feat(containers): add helper functions like MakeReverseIterator() etc

This commit is contained in:
_Redstone_c_ 2023-02-21 21:05:53 +08:00
parent 02cdce39e2
commit bc3cc3d2cc

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@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
#include "CoreTypes.h"
#include "Templates/Invoke.h"
#include "Templates/Utility.h"
#include "Templates/Optional.h"
#include "Templates/Noncopyable.h"
#include "TypeTraits/TypeTraits.h"
#include "Miscellaneous/Compare.h"
template <typename T> using WithReference = T&;
template <typename I>
struct TIteratorElementType
using Type = typename I::ElementType;
template <typename I> struct TIteratorElementType { using Type = typename I::ElementType; };
template <typename T>
struct TIteratorElementType<T*>
using Type = T;
template <typename T> struct TIteratorElementType<T*> { using Type = T; };
@ -147,13 +140,13 @@ public:
FORCEINLINE constexpr TReverseIterator& operator=(const TReverseIterator&) = default;
FORCEINLINE constexpr TReverseIterator& operator=(TReverseIterator&&) = default;
template <typename T = IteratorType> requires (!CSameAs<TReverseIterator, TRemoveCVRef<T>> && CConstructibleFrom<IteratorType, T&&>)
template <typename T = IteratorType> requires (!CSameAs<TReverseIterator, TRemoveCVRef<T>> && CConstructibleFrom<IteratorType, T>)
FORCEINLINE constexpr explicit TReverseIterator(T&& InValue) : Current(Forward<T>(InValue)) { }
template <CBidirectionalIterator J> requires (!CSameAs<IteratorType, J> && CConstructibleFrom<IteratorType, const J&>)
FORCEINLINE constexpr explicit (!CConvertibleTo<const J&, IteratorType>) TReverseIterator(const TReverseIterator<J>& InValue) : Current(InValue.GetBase()) { }
template <CBidirectionalIterator J> requires (!CSameAs<IteratorType, J> && CConstructibleFrom<IteratorType, J&&>)
template <CBidirectionalIterator J> requires (!CSameAs<IteratorType, J> && CConstructibleFrom<IteratorType, J>)
FORCEINLINE constexpr explicit (!CConvertibleTo<J&&, IteratorType>) TReverseIterator(TReverseIterator<J>&& InValue) : Current(MoveTemp(InValue).GetBase()) { }
template <CBidirectionalIterator J> requires (!CSameAs<IteratorType, J> && CConvertibleTo<const J&, IteratorType> && CAssignableFrom<IteratorType&, const J&>)
@ -223,13 +216,13 @@ public:
FORCEINLINE constexpr TMoveIterator& operator=(const TMoveIterator&) = default;
FORCEINLINE constexpr TMoveIterator& operator=(TMoveIterator&&) = default;
template <typename T = IteratorType> requires (!CSameAs<TMoveIterator, TRemoveCVRef<T>> && CConstructibleFrom<IteratorType, T&&>)
template <typename T = IteratorType> requires (!CSameAs<TMoveIterator, TRemoveCVRef<T>> && CConstructibleFrom<IteratorType, T>)
FORCEINLINE constexpr explicit TMoveIterator(T&& InValue) : Current(Forward<T>(InValue)) { }
template <CInputIterator J> requires (!CSameAs<IteratorType, J> && CConstructibleFrom<IteratorType, const J&>)
FORCEINLINE constexpr explicit (!CConvertibleTo<const J&, IteratorType>) TMoveIterator(const TMoveIterator<J>& InValue) : Current(InValue.GetBase()) { }
template <CInputIterator J> requires (!CSameAs<IteratorType, J> && CConstructibleFrom<IteratorType, J&&>)
template <CInputIterator J> requires (!CSameAs<IteratorType, J> && CConstructibleFrom<IteratorType, J>)
FORCEINLINE constexpr explicit (!CConvertibleTo<J&&, IteratorType>) TMoveIterator(TMoveIterator<J>&& InValue) : Current(MoveTemp(InValue).GetBase()) { }
template <CInputIterator J> requires (!CSameAs<IteratorType, J> && CConvertibleTo<const J&, IteratorType> && CAssignableFrom<IteratorType&, const J&>)
@ -295,13 +288,13 @@ public:
FORCEINLINE constexpr TMoveSentinel& operator=(const TMoveSentinel&) = default;
FORCEINLINE constexpr TMoveSentinel& operator=(TMoveSentinel&&) = default;
template <typename T = SentinelType> requires (!CSameAs<TMoveSentinel, TRemoveCVRef<T>> && CConstructibleFrom<SentinelType, T&&>)
template <typename T = SentinelType> requires (!CSameAs<TMoveSentinel, TRemoveCVRef<T>> && CConstructibleFrom<SentinelType, T>)
FORCEINLINE constexpr explicit TMoveSentinel(T&& InValue) : Last(Forward<T>(InValue)) { }
template <CSemiregular T> requires (!CSameAs<SentinelType, T> && CConstructibleFrom<SentinelType, const T&>)
FORCEINLINE constexpr explicit (!CConvertibleTo<const T&, SentinelType>) TMoveSentinel(const TMoveSentinel<T>& InValue) : Last(InValue.GetBase()) { }
template <CSemiregular T> requires (!CSameAs<SentinelType, T> && CConstructibleFrom<SentinelType, T&&>)
template <CSemiregular T> requires (!CSameAs<SentinelType, T> && CConstructibleFrom<SentinelType, T>)
FORCEINLINE constexpr explicit (!CConvertibleTo<T&&, SentinelType>) TMoveSentinel(TMoveSentinel<T>&& InValue) : Last(MoveTemp(InValue).GetBase()) { }
template <CSemiregular T> requires (!CSameAs<SentinelType, T> && CConvertibleTo<const T&, SentinelType> && CAssignableFrom<SentinelType&, const T&>)
@ -371,13 +364,13 @@ public:
FORCEINLINE constexpr TCountedIterator& operator=(const TCountedIterator&) = default;
FORCEINLINE constexpr TCountedIterator& operator=(TCountedIterator&&) = default;
template <typename T = IteratorType> requires (!CSameAs<TCountedIterator, TRemoveCVRef<T>> && CConstructibleFrom<IteratorType, T&&>)
template <typename T = IteratorType> requires (!CSameAs<TCountedIterator, TRemoveCVRef<T>> && CConstructibleFrom<IteratorType, T>)
FORCEINLINE constexpr explicit TCountedIterator(T&& InValue, ptrdiff N) : Current(Forward<T>(InValue)), Length(N) { check_code({ MaxLength = N; }); }
template <CInputOrOutputIterator J> requires (!CSameAs<IteratorType, J> && CConstructibleFrom<IteratorType, const J&>)
FORCEINLINE constexpr explicit (!CConvertibleTo<const J&, IteratorType>) TCountedIterator(const TCountedIterator<J>& InValue) : Current(InValue.GetBase()), Length(InValue.Num()) { check_code({ MaxLength = InValue.MaxLength; }); }
template <CInputOrOutputIterator J> requires (!CSameAs<IteratorType, J> && CConstructibleFrom<IteratorType, J&&>)
template <CInputOrOutputIterator J> requires (!CSameAs<IteratorType, J> && CConstructibleFrom<IteratorType, J>)
FORCEINLINE constexpr explicit (!CConvertibleTo<J&&, IteratorType>) TCountedIterator(TCountedIterator<J>&& InValue) : Current(MoveTemp(InValue).GetBase()), Length(InValue.Num()) { check_code({ MaxLength = InValue.MaxLength; }); }
template <CInputOrOutputIterator J> requires (!CSameAs<IteratorType, J> && CConvertibleTo<const J&, IteratorType> && CAssignableFrom<IteratorType&, const J&>)
@ -396,7 +389,9 @@ public:
NODISCARD FORCEINLINE constexpr strong_ordering operator<=>(FDefaultSentinel) const& { return static_cast<ptrdiff>(0) <=> Length; }
NODISCARD FORCEINLINE constexpr decltype(auto) operator*() { CheckThis(true); return *Current; }
NODISCARD FORCEINLINE constexpr decltype(auto) operator*() const { CheckThis(true); return *Current; }
NODISCARD FORCEINLINE constexpr decltype(auto) operator->() { CheckThis(true); return AddressOf(operator*()); }
NODISCARD FORCEINLINE constexpr decltype(auto) operator->() const { CheckThis(true); return AddressOf(operator*()); }
NODISCARD FORCEINLINE constexpr decltype(auto) operator[](ptrdiff Index) const requires (CRandomAccessIterator<IteratorType>) { TCountedIterator Temp = *this + Index; return *Temp; }
@ -454,53 +449,48 @@ static_assert(CSizedSentinelFor<FDefaultSentinel, TCountedIterator<int32*>>);
template <typename I>
TCountedIterator(I, ptrdiff) -> TCountedIterator<I>;
template <CRegularInvocable F, CPredicate G> requires (CReferenceable<TInvokeResult<F>> && CMovable<F> && CMovable<G>)
class TFunctionalInputIterator final : private FNoncopyable
/** An input iterator adapter that wraps a callable object. */
template <CRegularInvocable F> requires (CTOptional<TRemoveCVRef<TInvokeResult<F>>> && CMoveConstructible<F>
&& CConstructibleFrom<TRemoveCVRef<TInvokeResult<F>>, TInvokeResult<F>> && CAssignableFrom<TRemoveCVRef<TInvokeResult<F>>&, TInvokeResult<F>>)
class TInputIterator final : private FNoncopyable
using Inputer = F;
using Sentinel = G;
using ElementType = TRemoveReference<TInvokeResult<Inputer>>;
using ElementType = typename TRemoveCVRef<TInvokeResult<Inputer>>::ValueType;
FORCEINLINE constexpr TFunctionalInputIterator() requires (CDefaultConstructible<Inputer> && CDefaultConstructible<Sentinel>) : bIsConsumed(false) { };
FORCEINLINE constexpr TInputIterator() requires (CDefaultConstructible<Inputer>) : LookAhead(Invoke(Storage)) { };
template <typename T, typename U> requires (CConstructibleFrom<Inputer, T&&> && CConstructibleFrom<Sentinel, U&&>)
FORCEINLINE constexpr TFunctionalInputIterator(T&& InInputer, U&& InSentinel) : InputerStorage(Forward<T>(InInputer)), SentinelStorage(Forward<U>(InSentinel)), bIsConsumed(false) { }
template <typename T> requires (!CSameAs<TInputIterator, TRemoveCVRef<T>> && CConstructibleFrom<Inputer, T>)
FORCEINLINE constexpr explicit TInputIterator(T&& InInputer) : Storage(Forward<T>(InInputer)), LookAhead(Invoke(Storage)) { }
NODISCARD FORCEINLINE constexpr bool operator==(FDefaultSentinel) const& { return Invoke(SentinelStorage); }
NODISCARD FORCEINLINE constexpr bool operator==(FDefaultSentinel) const& { return !LookAhead.IsValid(); }
NODISCARD FORCEINLINE constexpr decltype(auto) operator*() const { checkf(!bIsConsumed, TEXT("The element are consumed. Please check IsConsumed().")); bIsConsumed = true; return Invoke(InputerStorage); }
NODISCARD FORCEINLINE constexpr void operator->() const = delete;
NODISCARD FORCEINLINE constexpr const ElementType& operator*() const { return LookAhead.GetValue(); }
FORCEINLINE constexpr TFunctionalInputIterator& operator++() { if (!bIsConsumed) Invoke(InputerStorage); bIsConsumed = false; return *this; }
FORCEINLINE constexpr TInputIterator& operator++() { LookAhead = Invoke(Storage); return *this; }
FORCEINLINE constexpr void operator++(int) { if (!bIsConsumed) Invoke(InputerStorage); bIsConsumed = false; }
FORCEINLINE constexpr void operator++(int) { LookAhead = Invoke(Storage); }
NODISCARD FORCEINLINE constexpr const Inputer& GetInputer() const& { return InputerStorage; }
NODISCARD FORCEINLINE constexpr Inputer GetInputer() && { return InputerStorage; }
NODISCARD FORCEINLINE constexpr const Sentinel& GetSentinel() const& { return SentinelStorage; }
NODISCARD FORCEINLINE constexpr Sentinel GetSentinel() && { return SentinelStorage; }
NODISCARD FORCEINLINE constexpr bool IsConsumed() const { return bIsConsumed; }
NODISCARD FORCEINLINE constexpr const Inputer& GetInputer() const& { return Storage; }
NODISCARD FORCEINLINE constexpr Inputer GetInputer() && { return Storage; }
Inputer InputerStorage;
Sentinel SentinelStorage;
mutable bool bIsConsumed;
Inputer Storage;
TOptional<ElementType> LookAhead;
static_assert(CInputIterator<TFunctionalInputIterator<int32(*)(), bool(*)()>>);
template <typename F, typename G>
TFunctionalInputIterator(F, G) -> TFunctionalInputIterator<F, G>;
template <typename F>
TInputIterator(F) -> TInputIterator<F>;
template <CMovable F>
class TFunctionalOutputIterator final : private FNoncopyable
/** An output iterator adapter that wraps a callable object. */
template <CMoveConstructible F>
class TOutputIterator final : private FNoncopyable
@ -512,7 +502,7 @@ private:
FORCEINLINE constexpr FIndirectionProxy(const TFunctionalOutputIterator& InIter) : Iter(InIter) { check_code({ bIsProduced = false; }); }
FORCEINLINE constexpr FIndirectionProxy(TOutputIterator& InIter) : Iter(InIter) { check_code({ bIsProduced = false; }); }
FORCEINLINE ~FIndirectionProxy()
@ -525,13 +515,13 @@ private:
FORCEINLINE constexpr void operator=(T&& InValue) const
checkf(!bIsProduced, TEXT("Exception output, Ensure that no multiple values are assigned to the output iterator."));
Invoke(Iter.OutputerStorage, Forward<T>(InValue));
Invoke(Iter.Storage, Forward<T>(InValue));
check_code({ bIsProduced = true; });
const TFunctionalOutputIterator& Iter;
TOutputIterator& Iter;
mutable bool bIsProduced;
@ -543,7 +533,7 @@ private:
FORCEINLINE constexpr FPostIncrementProxy(const TFunctionalOutputIterator& InIter) : Iter(InIter) { check_code({ bIsProduced = false; }); }
FORCEINLINE constexpr FPostIncrementProxy(TOutputIterator& InIter) : Iter(InIter) { check_code({ bIsProduced = false; }); }
FORCEINLINE ~FPostIncrementProxy()
@ -561,7 +551,7 @@ private:
const TFunctionalOutputIterator& Iter;
TOutputIterator& Iter;
mutable bool bIsProduced;
@ -571,19 +561,19 @@ private:
FORCEINLINE constexpr TFunctionalOutputIterator() requires (CDefaultConstructible<Outputer>) { check_code({ bIsProduced = false; }); }
FORCEINLINE constexpr TOutputIterator() requires (CDefaultConstructible<Outputer>) { check_code({ bIsProduced = false; }); }
template <typename T> requires (!CSameAs<TFunctionalOutputIterator, TRemoveCVRef<T>> && CConstructibleFrom<Outputer, T&&>)
FORCEINLINE constexpr explicit TFunctionalOutputIterator(T&& InOutputer) : OutputerStorage(Forward<T>(InOutputer)) { check_code({ bIsProduced = false; }); }
template <typename T> requires (!CSameAs<TOutputIterator, TRemoveCVRef<T>> && CConstructibleFrom<Outputer, T>)
FORCEINLINE constexpr explicit TOutputIterator(T&& InOutputer) : Storage(Forward<T>(InOutputer)) { check_code({ bIsProduced = false; }); }
NODISCARD FORCEINLINE constexpr FIndirectionProxy operator*() const
NODISCARD FORCEINLINE constexpr FIndirectionProxy operator*()
checkf(!bIsProduced, TEXT("Exception output, Ensure that no multiple values are assigned to the output iterator."));
check_code({ bIsProduced = true; });
return FIndirectionProxy(*this);
FORCEINLINE constexpr TFunctionalOutputIterator& operator++() { check_code({ bIsProduced = false; }); return *this; }
FORCEINLINE constexpr TOutputIterator& operator++() { check_code({ bIsProduced = false; }); return *this; }
FORCEINLINE constexpr FPostIncrementProxy operator++(int)
@ -591,24 +581,72 @@ public:
return FPostIncrementProxy(*this);
NODISCARD FORCEINLINE constexpr const Outputer& GetOutputer() const& { return OutputerStorage; }
NODISCARD FORCEINLINE constexpr Outputer GetOutputer() && { return OutputerStorage; }
NODISCARD FORCEINLINE constexpr const Outputer& GetOutputer() const& { return Storage; }
NODISCARD FORCEINLINE constexpr Outputer GetOutputer() && { return Storage; }
Outputer OutputerStorage;
Outputer Storage;
mutable bool bIsProduced;
bool bIsProduced;
# endif
static_assert(CIndirectlyWritable<TFunctionalOutputIterator<void(*)(int32)>, int32>);
static_assert(COutputIterator<TFunctionalOutputIterator<void(*)(int32)>, int32>);
static_assert(COutputIterator<TOutputIterator<void(*)(int32)>, int32>);
template <typename F>
TFunctionalOutputIterator(F) -> TFunctionalOutputIterator<F>;
TOutputIterator(F) -> TOutputIterator<F>;
/** Creates a TReverseIterator of type inferred from the argument. */
template <typename I> requires (CBidirectionalIterator<TDecay<I>> && CConstructibleFrom<TDecay<I>, I>)
NODISCARD FORCEINLINE constexpr TReverseIterator<I> MakeReverseIterator(I&& Iter)
return TReverseIterator<TDecay<I>>(Forward<I>(Iter));
/** Creates a TMoveIterator of type inferred from the argument. */
template <typename I> requires (CInputIterator<TDecay<I>> && CConstructibleFrom<TDecay<I>, I>)
NODISCARD FORCEINLINE constexpr TMoveIterator<I> MakeMoveIterator(I&& Iter)
return TMoveIterator<TDecay<I>>(Forward<I>(Iter));
/** Creates a TMoveSentinel of type inferred from the argument. */
template <typename I> requires (CSemiregular<TDecay<I>> && CConstructibleFrom<TDecay<I>, I>)
NODISCARD FORCEINLINE constexpr TMoveSentinel<I> MakeMoveSentinel(I&& Iter)
return TMoveSentinel<TDecay<I>>(Forward<I>(Iter));
/** Creates a TCountedIterator of type inferred from the argument. */
template <typename I> requires (CInputOrOutputIterator<TDecay<I>> && CConstructibleFrom<TDecay<I>, I>)
NODISCARD FORCEINLINE constexpr TCountedIterator<I> MakeCountedIterator(I&& Iter, ptrdiff N)
return TCountedIterator<TDecay<I>>(Forward<I>(Iter), N);
/** Creates an iterator adapter inserted in the front of the container. */
template <typename C>
NODISCARD FORCEINLINE constexpr auto MakeFrontInserter(C& Container)
return TOutputIterator([&Container]<typename T>(T&& A) { Container.PushFront(Forward<T>(A)); });
/** Creates an iterator adapter inserted in the back of the container. */
template <typename C>
NODISCARD FORCEINLINE constexpr auto MakeBackInserter(C& Container)
return TOutputIterator([&Container]<typename T>(T&& A) { Container.PushBack(Forward<T>(A)); });
/** Creates an iterator adapter inserted in the container. */
template <typename C>
NODISCARD FORCEINLINE constexpr auto MakeInserter(C& Container, const typename C::ConstIterator& InIter)
return TOutputIterator([&Container, Iter = InIter]<typename T>(T&& A) mutable { Iter = Container.Insert(Iter, Forward<T>(A)); });