F&& Func, TupleTypes&&... Tuples)
Invoke(Forward<F>(Func), Forward<TupleTypes>(Tuples).template GetValue<I>()...);
TTupleVisitImpl<TIndexSequence<Indices...>>::Do(Forward<F>(Func), Forward<TupleTypes>(Tuples)...);
@ -498,7 +499,7 @@ template <>
struct TTupleVisitImpl<TIndexSequence<>>
template <typename... TupleTypes>
static constexpr void Do(TupleTypes&&... Tuples) { }
FORCEINLINE static constexpr void Do(TupleTypes&&... Tuples) { }
@ -507,7 +508,7 @@ template <typename... TTupleTypes> requires (true && ... && CTTuple<TRemoveCVRef
using TTupleCatResult = typename NAMESPACE_PRIVATE::TTupleCatResultImpl<TRemoveReference<TTupleTypes>..., NAMESPACE_PRIVATE::FTupleEndFlag>::Type;;
template <typename... TTupleTypes> requires (true && ... && CTTuple<TRemoveCVRef<TTupleTypes>>)
constexpr decltype(auto) TupleCat(TTupleTypes&&... Args)
FORCEINLINE constexpr decltype(auto) TupleCat(TTupleTypes&&... Args)
using R = TTupleCatResult<TTupleTypes...>;
if constexpr (sizeof...(Args) == 0) return R();
@ -515,14 +516,14 @@ constexpr decltype(auto) TupleCat(TTupleTypes&&... Args)
template <typename... LHSTypes, typename... RHSTypes> requires (sizeof...(LHSTypes) != sizeof...(RHSTypes) || (true && ... && CWeaklyEqualityComparable<LHSTypes, RHSTypes>))
constexpr bool operator==(const TTuple<LHSTypes...>& LHS, const TTuple<RHSTypes...>& RHS)
FORCEINLINE constexpr bool operator==(const TTuple<LHSTypes...>& LHS, const TTuple<RHSTypes...>& RHS)
if constexpr (sizeof...(LHSTypes) != sizeof...(RHSTypes)) return false;
return [&LHS, &RHS]<size_t... Indices>(TIndexSequence<Indices...>) -> bool { return (true && ... && (LHS.template GetValue<Indices>() == RHS.template GetValue<Indices>())); } (TMakeIndexSequence<sizeof...(LHSTypes)>());
template <typename... LHSTypes, typename... RHSTypes> requires (sizeof...(LHSTypes) == sizeof...(RHSTypes) && (true && ... && (CSynthThreeWayComparable<LHSTypes, RHSTypes>)))
constexpr TCommonComparisonCategory<TSynthThreeWayResult<LHSTypes, RHSTypes>...> operator<=>(const TTuple<LHSTypes...>& LHS, const TTuple<RHSTypes...>& RHS)
FORCEINLINE constexpr TCommonComparisonCategory<TSynthThreeWayResult<LHSTypes, RHSTypes>...> operator<=>(const TTuple<LHSTypes...>& LHS, const TTuple<RHSTypes...>& RHS)
using R = TCommonComparisonCategory<TSynthThreeWayResult<LHSTypes, RHSTypes>...>;
return NAMESPACE_PRIVATE::TTupleThreeWay<R, TMakeIndexSequence<sizeof...(LHSTypes)>>::Do(LHS, RHS);
@ -530,7 +531,7 @@ constexpr TCommonComparisonCategory<TSynthThreeWayResult<LHSTypes, RHSTypes>...>
template <typename F, typename FirstTupleType, typename... TupleTypes>
requires (CTTuple<TRemoveReference<FirstTupleType>> && (true && ... && CTTuple<TRemoveReference<TupleTypes>>))
constexpr void VisitTuple(F&& Func, FirstTupleType&& FirstTuple, TupleTypes&&... Tuples)
FORCEINLINE constexpr void VisitTuple(F&& Func, FirstTupleType&& FirstTuple, TupleTypes&&... Tuples)
::Do(Forward<F>(Func), Forward<FirstTupleType>(FirstTuple), Forward<TupleTypes>(Tuples)...);
@ -566,14 +567,14 @@ NAMESPACE_MODULE_BEGIN(Redcraft)
// Support structure binding, should not be directly used
template <size_t Index, typename ...Ts> constexpr decltype(auto) get( TTuple<Ts...>& InValue) { return static_cast< TTuple<Ts...>& >(InValue).template GetValue<Index>(); }
template <size_t Index, typename ...Ts> constexpr decltype(auto) get(const TTuple<Ts...>& InValue) { return static_cast<const TTuple<Ts...>& >(InValue).template GetValue<Index>(); }
template <size_t Index, typename ...Ts> constexpr decltype(auto) get( volatile TTuple<Ts...>& InValue) { return static_cast< volatile TTuple<Ts...>& >(InValue).template GetValue<Index>(); }
template <size_t Index, typename ...Ts> constexpr decltype(auto) get(const volatile TTuple<Ts...>& InValue) { return static_cast<const volatile TTuple<Ts...>& >(InValue).template GetValue<Index>(); }
template <size_t Index, typename ...Ts> constexpr decltype(auto) get( TTuple<Ts...>&& InValue) { return static_cast< TTuple<Ts...>&&>(InValue).template GetValue<Index>(); }
template <size_t Index, typename ...Ts> constexpr decltype(auto) get(const TTuple<Ts...>&& InValue) { return static_cast<const TTuple<Ts...>&&>(InValue).template GetValue<Index>(); }
template <size_t Index, typename ...Ts> constexpr decltype(auto) get( volatile TTuple<Ts...>&& InValue) { return static_cast< volatile TTuple<Ts...>&&>(InValue).template GetValue<Index>(); }
template <size_t Index, typename ...Ts> constexpr decltype(auto) get(const volatile TTuple<Ts...>&& InValue) { return static_cast<const volatile TTuple<Ts...>&&>(InValue).template GetValue<Index>(); }
template <size_t Index, typename ...Ts> FORCEINLINE constexpr decltype(auto) get( TTuple<Ts...>& InValue) { return static_cast< TTuple<Ts...>& >(InValue).template GetValue<Index>(); }
template <size_t Index, typename ...Ts> FORCEINLINE constexpr decltype(auto) get(const TTuple<Ts...>& InValue) { return static_cast<const TTuple<Ts...>& >(InValue).template GetValue<Index>(); }
template <size_t Index, typename ...Ts> FORCEINLINE constexpr decltype(auto) get( volatile TTuple<Ts...>& InValue) { return static_cast< volatile TTuple<Ts...>& >(InValue).template GetValue<Index>(); }
template <size_t Index, typename ...Ts> FORCEINLINE constexpr decltype(auto) get(const volatile TTuple<Ts...>& InValue) { return static_cast<const volatile TTuple<Ts...>& >(InValue).template GetValue<Index>(); }
template <size_t Index, typename ...Ts> FORCEINLINE constexpr decltype(auto) get( TTuple<Ts...>&& InValue) { return static_cast< TTuple<Ts...>&&>(InValue).template GetValue<Index>(); }
template <size_t Index, typename ...Ts> FORCEINLINE constexpr decltype(auto) get(const TTuple<Ts...>&& InValue) { return static_cast<const TTuple<Ts...>&&>(InValue).template GetValue<Index>(); }
template <size_t Index, typename ...Ts> FORCEINLINE constexpr decltype(auto) get( volatile TTuple<Ts...>&& InValue) { return static_cast< volatile TTuple<Ts...>&&>(InValue).template GetValue<Index>(); }
template <size_t Index, typename ...Ts> FORCEINLINE constexpr decltype(auto) get(const volatile TTuple<Ts...>&& InValue) { return static_cast<const volatile TTuple<Ts...>&&>(InValue).template GetValue<Index>(); }
constexpr size_t HashCombine()
FORCEINLINE constexpr size_t HashCombine()
return 0;
constexpr size_t HashCombine(size_t A)
FORCEINLINE constexpr size_t HashCombine(size_t A)
return A;
constexpr size_t HashCombine(size_t A, size_t C)
FORCEINLINE constexpr size_t HashCombine(size_t A, size_t C)
size_t B = static_cast<size_t>(0x9E3779B97F4A7C16);
@ -40,14 +40,14 @@ constexpr size_t HashCombine(size_t A, size_t C)
template <typename... Ts> requires (true && ... && CConvertibleTo<Ts, size_t>)
constexpr size_t HashCombine(size_t A, size_t C, Ts... InOther)
FORCEINLINE constexpr size_t HashCombine(size_t A, size_t C, Ts... InOther)
size_t B = HashCombine(A, C);
return HashCombine(B, InOther...);
template <CIntegral T>
constexpr size_t GetTypeHash(T A)
FORCEINLINE constexpr size_t GetTypeHash(T A)
static_assert(sizeof(T) <= 16, "GetTypeHash only works with T up to 128 bits.");
@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ constexpr size_t GetTypeHash(T A)
template <CFloatingPoint T>
constexpr size_t GetTypeHash(T A)
FORCEINLINE constexpr size_t GetTypeHash(T A)
static_assert(sizeof(T) <= 16, "GetTypeHash only works with T up to 128 bits.");
@ -75,25 +75,25 @@ constexpr size_t GetTypeHash(T A)
template <CEnum T>
constexpr size_t GetTypeHash(T A)
FORCEINLINE constexpr size_t GetTypeHash(T A)
return GetTypeHash(static_cast<TUnderlyingType<T>>(A));
template <typename T> requires (CPointer<T> || CSameAs<T, nullptr_t>)
constexpr size_t GetTypeHash(T A)
FORCEINLINE constexpr size_t GetTypeHash(T A)
return GetTypeHash(reinterpret_cast<intptr>(A));
template <typename T> requires (requires(const T& A) { { GetTypeHash(A.GetTypeHash()) } -> CSameAs<size_t>; })
constexpr size_t GetTypeHash(const T& A)
FORCEINLINE constexpr size_t GetTypeHash(const T& A)
return GetTypeHash(A.GetTypeHash());
template <typename T> requires (requires(const T& A) { { GetTypeHash(A.hash_code()) } -> CSameAs<size_t>; })
constexpr size_t GetTypeHash(const T& A)
FORCEINLINE constexpr size_t GetTypeHash(const T& A)
return GetTypeHash(A.hash_code());
@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ NAMESPACE_MODULE_BEGIN(Redcraft)
template <typename T>
constexpr const T& AsConst(T& Ref)
FORCEINLINE constexpr const T& AsConst(T& Ref)
return Ref;
@ -19,45 +19,45 @@ template <typename T>
void AsConst(const T&& Ref) = delete;
template <typename T>
constexpr TRemoveReference<T>&& MoveTemp(T&& Obj)
FORCEINLINE constexpr TRemoveReference<T>&& MoveTemp(T&& Obj)
using CastType = TRemoveReference<T>;
return static_cast<CastType&&>(Obj);
template <typename T>
constexpr T CopyTemp(T& Obj)
FORCEINLINE constexpr T CopyTemp(T& Obj)
return const_cast<const T&>(Obj);
template <typename T>
constexpr T CopyTemp(const T& Obj)
FORCEINLINE constexpr T CopyTemp(const T& Obj)
return Obj;
template <typename T>
constexpr T&& CopyTemp(T&& Obj)
FORCEINLINE constexpr T&& CopyTemp(T&& Obj)
return MoveTemp(Obj);
template <typename T>
constexpr T&& Forward(TRemoveReference<T>& Obj)
FORCEINLINE constexpr T&& Forward(TRemoveReference<T>& Obj)
return static_cast<T&&>(Obj);
template <typename T>
constexpr T&& Forward(TRemoveReference<T>&& Obj)
FORCEINLINE constexpr T&& Forward(TRemoveReference<T>&& Obj)
return static_cast<T&&>(Obj);
template <typename T> requires (requires(T& A, T& B) { A.Swap(B); }
|| (CMoveConstructible<T> && CMoveAssignable<T>))
constexpr void Swap(T& A, T& B)
FORCEINLINE constexpr void Swap(T& A, T& B)
if constexpr (requires(T& A, T& B) { A.Swap(B); })
@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ constexpr void Swap(T& A, T& B)
template <typename T, typename U = T> requires (CMoveConstructible<T> && CAssignableFrom<T&, U>)
constexpr T Exchange(T& A, U&& B)
FORCEINLINE constexpr T Exchange(T& A, U&& B)
T Temp = MoveTemp(A);
A = Forward<U>(B);
@ -80,16 +80,16 @@ constexpr T Exchange(T& A, U&& B)
template <typename T>
constexpr TAddRValueReference<T> DeclVal();
TAddRValueReference<T> DeclVal();
template <typename T> requires (CObject<T>)
constexpr T* AddressOf(T& Object)
FORCEINLINE constexpr T* AddressOf(T& Object)
return reinterpret_cast<T*>(&const_cast<char&>(reinterpret_cast<const volatile char&>(Object)));
template <typename T> requires (!CObject<T>)
constexpr T* AddressOf(T& Object)
FORCEINLINE constexpr T* AddressOf(T& Object)
return &Object;
@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ constexpr T* AddressOf(T& Object)
struct FIgnore
template <typename T>
constexpr void operator=(T&&) const { }
FORCEINLINE constexpr void operator=(T&&) const { }
inline constexpr FIgnore Ignore;
@ -84,21 +84,21 @@ class TVariant
constexpr TVariant() : TypeIndex(0xFF) { };
FORCEINLINE constexpr TVariant() : TypeIndex(0xFF) { };
constexpr TVariant(FInvalid) : TVariant() { };
FORCEINLINE constexpr TVariant(FInvalid) : TVariant() { };
constexpr TVariant(const TVariant& InValue) requires (true && ... && CTriviallyCopyConstructible<Ts>) = default;
FORCEINLINE constexpr TVariant(const TVariant& InValue) requires (true && ... && CTriviallyCopyConstructible<Ts>) = default;
constexpr TVariant(const TVariant& InValue) requires ((true && ... && CCopyConstructible<Ts>) && !(true && ... && CTriviallyCopyConstructible<Ts>))
FORCEINLINE constexpr TVariant(const TVariant& InValue) requires ((true && ... && CCopyConstructible<Ts>) && !(true && ... && CTriviallyCopyConstructible<Ts>))
: TypeIndex(static_cast<uint8>(InValue.GetIndex()))
if (IsValid()) CopyConstructImpl[InValue.GetIndex()](&Value, &InValue.Value);
constexpr TVariant(TVariant&& InValue) requires (true && ... && CTriviallyMoveConstructible<Ts>) = default;
FORCEINLINE constexpr TVariant(TVariant&& InValue) requires (true && ... && CTriviallyMoveConstructible<Ts>) = default;
constexpr TVariant(TVariant&& InValue) requires ((true && ... && CMoveConstructible<Ts>) && !(true && ... && CTriviallyMoveConstructible<Ts>))
FORCEINLINE constexpr TVariant(TVariant&& InValue) requires ((true && ... && CMoveConstructible<Ts>) && !(true && ... && CTriviallyMoveConstructible<Ts>))
: TypeIndex(static_cast<uint8>(InValue.GetIndex()))
if (IsValid()) MoveConstructImpl[InValue.GetIndex()](&Value, &InValue.Value);
@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ public:
template <size_t I, typename... ArgTypes> requires (I < sizeof...(Ts)
&& CConstructibleFrom<TVariantAlternative<I, TVariant<Ts...>>, ArgTypes...>)
constexpr explicit TVariant(TInPlaceIndex<I>, ArgTypes&&... Args)
FORCEINLINE constexpr explicit TVariant(TInPlaceIndex<I>, ArgTypes&&... Args)
: TypeIndex(I)
using SelectedType = TVariantAlternative<I, TVariant<Ts...>>;
@ -114,26 +114,26 @@ public:
template <typename T, typename... ArgTypes> requires (CConstructibleFrom<T, ArgTypes...>)
constexpr explicit TVariant(TInPlaceType<T>, ArgTypes&&... Args)
FORCEINLINE constexpr explicit TVariant(TInPlaceType<T>, ArgTypes&&... Args)
: TVariant(InPlaceIndex<TVariantIndex<T, TVariant<Ts...>>>, Forward<ArgTypes>(Args)...)
{ }
template <typename T> requires (requires { typename NAMESPACE_PRIVATE::TVariantSelectedType<T, Ts...>; }
&& !CTInPlaceType<TRemoveCVRef<T>> && !CTInPlaceIndex<TRemoveCVRef<T>>
&& !CBaseOf<TVariant, TRemoveCVRef<T>>)
constexpr TVariant(T&& InValue) : TVariant(InPlaceType<NAMESPACE_PRIVATE::TVariantSelectedType<T, Ts...>>, Forward<T>(InValue))
FORCEINLINE constexpr TVariant(T&& InValue) : TVariant(InPlaceType<NAMESPACE_PRIVATE::TVariantSelectedType<T, Ts...>>, Forward<T>(InValue))
{ }
constexpr ~TVariant() requires (true && ... && CTriviallyDestructible<Ts>) = default;
FORCEINLINE constexpr ~TVariant() requires (true && ... && CTriviallyDestructible<Ts>) = default;
constexpr ~TVariant() requires (!(true && ... && CTriviallyDestructible<Ts>))
FORCEINLINE constexpr ~TVariant() requires (!(true && ... && CTriviallyDestructible<Ts>))
constexpr TVariant& operator=(const TVariant& InValue) requires (true && ... && (CTriviallyCopyConstructible<Ts> && CTriviallyCopyAssignable<Ts>)) = default;
FORCEINLINE constexpr TVariant& operator=(const TVariant& InValue) requires (true && ... && (CTriviallyCopyConstructible<Ts> && CTriviallyCopyAssignable<Ts>)) = default;
constexpr TVariant& operator=(const TVariant& InValue) requires ((true && ... && (CCopyConstructible<Ts> && CCopyAssignable<Ts>))
FORCEINLINE constexpr TVariant& operator=(const TVariant& InValue) requires ((true && ... && (CCopyConstructible<Ts> && CCopyAssignable<Ts>))
&& !(true && ... && (CTriviallyCopyConstructible<Ts> && CTriviallyCopyAssignable<Ts>)))
if (&InValue == this) return *this;
@ -155,9 +155,9 @@ public:
return *this;
constexpr TVariant& operator=(TVariant&& InValue) requires (true && ... && (CTriviallyMoveConstructible<Ts> && CTriviallyMoveAssignable<Ts>)) = default;
FORCEINLINE constexpr TVariant& operator=(TVariant&& InValue) requires (true && ... && (CTriviallyMoveConstructible<Ts> && CTriviallyMoveAssignable<Ts>)) = default;
constexpr TVariant& operator=(TVariant&& InValue) requires ((true && ... && (CMoveConstructible<Ts> && CMoveAssignable<Ts>))
FORCEINLINE constexpr TVariant& operator=(TVariant&& InValue) requires ((true && ... && (CMoveConstructible<Ts> && CMoveAssignable<Ts>))
&& !(true && ... && (CTriviallyMoveConstructible<Ts> && CTriviallyMoveAssignable<Ts>)))
if (&InValue == this) return *this;
@ -180,7 +180,7 @@ public:
template <typename T> requires (requires { typename NAMESPACE_PRIVATE::TVariantSelectedType<T, Ts...>; })
constexpr TVariant& operator=(T&& InValue)
FORCEINLINE constexpr TVariant& operator=(T&& InValue)
using SelectedType = NAMESPACE_PRIVATE::TVariantSelectedType<T, Ts...>;
@ -197,7 +197,7 @@ public:
template <size_t I, typename... ArgTypes> requires (I < sizeof...(Ts)
&& CConstructibleFrom<TVariantAlternative<I, TVariant<Ts...>>, ArgTypes...>)
constexpr TVariantAlternative<I, TVariant<Ts...>>& Emplace(ArgTypes&&... Args)
FORCEINLINE constexpr TVariantAlternative<I, TVariant<Ts...>>& Emplace(ArgTypes&&... Args)
@ -209,37 +209,37 @@ public:
template <typename T, typename... ArgTypes> requires (CConstructibleFrom<T, ArgTypes...>)
constexpr T& Emplace(ArgTypes&&... Args)
FORCEINLINE constexpr T& Emplace(ArgTypes&&... Args)
return Emplace<TVariantIndex<T, TVariant<Ts...>>>(Forward<ArgTypes>(Args)...);
constexpr const type_info& GetTypeInfo() const { return IsValid() ? *TypeInfos[GetIndex()] : typeid(void); }
FORCEINLINE constexpr const type_info& GetTypeInfo() const { return IsValid() ? *TypeInfos[GetIndex()] : typeid(void); }
constexpr size_t GetIndex() const { return TypeIndex != 0xFF ? TypeIndex : INDEX_NONE; }
constexpr bool IsValid() const { return TypeIndex != 0xFF; }
constexpr explicit operator bool() const { return TypeIndex != 0xFF; }
FORCEINLINE constexpr size_t GetIndex() const { return TypeIndex != 0xFF ? TypeIndex : INDEX_NONE; }
FORCEINLINE constexpr bool IsValid() const { return TypeIndex != 0xFF; }
FORCEINLINE constexpr explicit operator bool() const { return TypeIndex != 0xFF; }
template <size_t I> constexpr bool HoldsAlternative() const { return IsValid() ? GetIndex() == I : false; }
template <typename T> constexpr bool HoldsAlternative() const { return IsValid() ? GetIndex() == TVariantIndex<T, TVariant<Ts...>> : false; }
template <size_t I> FORCEINLINE constexpr bool HoldsAlternative() const { return IsValid() ? GetIndex() == I : false; }
template <typename T> FORCEINLINE constexpr bool HoldsAlternative() const { return IsValid() ? GetIndex() == TVariantIndex<T, TVariant<Ts...>> : false; }
template <size_t I> requires (I < sizeof...(Ts)) constexpr decltype(auto) GetValue() & { checkf(HoldsAlternative<I>(), TEXT("It is an error to call GetValue() on an wrong TVariant. Please either check HoldsAlternative() or use Get(DefaultValue) instead.")); return *reinterpret_cast< TVariantAlternative<I, TVariant<Ts...>>*>(&Value); }
template <size_t I> requires (I < sizeof...(Ts)) constexpr decltype(auto) GetValue() && { checkf(HoldsAlternative<I>(), TEXT("It is an error to call GetValue() on an wrong TVariant. Please either check HoldsAlternative() or use Get(DefaultValue) instead.")); return MoveTemp(*reinterpret_cast< TVariantAlternative<I, TVariant<Ts...>>*>(&Value)); }
template <size_t I> requires (I < sizeof...(Ts)) constexpr decltype(auto) GetValue() const& { checkf(HoldsAlternative<I>(), TEXT("It is an error to call GetValue() on an wrong TVariant. Please either check HoldsAlternative() or use Get(DefaultValue) instead.")); return *reinterpret_cast<const TVariantAlternative<I, TVariant<Ts...>>*>(&Value); }
template <size_t I> requires (I < sizeof...(Ts)) constexpr decltype(auto) GetValue() const&& { checkf(HoldsAlternative<I>(), TEXT("It is an error to call GetValue() on an wrong TVariant. Please either check HoldsAlternative() or use Get(DefaultValue) instead.")); return MoveTemp(*reinterpret_cast<const TVariantAlternative<I, TVariant<Ts...>>*>(&Value)); }
template <size_t I> requires (I < sizeof...(Ts)) FORCEINLINE constexpr decltype(auto) GetValue() & { checkf(HoldsAlternative<I>(), TEXT("It is an error to call GetValue() on an wrong TVariant. Please either check HoldsAlternative() or use Get(DefaultValue) instead.")); return *reinterpret_cast< TVariantAlternative<I, TVariant<Ts...>>*>(&Value); }
template <size_t I> requires (I < sizeof...(Ts)) FORCEINLINE constexpr decltype(auto) GetValue() && { checkf(HoldsAlternative<I>(), TEXT("It is an error to call GetValue() on an wrong TVariant. Please either check HoldsAlternative() or use Get(DefaultValue) instead.")); return MoveTemp(*reinterpret_cast< TVariantAlternative<I, TVariant<Ts...>>*>(&Value)); }
template <size_t I> requires (I < sizeof...(Ts)) FORCEINLINE constexpr decltype(auto) GetValue() const& { checkf(HoldsAlternative<I>(), TEXT("It is an error to call GetValue() on an wrong TVariant. Please either check HoldsAlternative() or use Get(DefaultValue) instead.")); return *reinterpret_cast<const TVariantAlternative<I, TVariant<Ts...>>*>(&Value); }
template <size_t I> requires (I < sizeof...(Ts)) FORCEINLINE constexpr decltype(auto) GetValue() const&& { checkf(HoldsAlternative<I>(), TEXT("It is an error to call GetValue() on an wrong TVariant. Please either check HoldsAlternative() or use Get(DefaultValue) instead.")); return MoveTemp(*reinterpret_cast<const TVariantAlternative<I, TVariant<Ts...>>*>(&Value)); }
template <typename T> constexpr decltype(auto) GetValue() & { checkf(HoldsAlternative<T>(), TEXT("It is an error to call GetValue() on an wrong TVariant. Please either check HoldsAlternative() or use Get(DefaultValue) instead.")); return *reinterpret_cast< T*>(&Value); }
template <typename T> constexpr decltype(auto) GetValue() && { checkf(HoldsAlternative<T>(), TEXT("It is an error to call GetValue() on an wrong TVariant. Please either check HoldsAlternative() or use Get(DefaultValue) instead.")); return MoveTemp(*reinterpret_cast< T*>(&Value)); }
template <typename T> constexpr decltype(auto) GetValue() const& { checkf(HoldsAlternative<T>(), TEXT("It is an error to call GetValue() on an wrong TVariant. Please either check HoldsAlternative() or use Get(DefaultValue) instead.")); return *reinterpret_cast<const T*>(&Value); }
template <typename T> constexpr decltype(auto) GetValue() const&& { checkf(HoldsAlternative<T>(), TEXT("It is an error to call GetValue() on an wrong TVariant. Please either check HoldsAlternative() or use Get(DefaultValue) instead.")); return MoveTemp(*reinterpret_cast<const T*>(&Value)); }
template <typename T> FORCEINLINE constexpr decltype(auto) GetValue() & { checkf(HoldsAlternative<T>(), TEXT("It is an error to call GetValue() on an wrong TVariant. Please either check HoldsAlternative() or use Get(DefaultValue) instead.")); return *reinterpret_cast< T*>(&Value); }
template <typename T> FORCEINLINE constexpr decltype(auto) GetValue() && { checkf(HoldsAlternative<T>(), TEXT("It is an error to call GetValue() on an wrong TVariant. Please either check HoldsAlternative() or use Get(DefaultValue) instead.")); return MoveTemp(*reinterpret_cast< T*>(&Value)); }
template <typename T> FORCEINLINE constexpr decltype(auto) GetValue() const& { checkf(HoldsAlternative<T>(), TEXT("It is an error to call GetValue() on an wrong TVariant. Please either check HoldsAlternative() or use Get(DefaultValue) instead.")); return *reinterpret_cast<const T*>(&Value); }
template <typename T> FORCEINLINE constexpr decltype(auto) GetValue() const&& { checkf(HoldsAlternative<T>(), TEXT("It is an error to call GetValue() on an wrong TVariant. Please either check HoldsAlternative() or use Get(DefaultValue) instead.")); return MoveTemp(*reinterpret_cast<const T*>(&Value)); }
template <size_t I> requires (I < sizeof...(Ts)) constexpr decltype(auto) Get( TVariantAlternative<I, TVariant<Ts...>>& DefaultValue) & { return HoldsAlternative<I>() ? GetValue<I>() : DefaultValue; }
template <size_t I> requires (I < sizeof...(Ts)) constexpr decltype(auto) Get(const TVariantAlternative<I, TVariant<Ts...>>& DefaultValue) const& { return HoldsAlternative<I>() ? GetValue<I>() : DefaultValue; }
template <size_t I> requires (I < sizeof...(Ts)) FORCEINLINE constexpr decltype(auto) Get( TVariantAlternative<I, TVariant<Ts...>>& DefaultValue) & { return HoldsAlternative<I>() ? GetValue<I>() : DefaultValue; }
template <size_t I> requires (I < sizeof...(Ts)) FORCEINLINE constexpr decltype(auto) Get(const TVariantAlternative<I, TVariant<Ts...>>& DefaultValue) const& { return HoldsAlternative<I>() ? GetValue<I>() : DefaultValue; }
template <typename T> constexpr decltype(auto) Get( T& DefaultValue) & { return HoldsAlternative<T>() ? GetValue<T>() : DefaultValue; }
template <typename T> constexpr decltype(auto) Get(const T& DefaultValue) const& { return HoldsAlternative<T>() ? GetValue<T>() : DefaultValue; }
template <typename T> FORCEINLINE constexpr decltype(auto) Get( T& DefaultValue) & { return HoldsAlternative<T>() ? GetValue<T>() : DefaultValue; }
template <typename T> FORCEINLINE constexpr decltype(auto) Get(const T& DefaultValue) const& { return HoldsAlternative<T>() ? GetValue<T>() : DefaultValue; }
constexpr void Reset()
FORCEINLINE constexpr void Reset()
if (GetIndex() == INDEX_NONE) return;
@ -251,7 +251,7 @@ public:
TypeIndex = static_cast<uint8>(INDEX_NONE);
constexpr size_t GetTypeHash() const requires (true && ... && CHashable<Ts>)
FORCEINLINE constexpr size_t GetTypeHash() const requires (true && ... && CHashable<Ts>)
if (!IsValid()) return 114514;
@ -263,7 +263,7 @@ public:
return HashCombine(GetTypeHash(GetIndex()), HashImpl[GetIndex()](&Value));
constexpr void Swap(TVariant& InValue) requires (true && ... && (CMoveConstructible<Ts> && CSwappable<Ts>))
FORCEINLINE constexpr void Swap(TVariant& InValue) requires (true && ... && (CMoveConstructible<Ts> && CSwappable<Ts>))
if (!IsValid() && !InValue.IsValid()) return;
@ -317,7 +317,7 @@ private:
TAlignedUnion<1, Ts...> Value;
uint8 TypeIndex;
friend constexpr bool operator==(const TVariant& LHS, const TVariant& RHS) requires (true && ... && CEqualityComparable<Ts>)
friend FORCEINLINE constexpr bool operator==(const TVariant& LHS, const TVariant& RHS) requires (true && ... && CEqualityComparable<Ts>)
if (LHS.GetIndex() != RHS.GetIndex()) return false;
if (LHS.IsValid() == false) return true;
@ -328,7 +328,7 @@ private:
return CompareImpl[LHS.GetIndex()](&LHS.Value, &RHS.Value);
friend constexpr partial_ordering operator<=>(const TVariant& LHS, const TVariant& RHS) requires (true && ... && CSynthThreeWayComparable<Ts>)
friend FORCEINLINE constexpr partial_ordering operator<=>(const TVariant& LHS, const TVariant& RHS) requires (true && ... && CSynthThreeWayComparable<Ts>)
if (LHS.GetIndex() != RHS.GetIndex()) return partial_ordering::unordered;
if (LHS.IsValid() == false) return partial_ordering::equivalent;
@ -342,13 +342,13 @@ private:
template <typename T, typename... Ts> requires (!CBaseOf<TVariant<Ts...>, T> && CEqualityComparable<T>)
constexpr bool operator==(const TVariant<Ts...>& LHS, const T& RHS)
FORCEINLINE constexpr bool operator==(const TVariant<Ts...>& LHS, const T& RHS)
return LHS.template HoldsAlternative<T>() ? LHS.template GetValue<T>() == RHS : false;
template <typename... Ts>
constexpr bool operator==(const TVariant<Ts...>& LHS, FInvalid)
FORCEINLINE constexpr bool operator==(const TVariant<Ts...>& LHS, FInvalid)
return !LHS.IsValid();
@ -360,7 +360,7 @@ struct TVariantVisitImpl
struct GetTotalNum
static constexpr size_t Do()
FORCEINLINE static constexpr size_t Do()
if (sizeof...(VariantTypes) == 0) return 0;
@ -379,7 +379,7 @@ struct TVariantVisitImpl
struct EncodeIndices
static constexpr size_t Do(initializer_list<size_t> Indices)
FORCEINLINE static constexpr size_t Do(initializer_list<size_t> Indices)
constexpr size_t VariantNums[] = { TVariantNum<TRemoveReference<VariantTypes>>... };
@ -397,7 +397,7 @@ struct TVariantVisitImpl
struct DecodeExtent
static constexpr size_t Do(size_t EncodedIndex, size_t Extent)
FORCEINLINE static constexpr size_t Do(size_t EncodedIndex, size_t Extent)
constexpr size_t VariantNums[] = { TVariantNum<TRemoveReference<VariantTypes>>... };
@ -416,7 +416,7 @@ struct TVariantVisitImpl
template <size_t EncodedIndex, size_t... ExtentIndices>
struct InvokeEncoded<EncodedIndex, TIndexSequence<ExtentIndices...>>
static constexpr decltype(auto) Do(F&& Func, VariantTypes&&... Variants)
FORCEINLINE static constexpr decltype(auto) Do(F&& Func, VariantTypes&&... Variants)
return Invoke(Forward<F>(Func), Forward<VariantTypes>(Variants).template GetValue<DecodeExtent::Do(EncodedIndex, ExtentIndices)>()...);
@ -424,7 +424,7 @@ struct TVariantVisitImpl
template <typename Ret>
struct Result
static constexpr Ret Do(F&& Func, VariantTypes&&... Variants)
FORCEINLINE static constexpr Ret Do(F&& Func, VariantTypes&&... Variants)
return InvokeResult<Ret>(Forward<F>(Func), Forward<VariantTypes>(Variants).template GetValue<DecodeExtent::Do(EncodedIndex, ExtentIndices)>()...);
@ -437,7 +437,7 @@ struct TVariantVisitImpl
template <size_t... EncodedIndices>
struct InvokeVariant<TIndexSequence<EncodedIndices...>>
static constexpr decltype(auto) Do(F&& Func, VariantTypes&&... Variants)
FORCEINLINE static constexpr decltype(auto) Do(F&& Func, VariantTypes&&... Variants)
using ExtentIndices = TIndexSequenceFor<VariantTypes...>;
@ -453,7 +453,7 @@ struct TVariantVisitImpl
template <typename Ret>
struct Result
static constexpr Ret Do(F&& Func, VariantTypes&&... Variants)
FORCEINLINE static constexpr Ret Do(F&& Func, VariantTypes&&... Variants)
using ExtentIndices = TIndexSequenceFor<VariantTypes...>;
@ -466,7 +466,7 @@ struct TVariantVisitImpl
static constexpr decltype(auto) Do(F&& Func, VariantTypes&&... Variants)
FORCEINLINE static constexpr decltype(auto) Do(F&& Func, VariantTypes&&... Variants)
return InvokeVariant<TMakeIndexSequence<GetTotalNum::Do()>>::Do(Forward<F>(Func), Forward<VariantTypes>(Variants)...);
@ -474,7 +474,7 @@ struct TVariantVisitImpl
template <typename Ret>
struct Result
static constexpr Ret Do(F&& Func, VariantTypes&&... Variants)
FORCEINLINE static constexpr Ret Do(F&& Func, VariantTypes&&... Variants)
return InvokeVariant<TMakeIndexSequence<GetTotalNum::Do()>>::template Result<Ret>::Do(Forward<F>(Func), Forward<VariantTypes>(Variants)...);
@ -485,7 +485,7 @@ NAMESPACE_PRIVATE_END
template <typename F, typename FirstVariantType, typename... VariantTypes>
requires (CTVariant<TRemoveReference<FirstVariantType>> && (true && ... && CTVariant<TRemoveReference<VariantTypes>>))
constexpr decltype(auto) Visit(F&& Func, FirstVariantType&& FirstVariant, VariantTypes&&... Variants)
FORCEINLINE constexpr decltype(auto) Visit(F&& Func, FirstVariantType&& FirstVariant, VariantTypes&&... Variants)
checkf((true && ... && Variants.IsValid()), TEXT("It is an error to call Visit() on an wrong TVariant. Please either check IsValid()."));
return NAMESPACE_PRIVATE::TVariantVisitImpl<F, FirstVariantType, VariantTypes...>::Do(Forward<F>(Func), Forward<FirstVariantType>(FirstVariant), Forward<VariantTypes>(Variants)...);
@ -493,7 +493,7 @@ constexpr decltype(auto) Visit(F&& Func, FirstVariantType&& FirstVariant, Varian
template <typename Ret, typename F, typename FirstVariantType, typename... VariantTypes>
requires (CTVariant<TRemoveReference<FirstVariantType>> && (true && ... && CTVariant<TRemoveReference<VariantTypes>>))
constexpr Ret Visit(F&& Func, FirstVariantType&& FirstVariant, VariantTypes&&... Variants)
FORCEINLINE constexpr Ret Visit(F&& Func, FirstVariantType&& FirstVariant, VariantTypes&&... Variants)
checkf((true && ... && Variants.IsValid()), TEXT("It is an error to call Visit() on an wrong TVariant. Please either check IsValid()."));
return NAMESPACE_PRIVATE::TVariantVisitImpl<F, FirstVariantType, VariantTypes...>::template Result<Ret>::Do(Forward<F>(Func), Forward<FirstVariantType>(FirstVariant), Forward<VariantTypes>(Variants)...);
@ -12,8 +12,8 @@ struct TConstant
using ValueType = InType;
using Type = TConstant;
static constexpr ValueType Value = InValue;
constexpr operator ValueType() const { return Value; }
constexpr ValueType operator()() const { return Value; }
FORCEINLINE constexpr operator ValueType() const { return Value; }
FORCEINLINE constexpr ValueType operator()() const { return Value; }
template <bool InValue>
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