#pragma once

#include "CoreTypes.h"
#include "TypeTraits/TypeTraits.h"
#include "Templates/Utility.h"
#include "Templates/TypeHash.h"
#include "Templates/Noncopyable.h"
#include "Memory/Allocator.h"
#include "Memory/MemoryOperator.h"
#include "Containers/ArrayView.h"
#include "Iterators/Utility.h"
#include "Iterators/BasicIterator.h"
#include "Iterators/Sentinel.h"
#include "Strings/Char.h"
#include "Miscellaneous/AssertionMacros.h"

#include <cstring>
#include <cwchar>


template <CCharType T>
class TStringView;

template <CCharType T, CAllocator<T> Allocator>
class TString;


template <typename T> struct TIsTStringView                 : FFalse { };
template <typename T> struct TIsTStringView<TStringView<T>> : FTrue  { };

template <typename T>
class TCStringFromTStringView final : FNoncopyable

	FORCEINLINE TCStringFromTStringView(const T* InPtr, bool bInDelete)
		: Ptr(InPtr), bDelete(bInDelete)
	{ }

	FORCEINLINE TCStringFromTStringView(TCStringFromTStringView&& InValue)
		: Ptr(InValue.Ptr), bDelete(Exchange(InValue.bDelete, false))
	{ }

	FORCEINLINE ~TCStringFromTStringView()
		if (bDelete) delete[] Ptr;

	FORCEINLINE TCStringFromTStringView& operator=(TCStringFromTStringView&& InValue)
		if (bDelete) delete[] Ptr;

		Ptr = InValue.Ptr;

		bDelete = Exchange(InValue.bDelete, false);

		return *this;

	NODISCARD FORCEINLINE operator const T*() const { return Ptr; }


	const T* Ptr;
	bool bDelete;



template <typename T> concept CTStringView = NAMESPACE_PRIVATE::TIsTStringView<TRemoveCV<T>>::Value;

 * The class template TStringView describes an object that can refer to a constant contiguous sequence of char-like objects
 * with the first element of the sequence at position zero. Provides a set of convenient string processing functions.
template <CCharType T>
class TStringView : public TArrayView<const T>

	using FSuper = TArrayView<const T>;


	using FElementType = T;

	using FReference = typename FSuper::FReference;

	using        FIterator = typename FSuper::       FIterator;
	using FReverseIterator = typename FSuper::FReverseIterator;


	/** Constructs an empty string view. */
	FORCEINLINE constexpr TStringView() = default;

	/** Constructs a string view that is a view over the range ['InFirst', 'InFirst' + 'Count'). */
	template <CContiguousIterator I> requires (CConvertibleTo<TIteratorReference<I>, T> && CSameAs<TRemoveCVRef<TIteratorReference<I>>, TRemoveCVRef<T>>)
	FORCEINLINE constexpr TStringView(I InFirst, size_t InCount) : FSuper(InFirst, InCount) { }

	/** Constructs a string view that is a view over the range ['InFirst', 'InLast'). */
	template <CContiguousIterator I, CSizedSentinelFor<I> S> requires (CConvertibleTo<TIteratorReference<I>, T> && CSameAs<TRemoveCVRef<TIteratorReference<I>>, TRemoveCVRef<T>>)
	FORCEINLINE constexpr TStringView(I InFirst, S InLast) : FSuper(InFirst, InLast) { }

	/** Constructs a string view that is a view over the string 'InString'. */
	template <typename Allocator>
	FORCEINLINE constexpr TStringView(const TString<FElementType, Allocator>& InString);

	/** Constructs a string view that is a view over the range ['InPtr', 'InPtr' + 'Count'). */
	FORCEINLINE constexpr TStringView(const FElementType* InPtr, size_t Count) : FSuper(InPtr, Count)
		checkf(InPtr != nullptr, TEXT("TStringView cannot be initialized by nullptr. Please check the pointer."));

	FORCEINLINE constexpr TStringView(nullptr_t, size_t) = delete;

	/** Constructs a string view that is a view over the range ['InPtr', '\0'). */
	FORCEINLINE constexpr TStringView(const FElementType* InPtr)
		checkf(InPtr != nullptr, TEXT("TStringView cannot be initialized by nullptr. Please check the pointer."));

		size_t Length = 0;

		if constexpr (CSameAs<FElementType, char>)
			Length = NAMESPACE_STD::strlen(InPtr);
		else if constexpr (CSameAs<FElementType, wchar>)
			Length = NAMESPACE_STD::wcslen(InPtr);
			while (InPtr[Length] != LITERAL(FElementType, '\0')) ++Length;

		*this = TStringView(InPtr, Length);

	FORCEINLINE constexpr TStringView(nullptr_t) = delete;

	/** Defaulted copy constructor copies the size and data pointer. */
	FORCEINLINE constexpr TStringView(const TStringView&) = default;

	/** Assigns other to *this. This defaulted assignment operator performs a shallow copy of the data pointer and the size. */
	FORCEINLINE constexpr TStringView& operator=(const TStringView&) noexcept = default;

	/** Compares the contents of two string views. */
	NODISCARD friend constexpr bool operator==(TStringView LHS, TStringView RHS) { return static_cast<FSuper>(LHS) == static_cast<FSuper>(RHS); }

	/** Compares the contents of a string view and a character. */
	NODISCARD friend constexpr bool operator==(TStringView  LHS, FElementType RHS) { return LHS == TStringView(&RHS, 1); }
	NODISCARD friend constexpr bool operator==(FElementType LHS, TStringView  RHS) { return TStringView(&LHS, 1) == RHS; }

	/** Compares the contents of two string views. */
	NODISCARD friend constexpr auto operator<=>(TStringView LHS, TStringView RHS) { return static_cast<FSuper>(LHS) <=> static_cast<FSuper>(RHS); }

	/** Compares the contents of a string view and a character. */
	NODISCARD friend constexpr auto operator<=>(TStringView  LHS, FElementType RHS) { return LHS <=> TStringView(&RHS, 1); }
	NODISCARD friend constexpr auto operator<=>(FElementType LHS, TStringView  RHS) { return TStringView(&LHS, 1) <=> RHS; }


	/** Shrinks the view by moving its start forward. */
	FORCEINLINE constexpr TStringView& RemovePrefix(size_t Count)
		checkf(Count <= this->Num(), TEXT("Illegal subview range. Please check Count."));

		*this = Substr(Count);

		return *this;

	/** Shrinks the view by moving its end backward. */
	FORCEINLINE constexpr TStringView& RemoveSuffix(size_t Count)
		checkf(Count <= this->Num(), TEXT("Illegal subview range. Please check Count."));

		*this = Substr(0, this->Num() - Count);

		return *this;

	/** Removes whitespace characters from the start of this string. */
	FORCEINLINE constexpr TStringView& TrimStart()
		auto Index = Find([](FElementType Char) { return !TChar<FElementType>::IsSpace(Char); });

		if (Index != INDEX_NONE)
		else *this = TStringView();

		return *this;

	/** Removes whitespace characters from the end of this string. */
	FORCEINLINE constexpr TStringView& TrimEnd()
		auto Index = RFind([](FElementType Char) { return !TChar<FElementType>::IsSpace(Char); });

		if (Index != INDEX_NONE)
			RemoveSuffix(this->Num() - Index - 1);
		else *this = TStringView();

		return *this;

	/** Removes whitespace characters from the start and end of this string. */
	FORCEINLINE constexpr TStringView& TrimStartAndEnd()

		return *this;

	/** Removes characters after the first null-terminator. */
	FORCEINLINE constexpr TStringView& TrimToNullTerminator()
		auto Index = Find(LITERAL(FElementType, '\0'));

		if (Index != INDEX_NONE)
			*this = Substr(0, Index);

		return *this;


	/** Copies the elements of this string view to the destination buffer without null-termination. */
	FORCEINLINE constexpr size_t Copy(FElementType* Dest, size_t Count = DynamicExtent, size_t Offset = 0) const
		checkf(Dest != nullptr, TEXT("Illegal destination buffer. Please check the pointer."));

		checkf(Offset <= this->Num() && (Count == DynamicExtent || Offset + Count <= this->Num()), TEXT("Illegal subview range. Please check Offset and Count."));

		if (Count == DynamicExtent)
			Count = this->Num() - Offset;

		Memory::CopyAssign(Dest, this->GetData() + Offset, Count);

		return Count;

	FORCEINLINE constexpr size_t Copy(nullptr_t, size_t Count = DynamicExtent, size_t Offset = 0) const = delete;

	/** Obtains an array view that is a view over the first 'Count' elements of this array view. */
	NODISCARD FORCEINLINE constexpr TStringView First(size_t Count) const
		checkf(Count <= this->Num(), TEXT("Illegal subview range. Please check Count."));

		return Substr(0, Count);

	/** Obtains an array view that is a view over the last 'Count' elements of this array view. */
	NODISCARD FORCEINLINE constexpr TStringView Last(size_t Count) const
		checkf(Count <= this->Num(), TEXT("Illegal subview range. Please check Count."));

		return Substr(this->Num() - Count);

	/** Obtains a string view that is a view over the 'Count' elements of this string view starting at 'Offset'.  */
	NODISCARD FORCEINLINE constexpr TStringView Substr(size_t Offset, size_t Count = DynamicExtent) const
		checkf(Offset <= this->Num() && (Count == DynamicExtent || Offset + Count <= this->Num()), TEXT("Illegal subview range. Please check Offset and Count."));

		FSuper Temp = this->Subview(Offset, Count);

		return TStringView(Temp.GetData(), Temp.Num());

	/** @return true if the string view starts with the given prefix, false otherwise. */
	NODISCARD FORCEINLINE constexpr bool StartsWith(TStringView Prefix) const
		return this->Num() >= Prefix.Num() && Substr(0, Prefix.Num()) == Prefix;

	/** @return true if the string view starts with the given prefix, false otherwise. */
	NODISCARD FORCEINLINE constexpr bool StartsWith(FElementType Prefix) const
		return this->Num() >= 1 && this->Front() == Prefix;

	/** @return true if the string view ends with the given suffix, false otherwise. */
	NODISCARD FORCEINLINE constexpr bool EndsWith(TStringView Suffix) const
		return this->Num() >= Suffix.Num() && Substr(this->Num() - Suffix.Num(), Suffix.Num()) == Suffix;

	/** @return true if the string view ends with the given suffix, false otherwise. */
	NODISCARD FORCEINLINE constexpr bool EndsWith(FElementType Suffix) const
		return this->Num() >= 1 && this->Back() == Suffix;

	/** @return true if the string view contains the given substring, false otherwise. */
	NODISCARD FORCEINLINE constexpr bool Contains(TStringView View) const
		return Find(View) != INDEX_NONE;

	/** @return true if the string view contains the given character, false otherwise. */
	NODISCARD FORCEINLINE constexpr bool Contains(FElementType Char) const
		return Find(Char) != INDEX_NONE;

	/** @return true if the string view contains character that satisfy the given predicate, false otherwise. */
	template <CPredicate<FElementType> F>
	NODISCARD FORCEINLINE constexpr bool Contains(F&& InPredicate) const
		return Find(Forward<F>(InPredicate)) != INDEX_NONE;

	/** @return The index of the first occurrence of the given substring, or INDEX_NONE if not found. */
	NODISCARD constexpr size_t Find(TStringView View, size_t Index = 0) const
		if (Index >= this->Num()) return INDEX_NONE;

		if (View.Num() > this->Num()) return INDEX_NONE;

		if (View.Num() == 0) return Index;

		for (; Index != this->Num() - View.Num() + 1; ++Index)
			if (Substr(Index).StartsWith(View))
				return Index;

		return INDEX_NONE;

	/** @return The index of the first occurrence of the given character, or INDEX_NONE if not found. */
	NODISCARD constexpr size_t Find(FElementType Char, size_t Index = 0) const
		if (Index >= this->Num()) return INDEX_NONE;

		for (; Index != this->Num(); ++Index)
			if ((*this)[Index] == Char)
				return Index;

		return INDEX_NONE;

	/** @return The index of the first occurrence of the character that satisfy the given predicate, or INDEX_NONE if not found. */
	template <CPredicate<FElementType> F>
	NODISCARD constexpr size_t Find(F&& InPredicate, size_t Index = 0) const
		if (Index >= this->Num()) return INDEX_NONE;

		for (; Index != this->Num(); ++Index)
			if (InvokeResult<bool>(Forward<F>(InPredicate), (*this)[Index]))
				return Index;

		return INDEX_NONE;

	/** @return The index of the last occurrence of the given substring, or INDEX_NONE if not found. */
	NODISCARD constexpr size_t RFind(TStringView View, size_t Index = INDEX_NONE) const
		if (Index != INDEX_NONE && Index >= this->Num()) return INDEX_NONE;

		if (View.Num() > this->Num()) return INDEX_NONE;

		if (Index == INDEX_NONE) Index = this->Num();

		if (View.Num() == 0) return Index;

		for (; Index != View.Num() - 1; --Index)
			if (Substr(0, Index).EndsWith(View))
				return Index - View.Num();

		return INDEX_NONE;

	/** @return The index of the last occurrence of the given character, or INDEX_NONE if not found. */
	NODISCARD constexpr size_t RFind(FElementType Char, size_t Index = INDEX_NONE) const
		if (Index != INDEX_NONE && Index >= this->Num()) return INDEX_NONE;

		if (Index == INDEX_NONE) Index = this->Num();

		for (; Index != 0; --Index)
			if ((*this)[Index - 1] == Char)
				return Index - 1;

		return INDEX_NONE;

	/** @return The index of the last occurrence of the character that satisfy the given predicate, or INDEX_NONE if not found. */
	template <CPredicate<FElementType> F>
	NODISCARD constexpr size_t RFind(F&& InPredicate, size_t Index = INDEX_NONE) const
		if (Index != INDEX_NONE && Index >= this->Num()) return INDEX_NONE;

		if (Index == INDEX_NONE) Index = this->Num();

		for (; Index != 0; --Index)
			if (InvokeResult<bool>(Forward<F>(InPredicate), (*this)[Index - 1]))
				return Index - 1;

		return INDEX_NONE;

	/** @return The index of the first occurrence of the character contained in the given view, or INDEX_NONE if not found. */
	NODISCARD FORCEINLINE constexpr size_t FindFirstOf(TStringView View, size_t Index = 0) const
		return Find([View](FElementType Char) { return View.Contains(Char); }, Index);

	/** @return The index of the first occurrence of the given character, or INDEX_NONE if not found. */
	NODISCARD FORCEINLINE constexpr size_t FindFirstOf(FElementType Char, size_t Index = 0) const
		return Find(Char, Index);

	/** @return The index of the last occurrence of the character contained in the given view, or INDEX_NONE if not found. */
	NODISCARD FORCEINLINE constexpr size_t FindLastOf(TStringView View, size_t Index = INDEX_NONE) const
		return RFind([View](FElementType Char) { return View.Contains(Char); }, Index);

	/** @return The index of the last occurrence of the given character, or INDEX_NONE if not found. */
	NODISCARD FORCEINLINE constexpr size_t FindLastOf(FElementType Char, size_t Index = INDEX_NONE) const
		return RFind(Char, Index);

	/** @return The index of the first absence of the character contained in the given view, or INDEX_NONE if not found. */
	NODISCARD FORCEINLINE constexpr size_t FindFirstNotOf(TStringView View, size_t Index = 0) const
		return Find([View](FElementType Char) { return !View.Contains(Char); }, Index);

	/** @return The index of the first absence of the given character, or INDEX_NONE if not found. */
	NODISCARD FORCEINLINE constexpr size_t FindFirstNotOf(FElementType Char, size_t Index = 0) const
		return Find([Char](FElementType C) { return C != Char; }, Index);

	/** @return The index of the last absence of the character contained in the given view, or INDEX_NONE if not found. */
	NODISCARD FORCEINLINE constexpr size_t FindLastNotOf(TStringView View, size_t Index = INDEX_NONE) const
		return RFind([View](FElementType Char) { return !View.Contains(Char); }, Index);

	/** @return The index of the last absence of the given character, or INDEX_NONE if not found. */
	NODISCARD FORCEINLINE constexpr size_t FindLastNotOf(FElementType Char, size_t Index = INDEX_NONE) const
		return RFind([Char](FElementType C) { return C != Char; }, Index);


	/** @return The non-modifiable standard C character string version of the string view. */
	NODISCARD FORCEINLINE auto operator*() const
		if (this->Back() == LITERAL(FElementType, '\0') || Contains(LITERAL(FElementType, '\0')))
			return NAMESPACE_PRIVATE::TCStringFromTStringView<FElementType>(this->GetData(), false);

		FElementType* Buffer = new FElementType[this->Num() + 1];


		Buffer[this->Num()] = LITERAL(FElementType, '\0');

		return NAMESPACE_PRIVATE::TCStringFromTStringView<FElementType>(Buffer, true);


	/** @return true if the string only contains valid characters, false otherwise. */
	NODISCARD constexpr bool IsValid() const
		for (FElementType Char : *this)
			if (!TChar<FElementType>::IsValid(Char)) return false;

		return true;

	/** @return true if the string only contains ASCII characters, false otherwise. */
	NODISCARD constexpr bool IsASCII() const
		for (FElementType Char : *this)
			if (!TChar<FElementType>::IsASCII(Char)) return false;

		return true;

	/** @return true if the string can be fully represented as a boolean value, false otherwise. */
	NODISCARD FORCEINLINE constexpr bool IsBoolean() const
		TStringView View = *this;

		Ignore = View.ToBoolAndTrim();

		return View.IsEmpty();

	/** @return true if the string can be fully represented as an integer value, false otherwise. */
	NODISCARD FORCEINLINE constexpr bool IsInteger(unsigned Base = 10, bool bSigned = true) const
		TStringView View = *this;

		if (View.StartsWith(LITERAL(FElementType, '-')))
			if (bSigned) View.RemovePrefix(1);
			else return false;

		Ignore = View.ToIntAndTrim(Base);

		return View.IsEmpty();

	/** @return true if the string can be fully represented as a floating-point value, false otherwise. */
	NODISCARD FORCEINLINE constexpr bool IsFloatingPoint(bool bFixed = true, bool bScientific = true, bool bSigned = true) const
		TStringView View = *this;

		if (View.StartsWith(LITERAL(FElementType, '-')))
			if (bSigned) View.RemovePrefix(1);
			else return false;

		Ignore = View.ToFloatAndTrim(bFixed, bScientific);

		return View.IsEmpty();


	 * Converts a string into a boolean value.
	 * - "True"  and non-zero integers become true.
	 * - "False" and unparsable values become false.
	 * @return The boolean value.
	NODISCARD constexpr bool ToBool() const
		return TStringView(*this).ToBoolAndTrim();

	 * Converts a string into an integer value.
	 * - "0x" or "0X" prefixes are not recognized if base is 16.
	 * - Only the minus sign is recognized (not the plus sign), and only for signed integer types of value.
	 * - Leading whitespace is not ignored.
	 * Ensure that the entire string can be parsed if IsNumeric(Base, false, true, false) is true.
	 * @param Base - The base of the number, between [2, 36].
	 * @return The integer value.
	template <CIntegral U = int> requires (!CSameAs<U, bool> && !CConst<U> && !CVolatile<U>)
	NODISCARD constexpr U ToInt(unsigned Base = 10) const
		return TStringView(*this).ToIntAndTrim<U>(Base);

	 * Converts a string into a floating-point value.
	 * - "0x" or "0X" prefixes are not recognized if base is 16.
	 * - The plus sign is not recognized outside the exponent (only the minus sign is permitted at the beginning).
	 * - Leading whitespace is not ignored.
	 * Ensure that the entire string can be parsed if bFixed and IsNumeric(10, false) is true.
	 * Parsers hex floating-point values if bFixed and bScientific are false.
	 * @param bFixed      - The fixed-point format.
	 * @param bScientific - The scientific notation.
	 * @return The floating-point value.
	template <CFloatingPoint U = float> requires (!CConst<U> && !CVolatile<U>)
	NODISCARD constexpr U ToFloat(bool bFixed = true, bool bScientific = true) const
		return TStringView(*this).ToFloatAndTrim<U>(bFixed, bScientific);

	/** Converts a string into a boolean value and remove the parsed substring. */
	NODISCARD constexpr bool ToBoolAndTrim();

	/** Converts a string into an integer value and remove the parsed substring. */
	template <CIntegral U = int> requires (!CSameAs<U, bool> && !CConst<U> && !CVolatile<U>)
	NODISCARD constexpr U ToIntAndTrim(unsigned Base = 10);

	/** Converts a string into a floating-point value and remove the parsed substring. */
	template <CFloatingPoint U = float> requires (!CConst<U> && !CVolatile<U>)
	NODISCARD constexpr U ToFloatAndTrim(bool bFixed = true, bool bScientific = true);


	 * Parse a string using a format string to objects.
	 * @param Fmt  - The format string.
	 * @param Args - The objects to parse.
	 * @return The number of objects successfully parsed.
	template <typename... Ts>
	size_t Parse(TStringView Fmt, Ts&... Args) const
		return TStringView(*this).ParseAndTrim(Fmt, Args...);

	/** Parse a string using a format string to objects and remove the parsed substring. */
	template <typename... Ts>
	size_t ParseAndTrim(TStringView Fmt, Ts&... Args);


	/** Overloads the GetTypeHash algorithm for TStringView. */
	NODISCARD friend FORCEINLINE constexpr size_t GetTypeHash(TStringView A) { return GetTypeHash(static_cast<FSuper>(A)); }


template <CPointer I>
TStringView(I) -> TStringView<TIteratorElement<I>>;

template <typename I, typename S>
TStringView(I, S) -> TStringView<TIteratorElement<I>>;

template<typename T, typename Allocator>
TStringView(TString<T, Allocator>) -> TStringView<T>;

using FStringView        = TStringView<char>;
using FWStringView       = TStringView<wchar>;
using FU8StringView      = TStringView<u8char>;
using FU16StringView     = TStringView<u16char>;
using FU32StringView     = TStringView<u32char>;
using FUnicodeStringView = TStringView<unicodechar>;

// ReSharper disable CppInconsistentNaming

#define TEXT_VIEW(X)        TStringView(TEXT(X))
#define WTEXT_VIEW(X)       TStringView(WTEXT(X))
#define U8TEXT_VIEW(X)      TStringView(U8TEXT(X))
#define U16TEXT_VIEW(X)     TStringView(U16TEXT(X))
#define U32TEXT_VIEW(X)     TStringView(U32TEXT(X))

#define LITERAL_VIEW(T, X)  TStringView(LITERAL(T, X))

// ReSharper restore CppInconsistentNaming