#pragma once #include "CoreTypes.h" #include <cstdlib> #include <utility> #include <csignal> NAMESPACE_REDCRAFT_BEGIN NAMESPACE_MODULE_BEGIN(Redcraft) NAMESPACE_MODULE_BEGIN(Utility) #pragma warning(push) #pragma warning(disable : 4996) using FAtexitHandler = void(); using FSignalHandler = void(int);; /** Indicates program execution status. */ enum class EExitCode : int { Success = EXIT_SUCCESS, Failure = EXIT_FAILURE, }; /** Defines signal types. */ enum class ESignalType : int { SoftwareTermination = SIGTERM, // Termination request, sent to the program. SegmentationFault = SIGSEGV, // Invalid memory access as segmentation fault. ExternalInterrupt = SIGINT, // External interrupt, usually initiated by the user. IllegalInstruction = SIGILL, // Invalid program image, such as invalid instruction. AbnormalTermination = SIGABRT, // Abnormal termination condition, as is e.g. initiated by Abort(). ArithmeticException = SIGFPE, // Erroneous arithmetic operation such as divide by zero. }; inline static FSignalHandler* GSignalDefault = SIG_DFL; // Defines default signal handling strategies. inline static FSignalHandler* GSignalIgnored = SIG_IGN; // Defines Signal is ignored strategies. inline static FSignalHandler* GSignalError = SIG_ERR; // Return value of signal specifying that an error was encountered. /** The integer type that can be accessed as an atomic entity from an asynchronous signal handler. */ using FSignalAtomic = NAMESPACE_STD::sig_atomic_t; /** Causes abnormal program termination without cleaning up. */ NORETURN FORCEINLINE void Abort() { NAMESPACE_STD::abort(); } /** Causes normal program termination with cleaning up. */ NORETURN FORCEINLINE void Exit(EExitCode ExitCode) { NAMESPACE_STD::exit(static_cast<int>(ExitCode)); }; /** Causes quick program termination without completely cleaning up. */ NORETURN FORCEINLINE void QuickExit(EExitCode ExitCode) { NAMESPACE_STD::quick_exit(static_cast<int>(ExitCode)); }; /** Causes normal program termination without cleaning up. */ NORETURN FORCEINLINE void QuickExitWithoutCleaning(EExitCode ExitCode) { NAMESPACE_STD::_Exit(static_cast<int>(ExitCode)); }; /** Registers a function to be called on Exit() invocation. */ FORCEINLINE bool AtExit(FAtexitHandler* InFunc) { return NAMESPACE_STD::atexit(InFunc) == 0; } /** Registers a function to be called on QuickExit invocation. */ FORCEINLINE bool AtQuickExit(FAtexitHandler* InFunc) { return NAMESPACE_STD::at_quick_exit(InFunc) == 0; } /** Marks unreachable point of execution. */ NORETURN FORCEINLINE void Unreachable() { # ifdef __cpp_lib_unreachable { NAMESPACE_STD::unreachable(); } # endif } /** Calls the host environment's command processor. */ FORCEINLINE EExitCode System(const char* InCommand) { return static_cast<EExitCode>(NAMESPACE_STD::system(InCommand)); } /** Access to the list of environment variables. */ NODISCARD FORCEINLINE const char* GetEnv(const char* InEnv) { return NAMESPACE_STD::getenv(InEnv); } /** Sets a signal handler for particular signal. */ FORCEINLINE FSignalHandler* Signal(ESignalType InType, FSignalHandler* InFunc) { return NAMESPACE_STD::signal(static_cast<int>(InType), InFunc); } /** Runs the signal handler for particular signal. */ FORCEINLINE bool Raise(ESignalType InType) { return NAMESPACE_STD::raise(static_cast<int>(InType)) == 0; } #pragma warning(pop) NAMESPACE_MODULE_END(Utility) NAMESPACE_MODULE_END(Redcraft) NAMESPACE_REDCRAFT_END