2022-12-26 08:47:33 -05:00
( features ) : Sequential (
( 0 ) : Conv2d ( 3 , 64 , kernel_size = ( 3 , 3 ) , stride = ( 1 , 1 ) , padding = ( 1 , 1 ) )
( 1 ) : ReLU ( inplace = True )
( 2 ) : Conv2d ( 64 , 64 , kernel_size = ( 3 , 3 ) , stride = ( 1 , 1 ) , padding = ( 1 , 1 ) )
( 3 ) : ReLU ( inplace = True )
( 4 ) : MaxPool2d ( kernel_size = 2 , stride = 2 , padding = 0 , dilation = 1 , ceil_mode = False )
( 5 ) : Conv2d ( 64 , 128 , kernel_size = ( 3 , 3 ) , stride = ( 1 , 1 ) , padding = ( 1 , 1 ) )
( 6 ) : ReLU ( inplace = True )
( 7 ) : Conv2d ( 128 , 128 , kernel_size = ( 3 , 3 ) , stride = ( 1 , 1 ) , padding = ( 1 , 1 ) )
( 8 ) : ReLU ( inplace = True )
( 9 ) : MaxPool2d ( kernel_size = 2 , stride = 2 , padding = 0 , dilation = 1 , ceil_mode = False )
( 10 ) : Conv2d ( 128 , 256 , kernel_size = ( 3 , 3 ) , stride = ( 1 , 1 ) , padding = ( 1 , 1 ) )
( 11 ) : ReLU ( inplace = True )
( 12 ) : Conv2d ( 256 , 256 , kernel_size = ( 3 , 3 ) , stride = ( 1 , 1 ) , padding = ( 1 , 1 ) )
( 13 ) : ReLU ( inplace = True )
( 14 ) : Conv2d ( 256 , 256 , kernel_size = ( 3 , 3 ) , stride = ( 1 , 1 ) , padding = ( 1 , 1 ) )
( 15 ) : ReLU ( inplace = True )
( 16 ) : MaxPool2d ( kernel_size = 2 , stride = 2 , padding = 0 , dilation = 1 , ceil_mode = False )
( 17 ) : Conv2d ( 256 , 512 , kernel_size = ( 3 , 3 ) , stride = ( 1 , 1 ) , padding = ( 1 , 1 ) )
( 18 ) : ReLU ( inplace = True )
( 19 ) : Conv2d ( 512 , 512 , kernel_size = ( 3 , 3 ) , stride = ( 1 , 1 ) , padding = ( 1 , 1 ) )
( 20 ) : ReLU ( inplace = True )
( 21 ) : Conv2d ( 512 , 512 , kernel_size = ( 3 , 3 ) , stride = ( 1 , 1 ) , padding = ( 1 , 1 ) )
( 22 ) : ReLU ( inplace = True )
( 23 ) : MaxPool2d ( kernel_size = 2 , stride = 2 , padding = 0 , dilation = 1 , ceil_mode = False )
( 24 ) : Conv2d ( 512 , 512 , kernel_size = ( 3 , 3 ) , stride = ( 1 , 1 ) , padding = ( 1 , 1 ) )
( 25 ) : ReLU ( inplace = True )
( 26 ) : Conv2d ( 512 , 512 , kernel_size = ( 3 , 3 ) , stride = ( 1 , 1 ) , padding = ( 1 , 1 ) )
( 27 ) : ReLU ( inplace = True )
( 28 ) : Conv2d ( 512 , 512 , kernel_size = ( 3 , 3 ) , stride = ( 1 , 1 ) , padding = ( 1 , 1 ) )
( 29 ) : ReLU ( inplace = True )
( 30 ) : MaxPool2d ( kernel_size = 2 , stride = 2 , padding = 0 , dilation = 1 , ceil_mode = False )
( avgpool ) : AdaptiveAvgPool2d ( output_size = ( 7 , 7 ) )
( classifier ) : Sequential (
( 0 ) : Linear ( in_features = 25088 , out_features = 4096 , bias = True )
( 1 ) : ReLU ( inplace = True )
( 2 ) : Dropout ( p = 0.5 , inplace = False )
( 3 ) : Linear ( in_features = 4096 , out_features = 4096 , bias = True )
( 4 ) : ReLU ( inplace = True )
( 5 ) : Dropout ( p = 0.5 , inplace = False )
( 6 ) : Linear ( in_features = 4096 , out_features = 1000 , bias = True )
2023-01-15 11:05:22 -05:00
import json
2023-02-23 19:21:30 -05:00
from typing import Any , List , NamedTuple , Optional , Tuple , Union , Callable
2022-12-26 08:47:33 -05:00
import glob
import importlib
import inspect
import time
2023-01-15 11:05:22 -05:00
import zipfile
2022-12-26 08:47:33 -05:00
from diffusers . utils import deprecate
from diffusers . configuration_utils import FrozenDict
import argparse
import math
import os
import random
import re
import diffusers
import numpy as np
import torch
import torchvision
from diffusers import ( AutoencoderKL , DDPMScheduler ,
EulerAncestralDiscreteScheduler , DPMSolverMultistepScheduler , DPMSolverSinglestepScheduler ,
LMSDiscreteScheduler , PNDMScheduler , DDIMScheduler , EulerDiscreteScheduler , HeunDiscreteScheduler ,
KDPM2DiscreteScheduler , KDPM2AncestralDiscreteScheduler ,
UNet2DConditionModel , StableDiffusionPipeline )
from einops import rearrange
from torch import einsum
from tqdm import tqdm
from torchvision import transforms
from transformers import CLIPTextModel , CLIPTokenizer , CLIPModel , CLIPTextConfig
import PIL
from PIL import Image
from PIL . PngImagePlugin import PngInfo
import library . model_util as model_util
2023-03-06 19:15:02 -05:00
import library . train_util as train_util
2023-02-23 19:21:30 -05:00
import tools . original_control_net as original_control_net
from tools . original_control_net import ControlNetInfo
2022-12-26 08:47:33 -05:00
# Tokenizer: checkpointから読み込むのではなくあらかじめ提供されているものを使う
TOKENIZER_PATH = " openai/clip-vit-large-patch14 "
V2_STABLE_DIFFUSION_PATH = " stabilityai/stable-diffusion-2 " # ここからtokenizerだけ使う
# scheduler:
SCHEDLER_SCHEDULE = ' scaled_linear '
# その他の設定
# CLIP_ID_L14_336 = "openai/clip-vit-large-patch14-336"
# CLIP guided SD関連
CLIP_MODEL_PATH = " laion/CLIP-ViT-B-32-laion2B-s34B-b79K "
FEATURE_EXTRACTOR_IMAGE_MEAN = [ 0.48145466 , 0.4578275 , 0.40821073 ]
FEATURE_EXTRACTOR_IMAGE_STD = [ 0.26862954 , 0.26130258 , 0.27577711 ]
VGG16_IMAGE_MEAN = [ 0.485 , 0.456 , 0.406 ]
VGG16_IMAGE_STD = [ 0.229 , 0.224 , 0.225 ]
# CLIP特徴量の取得時にcutoutを使うか: 使う場合にはソースを書き換えてください
# region モジュール入れ替え部
# FlashAttentionを使うCrossAttention
# based on https://github.com/lucidrains/memory-efficient-attention-pytorch/blob/main/memory_efficient_attention_pytorch/flash_attention.py
# LICENSE MIT https://github.com/lucidrains/memory-efficient-attention-pytorch/blob/main/LICENSE
# constants
EPSILON = 1e-6
# helper functions
def exists ( val ) :
return val is not None
def default ( val , d ) :
return val if exists ( val ) else d
# flash attention forwards and backwards
# https://arxiv.org/abs/2205.14135
class FlashAttentionFunction ( torch . autograd . Function ) :
@ staticmethod
@ torch . no_grad ( )
def forward ( ctx , q , k , v , mask , causal , q_bucket_size , k_bucket_size ) :
""" Algorithm 2 in the paper """
device = q . device
dtype = q . dtype
max_neg_value = - torch . finfo ( q . dtype ) . max
qk_len_diff = max ( k . shape [ - 2 ] - q . shape [ - 2 ] , 0 )
o = torch . zeros_like ( q )
all_row_sums = torch . zeros ( ( * q . shape [ : - 1 ] , 1 ) , dtype = dtype , device = device )
all_row_maxes = torch . full ( ( * q . shape [ : - 1 ] , 1 ) , max_neg_value , dtype = dtype , device = device )
scale = ( q . shape [ - 1 ] * * - 0.5 )
if not exists ( mask ) :
mask = ( None , ) * math . ceil ( q . shape [ - 2 ] / q_bucket_size )
else :
mask = rearrange ( mask , ' b n -> b 1 1 n ' )
mask = mask . split ( q_bucket_size , dim = - 1 )
row_splits = zip (
q . split ( q_bucket_size , dim = - 2 ) ,
o . split ( q_bucket_size , dim = - 2 ) ,
mask ,
all_row_sums . split ( q_bucket_size , dim = - 2 ) ,
all_row_maxes . split ( q_bucket_size , dim = - 2 ) ,
for ind , ( qc , oc , row_mask , row_sums , row_maxes ) in enumerate ( row_splits ) :
q_start_index = ind * q_bucket_size - qk_len_diff
col_splits = zip (
k . split ( k_bucket_size , dim = - 2 ) ,
v . split ( k_bucket_size , dim = - 2 ) ,
for k_ind , ( kc , vc ) in enumerate ( col_splits ) :
k_start_index = k_ind * k_bucket_size
attn_weights = einsum ( ' ... i d, ... j d -> ... i j ' , qc , kc ) * scale
if exists ( row_mask ) :
attn_weights . masked_fill_ ( ~ row_mask , max_neg_value )
if causal and q_start_index < ( k_start_index + k_bucket_size - 1 ) :
causal_mask = torch . ones ( ( qc . shape [ - 2 ] , kc . shape [ - 2 ] ) , dtype = torch . bool ,
device = device ) . triu ( q_start_index - k_start_index + 1 )
attn_weights . masked_fill_ ( causal_mask , max_neg_value )
block_row_maxes = attn_weights . amax ( dim = - 1 , keepdims = True )
attn_weights - = block_row_maxes
exp_weights = torch . exp ( attn_weights )
if exists ( row_mask ) :
exp_weights . masked_fill_ ( ~ row_mask , 0. )
block_row_sums = exp_weights . sum ( dim = - 1 , keepdims = True ) . clamp ( min = EPSILON )
new_row_maxes = torch . maximum ( block_row_maxes , row_maxes )
exp_values = einsum ( ' ... i j, ... j d -> ... i d ' , exp_weights , vc )
exp_row_max_diff = torch . exp ( row_maxes - new_row_maxes )
exp_block_row_max_diff = torch . exp ( block_row_maxes - new_row_maxes )
new_row_sums = exp_row_max_diff * row_sums + exp_block_row_max_diff * block_row_sums
oc . mul_ ( ( row_sums / new_row_sums ) * exp_row_max_diff ) . add_ ( ( exp_block_row_max_diff / new_row_sums ) * exp_values )
row_maxes . copy_ ( new_row_maxes )
row_sums . copy_ ( new_row_sums )
ctx . args = ( causal , scale , mask , q_bucket_size , k_bucket_size )
ctx . save_for_backward ( q , k , v , o , all_row_sums , all_row_maxes )
return o
@ staticmethod
@ torch . no_grad ( )
def backward ( ctx , do ) :
""" Algorithm 4 in the paper """
causal , scale , mask , q_bucket_size , k_bucket_size = ctx . args
q , k , v , o , l , m = ctx . saved_tensors
device = q . device
max_neg_value = - torch . finfo ( q . dtype ) . max
qk_len_diff = max ( k . shape [ - 2 ] - q . shape [ - 2 ] , 0 )
dq = torch . zeros_like ( q )
dk = torch . zeros_like ( k )
dv = torch . zeros_like ( v )
row_splits = zip (
q . split ( q_bucket_size , dim = - 2 ) ,
o . split ( q_bucket_size , dim = - 2 ) ,
do . split ( q_bucket_size , dim = - 2 ) ,
mask ,
l . split ( q_bucket_size , dim = - 2 ) ,
m . split ( q_bucket_size , dim = - 2 ) ,
dq . split ( q_bucket_size , dim = - 2 )
for ind , ( qc , oc , doc , row_mask , lc , mc , dqc ) in enumerate ( row_splits ) :
q_start_index = ind * q_bucket_size - qk_len_diff
col_splits = zip (
k . split ( k_bucket_size , dim = - 2 ) ,
v . split ( k_bucket_size , dim = - 2 ) ,
dk . split ( k_bucket_size , dim = - 2 ) ,
dv . split ( k_bucket_size , dim = - 2 ) ,
for k_ind , ( kc , vc , dkc , dvc ) in enumerate ( col_splits ) :
k_start_index = k_ind * k_bucket_size
attn_weights = einsum ( ' ... i d, ... j d -> ... i j ' , qc , kc ) * scale
if causal and q_start_index < ( k_start_index + k_bucket_size - 1 ) :
causal_mask = torch . ones ( ( qc . shape [ - 2 ] , kc . shape [ - 2 ] ) , dtype = torch . bool ,
device = device ) . triu ( q_start_index - k_start_index + 1 )
attn_weights . masked_fill_ ( causal_mask , max_neg_value )
exp_attn_weights = torch . exp ( attn_weights - mc )
if exists ( row_mask ) :
exp_attn_weights . masked_fill_ ( ~ row_mask , 0. )
p = exp_attn_weights / lc
dv_chunk = einsum ( ' ... i j, ... i d -> ... j d ' , p , doc )
dp = einsum ( ' ... i d, ... j d -> ... i j ' , doc , vc )
D = ( doc * oc ) . sum ( dim = - 1 , keepdims = True )
ds = p * scale * ( dp - D )
dq_chunk = einsum ( ' ... i j, ... j d -> ... i d ' , ds , kc )
dk_chunk = einsum ( ' ... i j, ... i d -> ... j d ' , ds , qc )
dqc . add_ ( dq_chunk )
dkc . add_ ( dk_chunk )
dvc . add_ ( dv_chunk )
return dq , dk , dv , None , None , None , None
def replace_unet_modules ( unet : diffusers . models . unet_2d_condition . UNet2DConditionModel , mem_eff_attn , xformers ) :
if mem_eff_attn :
replace_unet_cross_attn_to_memory_efficient ( )
elif xformers :
replace_unet_cross_attn_to_xformers ( )
def replace_unet_cross_attn_to_memory_efficient ( ) :
print ( " Replace CrossAttention.forward to use NAI style Hypernetwork and FlashAttention " )
flash_func = FlashAttentionFunction
def forward_flash_attn ( self , x , context = None , mask = None ) :
q_bucket_size = 512
k_bucket_size = 1024
h = self . heads
q = self . to_q ( x )
context = context if context is not None else x
context = context . to ( x . dtype )
if hasattr ( self , ' hypernetwork ' ) and self . hypernetwork is not None :
context_k , context_v = self . hypernetwork . forward ( x , context )
context_k = context_k . to ( x . dtype )
context_v = context_v . to ( x . dtype )
else :
context_k = context
context_v = context
k = self . to_k ( context_k )
v = self . to_v ( context_v )
del context , x
q , k , v = map ( lambda t : rearrange ( t , ' b n (h d) -> b h n d ' , h = h ) , ( q , k , v ) )
out = flash_func . apply ( q , k , v , mask , False , q_bucket_size , k_bucket_size )
out = rearrange ( out , ' b h n d -> b n (h d) ' )
# diffusers 0.7.0~
out = self . to_out [ 0 ] ( out )
out = self . to_out [ 1 ] ( out )
return out
diffusers . models . attention . CrossAttention . forward = forward_flash_attn
def replace_unet_cross_attn_to_xformers ( ) :
print ( " Replace CrossAttention.forward to use NAI style Hypernetwork and xformers " )
try :
import xformers . ops
except ImportError :
raise ImportError ( " No xformers / xformersがインストールされていないようです " )
def forward_xformers ( self , x , context = None , mask = None ) :
h = self . heads
q_in = self . to_q ( x )
context = default ( context , x )
context = context . to ( x . dtype )
if hasattr ( self , ' hypernetwork ' ) and self . hypernetwork is not None :
context_k , context_v = self . hypernetwork . forward ( x , context )
context_k = context_k . to ( x . dtype )
context_v = context_v . to ( x . dtype )
else :
context_k = context
context_v = context
k_in = self . to_k ( context_k )
v_in = self . to_v ( context_v )
q , k , v = map ( lambda t : rearrange ( t , ' b n (h d) -> b n h d ' , h = h ) , ( q_in , k_in , v_in ) )
del q_in , k_in , v_in
q = q . contiguous ( )
k = k . contiguous ( )
v = v . contiguous ( )
out = xformers . ops . memory_efficient_attention ( q , k , v , attn_bias = None ) # 最適なのを選んでくれる
out = rearrange ( out , ' b n h d -> b n (h d) ' , h = h )
# diffusers 0.7.0~
out = self . to_out [ 0 ] ( out )
out = self . to_out [ 1 ] ( out )
return out
diffusers . models . attention . CrossAttention . forward = forward_xformers
# endregion
# region 画像生成の本体: lpw_stable_diffusion.py ( ASL) からコピーして修正
# https://github.com/huggingface/diffusers/blob/main/examples/community/lpw_stable_diffusion.py
# Pipelineだけ独立して使えないのと機能追加するのとでコピーして修正
class PipelineLike ( ) :
r """
Pipeline for text - to - image generation using Stable Diffusion without tokens length limit , and support parsing
weighting in prompt .
This model inherits from [ ` DiffusionPipeline ` ] . Check the superclass documentation for the generic methods the
library implements for all the pipelines ( such as downloading or saving , running on a particular device , etc . )
Args :
vae ( [ ` AutoencoderKL ` ] ) :
Variational Auto - Encoder ( VAE ) Model to encode and decode images to and from latent representations .
text_encoder ( [ ` CLIPTextModel ` ] ) :
Frozen text - encoder . Stable Diffusion uses the text portion of
[ CLIP ] ( https : / / huggingface . co / docs / transformers / model_doc / clip #transformers.CLIPTextModel), specifically
the [ clip - vit - large - patch14 ] ( https : / / huggingface . co / openai / clip - vit - large - patch14 ) variant .
tokenizer ( ` CLIPTokenizer ` ) :
Tokenizer of class
[ CLIPTokenizer ] ( https : / / huggingface . co / docs / transformers / v4 .21 .0 / en / model_doc / clip #transformers.CLIPTokenizer).
unet ( [ ` UNet2DConditionModel ` ] ) : Conditional U - Net architecture to denoise the encoded image latents .
scheduler ( [ ` SchedulerMixin ` ] ) :
A scheduler to be used in combination with ` unet ` to denoise the encoded image latents . Can be one of
[ ` DDIMScheduler ` ] , [ ` LMSDiscreteScheduler ` ] , or [ ` PNDMScheduler ` ] .
safety_checker ( [ ` StableDiffusionSafetyChecker ` ] ) :
Classification module that estimates whether generated images could be considered offensive or harmful .
Please , refer to the [ model card ] ( https : / / huggingface . co / CompVis / stable - diffusion - v1 - 4 ) for details .
feature_extractor ( [ ` CLIPFeatureExtractor ` ] ) :
Model that extracts features from generated images to be used as inputs for the ` safety_checker ` .
def __init__ (
self ,
device ,
vae : AutoencoderKL ,
text_encoder : CLIPTextModel ,
tokenizer : CLIPTokenizer ,
unet : UNet2DConditionModel ,
scheduler : Union [ DDIMScheduler , PNDMScheduler , LMSDiscreteScheduler ] ,
clip_skip : int ,
clip_model : CLIPModel ,
clip_guidance_scale : float ,
clip_image_guidance_scale : float ,
vgg16_model : torchvision . models . VGG ,
vgg16_guidance_scale : float ,
vgg16_layer_no : int ,
# safety_checker: StableDiffusionSafetyChecker,
# feature_extractor: CLIPFeatureExtractor,
) :
super ( ) . __init__ ( )
self . device = device
self . clip_skip = clip_skip
if hasattr ( scheduler . config , " steps_offset " ) and scheduler . config . steps_offset != 1 :
deprecation_message = (
f " The configuration file of this scheduler: { scheduler } is outdated. `steps_offset` "
f " should be set to 1 instead of { scheduler . config . steps_offset } . Please make sure "
" to update the config accordingly as leaving `steps_offset` might led to incorrect results "
" in future versions. If you have downloaded this checkpoint from the Hugging Face Hub, "
" it would be very nice if you could open a Pull request for the `scheduler/scheduler_config.json` "
" file "
deprecate ( " steps_offset!=1 " , " 1.0.0 " , deprecation_message , standard_warn = False )
new_config = dict ( scheduler . config )
new_config [ " steps_offset " ] = 1
scheduler . _internal_dict = FrozenDict ( new_config )
if hasattr ( scheduler . config , " clip_sample " ) and scheduler . config . clip_sample is True :
deprecation_message = (
f " The configuration file of this scheduler: { scheduler } has not set the configuration `clip_sample`. "
" `clip_sample` should be set to False in the configuration file. Please make sure to update the "
" config accordingly as not setting `clip_sample` in the config might lead to incorrect results in "
" future versions. If you have downloaded this checkpoint from the Hugging Face Hub, it would be very "
" nice if you could open a Pull request for the `scheduler/scheduler_config.json` file "
deprecate ( " clip_sample not set " , " 1.0.0 " , deprecation_message , standard_warn = False )
new_config = dict ( scheduler . config )
new_config [ " clip_sample " ] = False
scheduler . _internal_dict = FrozenDict ( new_config )
self . vae = vae
self . text_encoder = text_encoder
self . tokenizer = tokenizer
self . unet = unet
self . scheduler = scheduler
self . safety_checker = None
2023-02-03 14:40:03 -05:00
# Textual Inversion
self . token_replacements = { }
2022-12-26 08:47:33 -05:00
# CLIP guidance
self . clip_guidance_scale = clip_guidance_scale
self . clip_image_guidance_scale = clip_image_guidance_scale
self . clip_model = clip_model
self . normalize = transforms . Normalize ( mean = FEATURE_EXTRACTOR_IMAGE_MEAN , std = FEATURE_EXTRACTOR_IMAGE_STD )
self . make_cutouts = MakeCutouts ( FEATURE_EXTRACTOR_SIZE )
# VGG16 guidance
self . vgg16_guidance_scale = vgg16_guidance_scale
if self . vgg16_guidance_scale > 0.0 :
return_layers = { f ' { vgg16_layer_no } ' : ' feat ' }
self . vgg16_feat_model = torchvision . models . _utils . IntermediateLayerGetter ( vgg16_model . features , return_layers = return_layers )
self . vgg16_normalize = transforms . Normalize ( mean = VGG16_IMAGE_MEAN , std = VGG16_IMAGE_STD )
2023-02-23 19:21:30 -05:00
# ControlNet
self . control_nets : List [ ControlNetInfo ] = [ ]
2023-02-03 14:40:03 -05:00
# Textual Inversion
def add_token_replacement ( self , target_token_id , rep_token_ids ) :
self . token_replacements [ target_token_id ] = rep_token_ids
def replace_token ( self , tokens ) :
new_tokens = [ ]
for token in tokens :
if token in self . token_replacements :
new_tokens . extend ( self . token_replacements [ token ] )
else :
new_tokens . append ( token )
return new_tokens
2023-02-23 19:21:30 -05:00
def set_control_nets ( self , ctrl_nets ) :
self . control_nets = ctrl_nets
2023-01-15 11:05:22 -05:00
# region xformersとか使う部分: 独自に書き換えるので関係なし
2023-02-23 19:21:30 -05:00
2022-12-26 08:47:33 -05:00
def enable_xformers_memory_efficient_attention ( self ) :
r """
Enable memory efficient attention as implemented in xformers .
When this option is enabled , you should observe lower GPU memory usage and a potential speed up at inference
time . Speed up at training time is not guaranteed .
Warning : When Memory Efficient Attention and Sliced attention are both enabled , the Memory Efficient Attention
is used .
self . unet . set_use_memory_efficient_attention_xformers ( True )
def disable_xformers_memory_efficient_attention ( self ) :
r """
Disable memory efficient attention as implemented in xformers .
self . unet . set_use_memory_efficient_attention_xformers ( False )
def enable_attention_slicing ( self , slice_size : Optional [ Union [ str , int ] ] = " auto " ) :
r """
Enable sliced attention computation .
When this option is enabled , the attention module will split the input tensor in slices , to compute attention
in several steps . This is useful to save some memory in exchange for a small speed decrease .
Args :
slice_size ( ` str ` or ` int ` , * optional * , defaults to ` " auto " ` ) :
When ` " auto " ` , halves the input to the attention heads , so attention will be computed in two steps . If
a number is provided , uses as many slices as ` attention_head_dim / / slice_size ` . In this case ,
` attention_head_dim ` must be a multiple of ` slice_size ` .
if slice_size == " auto " :
# half the attention head size is usually a good trade-off between
# speed and memory
slice_size = self . unet . config . attention_head_dim / / 2
self . unet . set_attention_slice ( slice_size )
def disable_attention_slicing ( self ) :
r """
Disable sliced attention computation . If ` enable_attention_slicing ` was previously invoked , this method will go
back to computing attention in one step .
# set slice_size = `None` to disable `attention slicing`
self . enable_attention_slicing ( None )
def enable_sequential_cpu_offload ( self ) :
r """
Offloads all models to CPU using accelerate , significantly reducing memory usage . When called , unet ,
text_encoder , vae and safety checker have their state dicts saved to CPU and then are moved to a
` torch . device ( ' meta ' ) and loaded to GPU only when their specific submodule has its ` forward ` method called .
# accelerateが必要になるのでとりあえず省略
raise NotImplementedError ( " cpu_offload is omitted. " )
# if is_accelerate_available():
# from accelerate import cpu_offload
# else:
# raise ImportError("Please install accelerate via `pip install accelerate`")
# device = self.device
# for cpu_offloaded_model in [self.unet, self.text_encoder, self.vae, self.safety_checker]:
# if cpu_offloaded_model is not None:
# cpu_offload(cpu_offloaded_model, device)
# endregion
@torch.no_grad ( )
def __call__ (
self ,
prompt : Union [ str , List [ str ] ] ,
negative_prompt : Optional [ Union [ str , List [ str ] ] ] = None ,
init_image : Union [ torch . FloatTensor , PIL . Image . Image , List [ PIL . Image . Image ] ] = None ,
mask_image : Union [ torch . FloatTensor , PIL . Image . Image , List [ PIL . Image . Image ] ] = None ,
height : int = 512 ,
width : int = 512 ,
num_inference_steps : int = 50 ,
guidance_scale : float = 7.5 ,
2023-01-15 11:05:22 -05:00
negative_scale : float = None ,
2022-12-26 08:47:33 -05:00
strength : float = 0.8 ,
# num_images_per_prompt: Optional[int] = 1,
eta : float = 0.0 ,
generator : Optional [ torch . Generator ] = None ,
latents : Optional [ torch . FloatTensor ] = None ,
max_embeddings_multiples : Optional [ int ] = 3 ,
output_type : Optional [ str ] = " pil " ,
2023-03-06 19:15:02 -05:00
vae_batch_size : float = None ,
return_latents : bool = False ,
2022-12-26 08:47:33 -05:00
# return_dict: bool = True,
callback : Optional [ Callable [ [ int , int , torch . FloatTensor ] , None ] ] = None ,
is_cancelled_callback : Optional [ Callable [ [ ] , bool ] ] = None ,
callback_steps : Optional [ int ] = 1 ,
img2img_noise = None ,
clip_prompts = None ,
clip_guide_images = None ,
* * kwargs ,
) :
r """
Function invoked when calling the pipeline for generation .
Args :
prompt ( ` str ` or ` List [ str ] ` ) :
The prompt or prompts to guide the image generation .
negative_prompt ( ` str ` or ` List [ str ] ` , * optional * ) :
The prompt or prompts not to guide the image generation . Ignored when not using guidance ( i . e . , ignored
if ` guidance_scale ` is less than ` 1 ` ) .
init_image ( ` torch . FloatTensor ` or ` PIL . Image . Image ` ) :
` Image ` , or tensor representing an image batch , that will be used as the starting point for the
process .
mask_image ( ` torch . FloatTensor ` or ` PIL . Image . Image ` ) :
` Image ` , or tensor representing an image batch , to mask ` init_image ` . White pixels in the mask will be
replaced by noise and therefore repainted , while black pixels will be preserved . If ` mask_image ` is a
PIL image , it will be converted to a single channel ( luminance ) before use . If it ' s a tensor, it should
contain one color channel ( L ) instead of 3 , so the expected shape would be ` ( B , H , W , 1 ) ` .
height ( ` int ` , * optional * , defaults to 512 ) :
The height in pixels of the generated image .
width ( ` int ` , * optional * , defaults to 512 ) :
The width in pixels of the generated image .
num_inference_steps ( ` int ` , * optional * , defaults to 50 ) :
The number of denoising steps . More denoising steps usually lead to a higher quality image at the
expense of slower inference .
guidance_scale ( ` float ` , * optional * , defaults to 7.5 ) :
Guidance scale as defined in [ Classifier - Free Diffusion Guidance ] ( https : / / arxiv . org / abs / 2207.12598 ) .
` guidance_scale ` is defined as ` w ` of equation 2. of [ Imagen
Paper ] ( https : / / arxiv . org / pdf / 2205.11487 . pdf ) . Guidance scale is enabled by setting ` guidance_scale >
1 ` . Higher guidance scale encourages to generate images that are closely linked to the text ` prompt ` ,
usually at the expense of lower image quality .
strength ( ` float ` , * optional * , defaults to 0.8 ) :
Conceptually , indicates how much to transform the reference ` init_image ` . Must be between 0 and 1.
` init_image ` will be used as a starting point , adding more noise to it the larger the ` strength ` . The
number of denoising steps depends on the amount of noise initially added . When ` strength ` is 1 , added
noise will be maximum and the denoising process will run for the full number of iterations specified in
` num_inference_steps ` . A value of 1 , therefore , essentially ignores ` init_image ` .
num_images_per_prompt ( ` int ` , * optional * , defaults to 1 ) :
The number of images to generate per prompt .
eta ( ` float ` , * optional * , defaults to 0.0 ) :
Corresponds to parameter eta ( η ) in the DDIM paper : https : / / arxiv . org / abs / 2010.02502 . Only applies to
[ ` schedulers . DDIMScheduler ` ] , will be ignored for others .
generator ( ` torch . Generator ` , * optional * ) :
A [ torch generator ] ( https : / / pytorch . org / docs / stable / generated / torch . Generator . html ) to make generation
deterministic .
latents ( ` torch . FloatTensor ` , * optional * ) :
Pre - generated noisy latents , sampled from a Gaussian distribution , to be used as inputs for image
generation . Can be used to tweak the same generation with different prompts . If not provided , a latents
tensor will ge generated by sampling using the supplied random ` generator ` .
max_embeddings_multiples ( ` int ` , * optional * , defaults to ` 3 ` ) :
The max multiple length of prompt embeddings compared to the max output length of text encoder .
output_type ( ` str ` , * optional * , defaults to ` " pil " ` ) :
The output format of the generate image . Choose between
[ PIL ] ( https : / / pillow . readthedocs . io / en / stable / ) : ` PIL . Image . Image ` or ` np . array ` .
return_dict ( ` bool ` , * optional * , defaults to ` True ` ) :
Whether or not to return a [ ` ~ pipelines . stable_diffusion . StableDiffusionPipelineOutput ` ] instead of a
plain tuple .
callback ( ` Callable ` , * optional * ) :
A function that will be called every ` callback_steps ` steps during inference . The function will be
called with the following arguments : ` callback ( step : int , timestep : int , latents : torch . FloatTensor ) ` .
is_cancelled_callback ( ` Callable ` , * optional * ) :
A function that will be called every ` callback_steps ` steps during inference . If the function returns
` True ` , the inference will be cancelled .
callback_steps ( ` int ` , * optional * , defaults to 1 ) :
The frequency at which the ` callback ` function will be called . If not specified , the callback will be
called at every step .
Returns :
` None ` if cancelled by ` is_cancelled_callback ` ,
[ ` ~ pipelines . stable_diffusion . StableDiffusionPipelineOutput ` ] or ` tuple ` :
[ ` ~ pipelines . stable_diffusion . StableDiffusionPipelineOutput ` ] if ` return_dict ` is True , otherwise a ` tuple .
When returning a tuple , the first element is a list with the generated images , and the second element is a
list of ` bool ` s denoting whether the corresponding generated image likely represents " not-safe-for-work "
( nsfw ) content , according to the ` safety_checker ` .
num_images_per_prompt = 1 # fixed
if isinstance ( prompt , str ) :
batch_size = 1
prompt = [ prompt ]
elif isinstance ( prompt , list ) :
batch_size = len ( prompt )
else :
raise ValueError ( f " `prompt` has to be of type `str` or `list` but is { type ( prompt ) } " )
2023-03-06 19:15:02 -05:00
vae_batch_size = batch_size if vae_batch_size is None else (
int ( vae_batch_size ) if vae_batch_size > = 1 else max ( 1 , int ( batch_size * vae_batch_size ) ) )
2022-12-26 08:47:33 -05:00
if strength < 0 or strength > 1 :
raise ValueError ( f " The value of strength should in [0.0, 1.0] but is { strength } " )
if height % 8 != 0 or width % 8 != 0 :
raise ValueError ( f " `height` and `width` have to be divisible by 8 but are { height } and { width } . " )
if ( callback_steps is None ) or (
callback_steps is not None and ( not isinstance ( callback_steps , int ) or callback_steps < = 0 )
) :
raise ValueError (
f " `callback_steps` has to be a positive integer but is { callback_steps } of type "
f " { type ( callback_steps ) } . "
# get prompt text embeddings
# here `guidance_scale` is defined analog to the guidance weight `w` of equation (2)
# of the Imagen paper: https://arxiv.org/pdf/2205.11487.pdf . `guidance_scale = 1`
# corresponds to doing no classifier free guidance.
do_classifier_free_guidance = guidance_scale > 1.0
2023-01-15 11:05:22 -05:00
if not do_classifier_free_guidance and negative_scale is not None :
print ( f " negative_scale is ignored if guidance scalle <= 1.0 " )
negative_scale = None
2022-12-26 08:47:33 -05:00
# get unconditional embeddings for classifier free guidance
if negative_prompt is None :
negative_prompt = [ " " ] * batch_size
elif isinstance ( negative_prompt , str ) :
negative_prompt = [ negative_prompt ] * batch_size
if batch_size != len ( negative_prompt ) :
raise ValueError (
f " `negative_prompt`: { negative_prompt } has batch size { len ( negative_prompt ) } , but `prompt`: "
f " { prompt } has batch size { batch_size } . Please make sure that passed `negative_prompt` matches "
" the batch size of `prompt`. "
text_embeddings , uncond_embeddings , prompt_tokens = get_weighted_text_embeddings (
pipe = self ,
prompt = prompt ,
uncond_prompt = negative_prompt if do_classifier_free_guidance else None ,
max_embeddings_multiples = max_embeddings_multiples ,
clip_skip = self . clip_skip ,
* * kwargs ,
2023-01-15 11:05:22 -05:00
if negative_scale is not None :
_ , real_uncond_embeddings , _ = get_weighted_text_embeddings (
pipe = self ,
prompt = prompt , # こちらのトークン長に合わせてuncondを作るので75トークン超で必須
uncond_prompt = [ " " ] * batch_size ,
max_embeddings_multiples = max_embeddings_multiples ,
clip_skip = self . clip_skip ,
* * kwargs ,
2022-12-26 08:47:33 -05:00
if do_classifier_free_guidance :
2023-01-15 11:05:22 -05:00
if negative_scale is None :
text_embeddings = torch . cat ( [ uncond_embeddings , text_embeddings ] )
else :
text_embeddings = torch . cat ( [ uncond_embeddings , text_embeddings , real_uncond_embeddings ] )
2022-12-26 08:47:33 -05:00
# CLIP guidanceで使用するembeddingsを取得する
if self . clip_guidance_scale > 0 :
clip_text_input = prompt_tokens
if clip_text_input . shape [ 1 ] > self . tokenizer . model_max_length :
# TODO 75文字を超えたら警告を出す?
print ( " trim text input " , clip_text_input . shape )
clip_text_input = torch . cat ( [ clip_text_input [ : , : self . tokenizer . model_max_length - 1 ] ,
clip_text_input [ : , - 1 ] . unsqueeze ( 1 ) ] , dim = 1 )
print ( " trimmed " , clip_text_input . shape )
for i , clip_prompt in enumerate ( clip_prompts ) :
if clip_prompt is not None : # clip_promptがあれば上書きする
clip_text_input [ i ] = self . tokenizer ( clip_prompt , padding = " max_length " , max_length = self . tokenizer . model_max_length ,
truncation = True , return_tensors = " pt " , ) . input_ids . to ( self . device )
text_embeddings_clip = self . clip_model . get_text_features ( clip_text_input )
text_embeddings_clip = text_embeddings_clip / text_embeddings_clip . norm ( p = 2 , dim = - 1 , keepdim = True ) # prompt複数件でもOK
2023-02-23 19:21:30 -05:00
if self . clip_image_guidance_scale > 0 or self . vgg16_guidance_scale > 0 and clip_guide_images is not None or self . control_nets :
2022-12-26 08:47:33 -05:00
if isinstance ( clip_guide_images , PIL . Image . Image ) :
clip_guide_images = [ clip_guide_images ]
if self . clip_image_guidance_scale > 0 :
clip_guide_images = [ preprocess_guide_image ( im ) for im in clip_guide_images ]
clip_guide_images = torch . cat ( clip_guide_images , dim = 0 )
clip_guide_images = self . normalize ( clip_guide_images ) . to ( self . device ) . to ( text_embeddings . dtype )
image_embeddings_clip = self . clip_model . get_image_features ( clip_guide_images )
image_embeddings_clip = image_embeddings_clip / image_embeddings_clip . norm ( p = 2 , dim = - 1 , keepdim = True )
if len ( image_embeddings_clip ) == 1 :
image_embeddings_clip = image_embeddings_clip . repeat ( ( batch_size , 1 , 1 , 1 ) )
2023-02-23 19:21:30 -05:00
elif self . vgg16_guidance_scale > 0 :
2022-12-26 08:47:33 -05:00
size = ( width / / VGG16_INPUT_RESIZE_DIV , height / / VGG16_INPUT_RESIZE_DIV ) # とりあえず1/4に( 小さいか?)
clip_guide_images = [ preprocess_vgg16_guide_image ( im , size ) for im in clip_guide_images ]
clip_guide_images = torch . cat ( clip_guide_images , dim = 0 )
clip_guide_images = self . vgg16_normalize ( clip_guide_images ) . to ( self . device ) . to ( text_embeddings . dtype )
image_embeddings_vgg16 = self . vgg16_feat_model ( clip_guide_images ) [ ' feat ' ]
if len ( image_embeddings_vgg16 ) == 1 :
image_embeddings_vgg16 = image_embeddings_vgg16 . repeat ( ( batch_size , 1 , 1 , 1 ) )
2023-02-23 19:21:30 -05:00
else :
# ControlNetのhintにguide imageを流用する
# 前処理はControlNet側で行う
2022-12-26 08:47:33 -05:00
# set timesteps
self . scheduler . set_timesteps ( num_inference_steps , self . device )
latents_dtype = text_embeddings . dtype
init_latents_orig = None
mask = None
if init_image is None :
# get the initial random noise unless the user supplied it
# Unlike in other pipelines, latents need to be generated in the target device
# for 1-to-1 results reproducibility with the CompVis implementation.
# However this currently doesn't work in `mps`.
latents_shape = ( batch_size * num_images_per_prompt , self . unet . in_channels , height / / 8 , width / / 8 , )
if latents is None :
if self . device . type == " mps " :
# randn does not exist on mps
latents = torch . randn ( latents_shape , generator = generator , device = " cpu " , dtype = latents_dtype , ) . to ( self . device )
else :
latents = torch . randn ( latents_shape , generator = generator , device = self . device , dtype = latents_dtype , )
else :
if latents . shape != latents_shape :
raise ValueError ( f " Unexpected latents shape, got { latents . shape } , expected { latents_shape } " )
latents = latents . to ( self . device )
timesteps = self . scheduler . timesteps . to ( self . device )
# scale the initial noise by the standard deviation required by the scheduler
latents = latents * self . scheduler . init_noise_sigma
else :
# image to tensor
if isinstance ( init_image , PIL . Image . Image ) :
init_image = [ init_image ]
if isinstance ( init_image [ 0 ] , PIL . Image . Image ) :
init_image = [ preprocess_image ( im ) for im in init_image ]
init_image = torch . cat ( init_image )
2023-03-06 19:15:02 -05:00
if isinstance ( init_image , list ) :
init_image = torch . stack ( init_image )
2022-12-26 08:47:33 -05:00
# mask image to tensor
if mask_image is not None :
if isinstance ( mask_image , PIL . Image . Image ) :
mask_image = [ mask_image ]
if isinstance ( mask_image [ 0 ] , PIL . Image . Image ) :
mask_image = torch . cat ( [ preprocess_mask ( im ) for im in mask_image ] ) # H*W, 0 for repaint
# encode the init image into latents and scale the latents
init_image = init_image . to ( device = self . device , dtype = latents_dtype )
2023-03-06 19:15:02 -05:00
if init_image . size ( ) [ 2 : ] == ( height / / 8 , width / / 8 ) :
init_latents = init_image
else :
if vae_batch_size > = batch_size :
init_latent_dist = self . vae . encode ( init_image ) . latent_dist
init_latents = init_latent_dist . sample ( generator = generator )
else :
if torch . cuda . is_available ( ) :
torch . cuda . empty_cache ( )
init_latents = [ ]
for i in tqdm ( range ( 0 , batch_size , vae_batch_size ) ) :
init_latent_dist = self . vae . encode ( init_image [ i : i + vae_batch_size ]
if vae_batch_size > 1 else init_image [ i ] . unsqueeze ( 0 ) ) . latent_dist
init_latents . append ( init_latent_dist . sample ( generator = generator ) )
init_latents = torch . cat ( init_latents )
init_latents = 0.18215 * init_latents
2022-12-26 08:47:33 -05:00
if len ( init_latents ) == 1 :
init_latents = init_latents . repeat ( ( batch_size , 1 , 1 , 1 ) )
init_latents_orig = init_latents
# preprocess mask
if mask_image is not None :
mask = mask_image . to ( device = self . device , dtype = latents_dtype )
if len ( mask ) == 1 :
mask = mask . repeat ( ( batch_size , 1 , 1 , 1 ) )
# check sizes
if not mask . shape == init_latents . shape :
raise ValueError ( " The mask and init_image should be the same size! " )
# get the original timestep using init_timestep
offset = self . scheduler . config . get ( " steps_offset " , 0 )
init_timestep = int ( num_inference_steps * strength ) + offset
init_timestep = min ( init_timestep , num_inference_steps )
timesteps = self . scheduler . timesteps [ - init_timestep ]
timesteps = torch . tensor ( [ timesteps ] * batch_size * num_images_per_prompt , device = self . device )
# add noise to latents using the timesteps
latents = self . scheduler . add_noise ( init_latents , img2img_noise , timesteps )
t_start = max ( num_inference_steps - init_timestep + offset , 0 )
timesteps = self . scheduler . timesteps [ t_start : ] . to ( self . device )
# prepare extra kwargs for the scheduler step, since not all schedulers have the same signature
# eta (η) is only used with the DDIMScheduler, it will be ignored for other schedulers.
# eta corresponds to η in DDIM paper: https://arxiv.org/abs/2010.02502
# and should be between [0, 1]
accepts_eta = " eta " in set ( inspect . signature ( self . scheduler . step ) . parameters . keys ( ) )
extra_step_kwargs = { }
if accepts_eta :
extra_step_kwargs [ " eta " ] = eta
2023-01-15 11:05:22 -05:00
num_latent_input = ( 3 if negative_scale is not None else 2 ) if do_classifier_free_guidance else 1
2023-02-23 19:21:30 -05:00
if self . control_nets :
guided_hints = original_control_net . get_guided_hints ( self . control_nets , num_latent_input , batch_size , clip_guide_images )
2022-12-26 08:47:33 -05:00
for i , t in enumerate ( tqdm ( timesteps ) ) :
# expand the latents if we are doing classifier free guidance
2023-01-15 11:05:22 -05:00
latent_model_input = latents . repeat ( ( num_latent_input , 1 , 1 , 1 ) )
2022-12-26 08:47:33 -05:00
latent_model_input = self . scheduler . scale_model_input ( latent_model_input , t )
2023-02-23 19:21:30 -05:00
2022-12-26 08:47:33 -05:00
# predict the noise residual
2023-02-23 19:21:30 -05:00
if self . control_nets :
noise_pred = original_control_net . call_unet_and_control_net (
i , num_latent_input , self . unet , self . control_nets , guided_hints , i / len ( timesteps ) , latent_model_input , t , text_embeddings ) . sample
else :
noise_pred = self . unet ( latent_model_input , t , encoder_hidden_states = text_embeddings ) . sample
2022-12-26 08:47:33 -05:00
# perform guidance
if do_classifier_free_guidance :
2023-01-15 11:05:22 -05:00
if negative_scale is None :
noise_pred_uncond , noise_pred_text = noise_pred . chunk ( num_latent_input ) # uncond by negative prompt
noise_pred = noise_pred_uncond + guidance_scale * ( noise_pred_text - noise_pred_uncond )
else :
noise_pred_negative , noise_pred_text , noise_pred_uncond = noise_pred . chunk ( num_latent_input ) # uncond is real uncond
noise_pred = noise_pred_uncond + guidance_scale * \
( noise_pred_text - noise_pred_uncond ) - negative_scale * ( noise_pred_negative - noise_pred_uncond )
2022-12-26 08:47:33 -05:00
# perform clip guidance
if self . clip_guidance_scale > 0 or self . clip_image_guidance_scale > 0 or self . vgg16_guidance_scale > 0 :
2023-01-15 11:05:22 -05:00
text_embeddings_for_guidance = ( text_embeddings . chunk ( num_latent_input ) [
1 ] if do_classifier_free_guidance else text_embeddings )
2022-12-26 08:47:33 -05:00
if self . clip_guidance_scale > 0 :
noise_pred , latents = self . cond_fn ( latents , t , i , text_embeddings_for_guidance , noise_pred ,
text_embeddings_clip , self . clip_guidance_scale , NUM_CUTOUTS , USE_CUTOUTS , )
if self . clip_image_guidance_scale > 0 and clip_guide_images is not None :
noise_pred , latents = self . cond_fn ( latents , t , i , text_embeddings_for_guidance , noise_pred ,
image_embeddings_clip , self . clip_image_guidance_scale , NUM_CUTOUTS , USE_CUTOUTS , )
if self . vgg16_guidance_scale > 0 and clip_guide_images is not None :
noise_pred , latents = self . cond_fn_vgg16 ( latents , t , i , text_embeddings_for_guidance , noise_pred ,
image_embeddings_vgg16 , self . vgg16_guidance_scale )
# compute the previous noisy sample x_t -> x_t-1
latents = self . scheduler . step ( noise_pred , t , latents , * * extra_step_kwargs ) . prev_sample
if mask is not None :
# masking
init_latents_proper = self . scheduler . add_noise ( init_latents_orig , img2img_noise , torch . tensor ( [ t ] ) )
latents = ( init_latents_proper * mask ) + ( latents * ( 1 - mask ) )
# call the callback, if provided
if i % callback_steps == 0 :
if callback is not None :
callback ( i , t , latents )
if is_cancelled_callback is not None and is_cancelled_callback ( ) :
return None
2023-03-06 19:15:02 -05:00
if return_latents :
return ( latents , False )
2022-12-26 08:47:33 -05:00
latents = 1 / 0.18215 * latents
2023-03-06 19:15:02 -05:00
if vae_batch_size > = batch_size :
image = self . vae . decode ( latents ) . sample
else :
if torch . cuda . is_available ( ) :
torch . cuda . empty_cache ( )
images = [ ]
for i in tqdm ( range ( 0 , batch_size , vae_batch_size ) ) :
images . append ( self . vae . decode ( latents [ i : i + vae_batch_size ] if vae_batch_size > 1 else latents [ i ] . unsqueeze ( 0 ) ) . sample )
image = torch . cat ( images )
2022-12-26 08:47:33 -05:00
image = ( image / 2 + 0.5 ) . clamp ( 0 , 1 )
# we always cast to float32 as this does not cause significant overhead and is compatible with bfloa16
image = image . cpu ( ) . permute ( 0 , 2 , 3 , 1 ) . float ( ) . numpy ( )
if self . safety_checker is not None :
safety_checker_input = self . feature_extractor ( self . numpy_to_pil ( image ) , return_tensors = " pt " ) . to (
self . device
image , has_nsfw_concept = self . safety_checker (
images = image ,
clip_input = safety_checker_input . pixel_values . to ( text_embeddings . dtype ) ,
else :
has_nsfw_concept = None
if output_type == " pil " :
# image = self.numpy_to_pil(image)
image = ( image * 255 ) . round ( ) . astype ( " uint8 " )
image = [ Image . fromarray ( im ) for im in image ]
# if not return_dict:
return ( image , has_nsfw_concept )
# return StableDiffusionPipelineOutput(images=image, nsfw_content_detected=has_nsfw_concept)
def text2img (
self ,
prompt : Union [ str , List [ str ] ] ,
negative_prompt : Optional [ Union [ str , List [ str ] ] ] = None ,
height : int = 512 ,
width : int = 512 ,
num_inference_steps : int = 50 ,
guidance_scale : float = 7.5 ,
num_images_per_prompt : Optional [ int ] = 1 ,
eta : float = 0.0 ,
generator : Optional [ torch . Generator ] = None ,
latents : Optional [ torch . FloatTensor ] = None ,
max_embeddings_multiples : Optional [ int ] = 3 ,
output_type : Optional [ str ] = " pil " ,
return_dict : bool = True ,
callback : Optional [ Callable [ [ int , int , torch . FloatTensor ] , None ] ] = None ,
callback_steps : Optional [ int ] = 1 ,
* * kwargs ,
) :
r """
Function for text - to - image generation .
Args :
prompt ( ` str ` or ` List [ str ] ` ) :
The prompt or prompts to guide the image generation .
negative_prompt ( ` str ` or ` List [ str ] ` , * optional * ) :
The prompt or prompts not to guide the image generation . Ignored when not using guidance ( i . e . , ignored
if ` guidance_scale ` is less than ` 1 ` ) .
height ( ` int ` , * optional * , defaults to 512 ) :
The height in pixels of the generated image .
width ( ` int ` , * optional * , defaults to 512 ) :
The width in pixels of the generated image .
num_inference_steps ( ` int ` , * optional * , defaults to 50 ) :
The number of denoising steps . More denoising steps usually lead to a higher quality image at the
expense of slower inference .
guidance_scale ( ` float ` , * optional * , defaults to 7.5 ) :
Guidance scale as defined in [ Classifier - Free Diffusion Guidance ] ( https : / / arxiv . org / abs / 2207.12598 ) .
` guidance_scale ` is defined as ` w ` of equation 2. of [ Imagen
Paper ] ( https : / / arxiv . org / pdf / 2205.11487 . pdf ) . Guidance scale is enabled by setting ` guidance_scale >
1 ` . Higher guidance scale encourages to generate images that are closely linked to the text ` prompt ` ,
usually at the expense of lower image quality .
num_images_per_prompt ( ` int ` , * optional * , defaults to 1 ) :
The number of images to generate per prompt .
eta ( ` float ` , * optional * , defaults to 0.0 ) :
Corresponds to parameter eta ( η ) in the DDIM paper : https : / / arxiv . org / abs / 2010.02502 . Only applies to
[ ` schedulers . DDIMScheduler ` ] , will be ignored for others .
generator ( ` torch . Generator ` , * optional * ) :
A [ torch generator ] ( https : / / pytorch . org / docs / stable / generated / torch . Generator . html ) to make generation
deterministic .
latents ( ` torch . FloatTensor ` , * optional * ) :
Pre - generated noisy latents , sampled from a Gaussian distribution , to be used as inputs for image
generation . Can be used to tweak the same generation with different prompts . If not provided , a latents
tensor will ge generated by sampling using the supplied random ` generator ` .
max_embeddings_multiples ( ` int ` , * optional * , defaults to ` 3 ` ) :
The max multiple length of prompt embeddings compared to the max output length of text encoder .
output_type ( ` str ` , * optional * , defaults to ` " pil " ` ) :
The output format of the generate image . Choose between
[ PIL ] ( https : / / pillow . readthedocs . io / en / stable / ) : ` PIL . Image . Image ` or ` np . array ` .
return_dict ( ` bool ` , * optional * , defaults to ` True ` ) :
Whether or not to return a [ ` ~ pipelines . stable_diffusion . StableDiffusionPipelineOutput ` ] instead of a
plain tuple .
callback ( ` Callable ` , * optional * ) :
A function that will be called every ` callback_steps ` steps during inference . The function will be
called with the following arguments : ` callback ( step : int , timestep : int , latents : torch . FloatTensor ) ` .
callback_steps ( ` int ` , * optional * , defaults to 1 ) :
The frequency at which the ` callback ` function will be called . If not specified , the callback will be
called at every step .
Returns :
[ ` ~ pipelines . stable_diffusion . StableDiffusionPipelineOutput ` ] or ` tuple ` :
[ ` ~ pipelines . stable_diffusion . StableDiffusionPipelineOutput ` ] if ` return_dict ` is True , otherwise a ` tuple .
When returning a tuple , the first element is a list with the generated images , and the second element is a
list of ` bool ` s denoting whether the corresponding generated image likely represents " not-safe-for-work "
( nsfw ) content , according to the ` safety_checker ` .
return self . __call__ (
prompt = prompt ,
negative_prompt = negative_prompt ,
height = height ,
width = width ,
num_inference_steps = num_inference_steps ,
guidance_scale = guidance_scale ,
num_images_per_prompt = num_images_per_prompt ,
eta = eta ,
generator = generator ,
latents = latents ,
max_embeddings_multiples = max_embeddings_multiples ,
output_type = output_type ,
return_dict = return_dict ,
callback = callback ,
callback_steps = callback_steps ,
* * kwargs ,
def img2img (
self ,
init_image : Union [ torch . FloatTensor , PIL . Image . Image ] ,
prompt : Union [ str , List [ str ] ] ,
negative_prompt : Optional [ Union [ str , List [ str ] ] ] = None ,
strength : float = 0.8 ,
num_inference_steps : Optional [ int ] = 50 ,
guidance_scale : Optional [ float ] = 7.5 ,
num_images_per_prompt : Optional [ int ] = 1 ,
eta : Optional [ float ] = 0.0 ,
generator : Optional [ torch . Generator ] = None ,
max_embeddings_multiples : Optional [ int ] = 3 ,
output_type : Optional [ str ] = " pil " ,
return_dict : bool = True ,
callback : Optional [ Callable [ [ int , int , torch . FloatTensor ] , None ] ] = None ,
callback_steps : Optional [ int ] = 1 ,
* * kwargs ,
) :
r """
Function for image - to - image generation .
Args :
init_image ( ` torch . FloatTensor ` or ` PIL . Image . Image ` ) :
` Image ` , or tensor representing an image batch , that will be used as the starting point for the
process .
prompt ( ` str ` or ` List [ str ] ` ) :
The prompt or prompts to guide the image generation .
negative_prompt ( ` str ` or ` List [ str ] ` , * optional * ) :
The prompt or prompts not to guide the image generation . Ignored when not using guidance ( i . e . , ignored
if ` guidance_scale ` is less than ` 1 ` ) .
strength ( ` float ` , * optional * , defaults to 0.8 ) :
Conceptually , indicates how much to transform the reference ` init_image ` . Must be between 0 and 1.
` init_image ` will be used as a starting point , adding more noise to it the larger the ` strength ` . The
number of denoising steps depends on the amount of noise initially added . When ` strength ` is 1 , added
noise will be maximum and the denoising process will run for the full number of iterations specified in
` num_inference_steps ` . A value of 1 , therefore , essentially ignores ` init_image ` .
num_inference_steps ( ` int ` , * optional * , defaults to 50 ) :
The number of denoising steps . More denoising steps usually lead to a higher quality image at the
expense of slower inference . This parameter will be modulated by ` strength ` .
guidance_scale ( ` float ` , * optional * , defaults to 7.5 ) :
Guidance scale as defined in [ Classifier - Free Diffusion Guidance ] ( https : / / arxiv . org / abs / 2207.12598 ) .
` guidance_scale ` is defined as ` w ` of equation 2. of [ Imagen
Paper ] ( https : / / arxiv . org / pdf / 2205.11487 . pdf ) . Guidance scale is enabled by setting ` guidance_scale >
1 ` . Higher guidance scale encourages to generate images that are closely linked to the text ` prompt ` ,
usually at the expense of lower image quality .
num_images_per_prompt ( ` int ` , * optional * , defaults to 1 ) :
The number of images to generate per prompt .
eta ( ` float ` , * optional * , defaults to 0.0 ) :
Corresponds to parameter eta ( η ) in the DDIM paper : https : / / arxiv . org / abs / 2010.02502 . Only applies to
[ ` schedulers . DDIMScheduler ` ] , will be ignored for others .
generator ( ` torch . Generator ` , * optional * ) :
A [ torch generator ] ( https : / / pytorch . org / docs / stable / generated / torch . Generator . html ) to make generation
deterministic .
max_embeddings_multiples ( ` int ` , * optional * , defaults to ` 3 ` ) :
The max multiple length of prompt embeddings compared to the max output length of text encoder .
output_type ( ` str ` , * optional * , defaults to ` " pil " ` ) :
The output format of the generate image . Choose between
[ PIL ] ( https : / / pillow . readthedocs . io / en / stable / ) : ` PIL . Image . Image ` or ` np . array ` .
return_dict ( ` bool ` , * optional * , defaults to ` True ` ) :
Whether or not to return a [ ` ~ pipelines . stable_diffusion . StableDiffusionPipelineOutput ` ] instead of a
plain tuple .
callback ( ` Callable ` , * optional * ) :
A function that will be called every ` callback_steps ` steps during inference . The function will be
called with the following arguments : ` callback ( step : int , timestep : int , latents : torch . FloatTensor ) ` .
callback_steps ( ` int ` , * optional * , defaults to 1 ) :
The frequency at which the ` callback ` function will be called . If not specified , the callback will be
called at every step .
Returns :
[ ` ~ pipelines . stable_diffusion . StableDiffusionPipelineOutput ` ] or ` tuple ` :
[ ` ~ pipelines . stable_diffusion . StableDiffusionPipelineOutput ` ] if ` return_dict ` is True , otherwise a ` tuple .
When returning a tuple , the first element is a list with the generated images , and the second element is a
list of ` bool ` s denoting whether the corresponding generated image likely represents " not-safe-for-work "
( nsfw ) content , according to the ` safety_checker ` .
return self . __call__ (
prompt = prompt ,
negative_prompt = negative_prompt ,
init_image = init_image ,
num_inference_steps = num_inference_steps ,
guidance_scale = guidance_scale ,
strength = strength ,
num_images_per_prompt = num_images_per_prompt ,
eta = eta ,
generator = generator ,
max_embeddings_multiples = max_embeddings_multiples ,
output_type = output_type ,
return_dict = return_dict ,
callback = callback ,
callback_steps = callback_steps ,
* * kwargs ,
def inpaint (
self ,
init_image : Union [ torch . FloatTensor , PIL . Image . Image ] ,
mask_image : Union [ torch . FloatTensor , PIL . Image . Image ] ,
prompt : Union [ str , List [ str ] ] ,
negative_prompt : Optional [ Union [ str , List [ str ] ] ] = None ,
strength : float = 0.8 ,
num_inference_steps : Optional [ int ] = 50 ,
guidance_scale : Optional [ float ] = 7.5 ,
num_images_per_prompt : Optional [ int ] = 1 ,
eta : Optional [ float ] = 0.0 ,
generator : Optional [ torch . Generator ] = None ,
max_embeddings_multiples : Optional [ int ] = 3 ,
output_type : Optional [ str ] = " pil " ,
return_dict : bool = True ,
callback : Optional [ Callable [ [ int , int , torch . FloatTensor ] , None ] ] = None ,
callback_steps : Optional [ int ] = 1 ,
* * kwargs ,
) :
r """
Function for inpaint .
Args :
init_image ( ` torch . FloatTensor ` or ` PIL . Image . Image ` ) :
` Image ` , or tensor representing an image batch , that will be used as the starting point for the
process . This is the image whose masked region will be inpainted .
mask_image ( ` torch . FloatTensor ` or ` PIL . Image . Image ` ) :
` Image ` , or tensor representing an image batch , to mask ` init_image ` . White pixels in the mask will be
replaced by noise and therefore repainted , while black pixels will be preserved . If ` mask_image ` is a
PIL image , it will be converted to a single channel ( luminance ) before use . If it ' s a tensor, it should
contain one color channel ( L ) instead of 3 , so the expected shape would be ` ( B , H , W , 1 ) ` .
prompt ( ` str ` or ` List [ str ] ` ) :
The prompt or prompts to guide the image generation .
negative_prompt ( ` str ` or ` List [ str ] ` , * optional * ) :
The prompt or prompts not to guide the image generation . Ignored when not using guidance ( i . e . , ignored
if ` guidance_scale ` is less than ` 1 ` ) .
strength ( ` float ` , * optional * , defaults to 0.8 ) :
Conceptually , indicates how much to inpaint the masked area . Must be between 0 and 1. When ` strength `
is 1 , the denoising process will be run on the masked area for the full number of iterations specified
in ` num_inference_steps ` . ` init_image ` will be used as a reference for the masked area , adding more
noise to that region the larger the ` strength ` . If ` strength ` is 0 , no inpainting will occur .
num_inference_steps ( ` int ` , * optional * , defaults to 50 ) :
The reference number of denoising steps . More denoising steps usually lead to a higher quality image at
the expense of slower inference . This parameter will be modulated by ` strength ` , as explained above .
guidance_scale ( ` float ` , * optional * , defaults to 7.5 ) :
Guidance scale as defined in [ Classifier - Free Diffusion Guidance ] ( https : / / arxiv . org / abs / 2207.12598 ) .
` guidance_scale ` is defined as ` w ` of equation 2. of [ Imagen
Paper ] ( https : / / arxiv . org / pdf / 2205.11487 . pdf ) . Guidance scale is enabled by setting ` guidance_scale >
1 ` . Higher guidance scale encourages to generate images that are closely linked to the text ` prompt ` ,
usually at the expense of lower image quality .
num_images_per_prompt ( ` int ` , * optional * , defaults to 1 ) :
The number of images to generate per prompt .
eta ( ` float ` , * optional * , defaults to 0.0 ) :
Corresponds to parameter eta ( η ) in the DDIM paper : https : / / arxiv . org / abs / 2010.02502 . Only applies to
[ ` schedulers . DDIMScheduler ` ] , will be ignored for others .
generator ( ` torch . Generator ` , * optional * ) :
A [ torch generator ] ( https : / / pytorch . org / docs / stable / generated / torch . Generator . html ) to make generation
deterministic .
max_embeddings_multiples ( ` int ` , * optional * , defaults to ` 3 ` ) :
The max multiple length of prompt embeddings compared to the max output length of text encoder .
output_type ( ` str ` , * optional * , defaults to ` " pil " ` ) :
The output format of the generate image . Choose between
[ PIL ] ( https : / / pillow . readthedocs . io / en / stable / ) : ` PIL . Image . Image ` or ` np . array ` .
return_dict ( ` bool ` , * optional * , defaults to ` True ` ) :
Whether or not to return a [ ` ~ pipelines . stable_diffusion . StableDiffusionPipelineOutput ` ] instead of a
plain tuple .
callback ( ` Callable ` , * optional * ) :
A function that will be called every ` callback_steps ` steps during inference . The function will be
called with the following arguments : ` callback ( step : int , timestep : int , latents : torch . FloatTensor ) ` .
callback_steps ( ` int ` , * optional * , defaults to 1 ) :
The frequency at which the ` callback ` function will be called . If not specified , the callback will be
called at every step .
Returns :
[ ` ~ pipelines . stable_diffusion . StableDiffusionPipelineOutput ` ] or ` tuple ` :
[ ` ~ pipelines . stable_diffusion . StableDiffusionPipelineOutput ` ] if ` return_dict ` is True , otherwise a ` tuple .
When returning a tuple , the first element is a list with the generated images , and the second element is a
list of ` bool ` s denoting whether the corresponding generated image likely represents " not-safe-for-work "
( nsfw ) content , according to the ` safety_checker ` .
return self . __call__ (
prompt = prompt ,
negative_prompt = negative_prompt ,
init_image = init_image ,
mask_image = mask_image ,
num_inference_steps = num_inference_steps ,
guidance_scale = guidance_scale ,
strength = strength ,
num_images_per_prompt = num_images_per_prompt ,
eta = eta ,
generator = generator ,
max_embeddings_multiples = max_embeddings_multiples ,
output_type = output_type ,
return_dict = return_dict ,
callback = callback ,
callback_steps = callback_steps ,
* * kwargs ,
# CLIP guidance StableDiffusion
# copy from https://github.com/huggingface/diffusers/blob/main/examples/community/clip_guided_stable_diffusion.py
# バッチを分解して1件ずつ処理する
def cond_fn ( self , latents , timestep , index , text_embeddings , noise_pred_original , guide_embeddings_clip , clip_guidance_scale ,
num_cutouts , use_cutouts = True , ) :
if len ( latents ) == 1 :
return self . cond_fn1 ( latents , timestep , index , text_embeddings , noise_pred_original , guide_embeddings_clip , clip_guidance_scale ,
num_cutouts , use_cutouts )
noise_pred = [ ]
cond_latents = [ ]
for i in range ( len ( latents ) ) :
lat1 = latents [ i ] . unsqueeze ( 0 )
tem1 = text_embeddings [ i ] . unsqueeze ( 0 )
npo1 = noise_pred_original [ i ] . unsqueeze ( 0 )
gem1 = guide_embeddings_clip [ i ] . unsqueeze ( 0 )
npr1 , cla1 = self . cond_fn1 ( lat1 , timestep , index , tem1 , npo1 , gem1 , clip_guidance_scale , num_cutouts , use_cutouts )
noise_pred . append ( npr1 )
cond_latents . append ( cla1 )
noise_pred = torch . cat ( noise_pred )
cond_latents = torch . cat ( cond_latents )
return noise_pred , cond_latents
@torch.enable_grad ( )
def cond_fn1 ( self , latents , timestep , index , text_embeddings , noise_pred_original , guide_embeddings_clip , clip_guidance_scale ,
num_cutouts , use_cutouts = True , ) :
latents = latents . detach ( ) . requires_grad_ ( )
if isinstance ( self . scheduler , LMSDiscreteScheduler ) :
sigma = self . scheduler . sigmas [ index ]
# the model input needs to be scaled to match the continuous ODE formulation in K-LMS
latent_model_input = latents / ( ( sigma * * 2 + 1 ) * * 0.5 )
else :
latent_model_input = latents
# predict the noise residual
noise_pred = self . unet ( latent_model_input , timestep , encoder_hidden_states = text_embeddings ) . sample
if isinstance ( self . scheduler , ( PNDMScheduler , DDIMScheduler ) ) :
alpha_prod_t = self . scheduler . alphas_cumprod [ timestep ]
beta_prod_t = 1 - alpha_prod_t
# compute predicted original sample from predicted noise also called
# "predicted x_0" of formula (12) from https://arxiv.org/pdf/2010.02502.pdf
pred_original_sample = ( latents - beta_prod_t * * ( 0.5 ) * noise_pred ) / alpha_prod_t * * ( 0.5 )
fac = torch . sqrt ( beta_prod_t )
sample = pred_original_sample * ( fac ) + latents * ( 1 - fac )
elif isinstance ( self . scheduler , LMSDiscreteScheduler ) :
sigma = self . scheduler . sigmas [ index ]
sample = latents - sigma * noise_pred
else :
raise ValueError ( f " scheduler type { type ( self . scheduler ) } not supported " )
sample = 1 / 0.18215 * sample
image = self . vae . decode ( sample ) . sample
image = ( image / 2 + 0.5 ) . clamp ( 0 , 1 )
if use_cutouts :
image = self . make_cutouts ( image , num_cutouts )
else :
image = transforms . Resize ( FEATURE_EXTRACTOR_SIZE ) ( image )
image = self . normalize ( image ) . to ( latents . dtype )
image_embeddings_clip = self . clip_model . get_image_features ( image )
image_embeddings_clip = image_embeddings_clip / image_embeddings_clip . norm ( p = 2 , dim = - 1 , keepdim = True )
if use_cutouts :
dists = spherical_dist_loss ( image_embeddings_clip , guide_embeddings_clip )
dists = dists . view ( [ num_cutouts , sample . shape [ 0 ] , - 1 ] )
loss = dists . sum ( 2 ) . mean ( 0 ) . sum ( ) * clip_guidance_scale
else :
# バッチサイズが複数だと正しく動くかわからない
loss = spherical_dist_loss ( image_embeddings_clip , guide_embeddings_clip ) . mean ( ) * clip_guidance_scale
grads = - torch . autograd . grad ( loss , latents ) [ 0 ]
if isinstance ( self . scheduler , LMSDiscreteScheduler ) :
latents = latents . detach ( ) + grads * ( sigma * * 2 )
noise_pred = noise_pred_original
else :
noise_pred = noise_pred_original - torch . sqrt ( beta_prod_t ) * grads
return noise_pred , latents
# バッチを分解して一件ずつ処理する
def cond_fn_vgg16 ( self , latents , timestep , index , text_embeddings , noise_pred_original , guide_embeddings , guidance_scale ) :
if len ( latents ) == 1 :
return self . cond_fn_vgg16_b1 ( latents , timestep , index , text_embeddings , noise_pred_original , guide_embeddings , guidance_scale )
noise_pred = [ ]
cond_latents = [ ]
for i in range ( len ( latents ) ) :
lat1 = latents [ i ] . unsqueeze ( 0 )
tem1 = text_embeddings [ i ] . unsqueeze ( 0 )
npo1 = noise_pred_original [ i ] . unsqueeze ( 0 )
gem1 = guide_embeddings [ i ] . unsqueeze ( 0 )
npr1 , cla1 = self . cond_fn_vgg16_b1 ( lat1 , timestep , index , tem1 , npo1 , gem1 , guidance_scale )
noise_pred . append ( npr1 )
cond_latents . append ( cla1 )
noise_pred = torch . cat ( noise_pred )
cond_latents = torch . cat ( cond_latents )
return noise_pred , cond_latents
# 1件だけ処理する
@torch.enable_grad ( )
def cond_fn_vgg16_b1 ( self , latents , timestep , index , text_embeddings , noise_pred_original , guide_embeddings , guidance_scale ) :
latents = latents . detach ( ) . requires_grad_ ( )
if isinstance ( self . scheduler , LMSDiscreteScheduler ) :
sigma = self . scheduler . sigmas [ index ]
# the model input needs to be scaled to match the continuous ODE formulation in K-LMS
latent_model_input = latents / ( ( sigma * * 2 + 1 ) * * 0.5 )
else :
latent_model_input = latents
# predict the noise residual
noise_pred = self . unet ( latent_model_input , timestep , encoder_hidden_states = text_embeddings ) . sample
if isinstance ( self . scheduler , ( PNDMScheduler , DDIMScheduler ) ) :
alpha_prod_t = self . scheduler . alphas_cumprod [ timestep ]
beta_prod_t = 1 - alpha_prod_t
# compute predicted original sample from predicted noise also called
# "predicted x_0" of formula (12) from https://arxiv.org/pdf/2010.02502.pdf
pred_original_sample = ( latents - beta_prod_t * * ( 0.5 ) * noise_pred ) / alpha_prod_t * * ( 0.5 )
fac = torch . sqrt ( beta_prod_t )
sample = pred_original_sample * ( fac ) + latents * ( 1 - fac )
elif isinstance ( self . scheduler , LMSDiscreteScheduler ) :
sigma = self . scheduler . sigmas [ index ]
sample = latents - sigma * noise_pred
else :
raise ValueError ( f " scheduler type { type ( self . scheduler ) } not supported " )
sample = 1 / 0.18215 * sample
image = self . vae . decode ( sample ) . sample
image = ( image / 2 + 0.5 ) . clamp ( 0 , 1 )
image = transforms . Resize ( ( image . shape [ - 2 ] / / VGG16_INPUT_RESIZE_DIV , image . shape [ - 1 ] / / VGG16_INPUT_RESIZE_DIV ) ) ( image )
image = self . vgg16_normalize ( image ) . to ( latents . dtype )
image_embeddings = self . vgg16_feat_model ( image ) [ ' feat ' ]
# バッチサイズが複数だと正しく動くかわからない
loss = ( ( image_embeddings - guide_embeddings ) * * 2 ) . mean ( ) * guidance_scale # MSE style transferでコンテンツの損失はMSEなので
grads = - torch . autograd . grad ( loss , latents ) [ 0 ]
if isinstance ( self . scheduler , LMSDiscreteScheduler ) :
latents = latents . detach ( ) + grads * ( sigma * * 2 )
noise_pred = noise_pred_original
else :
noise_pred = noise_pred_original - torch . sqrt ( beta_prod_t ) * grads
return noise_pred , latents
class MakeCutouts ( torch . nn . Module ) :
def __init__ ( self , cut_size , cut_power = 1.0 ) :
super ( ) . __init__ ( )
self . cut_size = cut_size
self . cut_power = cut_power
def forward ( self , pixel_values , num_cutouts ) :
sideY , sideX = pixel_values . shape [ 2 : 4 ]
max_size = min ( sideX , sideY )
min_size = min ( sideX , sideY , self . cut_size )
cutouts = [ ]
for _ in range ( num_cutouts ) :
size = int ( torch . rand ( [ ] ) * * self . cut_power * ( max_size - min_size ) + min_size )
offsetx = torch . randint ( 0 , sideX - size + 1 , ( ) )
offsety = torch . randint ( 0 , sideY - size + 1 , ( ) )
cutout = pixel_values [ : , : , offsety : offsety + size , offsetx : offsetx + size ]
cutouts . append ( torch . nn . functional . adaptive_avg_pool2d ( cutout , self . cut_size ) )
return torch . cat ( cutouts )
def spherical_dist_loss ( x , y ) :
x = torch . nn . functional . normalize ( x , dim = - 1 )
y = torch . nn . functional . normalize ( y , dim = - 1 )
return ( x - y ) . norm ( dim = - 1 ) . div ( 2 ) . arcsin ( ) . pow ( 2 ) . mul ( 2 )
re_attention = re . compile (
r """
\\\( |
\\\) |
\\\[ |
\\] |
\( |
\[ |
: ( [ + - ] ? [ . \d ] + ) \) |
\) |
] |
[ ^ \\( ) \[ \] : ] + |
""" ,
re . X ,
def parse_prompt_attention ( text ) :
Parses a string with attention tokens and returns a list of pairs : text and its associated weight .
Accepted tokens are :
( abc ) - increases attention to abc by a multiplier of 1.1
( abc : 3.12 ) - increases attention to abc by a multiplier of 3.12
[ abc ] - decreases attention to abc by a multiplier of 1.1
\( - literal character ' ( '
\[ - literal character ' [ '
\) - literal character ' ) '
\] - literal character ' ] '
\\ - literal character ' \'
anything else - just text
>> > parse_prompt_attention ( ' normal text ' )
[ [ ' normal text ' , 1.0 ] ]
>> > parse_prompt_attention ( ' an (important) word ' )
[ [ ' an ' , 1.0 ] , [ ' important ' , 1.1 ] , [ ' word ' , 1.0 ] ]
>> > parse_prompt_attention ( ' (unbalanced ' )
[ [ ' unbalanced ' , 1.1 ] ]
>> > parse_prompt_attention ( ' \ (literal \ ] ' )
[ [ ' (literal] ' , 1.0 ] ]
>> > parse_prompt_attention ( ' (unnecessary)(parens) ' )
[ [ ' unnecessaryparens ' , 1.1 ] ]
>> > parse_prompt_attention ( ' a (((house:1.3)) [on] a (hill:0.5), sun, (((sky))). ' )
[ [ ' a ' , 1.0 ] ,
[ ' house ' , 1.5730000000000004 ] ,
[ ' ' , 1.1 ] ,
[ ' on ' , 1.0 ] ,
[ ' a ' , 1.1 ] ,
[ ' hill ' , 0.55 ] ,
[ ' , sun, ' , 1.1 ] ,
[ ' sky ' , 1.4641000000000006 ] ,
[ ' . ' , 1.1 ] ]
res = [ ]
round_brackets = [ ]
square_brackets = [ ]
round_bracket_multiplier = 1.1
square_bracket_multiplier = 1 / 1.1
def multiply_range ( start_position , multiplier ) :
for p in range ( start_position , len ( res ) ) :
res [ p ] [ 1 ] * = multiplier
for m in re_attention . finditer ( text ) :
text = m . group ( 0 )
weight = m . group ( 1 )
if text . startswith ( " \\ " ) :
res . append ( [ text [ 1 : ] , 1.0 ] )
elif text == " ( " :
round_brackets . append ( len ( res ) )
elif text == " [ " :
square_brackets . append ( len ( res ) )
elif weight is not None and len ( round_brackets ) > 0 :
multiply_range ( round_brackets . pop ( ) , float ( weight ) )
elif text == " ) " and len ( round_brackets ) > 0 :
multiply_range ( round_brackets . pop ( ) , round_bracket_multiplier )
elif text == " ] " and len ( square_brackets ) > 0 :
multiply_range ( square_brackets . pop ( ) , square_bracket_multiplier )
else :
res . append ( [ text , 1.0 ] )
for pos in round_brackets :
multiply_range ( pos , round_bracket_multiplier )
for pos in square_brackets :
multiply_range ( pos , square_bracket_multiplier )
if len ( res ) == 0 :
res = [ [ " " , 1.0 ] ]
# merge runs of identical weights
i = 0
while i + 1 < len ( res ) :
if res [ i ] [ 1 ] == res [ i + 1 ] [ 1 ] :
res [ i ] [ 0 ] + = res [ i + 1 ] [ 0 ]
res . pop ( i + 1 )
else :
i + = 1
return res
def get_prompts_with_weights ( pipe : PipelineLike , prompt : List [ str ] , max_length : int ) :
r """
Tokenize a list of prompts and return its tokens with weights of each token .
No padding , starting or ending token is included .
tokens = [ ]
weights = [ ]
truncated = False
for text in prompt :
texts_and_weights = parse_prompt_attention ( text )
text_token = [ ]
text_weight = [ ]
for word , weight in texts_and_weights :
# tokenize and discard the starting and the ending token
token = pipe . tokenizer ( word ) . input_ids [ 1 : - 1 ]
2023-02-03 14:40:03 -05:00
token = pipe . replace_token ( token )
2022-12-26 08:47:33 -05:00
text_token + = token
# copy the weight by length of token
text_weight + = [ weight ] * len ( token )
# stop if the text is too long (longer than truncation limit)
if len ( text_token ) > max_length :
truncated = True
# truncate
if len ( text_token ) > max_length :
truncated = True
text_token = text_token [ : max_length ]
text_weight = text_weight [ : max_length ]
tokens . append ( text_token )
weights . append ( text_weight )
if truncated :
print ( " warning: Prompt was truncated. Try to shorten the prompt or increase max_embeddings_multiples " )
return tokens , weights
def pad_tokens_and_weights ( tokens , weights , max_length , bos , eos , pad , no_boseos_middle = True , chunk_length = 77 ) :
r """
Pad the tokens ( with starting and ending tokens ) and weights ( with 1.0 ) to max_length .
max_embeddings_multiples = ( max_length - 2 ) / / ( chunk_length - 2 )
weights_length = max_length if no_boseos_middle else max_embeddings_multiples * chunk_length
for i in range ( len ( tokens ) ) :
tokens [ i ] = [ bos ] + tokens [ i ] + [ eos ] + [ pad ] * ( max_length - 2 - len ( tokens [ i ] ) )
if no_boseos_middle :
weights [ i ] = [ 1.0 ] + weights [ i ] + [ 1.0 ] * ( max_length - 1 - len ( weights [ i ] ) )
else :
w = [ ]
if len ( weights [ i ] ) == 0 :
w = [ 1.0 ] * weights_length
else :
for j in range ( max_embeddings_multiples ) :
w . append ( 1.0 ) # weight for starting token in this chunk
w + = weights [ i ] [ j * ( chunk_length - 2 ) : min ( len ( weights [ i ] ) , ( j + 1 ) * ( chunk_length - 2 ) ) ]
w . append ( 1.0 ) # weight for ending token in this chunk
w + = [ 1.0 ] * ( weights_length - len ( w ) )
weights [ i ] = w [ : ]
return tokens , weights
def get_unweighted_text_embeddings (
pipe : PipelineLike ,
text_input : torch . Tensor ,
chunk_length : int ,
clip_skip : int ,
eos : int ,
pad : int ,
no_boseos_middle : Optional [ bool ] = True ,
) :
When the length of tokens is a multiple of the capacity of the text encoder ,
it should be split into chunks and sent to the text encoder individually .
max_embeddings_multiples = ( text_input . shape [ 1 ] - 2 ) / / ( chunk_length - 2 )
if max_embeddings_multiples > 1 :
text_embeddings = [ ]
for i in range ( max_embeddings_multiples ) :
# extract the i-th chunk
text_input_chunk = text_input [ : , i * ( chunk_length - 2 ) : ( i + 1 ) * ( chunk_length - 2 ) + 2 ] . clone ( )
# cover the head and the tail by the starting and the ending tokens
text_input_chunk [ : , 0 ] = text_input [ 0 , 0 ]
if pad == eos : # v1
text_input_chunk [ : , - 1 ] = text_input [ 0 , - 1 ]
else : # v2
2023-03-09 11:06:59 -05:00
for j in range ( len ( text_input_chunk ) ) :
if text_input_chunk [ j , - 1 ] != eos and text_input_chunk [ j , - 1 ] != pad : # 最後に普通の文字がある
text_input_chunk [ j , - 1 ] = eos
if text_input_chunk [ j , 1 ] == pad : # BOSだけであとはPAD
text_input_chunk [ j , 1 ] = eos
2022-12-26 08:47:33 -05:00
if clip_skip is None or clip_skip == 1 :
text_embedding = pipe . text_encoder ( text_input_chunk ) [ 0 ]
else :
enc_out = pipe . text_encoder ( text_input_chunk , output_hidden_states = True , return_dict = True )
text_embedding = enc_out [ ' hidden_states ' ] [ - clip_skip ]
text_embedding = pipe . text_encoder . text_model . final_layer_norm ( text_embedding )
if no_boseos_middle :
if i == 0 :
# discard the ending token
text_embedding = text_embedding [ : , : - 1 ]
elif i == max_embeddings_multiples - 1 :
# discard the starting token
text_embedding = text_embedding [ : , 1 : ]
else :
# discard both starting and ending tokens
text_embedding = text_embedding [ : , 1 : - 1 ]
text_embeddings . append ( text_embedding )
text_embeddings = torch . concat ( text_embeddings , axis = 1 )
else :
if clip_skip is None or clip_skip == 1 :
text_embeddings = pipe . text_encoder ( text_input ) [ 0 ]
else :
enc_out = pipe . text_encoder ( text_input , output_hidden_states = True , return_dict = True )
text_embeddings = enc_out [ ' hidden_states ' ] [ - clip_skip ]
text_embeddings = pipe . text_encoder . text_model . final_layer_norm ( text_embeddings )
return text_embeddings
def get_weighted_text_embeddings (
pipe : PipelineLike ,
prompt : Union [ str , List [ str ] ] ,
uncond_prompt : Optional [ Union [ str , List [ str ] ] ] = None ,
max_embeddings_multiples : Optional [ int ] = 1 ,
no_boseos_middle : Optional [ bool ] = False ,
skip_parsing : Optional [ bool ] = False ,
skip_weighting : Optional [ bool ] = False ,
clip_skip = None ,
* * kwargs ,
) :
r """
Prompts can be assigned with local weights using brackets . For example ,
prompt ' A (very beautiful) masterpiece ' highlights the words ' very beautiful ' ,
and the embedding tokens corresponding to the words get multiplied by a constant , 1.1 .
Also , to regularize of the embedding , the weighted embedding would be scaled to preserve the original mean .
Args :
pipe ( ` DiffusionPipeline ` ) :
Pipe to provide access to the tokenizer and the text encoder .
prompt ( ` str ` or ` List [ str ] ` ) :
The prompt or prompts to guide the image generation .
uncond_prompt ( ` str ` or ` List [ str ] ` ) :
The unconditional prompt or prompts for guide the image generation . If unconditional prompt
is provided , the embeddings of prompt and uncond_prompt are concatenated .
max_embeddings_multiples ( ` int ` , * optional * , defaults to ` 1 ` ) :
The max multiple length of prompt embeddings compared to the max output length of text encoder .
no_boseos_middle ( ` bool ` , * optional * , defaults to ` False ` ) :
If the length of text token is multiples of the capacity of text encoder , whether reserve the starting and
ending token in each of the chunk in the middle .
skip_parsing ( ` bool ` , * optional * , defaults to ` False ` ) :
Skip the parsing of brackets .
skip_weighting ( ` bool ` , * optional * , defaults to ` False ` ) :
Skip the weighting . When the parsing is skipped , it is forced True .
max_length = ( pipe . tokenizer . model_max_length - 2 ) * max_embeddings_multiples + 2
if isinstance ( prompt , str ) :
prompt = [ prompt ]
if not skip_parsing :
prompt_tokens , prompt_weights = get_prompts_with_weights ( pipe , prompt , max_length - 2 )
if uncond_prompt is not None :
if isinstance ( uncond_prompt , str ) :
uncond_prompt = [ uncond_prompt ]
uncond_tokens , uncond_weights = get_prompts_with_weights ( pipe , uncond_prompt , max_length - 2 )
else :
prompt_tokens = [
token [ 1 : - 1 ] for token in pipe . tokenizer ( prompt , max_length = max_length , truncation = True ) . input_ids
prompt_weights = [ [ 1.0 ] * len ( token ) for token in prompt_tokens ]
if uncond_prompt is not None :
if isinstance ( uncond_prompt , str ) :
uncond_prompt = [ uncond_prompt ]
uncond_tokens = [
token [ 1 : - 1 ]
for token in pipe . tokenizer ( uncond_prompt , max_length = max_length , truncation = True ) . input_ids
uncond_weights = [ [ 1.0 ] * len ( token ) for token in uncond_tokens ]
# round up the longest length of tokens to a multiple of (model_max_length - 2)
max_length = max ( [ len ( token ) for token in prompt_tokens ] )
if uncond_prompt is not None :
max_length = max ( max_length , max ( [ len ( token ) for token in uncond_tokens ] ) )
max_embeddings_multiples = min (
max_embeddings_multiples ,
( max_length - 1 ) / / ( pipe . tokenizer . model_max_length - 2 ) + 1 ,
max_embeddings_multiples = max ( 1 , max_embeddings_multiples )
max_length = ( pipe . tokenizer . model_max_length - 2 ) * max_embeddings_multiples + 2
# pad the length of tokens and weights
bos = pipe . tokenizer . bos_token_id
eos = pipe . tokenizer . eos_token_id
pad = pipe . tokenizer . pad_token_id
prompt_tokens , prompt_weights = pad_tokens_and_weights (
prompt_tokens ,
prompt_weights ,
max_length ,
bos ,
eos ,
pad ,
no_boseos_middle = no_boseos_middle ,
chunk_length = pipe . tokenizer . model_max_length ,
prompt_tokens = torch . tensor ( prompt_tokens , dtype = torch . long , device = pipe . device )
if uncond_prompt is not None :
uncond_tokens , uncond_weights = pad_tokens_and_weights (
uncond_tokens ,
uncond_weights ,
max_length ,
bos ,
eos ,
pad ,
no_boseos_middle = no_boseos_middle ,
chunk_length = pipe . tokenizer . model_max_length ,
uncond_tokens = torch . tensor ( uncond_tokens , dtype = torch . long , device = pipe . device )
# get the embeddings
text_embeddings = get_unweighted_text_embeddings (
pipe ,
prompt_tokens ,
pipe . tokenizer . model_max_length ,
clip_skip ,
eos , pad ,
no_boseos_middle = no_boseos_middle ,
prompt_weights = torch . tensor ( prompt_weights , dtype = text_embeddings . dtype , device = pipe . device )
if uncond_prompt is not None :
uncond_embeddings = get_unweighted_text_embeddings (
pipe ,
uncond_tokens ,
pipe . tokenizer . model_max_length ,
clip_skip ,
eos , pad ,
no_boseos_middle = no_boseos_middle ,
uncond_weights = torch . tensor ( uncond_weights , dtype = uncond_embeddings . dtype , device = pipe . device )
# assign weights to the prompts and normalize in the sense of mean
# TODO: should we normalize by chunk or in a whole (current implementation)?
# →全体でいいんじゃないかな
if ( not skip_parsing ) and ( not skip_weighting ) :
previous_mean = text_embeddings . float ( ) . mean ( axis = [ - 2 , - 1 ] ) . to ( text_embeddings . dtype )
text_embeddings * = prompt_weights . unsqueeze ( - 1 )
current_mean = text_embeddings . float ( ) . mean ( axis = [ - 2 , - 1 ] ) . to ( text_embeddings . dtype )
text_embeddings * = ( previous_mean / current_mean ) . unsqueeze ( - 1 ) . unsqueeze ( - 1 )
if uncond_prompt is not None :
previous_mean = uncond_embeddings . float ( ) . mean ( axis = [ - 2 , - 1 ] ) . to ( uncond_embeddings . dtype )
uncond_embeddings * = uncond_weights . unsqueeze ( - 1 )
current_mean = uncond_embeddings . float ( ) . mean ( axis = [ - 2 , - 1 ] ) . to ( uncond_embeddings . dtype )
uncond_embeddings * = ( previous_mean / current_mean ) . unsqueeze ( - 1 ) . unsqueeze ( - 1 )
if uncond_prompt is not None :
return text_embeddings , uncond_embeddings , prompt_tokens
return text_embeddings , None , prompt_tokens
def preprocess_guide_image ( image ) :
image = image . resize ( FEATURE_EXTRACTOR_SIZE , resample = Image . NEAREST ) # cond_fnと合わせる
image = np . array ( image ) . astype ( np . float32 ) / 255.0
image = image [ None ] . transpose ( 0 , 3 , 1 , 2 ) # nchw
image = torch . from_numpy ( image )
return image # 0 to 1
# VGG16の入力は任意サイズでよいので入力画像を適宜リサイズする
def preprocess_vgg16_guide_image ( image , size ) :
image = image . resize ( size , resample = Image . NEAREST ) # cond_fnと合わせる
image = np . array ( image ) . astype ( np . float32 ) / 255.0
image = image [ None ] . transpose ( 0 , 3 , 1 , 2 ) # nchw
image = torch . from_numpy ( image )
return image # 0 to 1
def preprocess_image ( image ) :
w , h = image . size
w , h = map ( lambda x : x - x % 32 , ( w , h ) ) # resize to integer multiple of 32
image = image . resize ( ( w , h ) , resample = PIL . Image . LANCZOS )
image = np . array ( image ) . astype ( np . float32 ) / 255.0
image = image [ None ] . transpose ( 0 , 3 , 1 , 2 )
image = torch . from_numpy ( image )
return 2.0 * image - 1.0
def preprocess_mask ( mask ) :
mask = mask . convert ( " L " )
w , h = mask . size
w , h = map ( lambda x : x - x % 32 , ( w , h ) ) # resize to integer multiple of 32
2023-03-06 19:15:02 -05:00
mask = mask . resize ( ( w / / 8 , h / / 8 ) , resample = PIL . Image . BILINEAR ) # LANCZOS)
2022-12-26 08:47:33 -05:00
mask = np . array ( mask ) . astype ( np . float32 ) / 255.0
mask = np . tile ( mask , ( 4 , 1 , 1 ) )
mask = mask [ None ] . transpose ( 0 , 1 , 2 , 3 ) # what does this step do?
mask = 1 - mask # repaint white, keep black
mask = torch . from_numpy ( mask )
return mask
# endregion
# def load_clip_l14_336(dtype):
# print(f"loading CLIP: {CLIP_ID_L14_336}")
# text_encoder = CLIPTextModel.from_pretrained(CLIP_ID_L14_336, torch_dtype=dtype)
# return text_encoder
2023-02-23 19:21:30 -05:00
class BatchDataBase ( NamedTuple ) :
# バッチ分割が必要ないデータ
step : int
prompt : str
negative_prompt : str
seed : int
init_image : Any
mask_image : Any
clip_prompt : str
guide_image : Any
class BatchDataExt ( NamedTuple ) :
# バッチ分割が必要なデータ
width : int
height : int
steps : int
scale : float
negative_scale : float
strength : float
network_muls : Tuple [ float ]
class BatchData ( NamedTuple ) :
2023-03-06 19:15:02 -05:00
return_latents : bool
2023-02-23 19:21:30 -05:00
base : BatchDataBase
ext : BatchDataExt
2022-12-26 08:47:33 -05:00
def main ( args ) :
if args . fp16 :
dtype = torch . float16
elif args . bf16 :
dtype = torch . bfloat16
else :
dtype = torch . float32
highres_fix = args . highres_fix_scale is not None
assert not highres_fix or args . image_path is None , f " highres_fix doesn ' t work with img2img / highres_fixはimg2imgと同時に使えません "
if args . v_parameterization and not args . v2 :
print ( " v_parameterization should be with v2 / v1でv_parameterizationを使用することは想定されていません " )
if args . v2 and args . clip_skip is not None :
print ( " v2 with clip_skip will be unexpected / v2でclip_skipを使用することは想定されていません " )
# モデルを読み込む
if not os . path . isfile ( args . ckpt ) : # ファイルがないならパターンで探し、一つだけ該当すればそれを使う
files = glob . glob ( args . ckpt )
if len ( files ) == 1 :
args . ckpt = files [ 0 ]
use_stable_diffusion_format = os . path . isfile ( args . ckpt )
if use_stable_diffusion_format :
print ( " load StableDiffusion checkpoint " )
text_encoder , vae , unet = model_util . load_models_from_stable_diffusion_checkpoint ( args . v2 , args . ckpt )
else :
print ( " load Diffusers pretrained models " )
2023-02-03 14:40:03 -05:00
loading_pipe = StableDiffusionPipeline . from_pretrained ( args . ckpt , safety_checker = None , torch_dtype = dtype )
text_encoder = loading_pipe . text_encoder
vae = loading_pipe . vae
unet = loading_pipe . unet
tokenizer = loading_pipe . tokenizer
del loading_pipe
2022-12-26 08:47:33 -05:00
# VAEを読み込む
if args . vae is not None :
vae = model_util . load_vae ( args . vae , dtype )
print ( " additional VAE loaded " )
# # 置換するCLIPを読み込む
# if args.replace_clip_l14_336:
# text_encoder = load_clip_l14_336(dtype)
# print(f"large clip {CLIP_ID_L14_336} is loaded")
if args . clip_guidance_scale > 0.0 or args . clip_image_guidance_scale :
print ( " prepare clip model " )
clip_model = CLIPModel . from_pretrained ( CLIP_MODEL_PATH , torch_dtype = dtype )
else :
clip_model = None
if args . vgg16_guidance_scale > 0.0 :
print ( " prepare resnet model " )
vgg16_model = torchvision . models . vgg16 ( torchvision . models . VGG16_Weights . IMAGENET1K_V1 )
else :
vgg16_model = None
# xformers、Hypernetwork対応
if not args . diffusers_xformers :
replace_unet_modules ( unet , not args . xformers , args . xformers )
# tokenizerを読み込む
print ( " loading tokenizer " )
if use_stable_diffusion_format :
2023-03-06 19:15:02 -05:00
tokenizer = train_util . load_tokenizer ( args )
2022-12-26 08:47:33 -05:00
# schedulerを用意する
sched_init_args = { }
scheduler_num_noises_per_step = 1
if args . sampler == " ddim " :
scheduler_cls = DDIMScheduler
scheduler_module = diffusers . schedulers . scheduling_ddim
elif args . sampler == " ddpm " : # ddpmはおかしくなるのでoptionから外してある
scheduler_cls = DDPMScheduler
scheduler_module = diffusers . schedulers . scheduling_ddpm
elif args . sampler == " pndm " :
scheduler_cls = PNDMScheduler
scheduler_module = diffusers . schedulers . scheduling_pndm
elif args . sampler == ' lms ' or args . sampler == ' k_lms ' :
scheduler_cls = LMSDiscreteScheduler
scheduler_module = diffusers . schedulers . scheduling_lms_discrete
elif args . sampler == ' euler ' or args . sampler == ' k_euler ' :
scheduler_cls = EulerDiscreteScheduler
scheduler_module = diffusers . schedulers . scheduling_euler_discrete
elif args . sampler == ' euler_a ' or args . sampler == ' k_euler_a ' :
scheduler_cls = EulerAncestralDiscreteScheduler
scheduler_module = diffusers . schedulers . scheduling_euler_ancestral_discrete
elif args . sampler == " dpmsolver " or args . sampler == " dpmsolver++ " :
scheduler_cls = DPMSolverMultistepScheduler
sched_init_args [ ' algorithm_type ' ] = args . sampler
scheduler_module = diffusers . schedulers . scheduling_dpmsolver_multistep
elif args . sampler == " dpmsingle " :
scheduler_cls = DPMSolverSinglestepScheduler
scheduler_module = diffusers . schedulers . scheduling_dpmsolver_singlestep
elif args . sampler == " heun " :
scheduler_cls = HeunDiscreteScheduler
scheduler_module = diffusers . schedulers . scheduling_heun_discrete
elif args . sampler == ' dpm_2 ' or args . sampler == ' k_dpm_2 ' :
scheduler_cls = KDPM2DiscreteScheduler
scheduler_module = diffusers . schedulers . scheduling_k_dpm_2_discrete
elif args . sampler == ' dpm_2_a ' or args . sampler == ' k_dpm_2_a ' :
scheduler_cls = KDPM2AncestralDiscreteScheduler
scheduler_module = diffusers . schedulers . scheduling_k_dpm_2_ancestral_discrete
scheduler_num_noises_per_step = 2
if args . v_parameterization :
sched_init_args [ ' prediction_type ' ] = ' v_prediction '
# samplerの乱数をあらかじめ指定するための処理
# replace randn
class NoiseManager :
def __init__ ( self ) :
self . sampler_noises = None
self . sampler_noise_index = 0
def reset_sampler_noises ( self , noises ) :
self . sampler_noise_index = 0
self . sampler_noises = noises
def randn ( self , shape , device = None , dtype = None , layout = None , generator = None ) :
# print("replacing", shape, len(self.sampler_noises), self.sampler_noise_index)
if self . sampler_noises is not None and self . sampler_noise_index < len ( self . sampler_noises ) :
noise = self . sampler_noises [ self . sampler_noise_index ]
if shape != noise . shape :
noise = None
else :
noise = None
if noise == None :
print ( f " unexpected noise request: { self . sampler_noise_index } , { shape } " )
noise = torch . randn ( shape , dtype = dtype , device = device , generator = generator )
self . sampler_noise_index + = 1
return noise
class TorchRandReplacer :
def __init__ ( self , noise_manager ) :
self . noise_manager = noise_manager
def __getattr__ ( self , item ) :
if item == ' randn ' :
return self . noise_manager . randn
if hasattr ( torch , item ) :
return getattr ( torch , item )
raise AttributeError ( " ' {} ' object has no attribute ' {} ' " . format ( type ( self ) . __name__ , item ) )
noise_manager = NoiseManager ( )
if scheduler_module is not None :
scheduler_module . torch = TorchRandReplacer ( noise_manager )
scheduler = scheduler_cls ( num_train_timesteps = SCHEDULER_TIMESTEPS ,
beta_schedule = SCHEDLER_SCHEDULE , * * sched_init_args )
# clip_sample=Trueにする
if hasattr ( scheduler . config , " clip_sample " ) and scheduler . config . clip_sample is False :
print ( " set clip_sample to True " )
scheduler . config . clip_sample = True
# deviceを決定する
device = torch . device ( " cuda " if torch . cuda . is_available ( ) else " cpu " ) # "mps"を考量してない
# custom pipelineをコピったやつを生成する
vae . to ( dtype ) . to ( device )
text_encoder . to ( dtype ) . to ( device )
unet . to ( dtype ) . to ( device )
if clip_model is not None :
clip_model . to ( dtype ) . to ( device )
if vgg16_model is not None :
vgg16_model . to ( dtype ) . to ( device )
# networkを組み込む
2023-01-15 11:05:22 -05:00
if args . network_module :
networks = [ ]
2023-02-23 19:21:30 -05:00
network_default_muls = [ ]
2023-01-15 11:05:22 -05:00
for i , network_module in enumerate ( args . network_module ) :
print ( " import network module: " , network_module )
imported_module = importlib . import_module ( network_module )
network_mul = 1.0 if args . network_mul is None or len ( args . network_mul ) < = i else args . network_mul [ i ]
2023-02-23 19:21:30 -05:00
network_default_muls . append ( network_mul )
2023-01-15 11:05:22 -05:00
net_kwargs = { }
if args . network_args and i < len ( args . network_args ) :
network_args = args . network_args [ i ]
# TODO escape special chars
network_args = network_args . split ( " ; " )
for net_arg in network_args :
key , value = net_arg . split ( " = " )
net_kwargs [ key ] = value
if args . network_weights and i < len ( args . network_weights ) :
network_weight = args . network_weights [ i ]
print ( " load network weights from: " , network_weight )
2023-02-23 19:21:30 -05:00
if model_util . is_safetensors ( network_weight ) and args . network_show_meta :
2023-01-15 11:05:22 -05:00
from safetensors . torch import safe_open
with safe_open ( network_weight , framework = " pt " ) as f :
metadata = f . metadata ( )
if metadata is not None :
print ( f " metadata for: { network_weight } : { metadata } " )
2023-01-22 10:18:00 -05:00
network = imported_module . create_network_from_weights ( network_mul , network_weight , vae , text_encoder , unet , * * net_kwargs )
else :
raise ValueError ( " No weight. Weight is required. " )
if network is None :
2023-01-15 11:05:22 -05:00
network . apply_to ( text_encoder , unet )
if args . opt_channels_last :
network . to ( memory_format = torch . channels_last )
network . to ( dtype ) . to ( device )
networks . append ( network )
2022-12-26 08:47:33 -05:00
else :
2023-01-15 11:05:22 -05:00
networks = [ ]
2022-12-26 08:47:33 -05:00
2023-02-23 19:21:30 -05:00
# ControlNetの処理
control_nets : List [ ControlNetInfo ] = [ ]
if args . control_net_models :
for i , model in enumerate ( args . control_net_models ) :
prep_type = None if not args . control_net_preps or len ( args . control_net_preps ) < = i else args . control_net_preps [ i ]
weight = 1.0 if not args . control_net_weights or len ( args . control_net_weights ) < = i else args . control_net_weights [ i ]
ratio = 1.0 if not args . control_net_ratios or len ( args . control_net_ratios ) < = i else args . control_net_ratios [ i ]
ctrl_unet , ctrl_net = original_control_net . load_control_net ( args . v2 , unet , model )
prep = original_control_net . load_preprocess ( prep_type )
control_nets . append ( ControlNetInfo ( ctrl_unet , ctrl_net , prep , weight , ratio ) )
2022-12-26 08:47:33 -05:00
if args . opt_channels_last :
print ( f " set optimizing: channels last " )
text_encoder . to ( memory_format = torch . channels_last )
vae . to ( memory_format = torch . channels_last )
unet . to ( memory_format = torch . channels_last )
if clip_model is not None :
clip_model . to ( memory_format = torch . channels_last )
2023-01-15 11:05:22 -05:00
if networks :
for network in networks :
network . to ( memory_format = torch . channels_last )
2022-12-26 08:47:33 -05:00
if vgg16_model is not None :
vgg16_model . to ( memory_format = torch . channels_last )
2023-02-23 19:21:30 -05:00
for cn in control_nets :
cn . unet . to ( memory_format = torch . channels_last )
cn . net . to ( memory_format = torch . channels_last )
2022-12-26 08:47:33 -05:00
pipe = PipelineLike ( device , vae , text_encoder , tokenizer , unet , scheduler , args . clip_skip ,
clip_model , args . clip_guidance_scale , args . clip_image_guidance_scale ,
vgg16_model , args . vgg16_guidance_scale , args . vgg16_guidance_layer )
2023-02-23 19:21:30 -05:00
pipe . set_control_nets ( control_nets )
2022-12-26 08:47:33 -05:00
print ( " pipeline is ready. " )
if args . diffusers_xformers :
pipe . enable_xformers_memory_efficient_attention ( )
2023-02-03 14:40:03 -05:00
# Textual Inversionを処理する
if args . textual_inversion_embeddings :
token_ids_embeds = [ ]
for embeds_file in args . textual_inversion_embeddings :
if model_util . is_safetensors ( embeds_file ) :
from safetensors . torch import load_file
data = load_file ( embeds_file )
else :
data = torch . load ( embeds_file , map_location = " cpu " )
embeds = next ( iter ( data . values ( ) ) )
if type ( embeds ) != torch . Tensor :
raise ValueError ( f " weight file does not contains Tensor / 重みファイルのデータがTensorではありません: { embeds_file } " )
num_vectors_per_token = embeds . size ( ) [ 0 ]
token_string = os . path . splitext ( os . path . basename ( embeds_file ) ) [ 0 ]
token_strings = [ token_string ] + [ f " { token_string } { i + 1 } " for i in range ( num_vectors_per_token - 1 ) ]
# add new word to tokenizer, count is num_vectors_per_token
num_added_tokens = tokenizer . add_tokens ( token_strings )
assert num_added_tokens == num_vectors_per_token , f " tokenizer has same word to token string (filename). please rename the file / 指定した名前(ファイル名)のトークンが既に存在します。ファイルをリネームしてください: { embeds_file } "
token_ids = tokenizer . convert_tokens_to_ids ( token_strings )
print ( f " Textual Inversion embeddings ` { token_string } ` loaded. Tokens are added: { token_ids } " )
assert min ( token_ids ) == token_ids [ 0 ] and token_ids [ - 1 ] == token_ids [ 0 ] + len ( token_ids ) - 1 , f " token ids is not ordered "
assert len ( tokenizer ) - 1 == token_ids [ - 1 ] , f " token ids is not end of tokenize: { len ( tokenizer ) } "
if num_vectors_per_token > 1 :
pipe . add_token_replacement ( token_ids [ 0 ] , token_ids )
token_ids_embeds . append ( ( token_ids , embeds ) )
text_encoder . resize_token_embeddings ( len ( tokenizer ) )
token_embeds = text_encoder . get_input_embeddings ( ) . weight . data
for token_ids , embeds in token_ids_embeds :
for token_id , embed in zip ( token_ids , embeds ) :
token_embeds [ token_id ] = embed
2022-12-26 08:47:33 -05:00
# promptを取得する
if args . from_file is not None :
print ( f " reading prompts from { args . from_file } " )
with open ( args . from_file , " r " , encoding = " utf-8 " ) as f :
prompt_list = f . read ( ) . splitlines ( )
prompt_list = [ d for d in prompt_list if len ( d . strip ( ) ) > 0 ]
elif args . prompt is not None :
prompt_list = [ args . prompt ]
else :
prompt_list = [ ]
if args . interactive :
args . n_iter = 1
# img2imgの前処理、画像の読み込みなど
def load_images ( path ) :
if os . path . isfile ( path ) :
paths = [ path ]
else :
paths = glob . glob ( os . path . join ( path , " *.png " ) ) + glob . glob ( os . path . join ( path , " *.jpg " ) ) + \
glob . glob ( os . path . join ( path , " *.jpeg " ) ) + glob . glob ( os . path . join ( path , " *.webp " ) )
paths . sort ( )
images = [ ]
for p in paths :
image = Image . open ( p )
if image . mode != " RGB " :
print ( f " convert image to RGB from { image . mode } : { p } " )
image = image . convert ( " RGB " )
images . append ( image )
2023-01-15 11:05:22 -05:00
2022-12-26 08:47:33 -05:00
return images
def resize_images ( imgs , size ) :
resized = [ ]
for img in imgs :
r_img = img . resize ( size , Image . Resampling . LANCZOS )
if hasattr ( img , ' filename ' ) : # filename属性がない場合があるらしい
r_img . filename = img . filename
resized . append ( r_img )
return resized
if args . image_path is not None :
print ( f " load image for img2img: { args . image_path } " )
init_images = load_images ( args . image_path )
assert len ( init_images ) > 0 , f " No image / 画像がありません: { args . image_path } "
print ( f " loaded { len ( init_images ) } images for img2img " )
else :
init_images = None
if args . mask_path is not None :
print ( f " load mask for inpainting: { args . mask_path } " )
mask_images = load_images ( args . mask_path )
assert len ( mask_images ) > 0 , f " No mask image / マスク画像がありません: { args . image_path } "
print ( f " loaded { len ( mask_images ) } mask images for inpainting " )
else :
mask_images = None
# promptがないとき、画像のPngInfoから取得する
if init_images is not None and len ( prompt_list ) == 0 and not args . interactive :
print ( " get prompts from images ' meta data " )
for img in init_images :
if ' prompt ' in img . text :
prompt = img . text [ ' prompt ' ]
if ' negative-prompt ' in img . text :
prompt + = " --n " + img . text [ ' negative-prompt ' ]
prompt_list . append ( prompt )
# プロンプトと画像を一致させるため指定回数だけ繰り返す(画像を増幅する)
l = [ ]
for im in init_images :
l . extend ( [ im ] * args . images_per_prompt )
init_images = l
if mask_images is not None :
l = [ ]
for im in mask_images :
l . extend ( [ im ] * args . images_per_prompt )
mask_images = l
# 画像サイズにオプション指定があるときはリサイズする
2023-03-09 11:06:59 -05:00
if args . W is not None and args . H is not None :
if init_images is not None :
print ( f " resize img2img source images to { args . W } * { args . H } " )
init_images = resize_images ( init_images , ( args . W , args . H ) )
2022-12-26 08:47:33 -05:00
if mask_images is not None :
print ( f " resize img2img mask images to { args . W } * { args . H } " )
mask_images = resize_images ( mask_images , ( args . W , args . H ) )
2023-03-09 11:06:59 -05:00
if networks and mask_images :
# mask を領域情報として流用する、現在は1枚だけ対応
# TODO 複数のnetwork classの混在時の考慮
print ( " use mask as region " )
# import cv2
# for i in range(3):
# cv2.imshow("msk", np.array(mask_images[0])[:,:,i])
# cv2.waitKey()
# cv2.destroyAllWindows()
networks [ 0 ] . __class__ . set_regions ( networks , np . array ( mask_images [ 0 ] ) )
mask_images = None
2022-12-26 08:47:33 -05:00
prev_image = None # for VGG16 guided
if args . guide_image_path is not None :
2023-02-23 19:21:30 -05:00
print ( f " load image for CLIP/VGG16/ControlNet guidance: { args . guide_image_path } " )
guide_images = [ ]
for p in args . guide_image_path :
guide_images . extend ( load_images ( p ) )
print ( f " loaded { len ( guide_images ) } guide images for guidance " )
2022-12-26 08:47:33 -05:00
if len ( guide_images ) == 0 :
print ( f " No guide image, use previous generated image. / ガイド画像がありません。直前に生成した画像を使います: { args . image_path } " )
guide_images = None
else :
guide_images = None
# seed指定時はseedを決めておく
if args . seed is not None :
random . seed ( args . seed )
predefined_seeds = [ random . randint ( 0 , 0x7fffffff ) for _ in range ( args . n_iter * len ( prompt_list ) * args . images_per_prompt ) ]
if len ( predefined_seeds ) == 1 :
predefined_seeds [ 0 ] = args . seed
else :
predefined_seeds = None
# デフォルト画像サイズを設定する: img2imgではこれらの値は無視される( またはW*Hにリサイズ済み)
if args . W is None :
args . W = 512
if args . H is None :
args . H = 512
# 画像生成のループ
os . makedirs ( args . outdir , exist_ok = True )
max_embeddings_multiples = 1 if args . max_embeddings_multiples is None else args . max_embeddings_multiples
2023-02-03 14:40:03 -05:00
for gen_iter in range ( args . n_iter ) :
print ( f " iteration { gen_iter + 1 } / { args . n_iter } " )
2022-12-26 08:47:33 -05:00
iter_seed = random . randint ( 0 , 0x7fffffff )
# バッチ処理の関数
2023-02-23 19:21:30 -05:00
def process_batch ( batch : List [ BatchData ] , highres_fix , highres_1st = False ) :
2022-12-26 08:47:33 -05:00
batch_size = len ( batch )
# highres_fixの処理
if highres_fix and not highres_1st :
2023-02-23 19:21:30 -05:00
# 1st stageのバッチを作成して呼び出す: サイズを小さくして呼び出す
2023-03-06 19:15:02 -05:00
print ( " process 1st stage " )
2022-12-26 08:47:33 -05:00
batch_1st = [ ]
2023-03-06 19:15:02 -05:00
for _ , base , ext in batch :
2023-02-23 19:21:30 -05:00
width_1st = int ( ext . width * args . highres_fix_scale + .5 )
height_1st = int ( ext . height * args . highres_fix_scale + .5 )
2022-12-26 08:47:33 -05:00
width_1st = width_1st - width_1st % 32
height_1st = height_1st - height_1st % 32
2023-02-23 19:21:30 -05:00
ext_1st = BatchDataExt ( width_1st , height_1st , args . highres_fix_steps , ext . scale ,
ext . negative_scale , ext . strength , ext . network_muls )
2023-03-06 19:15:02 -05:00
batch_1st . append ( BatchData ( args . highres_fix_latents_upscaling , base , ext_1st ) )
2022-12-26 08:47:33 -05:00
images_1st = process_batch ( batch_1st , True , True )
# 2nd stageのバッチを作成して以下処理する
2023-03-06 19:15:02 -05:00
print ( " process 2nd stage " )
if args . highres_fix_latents_upscaling :
org_dtype = images_1st . dtype
if images_1st . dtype == torch . bfloat16 :
images_1st = images_1st . to ( torch . float ) # interpolateがbf16をサポートしていない
images_1st = torch . nn . functional . interpolate (
images_1st , ( batch [ 0 ] . ext . height / / 8 , batch [ 0 ] . ext . width / / 8 ) , mode = ' bilinear ' ) # , antialias=True)
images_1st = images_1st . to ( org_dtype )
2022-12-26 08:47:33 -05:00
batch_2nd = [ ]
2023-02-23 19:21:30 -05:00
for i , ( bd , image ) in enumerate ( zip ( batch , images_1st ) ) :
2023-03-06 19:15:02 -05:00
if not args . highres_fix_latents_upscaling :
image = image . resize ( ( bd . ext . width , bd . ext . height ) , resample = PIL . Image . LANCZOS ) # img2imgとして設定
bd_2nd = BatchData ( False , BatchDataBase ( * bd . base [ 0 : 3 ] , bd . base . seed + 1 , image , None , * bd . base [ 6 : ] ) , bd . ext )
2023-02-23 19:21:30 -05:00
batch_2nd . append ( bd_2nd )
2022-12-26 08:47:33 -05:00
batch = batch_2nd
2023-02-23 19:21:30 -05:00
# このバッチの情報を取り出す
2023-03-06 19:15:02 -05:00
return_latents , ( step_first , _ , _ , _ , init_image , mask_image , _ , guide_image ) , \
2023-02-23 19:21:30 -05:00
( width , height , steps , scale , negative_scale , strength , network_muls ) = batch [ 0 ]
2022-12-26 08:47:33 -05:00
prompts = [ ]
negative_prompts = [ ]
start_code = torch . zeros ( ( batch_size , * noise_shape ) , device = device , dtype = dtype )
noises = [ torch . zeros ( ( batch_size , * noise_shape ) , device = device , dtype = dtype )
for _ in range ( steps * scheduler_num_noises_per_step ) ]
seeds = [ ]
clip_prompts = [ ]
if init_image is not None : # img2img?
i2i_noises = torch . zeros ( ( batch_size , * noise_shape ) , device = device , dtype = dtype )
init_images = [ ]
if mask_image is not None :
mask_images = [ ]
else :
mask_images = None
else :
i2i_noises = None
init_images = None
mask_images = None
if guide_image is not None : # CLIP image guided?
guide_images = [ ]
else :
guide_images = None
# バッチ内の位置に関わらず同じ乱数を使うためにここで乱数を生成しておく。あわせてimage/maskがbatch内で同一かチェックする
all_images_are_same = True
all_masks_are_same = True
all_guide_images_are_same = True
2023-03-06 19:15:02 -05:00
for i , ( _ , ( _ , prompt , negative_prompt , seed , init_image , mask_image , clip_prompt , guide_image ) , _ ) in enumerate ( batch ) :
2022-12-26 08:47:33 -05:00
prompts . append ( prompt )
negative_prompts . append ( negative_prompt )
seeds . append ( seed )
clip_prompts . append ( clip_prompt )
if init_image is not None :
init_images . append ( init_image )
if i > 0 and all_images_are_same :
all_images_are_same = init_images [ - 2 ] is init_image
if mask_image is not None :
mask_images . append ( mask_image )
if i > 0 and all_masks_are_same :
all_masks_are_same = mask_images [ - 2 ] is mask_image
if guide_image is not None :
2023-02-23 19:21:30 -05:00
if type ( guide_image ) is list :
guide_images . extend ( guide_image )
all_guide_images_are_same = False
else :
guide_images . append ( guide_image )
if i > 0 and all_guide_images_are_same :
all_guide_images_are_same = guide_images [ - 2 ] is guide_image
2022-12-26 08:47:33 -05:00
# make start code
torch . manual_seed ( seed )
start_code [ i ] = torch . randn ( noise_shape , device = device , dtype = dtype )
# make each noises
for j in range ( steps * scheduler_num_noises_per_step ) :
noises [ j ] [ i ] = torch . randn ( noise_shape , device = device , dtype = dtype )
if i2i_noises is not None : # img2img noise
i2i_noises [ i ] = torch . randn ( noise_shape , device = device , dtype = dtype )
noise_manager . reset_sampler_noises ( noises )
# すべての画像が同じなら1枚だけpipeに渡すことでpipe側で処理を高速化する
if init_images is not None and all_images_are_same :
init_images = init_images [ 0 ]
if mask_images is not None and all_masks_are_same :
mask_images = mask_images [ 0 ]
if guide_images is not None and all_guide_images_are_same :
guide_images = guide_images [ 0 ]
2023-02-23 19:21:30 -05:00
# ControlNet使用時はguide imageをリサイズする
if control_nets :
# TODO resampleのメソッド
guide_images = guide_images if type ( guide_images ) == list else [ guide_images ]
guide_images = [ i . resize ( ( width , height ) , resample = PIL . Image . LANCZOS ) for i in guide_images ]
if len ( guide_images ) == 1 :
guide_images = guide_images [ 0 ]
2022-12-26 08:47:33 -05:00
# generate
2023-02-23 19:21:30 -05:00
if networks :
for n , m in zip ( networks , network_muls if network_muls else network_default_muls ) :
n . set_multiplier ( m )
2023-01-15 11:05:22 -05:00
images = pipe ( prompts , negative_prompts , init_images , mask_images , height , width , steps , scale , negative_scale , strength , latents = start_code ,
2023-03-06 19:15:02 -05:00
output_type = ' pil ' , max_embeddings_multiples = max_embeddings_multiples , img2img_noise = i2i_noises ,
vae_batch_size = args . vae_batch_size , return_latents = return_latents ,
clip_prompts = clip_prompts , clip_guide_images = guide_images ) [ 0 ]
if highres_1st and not args . highres_fix_save_1st : # return images or latents
2022-12-26 08:47:33 -05:00
return images
# save image
highres_prefix = ( " 0 " if highres_1st else " 1 " ) if highres_fix else " "
ts_str = time . strftime ( ' % Y % m %d % H % M % S ' , time . localtime ( ) )
for i , ( image , prompt , negative_prompts , seed , clip_prompt ) in enumerate ( zip ( images , prompts , negative_prompts , seeds , clip_prompts ) ) :
metadata = PngInfo ( )
metadata . add_text ( " prompt " , prompt )
metadata . add_text ( " seed " , str ( seed ) )
metadata . add_text ( " sampler " , args . sampler )
metadata . add_text ( " steps " , str ( steps ) )
metadata . add_text ( " scale " , str ( scale ) )
if negative_prompt is not None :
metadata . add_text ( " negative-prompt " , negative_prompt )
2023-01-15 11:05:22 -05:00
if negative_scale is not None :
metadata . add_text ( " negative-scale " , str ( negative_scale ) )
2022-12-26 08:47:33 -05:00
if clip_prompt is not None :
metadata . add_text ( " clip-prompt " , clip_prompt )
if args . use_original_file_name and init_images is not None :
if type ( init_images ) is list :
fln = os . path . splitext ( os . path . basename ( init_images [ i % len ( init_images ) ] . filename ) ) [ 0 ] + " .png "
else :
fln = os . path . splitext ( os . path . basename ( init_images . filename ) ) [ 0 ] + " .png "
elif args . sequential_file_name :
fln = f " im_ { highres_prefix } { step_first + i + 1 : 06d } .png "
else :
fln = f " im_ { ts_str } _ { highres_prefix } { i : 03d } _ { seed } .png "
image . save ( os . path . join ( args . outdir , fln ) , pnginfo = metadata )
if not args . no_preview and not highres_1st and args . interactive :
try :
import cv2
for prompt , image in zip ( prompts , images ) :
cv2 . imshow ( prompt [ : 128 ] , np . array ( image ) [ : , : , : : - 1 ] ) # プロンプトが長いと死ぬ
cv2 . waitKey ( )
cv2 . destroyAllWindows ( )
except ImportError :
print ( " opencv-python is not installed, cannot preview / opencv-pythonがインストールされていないためプレビューできません " )
return images
# 画像生成のプロンプトが一周するまでのループ
prompt_index = 0
global_step = 0
batch_data = [ ]
while args . interactive or prompt_index < len ( prompt_list ) :
if len ( prompt_list ) == 0 :
# interactive
valid = False
while not valid :
print ( " \n Type prompt: " )
try :
prompt = input ( )
except EOFError :
valid = len ( prompt . strip ( ) . split ( ' -- ' ) [ 0 ] . strip ( ) ) > 0
if not valid : # EOF, end app
else :
prompt = prompt_list [ prompt_index ]
# parse prompt
width = args . W
height = args . H
scale = args . scale
2023-01-15 11:05:22 -05:00
negative_scale = args . negative_scale
2022-12-26 08:47:33 -05:00
steps = args . steps
seeds = None
strength = 0.8 if args . strength is None else args . strength
negative_prompt = " "
clip_prompt = None
2023-02-23 19:21:30 -05:00
network_muls = None
2022-12-26 08:47:33 -05:00
prompt_args = prompt . strip ( ) . split ( ' -- ' )
prompt = prompt_args [ 0 ]
print ( f " prompt { prompt_index + 1 } / { len ( prompt_list ) } : { prompt } " )
for parg in prompt_args [ 1 : ] :
try :
m = re . match ( r ' w ( \ d+) ' , parg , re . IGNORECASE )
if m :
width = int ( m . group ( 1 ) )
print ( f " width: { width } " )
m = re . match ( r ' h ( \ d+) ' , parg , re . IGNORECASE )
if m :
height = int ( m . group ( 1 ) )
print ( f " height: { height } " )
m = re . match ( r ' s ( \ d+) ' , parg , re . IGNORECASE )
if m : # steps
steps = max ( 1 , min ( 1000 , int ( m . group ( 1 ) ) ) )
print ( f " steps: { steps } " )
m = re . match ( r ' d ([ \ d,]+) ' , parg , re . IGNORECASE )
if m : # seed
seeds = [ int ( d ) for d in m . group ( 1 ) . split ( ' , ' ) ]
print ( f " seeds: { seeds } " )
m = re . match ( r ' l ([ \ d \ .]+) ' , parg , re . IGNORECASE )
if m : # scale
scale = float ( m . group ( 1 ) )
print ( f " scale: { scale } " )
2023-01-15 11:05:22 -05:00
m = re . match ( r ' nl ([ \ d \ .]+|none|None) ' , parg , re . IGNORECASE )
if m : # negative scale
if m . group ( 1 ) . lower ( ) == ' none ' :
negative_scale = None
else :
negative_scale = float ( m . group ( 1 ) )
print ( f " negative scale: { negative_scale } " )
2022-12-26 08:47:33 -05:00
m = re . match ( r ' t ([ \ d \ .]+) ' , parg , re . IGNORECASE )
if m : # strength
strength = float ( m . group ( 1 ) )
print ( f " strength: { strength } " )
m = re . match ( r ' n (.+) ' , parg , re . IGNORECASE )
if m : # negative prompt
negative_prompt = m . group ( 1 )
print ( f " negative prompt: { negative_prompt } " )
m = re . match ( r ' c (.+) ' , parg , re . IGNORECASE )
if m : # clip prompt
clip_prompt = m . group ( 1 )
print ( f " clip prompt: { clip_prompt } " )
2023-02-23 19:21:30 -05:00
m = re . match ( r ' am ([ \ d \ . \ -,]+) ' , parg , re . IGNORECASE )
if m : # network multiplies
network_muls = [ float ( v ) for v in m . group ( 1 ) . split ( " , " ) ]
while len ( network_muls ) < len ( networks ) :
network_muls . append ( network_muls [ - 1 ] )
print ( f " network mul: { network_muls } " )
2022-12-26 08:47:33 -05:00
except ValueError as ex :
print ( f " Exception in parsing / 解析エラー: { parg } " )
print ( ex )
if seeds is not None :
# 数が足りないなら繰り返す
if len ( seeds ) < args . images_per_prompt :
seeds = seeds * int ( math . ceil ( args . images_per_prompt / len ( seeds ) ) )
seeds = seeds [ : args . images_per_prompt ]
else :
if predefined_seeds is not None :
seeds = predefined_seeds [ - args . images_per_prompt : ]
predefined_seeds = predefined_seeds [ : - args . images_per_prompt ]
elif args . iter_same_seed :
seeds = [ iter_seed ] * args . images_per_prompt
else :
seeds = [ random . randint ( 0 , 0x7fffffff ) for _ in range ( args . images_per_prompt ) ]
if args . interactive :
print ( f " seed: { seeds } " )
init_image = mask_image = guide_image = None
for seed in seeds : # images_per_promptの数だけ
# 同一イメージを使うとき、本当はlatentに変換しておくと無駄がないが面倒なのでとりあえず毎回処理する
if init_images is not None :
init_image = init_images [ global_step % len ( init_images ) ]
# 32単位に丸めたやつにresizeされるので踏襲する
width , height = init_image . size
width = width - width % 32
height = height - height % 32
if width != init_image . size [ 0 ] or height != init_image . size [ 1 ] :
print ( f " img2img image size is not divisible by 32 so aspect ratio is changed / img2imgの画像サイズが32で割り切れないためリサイズされます。画像が歪みます " )
if mask_images is not None :
mask_image = mask_images [ global_step % len ( mask_images ) ]
if guide_images is not None :
2023-02-23 19:21:30 -05:00
if control_nets : # 複数件の場合あり
c = len ( control_nets )
p = global_step % ( len ( guide_images ) / / c )
guide_image = guide_images [ p * c : p * c + c ]
else :
guide_image = guide_images [ global_step % len ( guide_images ) ]
2022-12-26 08:47:33 -05:00
elif args . clip_image_guidance_scale > 0 or args . vgg16_guidance_scale > 0 :
if prev_image is None :
print ( " Generate 1st image without guide image. " )
else :
print ( " Use previous image as guide image. " )
guide_image = prev_image
2023-03-06 19:15:02 -05:00
b1 = BatchData ( False , BatchDataBase ( global_step , prompt , negative_prompt , seed , init_image , mask_image , clip_prompt , guide_image ) ,
2023-02-23 19:21:30 -05:00
BatchDataExt ( width , height , steps , scale , negative_scale , strength , tuple ( network_muls ) if network_muls else None ) )
2023-03-06 19:15:02 -05:00
if len ( batch_data ) > 0 and batch_data [ - 1 ] . ext != b1 . ext : # バッチ分割必要?
2022-12-26 08:47:33 -05:00
process_batch ( batch_data , highres_fix )
batch_data . clear ( )
batch_data . append ( b1 )
if len ( batch_data ) == args . batch_size :
prev_image = process_batch ( batch_data , highres_fix ) [ 0 ]
batch_data . clear ( )
global_step + = 1
prompt_index + = 1
if len ( batch_data ) > 0 :
process_batch ( batch_data , highres_fix )
batch_data . clear ( )
print ( " done! " )
if __name__ == ' __main__ ' :
parser = argparse . ArgumentParser ( )
parser . add_argument ( " --v2 " , action = ' store_true ' , help = ' load Stable Diffusion v2.0 model / Stable Diffusion 2.0のモデルを読み込む ' )
parser . add_argument ( " --v_parameterization " , action = ' store_true ' ,
help = ' enable v-parameterization training / v-parameterization学習を有効にする ' )
parser . add_argument ( " --prompt " , type = str , default = None , help = " prompt / プロンプト " )
parser . add_argument ( " --from_file " , type = str , default = None ,
help = " if specified, load prompts from this file / 指定時はプロンプトをファイルから読み込む " )
parser . add_argument ( " --interactive " , action = ' store_true ' , help = ' interactive mode (generates one image) / 対話モード( 生成される画像は1枚になります) ' )
parser . add_argument ( " --no_preview " , action = ' store_true ' , help = ' do not show generated image in interactive mode / 対話モードで画像を表示しない ' )
parser . add_argument ( " --image_path " , type = str , default = None , help = " image to inpaint or to generate from / img2imgまたはinpaintを行う元画像 " )
parser . add_argument ( " --mask_path " , type = str , default = None , help = " mask in inpainting / inpaint時のマスク " )
parser . add_argument ( " --strength " , type = float , default = None , help = " img2img strength / img2img時のstrength " )
parser . add_argument ( " --images_per_prompt " , type = int , default = 1 , help = " number of images per prompt / プロンプトあたりの出力枚数 " )
parser . add_argument ( " --outdir " , type = str , default = " outputs " , help = " dir to write results to / 生成画像の出力先 " )
parser . add_argument ( " --sequential_file_name " , action = ' store_true ' , help = " sequential output file name / 生成画像のファイル名を連番にする " )
parser . add_argument ( " --use_original_file_name " , action = ' store_true ' ,
help = " prepend original file name in img2img / img2imgで元画像のファイル名を生成画像のファイル名の先頭に付ける " )
# parser.add_argument("--ddim_eta", type=float, default=0.0, help="ddim eta (eta=0.0 corresponds to deterministic sampling", )
parser . add_argument ( " --n_iter " , type = int , default = 1 , help = " sample this often / 繰り返し回数 " )
parser . add_argument ( " --H " , type = int , default = None , help = " image height, in pixel space / 生成画像高さ " )
parser . add_argument ( " --W " , type = int , default = None , help = " image width, in pixel space / 生成画像幅 " )
parser . add_argument ( " --batch_size " , type = int , default = 1 , help = " batch size / バッチサイズ " )
2023-03-06 19:15:02 -05:00
parser . add_argument ( " --vae_batch_size " , type = float , default = None ,
help = " batch size for VAE, < 1.0 for ratio / VAE処理時のバッチサイズ、1未満の値の場合は通常バッチサイズの比率 " )
2022-12-26 08:47:33 -05:00
parser . add_argument ( " --steps " , type = int , default = 50 , help = " number of ddim sampling steps / サンプリングステップ数 " )
parser . add_argument ( ' --sampler ' , type = str , default = ' ddim ' ,
choices = [ ' ddim ' , ' pndm ' , ' lms ' , ' euler ' , ' euler_a ' , ' heun ' , ' dpm_2 ' , ' dpm_2_a ' , ' dpmsolver ' ,
' dpmsolver++ ' , ' dpmsingle ' ,
' k_lms ' , ' k_euler ' , ' k_euler_a ' , ' k_dpm_2 ' , ' k_dpm_2_a ' ] ,
help = f ' sampler (scheduler) type / サンプラー(スケジューラ)の種類 ' )
parser . add_argument ( " --scale " , type = float , default = 7.5 ,
help = " unconditional guidance scale: eps = eps(x, empty) + scale * (eps(x, cond) - eps(x, empty)) / guidance scale " )
parser . add_argument ( " --ckpt " , type = str , default = None , help = " path to checkpoint of model / モデルのcheckpointファイルまたはディレクトリ " )
parser . add_argument ( " --vae " , type = str , default = None ,
help = " path to checkpoint of vae to replace / VAEを入れ替える場合、VAEのcheckpointファイルまたはディレクトリ " )
2023-03-06 19:15:02 -05:00
parser . add_argument ( " --tokenizer_cache_dir " , type = str , default = None ,
help = " directory for caching Tokenizer (for offline training) / Tokenizerをキャッシュするディレクトリ( ネット接続なしでの学習のため) " )
2022-12-26 08:47:33 -05:00
# parser.add_argument("--replace_clip_l14_336", action='store_true',
# help="Replace CLIP (Text Encoder) to l/14@336 / CLIP(Text Encoder)をl/14@336に入れ替える")
parser . add_argument ( " --seed " , type = int , default = None ,
help = " seed, or seed of seeds in multiple generation / 1枚生成時のseed、または複数枚生成時の乱数seedを決めるためのseed " )
2023-01-15 11:05:22 -05:00
parser . add_argument ( " --iter_same_seed " , action = ' store_true ' ,
help = ' use same seed for all prompts in iteration if no seed specified / 乱数seedの指定がないとき繰り返し内はすべて同じseedを使う( プロンプト間の差異の比較用) ' )
2022-12-26 08:47:33 -05:00
parser . add_argument ( " --fp16 " , action = ' store_true ' , help = ' use fp16 / fp16を指定し省メモリ化する ' )
parser . add_argument ( " --bf16 " , action = ' store_true ' , help = ' use bfloat16 / bfloat16を指定し省メモリ化する ' )
parser . add_argument ( " --xformers " , action = ' store_true ' , help = ' use xformers / xformersを使用し高速化する ' )
parser . add_argument ( " --diffusers_xformers " , action = ' store_true ' ,
2023-01-22 10:18:00 -05:00
help = ' use xformers by diffusers (Hypernetworks doesn \' t work) / Diffusersでxformersを使用する( Hypernetwork利用不可) ' )
2022-12-26 08:47:33 -05:00
parser . add_argument ( " --opt_channels_last " , action = ' store_true ' ,
2023-01-22 10:18:00 -05:00
help = ' set channels last option to model / モデルにchannels lastを指定し最適化する ' )
2023-01-15 11:05:22 -05:00
parser . add_argument ( " --network_module " , type = str , default = None , nargs = ' * ' ,
2023-02-23 19:21:30 -05:00
help = ' additional network module to use / 追加ネットワークを使う時そのモジュール名 ' )
2023-01-15 11:05:22 -05:00
parser . add_argument ( " --network_weights " , type = str , default = None , nargs = ' * ' ,
2023-02-23 19:21:30 -05:00
help = ' additional network weights to load / 追加ネットワークの重み ' )
parser . add_argument ( " --network_mul " , type = float , default = None , nargs = ' * ' ,
help = ' additional network multiplier / 追加ネットワークの効果の倍率 ' )
2023-01-15 11:05:22 -05:00
parser . add_argument ( " --network_args " , type = str , default = None , nargs = ' * ' ,
help = ' additional argmuments for network (key=value) / ネットワークへの追加の引数 ' )
2023-02-23 19:21:30 -05:00
parser . add_argument ( " --network_show_meta " , action = ' store_true ' ,
help = ' show metadata of network model / ネットワークモデルのメタデータを表示する ' )
2023-02-03 14:40:03 -05:00
parser . add_argument ( " --textual_inversion_embeddings " , type = str , default = None , nargs = ' * ' ,
help = ' Embeddings files of Textual Inversion / Textual Inversionのembeddings ' )
2022-12-26 08:47:33 -05:00
parser . add_argument ( " --clip_skip " , type = int , default = None , help = ' layer number from bottom to use in CLIP / CLIPの後ろからn層目の出力を使う ' )
parser . add_argument ( " --max_embeddings_multiples " , type = int , default = None ,
help = ' max embeding multiples, max token length is 75 * multiples / トークン長をデフォルトの何倍とするか 75*この値 がトークン長となる ' )
parser . add_argument ( " --clip_guidance_scale " , type = float , default = 0.0 ,
help = ' enable CLIP guided SD, scale for guidance (DDIM, PNDM, LMS samplers only) / CLIP guided SDを有効にしてこのscaleを適用する( サンプラーはDDIM、PNDM、LMSのみ) ' )
parser . add_argument ( " --clip_image_guidance_scale " , type = float , default = 0.0 ,
help = ' enable CLIP guided SD by image, scale for guidance / 画像によるCLIP guided SDを有効にしてこのscaleを適用する ' )
parser . add_argument ( " --vgg16_guidance_scale " , type = float , default = 0.0 ,
help = ' enable VGG16 guided SD by image, scale for guidance / 画像によるVGG16 guided SDを有効にしてこのscaleを適用する ' )
parser . add_argument ( " --vgg16_guidance_layer " , type = int , default = 20 ,
help = ' layer of VGG16 to calculate contents guide (1~30, 20 for conv4_2) / VGG16のcontents guideに使うレイヤー番号 (1~30、20はconv4_2) ' )
2023-02-23 19:21:30 -05:00
parser . add_argument ( " --guide_image_path " , type = str , default = None , nargs = " * " ,
help = " image to CLIP guidance / CLIP guided SDでガイドに使う画像 " )
2022-12-26 08:47:33 -05:00
parser . add_argument ( " --highres_fix_scale " , type = float , default = None ,
help = " enable highres fix, reso scale for 1st stage / highres fixを有効にして最初の解像度をこのscaleにする " )
parser . add_argument ( " --highres_fix_steps " , type = int , default = 28 ,
help = " 1st stage steps for highres fix / highres fixの最初のステージのステップ数 " )
parser . add_argument ( " --highres_fix_save_1st " , action = ' store_true ' ,
help = " save 1st stage images for highres fix / highres fixの最初のステージの画像を保存する " )
2023-03-06 19:15:02 -05:00
parser . add_argument ( " --highres_fix_latents_upscaling " , action = ' store_true ' ,
help = " use latents upscaling for highres fix / highres fixでlatentで拡大する " )
2023-01-15 11:05:22 -05:00
parser . add_argument ( " --negative_scale " , type = float , default = None ,
help = " set another guidance scale for negative prompt / ネガティブプロンプトのscaleを指定する " )
2022-12-26 08:47:33 -05:00
2023-02-23 19:21:30 -05:00
parser . add_argument ( " --control_net_models " , type = str , default = None , nargs = ' * ' ,
help = ' ControlNet models to use / 使用するControlNetのモデル名 ' )
parser . add_argument ( " --control_net_preps " , type = str , default = None , nargs = ' * ' ,
help = ' ControlNet preprocess to use / 使用するControlNetのプリプロセス名 ' )
parser . add_argument ( " --control_net_weights " , type = float , default = None , nargs = ' * ' , help = ' ControlNet weights / ControlNetの重み ' )
parser . add_argument ( " --control_net_ratios " , type = float , default = None , nargs = ' * ' ,
help = ' ControlNet guidance ratio for steps / ControlNetでガイドするステップ比率 ' )
2022-12-26 08:47:33 -05:00
args = parser . parse_args ( )
2023-01-15 11:05:22 -05:00
main ( args )