723 lines
33 KiB

#pragma once
#include "CoreTypes.h"
#include "String/Char.h"
#include "Containers/Array.h"
#include "String/StringView.h"
#include "Templates/Utility.h"
#include "Templates/TypeHash.h"
#include "Templates/Container.h"
#include "Containers/Iterator.h"
#include "TypeTraits/TypeTraits.h"
#include "Miscellaneous/Compare.h"
#include "Memory/MemoryOperator.h"
#include "Memory/ObserverPointer.h"
#include "Miscellaneous/AssertionMacros.h"
template <CCharType T>
using TDefaultStringAllocator = TInlineAllocator<(40 - 3 * sizeof(size_t)) / sizeof(T)>;
template <CCharType T, CAllocator<T> Allocator = TDefaultStringAllocator<T>>
class TString final
using ElementType = typename TArray<T, Allocator>::ElementType;
using AllocatorType = typename TArray<T, Allocator>::AllocatorType;
using Reference = typename TArray<T, Allocator>:: Reference;
using ConstReference = typename TArray<T, Allocator>::ConstReference;
using Iterator = typename TArray<T, Allocator>:: Iterator;
using ConstIterator = typename TArray<T, Allocator>::ConstIterator;
using ReverseIterator = typename TArray<T, Allocator>:: ReverseIterator;
using ConstReverseIterator = typename TArray<T, Allocator>::ConstReverseIterator;
static_assert(CContiguousIterator< Iterator>);
/** Default constructor. Constructs an empty string. */
FORCEINLINE TString() : NativeData({ LITERAL(ElementType, '\0') }) { }
/** Constructs the string with 'Count' copies of characters with 'InValue'. */
FORCEINLINE TString(size_t Count, ElementType InChar) : TString(MakeCountedConstantIterator(InChar, Count), DefaultSentinel) { }
/** Constructs a string with the contents of the range ['InPtr', 'InPtr' + 'Count'). */
FORCEINLINE TString(const ElementType* InPtr, size_t Count) : TString(TStringView<ElementType>(InPtr, Count))
checkf(InPtr != nullptr, TEXT("TString cannot be initialized by nullptr. Please check the pointer."));
FORCEINLINE TString(nullptr_t, size_t) = delete;
/** Constructs a string with the contents of the range ['InPtr', '\0'). */
FORCEINLINE TString(const ElementType* InPtr) : TString(TStringView<ElementType>(InPtr))
checkf(InPtr != nullptr, TEXT("TString cannot be initialized by nullptr. Please check the pointer."));
FORCEINLINE TString(nullptr_t) = delete;
/** Constructs the string with the contents of the 'View'. */
FORCEINLINE TString(TStringView<ElementType> View) : TString(View.Begin(), View.End()) { }
/** Constructs the string with the contents of the range ['First', 'Last'). */
template <CInputIterator I, CSentinelFor<I> S> requires (CConstructibleFrom<ElementType, TIteratorReferenceType<I>>)
TString(I First, S Last)
if constexpr (CForwardIterator<I>)
if constexpr (CSizedSentinelFor<S, I>) { checkf(First <= Last, TEXT("Illegal range iterator. Please check First <= Last.")); }
const size_t Count = Iteration::Distance(First, Last);
NativeData.SetNum(Count + 1);
for (size_t Index = 0; Index != Count; ++Index)
NativeData[Index] = ElementType(*First++);
NativeData.Back() = LITERAL(ElementType, '\0');
while (First != Last)
NativeData.PushBack(LITERAL(ElementType, '\0'));
/** Copy constructor. Constructs the string with the copy of the contents of 'InValue'. */
FORCEINLINE TString(const TString&) = default;
/** Move constructor. After the move, 'InValue' is guaranteed to be empty. */
FORCEINLINE TString(TString&& InValue) : NativeData(MoveTemp(InValue.NativeData)) { InValue.NativeData.PushBack(LITERAL(ElementType, '\0')); }
/** Constructs the string with the contents of the initializer list. */
FORCEINLINE TString(initializer_list<ElementType> IL) : TString(Iteration::Begin(IL), Iteration::End(IL)) { }
/** Destructs the string. The destructors of the characters are called and the used storage is deallocated. */
FORCEINLINE ~TString() = default;
/** Copy assignment operator. Replaces the contents with a copy of the contents of 'InValue'. */
FORCEINLINE TString& operator=(const TString&) = default;
/** Move assignment operator. After the move, 'InValue' is guaranteed to be empty. */
FORCEINLINE TString& operator=(TString&& InValue) { NativeData = MoveTemp(InValue.NativeData); InValue.NativeData.PushBack(LITERAL(ElementType, '\0')); return *this; }
/** Compares the contents of two strings. */
FORCEINLINE NODISCARD friend bool operator==(const TString& LHS, const TString& RHS) { return TStringView<ElementType>(LHS) == TStringView<ElementType>(RHS); }
/** Compares the contents of a string and a character. */
FORCEINLINE NODISCARD friend bool operator==(const TString& LHS, ElementType RHS) { return TStringView<ElementType>(LHS) == RHS; }
FORCEINLINE NODISCARD friend bool operator==(const TString& LHS, const ElementType* RHS) { return TStringView<ElementType>(LHS) == RHS; }
FORCEINLINE NODISCARD friend bool operator==( ElementType LHS, const TString& RHS) { return LHS == TStringView<ElementType>(RHS); }
FORCEINLINE NODISCARD friend bool operator==(const ElementType* LHS, const TString& RHS) { return LHS == TStringView<ElementType>(RHS); }
/** Compares the contents of 'LHS' and 'RHS' lexicographically. */
FORCEINLINE NODISCARD friend auto operator<=>(const TString& LHS, const TString& RHS) { return TStringView<ElementType>(LHS) <=> TStringView<ElementType>(RHS); }
/** Compares the contents of 'LHS' and 'RHS' lexicographically. */
FORCEINLINE NODISCARD friend auto operator<=>(const TString& LHS, ElementType RHS) { return TStringView<ElementType>(LHS) <=> RHS; }
FORCEINLINE NODISCARD friend auto operator<=>(const TString& LHS, const ElementType* RHS) { return TStringView<ElementType>(LHS) <=> RHS; }
FORCEINLINE NODISCARD friend auto operator<=>( ElementType LHS, const TString& RHS) { return LHS <=> TStringView<ElementType>(RHS); }
FORCEINLINE NODISCARD friend auto operator<=>(const ElementType* LHS, const TString& RHS) { return LHS <=> TStringView<ElementType>(RHS); }
/** Inserts 'InValue' before 'Index' in the string. */
FORCEINLINE Iterator Insert(size_t Index, ElementType InValue)
checkf(Index <= Num(), TEXT("Illegal index. Please check Index <= Num()."));
return Insert(Begin() + Index, InValue);
/** Inserts 'InValue' before 'Iter' in the string. */
FORCEINLINE Iterator Insert(ConstIterator Iter, ElementType InValue)
checkf(IsValidIterator(Iter), TEXT("Read access violation. Please check IsValidIterator()."));
return NativeData.Insert(Iter, InValue);
/** Inserts 'Count' copies of the 'InValue' before 'Index' in the string. */
FORCEINLINE Iterator Insert(size_t Index, size_t Count, ElementType InValue)
checkf(Index <= Num(), TEXT("Illegal index. Please check Index <= Num()."));
return Insert(Begin() + Index, Count, InValue);
/** Inserts 'Count' copies of the 'InValue' before 'Iter' in the string. */
FORCEINLINE Iterator Insert(ConstIterator Iter, size_t Count, ElementType InValue)
checkf(IsValidIterator(Iter), TEXT("Read access violation. Please check IsValidIterator()."));
return NativeData.Insert(Iter, Count, InValue);
/** Inserts characters from the 'View' before 'Index' in the string. */
FORCEINLINE Iterator Insert(size_t Index, TStringView<ElementType> View)
checkf(Index <= Num(), TEXT("Illegal index. Please check Index <= Num()."));
return Insert(Begin() + Index, View);
/** Inserts characters from the 'View' before 'Iter' in the string. */
FORCEINLINE Iterator Insert(ConstIterator Iter, TStringView<ElementType> View)
checkf(IsValidIterator(Iter), TEXT("Read access violation. Please check IsValidIterator()."));
return Insert(Iter, View.Begin(), View.End());
/** Inserts characters from the range ['First', 'Last') before 'Index' in the string. */
template <CInputIterator I, CSentinelFor<I> S> requires (CConstructibleFrom<ElementType, TIteratorReferenceType<I>>)
FORCEINLINE Iterator Insert(size_t Index, I First, S Last)
checkf(Index <= Num(), TEXT("Illegal index. Please check Index <= Num()."));
return Insert(Begin() + Index, MoveTemp(First), MoveTemp(Last));
/** Inserts characters from the range ['First', 'Last') before 'Iter'. */
template <CInputIterator I, CSentinelFor<I> S> requires (CConstructibleFrom<ElementType, TIteratorReferenceType<I>>)
FORCEINLINE Iterator Insert(ConstIterator Iter, I First, S Last)
checkf(IsValidIterator(Iter), TEXT("Read access violation. Please check IsValidIterator()."));
return NativeData.Insert(Iter, MoveTemp(First), MoveTemp(Last));
/** Inserts characters from the initializer list before 'Index' in the string. */
FORCEINLINE Iterator Insert(size_t Index, initializer_list<ElementType> IL)
checkf(Index <= Num(), TEXT("Illegal index. Please check Index <= Num()."));
return Insert(Begin() + Index, IL);
/** Inserts characters from the initializer list before 'Iter' in the string. */
FORCEINLINE Iterator Insert(ConstIterator Iter, initializer_list<ElementType> IL)
checkf(IsValidIterator(Iter), TEXT("Read access violation. Please check IsValidIterator()."));
return NativeData.Insert(Iter, IL);
/** Erases the character at 'Index' in the string. But it may change the order of characters. */
FORCEINLINE Iterator Erase(size_t Index, bool bAllowShrinking = true)
checkf(Index < Num(), TEXT("Illegal index. Please check Index < Num()."));
return Erase(Begin() + Index, bAllowShrinking);
/** Erases the character at 'Iter' in the string. But it may change the order of characters. */
FORCEINLINE Iterator Erase(ConstIterator Iter, bool bAllowShrinking = true)
checkf(IsValidIterator(Iter) && Iter != End(), TEXT("Read access violation. Please check IsValidIterator()."));
return NativeData.StableErase(Iter, bAllowShrinking);
/** Erases 'CountToErase' characters starting from 'Index' in the string. But it may change the order of characters. */
FORCEINLINE Iterator Erase(size_t Index, size_t CountToErase, bool bAllowShrinking = true)
checkf(Index <= Num() && Index + CountToErase <= Num(), TEXT("Illegal substring range. Please check Index and CountToErase."));
return Erase(Begin() + Index, Begin() + Index + CountToErase, bAllowShrinking);
/** Erases the characters in the range ['First', 'Last') in the string. But it may change the order of characters. */
FORCEINLINE Iterator Erase(ConstIterator First, ConstIterator Last, bool bAllowShrinking = true)
checkf(IsValidIterator(First) && IsValidIterator(Last) && First <= Last, TEXT("Read access violation. Please check IsValidIterator()."));
return NativeData.StableErase(First, Last, bAllowShrinking);
/** Appends the given character value to the end of the string. */
FORCEINLINE void PushBack(ElementType InValue) { NativeData.Back() = InValue; NativeData.PushBack(LITERAL(ElementType, '\0')); }
/** Removes the last character of the string. The string cannot be empty. */
FORCEINLINE void PopBack(bool bAllowShrinking = true) { NativeData.PopBack(bAllowShrinking); NativeData.Back() = LITERAL(ElementType, '\0'); }
/** Appends 'Count' copies of the 'InValue' to the end of the string. */
TString& Append(size_t Count, ElementType InChar) { return Append(MakeCountedConstantIterator(InChar, Count), DefaultSentinel); }
/** Appends the contents of the 'View' to the end of the string. */
FORCEINLINE TString& Append(TStringView<ElementType> View) { return Append(View.Begin(), View.End()); }
/** Appends the contents of the range ['First', 'Last') to the end of the string. */
template <CInputIterator I, CSentinelFor<I> S> requires (CConstructibleFrom<ElementType, TIteratorReferenceType<I>>)
TString& Append(I First, S Last)
if constexpr (CForwardIterator<I>)
if constexpr (CSizedSentinelFor<S, I>) { checkf(First <= Last, TEXT("Illegal range iterator. Please check First <= Last.")); }
const size_t Count = Iteration::Distance(First, Last);
const size_t CurrentNum = Num();
NativeData.SetNum(CurrentNum + Count + 1);
for (size_t Index = CurrentNum; Index != CurrentNum + Count; ++Index)
NativeData[Index] = ElementType(*First++);
NativeData.Back() = LITERAL(ElementType, '\0');
NativeData.Insert(NativeData.End() - 1, MoveTemp(First), MoveTemp(Last));
NativeData.PushBack(LITERAL(ElementType, '\0'));
return *this;
/** Appends the contents of the initializer list to the end of the string. */
FORCEINLINE TString& Append(initializer_list<ElementType> IL) { return Append(Iteration::Begin(IL), Iteration::End(IL)); }
/** Appends the given character value to the end of the string. */
FORCEINLINE TString& operator+=(ElementType InChar) { return Append(1, InChar); }
/** Appends the contents of the 'View' to the end of the string. */
FORCEINLINE TString& operator+=(TStringView<ElementType> View) { return Append(View); }
/** Appends the contents of the range ['First', 'Last') to the end of the string. */
FORCEINLINE TString& operator+=(initializer_list<ElementType> IL) { return Append(IL); }
/** Concatenates two strings. */
NODISCARD friend FORCEINLINE TString operator+(const TString& LHS, const TString& RHS) { return TString(LHS).Append(RHS); }
/** Concatenates the string with the given character value. */
NODISCARD friend FORCEINLINE TString operator+(const TString& LHS, ElementType RHS) { return TString(LHS).Append(1, RHS); }
NODISCARD friend FORCEINLINE TString operator+(const TString& LHS, const ElementType* RHS) { return TString(LHS).Append( RHS); }
NODISCARD friend FORCEINLINE TString operator+(const TString& LHS, TStringView<ElementType> RHS) { return TString(LHS).Append( RHS); }
NODISCARD friend FORCEINLINE TString operator+( ElementType LHS, const TString& RHS) { return TString(1, LHS).Append(RHS); }
NODISCARD friend FORCEINLINE TString operator+( const ElementType* LHS, const TString& RHS) { return TString( LHS).Append(RHS); }
NODISCARD friend FORCEINLINE TString operator+(TStringView<ElementType> LHS, const TString& RHS) { return TString( LHS).Append(RHS); }
/** Concatenates two strings. The rvalue maybe modified. */
NODISCARD friend FORCEINLINE TString operator+(TString&& LHS, TString&& RHS) { LHS.Append(MoveTemp(RHS)); return LHS; }
/** Concatenates two strings. The rvalue maybe modified. */
NODISCARD friend FORCEINLINE TString operator+(TString&& LHS, ElementType RHS) { LHS.Append(1, RHS); return LHS; }
NODISCARD friend FORCEINLINE TString operator+(TString&& LHS, const ElementType* RHS) { LHS.Append( RHS); return LHS; }
NODISCARD friend FORCEINLINE TString operator+(TString&& LHS, TStringView<ElementType> RHS) { LHS.Append( RHS); return LHS; }
NODISCARD friend FORCEINLINE TString operator+(TString&& LHS, const TString<ElementType>& RHS) { LHS.Append( RHS); return LHS; }
NODISCARD friend FORCEINLINE TString operator+( ElementType LHS, TString&& RHS) { RHS.Insert(0, LHS); return RHS; }
NODISCARD friend FORCEINLINE TString operator+( const ElementType* LHS, TString&& RHS) { RHS.Insert(0, LHS); return RHS; }
NODISCARD friend FORCEINLINE TString operator+( TStringView<ElementType> LHS, TString&& RHS) { RHS.Insert(0, LHS); return RHS; }
NODISCARD friend FORCEINLINE TString operator+(const TString<ElementType>& LHS, TString&& RHS) { RHS.Insert(0, LHS); return RHS; }
/** @return true if the string view starts with the given prefix, false otherwise. */
NODISCARD FORCEINLINE constexpr bool StartsWith(TStringView<ElementType> Prefix) const
return TStringView<ElementType>(*this).StartsWith(Prefix);
/** @return true if the string view starts with the given prefix, false otherwise. */
NODISCARD FORCEINLINE constexpr bool StartsWith(ElementType Prefix) const
return TStringView<ElementType>(*this).StartsWith(Prefix);
/** @return true if the string view ends with the given suffix, false otherwise. */
NODISCARD FORCEINLINE constexpr bool EndsWith(TStringView<ElementType> Suffix) const
return TStringView<ElementType>(*this).EndsWith(Suffix);
/** @return true if the string view ends with the given suffix, false otherwise. */
NODISCARD FORCEINLINE constexpr bool EndsWith(ElementType Suffix) const
return TStringView<ElementType>(*this).EndsWith(Suffix);
/** @return true if the string view contains the given substring, false otherwise. */
NODISCARD FORCEINLINE constexpr bool Contains(TStringView<ElementType> View) const
return TStringView<ElementType>(*this).Contains(View);
/** @return true if the string view contains the given character, false otherwise. */
NODISCARD FORCEINLINE constexpr bool Contains(ElementType Char) const
return TStringView<ElementType>(*this).Contains(Char);
/** @return true if the string view contains character that satisfy the given predicate, false otherwise. */
template <CPredicate<ElementType> F>
NODISCARD FORCEINLINE constexpr bool Contains(F&& InPredicate) const
return TStringView<ElementType>(*this).Contains(Forward<F>(InPredicate));
/** Replace the substring [Index, Index + CountToReplace) with 'Count' copies of the 'InChar'. */
FORCEINLINE TString& Replace(size_t Index, size_t CountToReplace, size_t Count, ElementType InChar)
checkf(Index <= Num() && Index + CountToReplace <= Num(), TEXT("Illegal substring range. Please check Index and CountToReplace."));
return Replace(Begin() + Index, Begin() + Index + CountToReplace, Count, InChar);
/** Replace the substring ['First', 'Last') with 'Count' copies of the 'InChar'. */
FORCEINLINE TString& Replace(ConstIterator First, ConstIterator Last, size_t Count, ElementType InChar)
checkf(IsValidIterator(First) && IsValidIterator(Last) && First <= Last, TEXT("Read access violation. Please check IsValidIterator()."));
return Replace(First, Last, MakeCountedConstantIterator(InChar, Count), DefaultSentinel);
/** Replace the substring [Index, Index + CountToReplace) with the contents of the 'View'. */
FORCEINLINE TString& Replace(size_t Index, size_t CountToReplace, TStringView<ElementType> View)
checkf(Index <= Num() && Index + CountToReplace <= Num(), TEXT("Illegal substring range. Please check Index and CountToReplace."));
return Replace(Begin() + Index, Begin() + Index + CountToReplace, View);
/** Replace the substring ['First', 'Last') with the contents of the 'View'. */
FORCEINLINE TString& Replace(ConstIterator First, ConstIterator Last, TStringView<ElementType> View)
checkf(IsValidIterator(First) && IsValidIterator(Last) && First <= Last, TEXT("Read access violation. Please check IsValidIterator()."));
return Replace(First, Last, View.Begin(), View.End());
/** Replace the substring [Index, Index + CountToReplace) with the contents of the range ['First', 'Last'). */
template <CInputIterator I, CSentinelFor<I> S> requires (CConstructibleFrom<ElementType, TIteratorReferenceType<I>>)
FORCEINLINE TString& Replace(size_t Index, size_t CountToReplace, I InString, S Sentinel)
checkf(Index <= Num() && Index + CountToReplace <= Num(), TEXT("Illegal substring range. Please check Index and CountToReplace."));
return Replace(Begin() + Index, Begin() + Index + CountToReplace, MoveTemp(InString), MoveTemp(Sentinel));
/** Replace the substring ['First', 'Last') with the contents of the range ['InString', 'Sentinel'). */
template <CInputIterator I, CSentinelFor<I> S> requires (CConstructibleFrom<ElementType, TIteratorReferenceType<I>>)
TString& Replace(ConstIterator First, ConstIterator Last, I InString, S Sentinel)
checkf(IsValidIterator(First) && IsValidIterator(Last) && First <= Last, TEXT("Read access violation. Please check IsValidIterator()."));
if constexpr (CForwardIterator<I>)
if (CSizedSentinelFor<S, I>) { checkf(First <= Last, TEXT("Illegal range iterator. Please check First <= Last.")); }
const size_t InsertIndex = First - Begin();
const size_t RemoveCount = Iteration::Distance(First, Last);
const size_t InsertCount = Iteration::Distance(InString, Sentinel);
const size_t NumToReset = Num() - RemoveCount + InsertCount;
if (InsertCount < RemoveCount)
for (size_t Index = InsertIndex; Index != InsertIndex + InsertCount; ++Index)
NativeData[Index] = ElementType(*InString++);
for (size_t Index = InsertIndex + InsertCount; Index != NumToReset; ++Index)
NativeData[Index] = NativeData[Index + (RemoveCount - InsertCount)];
NativeData.SetNum(NumToReset + 1);
NativeData.SetNum(NumToReset + 1);
for (size_t Index = Num(); Index != InsertIndex + InsertCount - 1; --Index)
NativeData[Index - 1] = NativeData[Index + (RemoveCount - InsertCount) - 1];
for (size_t Index = InsertIndex; Index != InsertIndex + InsertCount; ++Index)
NativeData[Index] = ElementType(*InString++);
NativeData.Back() = LITERAL(ElementType, '\0');
TString Temp(MoveTemp(First), MoveTemp(Last));
return Replace(First, Last, Temp.Begin(), Temp.End());
return *this;
/** Replace the substring [Index, Index + CountToReplace) with the contents of the initializer list. */
FORCEINLINE TString& Replace(size_t Index, size_t CountToReplace, initializer_list<ElementType> IL)
checkf(Index <= Num() && Index + CountToReplace <= Num(), TEXT("Illegal substring range. Please check Index and CountToReplace."));
return Replace(Begin() + Index, Begin() + Index + CountToReplace, IL);
/** Replace the substring ['First', 'Last') with the contents of the initializer list. */
FORCEINLINE TString& Replace(ConstIterator First, ConstIterator Last, initializer_list<ElementType> IL)
checkf(IsValidIterator(First) && IsValidIterator(Last) && First <= Last, TEXT("Read access violation. Please check IsValidIterator()."));
return Replace(First, Last, Iteration::Begin(IL), Iteration::End(IL));
/** Obtains a string that is a view over the 'Count' characters of this string view starting at 'Offset'. */
FORCEINLINE TString Substr(size_t Offset = 0, size_t Count = DynamicExtent) const
checkf(Offset <= Num() && Offset + Count <= Num(), TEXT("Illegal substring range. Please check Offset and Count."));
return TStringView<ElementType>(*this).Substr(Offset, Count);
/** Copies the characters of this string to the destination buffer without null-termination. */
FORCEINLINE constexpr size_t Copy(ElementType* Dest, size_t Count = DynamicExtent, size_t Offset = 0) const
checkf(Dest != nullptr, TEXT("Illegal destination buffer. Please check the pointer."));
checkf(Offset <= Num() && (Count == DynamicExtent || Offset + Count <= Num()), TEXT("Illegal subview range. Please check Offset and Count."));
return TStringView<ElementType>(*this).Copy(Dest, Count, Offset);
FORCEINLINE constexpr size_t Copy(nullptr_t, size_t Count = DynamicExtent, size_t Offset = 0) const = delete;
/** @return The index of the first occurrence of the given substring, or INDEX_NONE if not found. */
NODISCARD constexpr size_t Find(TStringView<ElementType> View, size_t Index = 0) const
checkf(Index < Num(), TEXT("Illegal index. Please check Index."));
return TStringView<ElementType>(*this).Find(View, Index);
/** @return The index of the first occurrence of the given character, or INDEX_NONE if not found. */
NODISCARD constexpr size_t Find(ElementType Char, size_t Index = 0) const
checkf(Index < Num(), TEXT("Illegal index. Please check Index."));
return TStringView<ElementType>(*this).Find(Char, Index);
/** @return The index of the first occurrence of the character that satisfy the given predicate, or INDEX_NONE if not found. */
template <CPredicate<ElementType> F>
NODISCARD constexpr size_t Find(F&& InPredicate, size_t Index = 0) const
checkf(Index < Num(), TEXT("Illegal index. Please check Index."));
return TStringView<ElementType>(*this).Find(Forward<F>(InPredicate), Index);
/** @return The index of the last occurrence of the given substring, or INDEX_NONE if not found. */
NODISCARD constexpr size_t RFind(TStringView<ElementType> View, size_t Index = INDEX_NONE) const
checkf(Index == INDEX_NONE || Index < Num(), TEXT("Illegal index. Please check Index."));
return TStringView<ElementType>(*this).RFind(View, Index);
/** @return The index of the last occurrence of the given character, or INDEX_NONE if not found. */
NODISCARD constexpr size_t RFind(ElementType Char, size_t Index = INDEX_NONE) const
checkf(Index == INDEX_NONE || Index < Num(), TEXT("Illegal index. Please check Index."));
return TStringView<ElementType>(*this).RFind(Char, Index);
/** @return The index of the last occurrence of the character that satisfy the given predicate, or INDEX_NONE if not found. */
template <CPredicate<ElementType> F>
NODISCARD constexpr size_t RFind(F&& InPredicate, size_t Index = INDEX_NONE) const
checkf(Index == INDEX_NONE || Index < Num(), TEXT("Illegal index. Please check Index."));
return TStringView<ElementType>(*this).RFind(Forward<F>(InPredicate), Index);
/** @return The index of the first occurrence of the character contained in the given view, or INDEX_NONE if not found. */
NODISCARD FORCEINLINE constexpr size_t FindFirstOf(TStringView<ElementType> View, size_t Index = 0) const
checkf(Index < Num(), TEXT("Illegal index. Please check Index."));
return TStringView<ElementType>(*this).FindFirstOf(View, Index);
/** @return The index of the first occurrence of the given character, or INDEX_NONE if not found. */
NODISCARD FORCEINLINE constexpr size_t FindFirstOf(ElementType Char, size_t Index = 0) const
checkf(Index < Num(), TEXT("Illegal index. Please check Index."));
return TStringView<ElementType>(*this).FindFirstOf(Char, Index);
/** @return The index of the last occurrence of the character contained in the given view, or INDEX_NONE if not found. */
NODISCARD FORCEINLINE constexpr size_t FindLastOf(TStringView<ElementType> View, size_t Index = INDEX_NONE) const
checkf(Index == INDEX_NONE || Index < Num(), TEXT("Illegal index. Please check Index."));
return TStringView<ElementType>(*this).FindLastOf(View, Index);
/** @return The index of the last occurrence of the given character, or INDEX_NONE if not found. */
NODISCARD FORCEINLINE constexpr size_t FindLastOf(ElementType Char, size_t Index = INDEX_NONE) const
checkf(Index == INDEX_NONE || Index < Num(), TEXT("Illegal index. Please check Index."));
return TStringView<ElementType>(*this).FindLastOf(Char, Index);
/** @return The index of the first absence of the character contained in the given view, or INDEX_NONE if not found. */
NODISCARD FORCEINLINE constexpr size_t FindFirstNotOf(TStringView<ElementType> View, size_t Index = 0) const
checkf(Index < Num(), TEXT("Illegal index. Please check Index."));
return TStringView<ElementType>(*this).FindFirstNotOf(View, Index);
/** @return The index of the first absence of the given character, or INDEX_NONE if not found. */
NODISCARD FORCEINLINE constexpr size_t FindFirstNotOf(ElementType Char, size_t Index = 0) const
checkf(Index < Num(), TEXT("Illegal index. Please check Index."));
return TStringView<ElementType>(*this).FindFirstNotOf(Char, Index);
/** @return The index of the last absence of the character contained in the given view, or INDEX_NONE if not found. */
NODISCARD FORCEINLINE constexpr size_t FindLastNotOf(TStringView<ElementType> View, size_t Index = INDEX_NONE) const
checkf(Index == INDEX_NONE || Index < Num(), TEXT("Illegal index. Please check Index."));
return TStringView<ElementType>(*this).FindLastNotOf(View, Index);
/** @return The index of the last absence of the given character, or INDEX_NONE if not found. */
NODISCARD FORCEINLINE constexpr size_t FindLastNotOf(ElementType Char, size_t Index = INDEX_NONE) const
checkf(Index == INDEX_NONE || Index < Num(), TEXT("Illegal index. Please check Index."));
return TStringView<ElementType>(*this).FindLastNotOf(Char, Index);
/** Resizes the string to contain 'Count' characters. Additional null characters are appended. */
FORCEINLINE void SetNum(size_t Count, bool bAllowShrinking = true) { SetNum(Count, LITERAL(ElementType, '\0'), bAllowShrinking); }
/** Resizes the string to contain 'Count' characters. Additional copies of 'InValue' are appended. */
FORCEINLINE void SetNum(size_t Count, ElementType InValue, bool bAllowShrinking = true) { NativeData.SetNum(Count + 1, InValue, bAllowShrinking); NativeData.Back() = LITERAL(ElementType, '\0'); }
/** Increase the max capacity of the string to a value that's greater or equal to 'Count'. */
FORCEINLINE void Reserve(size_t Count) { NativeData.Reserve(Count + 1); }
/** Requests the removal of unused capacity. */
FORCEINLINE void Shrink() { NativeData.Shrink(); }
/** @return The pointer to the underlying character storage. */
NODISCARD FORCEINLINE TObserverPtr< ElementType[]> GetData() { return NativeData.GetData(); }
NODISCARD FORCEINLINE TObserverPtr<const ElementType[]> GetData() const { return NativeData.GetData(); }
/** @return The non-modifiable standard C character string version of the string. */
NODISCARD FORCEINLINE const ElementType* ToCString() const { return NativeData.GetData().Get(); }
/** @return The iterator to the first or end character. */
NODISCARD FORCEINLINE Iterator Begin() { return NativeData.Begin(); }
NODISCARD FORCEINLINE ConstIterator Begin() const { return NativeData.Begin(); }
NODISCARD FORCEINLINE Iterator End() { return --NativeData.End(); }
NODISCARD FORCEINLINE ConstIterator End() const { return --NativeData.End(); }
/** @return The reverse iterator to the first or end character. */
NODISCARD FORCEINLINE ReverseIterator RBegin() { return ++NativeData.RBegin(); }
NODISCARD FORCEINLINE ConstReverseIterator RBegin() const { return ++NativeData.RBegin(); }
NODISCARD FORCEINLINE ReverseIterator REnd() { return NativeData.REnd(); }
NODISCARD FORCEINLINE ConstReverseIterator REnd() const { return NativeData.REnd(); }
/** @return The number of characters in the string. */
NODISCARD FORCEINLINE size_t Num() const { return NativeData.Num() - 1; }
/** @return The number of characters that can be held in currently allocated storage. */
NODISCARD FORCEINLINE size_t Max() const { return NativeData.Max() - 1; }
/** @return true if the string is empty, false otherwise. */
NODISCARD FORCEINLINE bool IsEmpty() const { return Num() == 0; }
/** @return true if the iterator is valid, false otherwise. */
NODISCARD FORCEINLINE bool IsValidIterator(ConstIterator Iter) const { return Begin() <= Iter && Iter <= End(); }
/** @return The reference to the requested character. */
NODISCARD FORCEINLINE ElementType& operator[](size_t Index) { checkf(Index < Num(), TEXT("Read access violation. Please check IsValidIterator().")); return NativeData[Index]; }
NODISCARD FORCEINLINE const ElementType& operator[](size_t Index) const { checkf(Index < Num(), TEXT("Read access violation. Please check IsValidIterator().")); return NativeData[Index]; }
/** @return The reference to the first or last character. */
NODISCARD FORCEINLINE ElementType& Front() { return *Begin(); }
NODISCARD FORCEINLINE const ElementType& Front() const { return *Begin(); }
NODISCARD FORCEINLINE ElementType& Back() { return *(End() - 1); }
NODISCARD FORCEINLINE const ElementType& Back() const { return *(End() - 1); }
/** Erases all characters from the string. After this call, Num() returns zero. */
FORCEINLINE void Reset(bool bAllowShrinking = true)
NativeData.PushBack(LITERAL(ElementType, '\0'));
/** Overloads the GetTypeHash algorithm for TString. */
NODISCARD friend FORCEINLINE size_t GetTypeHash(const TString& A) { return GetTypeHash(A.NativeData); }
/** Overloads the Swap algorithm for TString. */
friend FORCEINLINE void Swap(TString& A, TString& B) { Swap(A.NativeData, B.NativeData); }
TArray<T, Allocator> NativeData;
template<typename T>
TString(size_t, T) -> TString<T>;
template<typename T>
TString(const T*) -> TString<T>;
template<typename T>
TString(TStringView<T>) -> TString<T>;
template<typename I, typename S>
TString(I, S) -> TString<TIteratorElementType<I>>;
template <typename T>
TString(initializer_list<T>) -> TString<T>;
using FString = TString<char>;
using FWString = TString<wchar>;
using FU8String = TString<u8char>;
using FU16String = TString<u16char>;
using FU32String = TString<u32char>;
using FUnicodeString = TString<unicodechar>;
template <CCharType T> template <typename Allocator> constexpr TStringView<T>::TStringView(const TString<ElementType, Allocator>& InString)
: TStringView(InString.GetData().Get(), InString.Num()) { }