feat(containers): add TStaticArray and operations support
This commit is contained in:
@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ NAMESPACE_BEGIN(Testing)
void TestContainers()
@ -128,6 +129,55 @@ void TestArray()
TestArrayTemplate<TFixedAllocator<64>, 64>();
void TestStaticArray()
TStaticArray<int32, 4> ArrayA = { 0, 0, 0, 0 };
TStaticArray<int32, 4> ArrayB = { 0, 0, 0, 0 };
TStaticArray<int32, 4> ArrayC = { 4, 4, 4, 4 };
TStaticArray<int32, 4> ArrayD(ArrayC);
TStaticArray<int32, 4> ArrayE(MoveTemp(ArrayB));
TStaticArray<int32, 4> ArrayF = { 0, 1, 2, 3 };
TStaticArray<int32, 4> ArrayG;
TStaticArray<int32, 4> ArrayH;
TStaticArray<int32, 4> ArrayI;
ArrayG = ArrayD;
ArrayH = MoveTemp(ArrayE);
ArrayI = { 0, 1, 2, 3 };
always_check((ArrayC == TStaticArray<int32, 4>({ 4, 4, 4, 4 })));
always_check((ArrayD == TStaticArray<int32, 4>({ 4, 4, 4, 4 })));
always_check((ArrayG == TStaticArray<int32, 4>({ 4, 4, 4, 4 })));
always_check((ArrayF == TStaticArray<int32, 4>({ 0, 1, 2, 3 })));
always_check((ArrayI == TStaticArray<int32, 4>({ 0, 1, 2, 3 })));
TStaticArray ArrayA = { 1, 2, 3 };
TStaticArray ArrayC = { 1, 2, 3 };
always_check(( (ArrayA == ArrayC)));
always_check((!(ArrayA != ArrayC)));
always_check((!(ArrayA < ArrayC)));
always_check(( (ArrayA <= ArrayC)));
always_check((!(ArrayA > ArrayC)));
always_check(( (ArrayA >= ArrayC)));
int32 ArrayA[4] = { 1, 2, 3, 4 };
TStaticArray<int32, 4> ArrayB = ToArray(ArrayA);
auto [A, B, C, D] = ArrayB;
always_check(A == 1);
always_check(B == 2);
always_check(C == 3);
always_check(D == 4);
@ -97,11 +97,7 @@ public:
using ElementType = T;
FORCEINLINE TArrayIterator() : Owner(nullptr) { }
# else
FORCEINLINE TArrayIterator() = default;
# endif
FORCEINLINE TArrayIterator(const TArrayIterator<ArrayType, TRemoveConst<ElementType>>& InValue) requires (CConst<ElementType>)
@ -149,10 +145,10 @@ public:
const ArrayType* Owner;
const ArrayType* Owner = nullptr;
# endif
ElementType* Pointer;
ElementType* Pointer = nullptr;
FORCEINLINE TArrayIterator(const ArrayType* InContainer, ElementType* InPointer)
@ -1112,8 +1108,8 @@ public:
/** @return The pointer to the underlying element storage. */
NODISCARD FORCEINLINE TObserverPtr< ElementType[]> GetData() { return Storage.GetPointer(); }
NODISCARD FORCEINLINE TObserverPtr<const ElementType[]> GetData() const { return Storage.GetPointer(); }
NODISCARD FORCEINLINE TObserverPtr< ElementType[]> GetData() { return TObserverPtr< ElementType[]>(Storage.GetPointer()); }
NODISCARD FORCEINLINE TObserverPtr<const ElementType[]> GetData() const { return TObserverPtr<const ElementType[]>(Storage.GetPointer()); }
/** @return The iterator to the first or end element. */
NODISCARD FORCEINLINE Iterator Begin() { return Iterator(this, Storage.GetPointer()); }
@ -1175,9 +1171,9 @@ public:
size_t Result = 0;
for (Iterator Iter = Begin(); Iter != End(); ++Iter)
for (ConstIterator Iter = A.Begin(); Iter != A.End(); ++Iter)
HashCombine(Result, GetTypeHash(*Iter));
Result = HashCombine(Result, GetTypeHash(*Iter));
return Result;
@ -3,3 +3,4 @@
#include "CoreTypes.h"
#include "Containers/Iterator.h"
#include "Containers/Array.h"
#include "Containers/StaticArray.h"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,267 @@
#pragma once
#include "CoreTypes.h"
#include "Templates/Meta.h"
#include "Templates/Utility.h"
#include "Templates/TypeHash.h"
#include "Templates/Container.h"
#include "Containers/Iterator.h"
#include "TypeTraits/TypeTraits.h"
#include "Miscellaneous/Compare.h"
#include "Memory/ObserverPointer.h"
#include "Miscellaneous/AssertionMacros.h"
template <typename ArrayType, typename T>
class TStaticArrayIterator
using ElementType = T;
FORCEINLINE constexpr TStaticArrayIterator() = default;
FORCEINLINE constexpr TStaticArrayIterator(const TStaticArrayIterator<ArrayType, TRemoveConst<ElementType>>& InValue) requires (CConst<ElementType>)
: Owner(InValue.Owner), Pointer(InValue.Pointer)
{ }
# else
FORCEINLINE constexpr TStaticArrayIterator(const TStaticArrayIterator<ArrayType, TRemoveConst<ElementType>>& InValue) requires (CConst<ElementType>)
: Pointer(InValue.Pointer)
{ }
# endif
FORCEINLINE constexpr TStaticArrayIterator(const TStaticArrayIterator&) = default;
FORCEINLINE constexpr TStaticArrayIterator(TStaticArrayIterator&&) = default;
FORCEINLINE constexpr TStaticArrayIterator& operator=(const TStaticArrayIterator&) = default;
FORCEINLINE constexpr TStaticArrayIterator& operator=(TStaticArrayIterator&&) = default;
NODISCARD friend FORCEINLINE constexpr bool operator==(const TStaticArrayIterator& LHS, const TStaticArrayIterator& RHS) { return LHS.Pointer == RHS.Pointer; }
NODISCARD friend FORCEINLINE constexpr strong_ordering operator<=>(const TStaticArrayIterator & LHS, const TStaticArrayIterator & RHS) { return LHS.Pointer <=> RHS.Pointer; }
NODISCARD FORCEINLINE constexpr ElementType& operator*() const { CheckThis(true); return *Pointer; }
NODISCARD FORCEINLINE constexpr ElementType* operator->() const { CheckThis(true); return Pointer; }
NODISCARD FORCEINLINE constexpr ElementType& operator[](ptrdiff Index) const { TStaticArrayIterator Temp = *this + Index; return *Temp; }
FORCEINLINE constexpr TStaticArrayIterator& operator++() { ++Pointer; CheckThis(); return *this; }
FORCEINLINE constexpr TStaticArrayIterator& operator--() { --Pointer; CheckThis(); return *this; }
FORCEINLINE constexpr TStaticArrayIterator operator++(int) { TStaticArrayIterator Temp = *this; ++Pointer; CheckThis(); return Temp; }
FORCEINLINE constexpr TStaticArrayIterator operator--(int) { TStaticArrayIterator Temp = *this; --Pointer; CheckThis(); return Temp; }
FORCEINLINE constexpr TStaticArrayIterator& operator+=(ptrdiff Offset) { Pointer += Offset; CheckThis(); return *this; }
FORCEINLINE constexpr TStaticArrayIterator& operator-=(ptrdiff Offset) { Pointer -= Offset; CheckThis(); return *this; }
NODISCARD friend FORCEINLINE constexpr TStaticArrayIterator operator+(TStaticArrayIterator Iter, ptrdiff Offset) { TStaticArrayIterator Temp = Iter; Temp += Offset; return Temp; }
NODISCARD friend FORCEINLINE constexpr TStaticArrayIterator operator+(ptrdiff Offset, TStaticArrayIterator Iter) { TStaticArrayIterator Temp = Iter; Temp += Offset; return Temp; }
NODISCARD FORCEINLINE constexpr TStaticArrayIterator operator-(ptrdiff Offset) const { TStaticArrayIterator Temp = *this; Temp -= Offset; return Temp; }
NODISCARD friend FORCEINLINE constexpr ptrdiff operator-(const TStaticArrayIterator& LHS, const TStaticArrayIterator& RHS) { LHS.CheckThis(); RHS.CheckThis(); return LHS.Pointer - RHS.Pointer; }
NODISCARD FORCEINLINE constexpr explicit operator ElementType*() requires (!CConst<ElementType>) { CheckThis(); return Pointer; }
NODISCARD FORCEINLINE constexpr explicit operator const ElementType*() const { CheckThis(); return Pointer; }
const ArrayType* Owner = nullptr;
# endif
ElementType* Pointer = nullptr;
FORCEINLINE constexpr TStaticArrayIterator(const ArrayType* InContainer, ElementType* InPointer)
: Owner(InContainer), Pointer(InPointer)
{ }
# else
FORCEINLINE constexpr TStaticArrayIterator(const ArrayType* InContainer, ElementType* InPointer)
: Pointer(InPointer)
{ }
# endif
FORCEINLINE constexpr void CheckThis(bool bExceptEnd = false) const
checkf(Owner && Owner->IsValidIterator(*this), TEXT("Read access violation. Please check IsValidIterator()."));
checkf(!(bExceptEnd && Owner->End() == *this), TEXT("Read access violation. Please check IsValidIterator()."));
friend ArrayType;
template <typename InArrayType, typename InElementType>
friend class TStaticArrayIterator;
/** TStaticArray is a container that encapsulates fixed size arrays. */
template <CObject T, size_t N>
struct TStaticArray final
using ElementType = T;
using Iterator = NAMESPACE_PRIVATE::TStaticArrayIterator<TStaticArray, ElementType>;
using ConstIterator = NAMESPACE_PRIVATE::TStaticArrayIterator<TStaticArray, const ElementType>;
using ReverseIterator = TReverseIterator< Iterator>;
using ConstReverseIterator = TReverseIterator<ConstIterator>;
static_assert(CContiguousIterator< Iterator>);
/** Compares the contents of two arrays. */
NODISCARD friend constexpr bool operator==(const TStaticArray& LHS, const TStaticArray& RHS) requires (CWeaklyEqualityComparable<ElementType>)
if (LHS.Num() != RHS.Num()) return false;
ConstIterator LHSIter = LHS.Begin();
ConstIterator RHSIter = RHS.Begin();
while (LHSIter != LHS.End())
if (*LHSIter != *RHSIter) return false;
check(RHSIter == RHS.End());
return true;
/** Compares the contents of two arrays. */
NODISCARD friend constexpr auto operator<=>(const TStaticArray& LHS, const TStaticArray& RHS) requires (CSynthThreeWayComparable<ElementType>)
using OrderingType = TSynthThreeWayResult<ElementType>;
if (LHS.Num() < RHS.Num()) return OrderingType::less;
if (LHS.Num() > RHS.Num()) return OrderingType::greater;
ConstIterator LHSIter = LHS.Begin();
ConstIterator RHSIter = RHS.Begin();
while (LHSIter != LHS.End())
TSynthThreeWayResult<ElementType> Ordering = SynthThreeWayCompare(*LHSIter, *RHSIter);
if (Ordering != OrderingType::equivalent) return Ordering;
check(RHSIter == RHS.End());
return OrderingType::equivalent;
/** @return The pointer to the underlying element storage. */
NODISCARD FORCEINLINE constexpr TObserverPtr< ElementType[]> GetData() { return TObserverPtr< ElementType[]>(_); }
NODISCARD FORCEINLINE constexpr TObserverPtr<const ElementType[]> GetData() const { return TObserverPtr<const ElementType[]>(_); }
/** @return The iterator to the first or end element. */
NODISCARD FORCEINLINE constexpr Iterator Begin() { return Iterator(this, _); }
NODISCARD FORCEINLINE constexpr ConstIterator Begin() const { return ConstIterator(this, _); }
NODISCARD FORCEINLINE constexpr Iterator End() { return Iterator(this, _ + Num()); }
NODISCARD FORCEINLINE constexpr ConstIterator End() const { return ConstIterator(this, _ + Num()); }
/** @return The reverse iterator to the first or end element. */
NODISCARD FORCEINLINE constexpr ReverseIterator RBegin() { return ReverseIterator(End()); }
NODISCARD FORCEINLINE constexpr ConstReverseIterator RBegin() const { return ConstReverseIterator(End()); }
NODISCARD FORCEINLINE constexpr ReverseIterator REnd() { return ReverseIterator(Begin()); }
NODISCARD FORCEINLINE constexpr ConstReverseIterator REnd() const { return ConstReverseIterator(Begin()); }
/** @return The number of elements in the container. */
NODISCARD FORCEINLINE constexpr size_t Num() const { return N; }
NODISCARD FORCEINLINE constexpr size_t Max() const { return N; }
/** @return true if the container is empty, false otherwise. */
NODISCARD FORCEINLINE constexpr bool IsEmpty() const { return Num() == 0; }
/** @return true if the iterator is valid, false otherwise. */
NODISCARD FORCEINLINE constexpr bool IsValidIterator(ConstIterator Iter) const { return Begin() <= Iter && Iter <= End(); }
/** @return The reference to the requested element. */
NODISCARD FORCEINLINE constexpr ElementType& operator[](size_t Index) { checkf(Index < Num(), TEXT("Read access violation. Please check IsValidIterator().")); return _[Index]; }
NODISCARD FORCEINLINE constexpr const ElementType& operator[](size_t Index) const { checkf(Index < Num(), TEXT("Read access violation. Please check IsValidIterator().")); return _[Index]; }
/** @return The reference to the first or last element. */
NODISCARD FORCEINLINE constexpr ElementType& Front() { return *Begin(); }
NODISCARD FORCEINLINE constexpr const ElementType& Front() const { return *Begin(); }
NODISCARD FORCEINLINE constexpr ElementType& Back() { return *(End() - 1); }
NODISCARD FORCEINLINE constexpr const ElementType& Back() const { return *(End() - 1); }
/** Overloads the GetTypeHash algorithm for TStaticArray. */
NODISCARD friend FORCEINLINE constexpr size_t GetTypeHash(const TStaticArray& A) requires (CHashable<ElementType>)
size_t Result = 0;
for (ConstIterator Iter = A.Begin(); Iter != A.End(); ++Iter)
Result = HashCombine(Result, GetTypeHash(*Iter));
return Result;
/** Overloads the Swap algorithm for TStaticArray. */
friend FORCEINLINE constexpr void Swap(TStaticArray& A, TStaticArray& B) requires (CSwappable<ElementType>) { Swap(A._, B._); }
T _[N];
template <typename T, typename... U> requires (true && ... && CSameAs<T, U>)
TStaticArray(T, U...) -> TStaticArray<T, 1 + sizeof...(U)>;
/** Creates a TStaticArray object from a built-in array. */
template <typename T, size_t N>
constexpr TStaticArray<TRemoveCV<T>, N> ToArray(T(& Array)[N])
return [&Array]<size_t... Indices>(TIndexSequence<Indices...>) -> TStaticArray<TRemoveCV<T>, N> { return { Array[Indices]... }; } (TMakeIndexSequence<N>());
/** Creates a TStaticArray object from a built-in array. */
template <typename T, size_t N>
constexpr TStaticArray<TRemoveCV<T>, N> ToArray(T(&& Array)[N])
return [&Array]<size_t... Indices>(TIndexSequence<Indices...>) -> TStaticArray<TRemoveCV<T>, N> { return { MoveTemp(Array[Indices])... }; } (TMakeIndexSequence<N>());
// Support structure binding, should not be directly used.
template <typename T, size_t N> struct tuple_size<NAMESPACE_REDCRAFT::TStaticArray<T, N>> : integral_constant<size_t, N> { };
template <size_t I, typename T, size_t N> struct tuple_element<I, NAMESPACE_REDCRAFT::TStaticArray<T, N>> { using type = T; };
// Support structure binding, should not be directly used.
template <size_t Index, typename T, size_t N> FORCEINLINE constexpr decltype(auto) get( TStaticArray<T, N>& InValue) { return static_cast< TStaticArray<T, N>& >(InValue)[Index]; }
template <size_t Index, typename T, size_t N> FORCEINLINE constexpr decltype(auto) get(const TStaticArray<T, N>& InValue) { return static_cast<const TStaticArray<T, N>& >(InValue)[Index]; }
template <size_t Index, typename T, size_t N> FORCEINLINE constexpr decltype(auto) get( TStaticArray<T, N>&& InValue) { return static_cast< TStaticArray<T, N>&&>(InValue)[Index]; }
template <size_t Index, typename T, size_t N> FORCEINLINE constexpr decltype(auto) get(const TStaticArray<T, N>&& InValue) { return static_cast<const TStaticArray<T, N>&&>(InValue)[Index]; }
@ -79,6 +79,9 @@ private:
T* Pointer;
template <typename U> requires (CObject<U> && !CBoundedArray<U>)
friend class TObserverPtr;
template <typename T>
@ -139,6 +142,9 @@ private:
T* Pointer;
template <typename U> requires (CObject<U> && !CBoundedArray<U>)
friend class TObserverPtr;
template <typename T> requires (CObject<T> && !CBoundedArray<T>)
@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ NAMESPACE_BEGIN(Testing)
REDCRAFTUTILITY_API void TestContainers();
REDCRAFTUTILITY_API void TestStaticArray();
Reference in New Issue
Block a user