2022-12-03 11:23:25 +00:00
# convert Diffusers v1.x/v2.0 model to original Stable Diffusion
import argparse
import os
import torch
from diffusers import StableDiffusionPipeline
2022-12-19 14:22:52 +00:00
2022-12-23 12:56:35 +00:00
import library . model_util as model_util
2022-12-03 11:23:25 +00:00
2022-12-19 14:22:52 +00:00
2022-12-03 11:23:25 +00:00
def convert ( args ) :
# 引数を確認する
load_dtype = torch . float16 if args . fp16 else None
save_dtype = None
if args . fp16 :
save_dtype = torch . float16
elif args . bf16 :
save_dtype = torch . bfloat16
elif args . float :
save_dtype = torch . float
is_load_ckpt = os . path . isfile ( args . model_to_load )
is_save_ckpt = len ( os . path . splitext ( args . model_to_save ) [ 1 ] ) > 0
assert not is_load_ckpt or args . v1 != args . v2 , f " v1 or v2 is required to load checkpoint / checkpointの読み込みにはv1/v2指定が必要です "
assert is_save_ckpt or args . reference_model is not None , f " reference model is required to save as Diffusers / Diffusers形式での保存には参照モデルが必要です "
# モデルを読み込む
msg = " checkpoint " if is_load_ckpt else ( " Diffusers " + ( " as fp16 " if args . fp16 else " " ) )
print ( f " loading { msg } : { args . model_to_load } " )
if is_load_ckpt :
v2_model = args . v2
text_encoder , vae , unet = model_util . load_models_from_stable_diffusion_checkpoint ( v2_model , args . model_to_load )
else :
pipe = StableDiffusionPipeline . from_pretrained ( args . model_to_load , torch_dtype = load_dtype , tokenizer = None , safety_checker = None )
text_encoder = pipe . text_encoder
vae = pipe . vae
unet = pipe . unet
if args . v1 == args . v2 :
# 自動判定する
v2_model = unet . config . cross_attention_dim == 1024
print ( " checking model version: model is " + ( ' v2 ' if v2_model else ' v1 ' ) )
else :
2022-12-23 12:56:35 +00:00
v2_model = not args . v1
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# 変換して保存する
msg = ( " checkpoint " + ( " " if save_dtype is None else f " in { save_dtype } " ) ) if is_save_ckpt else " Diffusers "
print ( f " converting and saving as { msg } : { args . model_to_save } " )
if is_save_ckpt :
original_model = args . model_to_load if is_load_ckpt else None
key_count = model_util . save_stable_diffusion_checkpoint ( v2_model , args . model_to_save , text_encoder , unet ,
original_model , args . epoch , args . global_step , save_dtype , vae )
print ( f " model saved. total converted state_dict keys: { key_count } " )
else :
print ( f " copy scheduler/tokenizer config from: { args . reference_model } " )
2022-12-19 14:22:52 +00:00
model_util . save_diffusers_checkpoint ( v2_model , args . model_to_save , text_encoder , unet , args . reference_model , vae , args . use_safetensors )
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print ( f " model saved. " )
2023-03-22 00:20:57 +00:00
def setup_parser ( ) - > argparse . ArgumentParser :
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parser = argparse . ArgumentParser ( )
parser . add_argument ( " --v1 " , action = ' store_true ' ,
help = ' load v1.x model (v1 or v2 is required to load checkpoint) / 1.xのモデルを読み込む ' )
parser . add_argument ( " --v2 " , action = ' store_true ' ,
help = ' load v2.0 model (v1 or v2 is required to load checkpoint) / 2.0のモデルを読み込む ' )
parser . add_argument ( " --fp16 " , action = ' store_true ' ,
help = ' load as fp16 (Diffusers only) and save as fp16 (checkpoint only) / fp16形式で読み込み( Diffusers形式のみ対応) 、保存する( checkpointのみ対応) ' )
parser . add_argument ( " --bf16 " , action = ' store_true ' , help = ' save as bf16 (checkpoint only) / bf16形式で保存する( checkpointのみ対応) ' )
parser . add_argument ( " --float " , action = ' store_true ' ,
help = ' save as float (checkpoint only) / float(float32)形式で保存する( checkpointのみ対応) ' )
parser . add_argument ( " --epoch " , type = int , default = 0 , help = ' epoch to write to checkpoint / checkpointに記録するepoch数の値 ' )
parser . add_argument ( " --global_step " , type = int , default = 0 ,
help = ' global_step to write to checkpoint / checkpointに記録するglobal_stepの値 ' )
parser . add_argument ( " --reference_model " , type = str , default = None ,
help = " reference model for schduler/tokenizer, required in saving Diffusers, copy schduler/tokenizer from this / scheduler/tokenizerのコピー元のDiffusersモデル、Diffusers形式で保存するときに必要 " )
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parser . add_argument ( " --use_safetensors " , action = ' store_true ' ,
help = " use safetensors format to save Diffusers model (checkpoint depends on the file extension) / Duffusersモデルをsafetensors形式で保存する( checkpointは拡張子で自動判定) " )
2022-12-03 11:23:25 +00:00
parser . add_argument ( " model_to_load " , type = str , default = None ,
help = " model to load: checkpoint file or Diffusers model ' s directory / 読み込むモデル、checkpointかDiffusers形式モデルのディレクトリ " )
parser . add_argument ( " model_to_save " , type = str , default = None ,
help = " model to save: checkpoint (with extension) or Diffusers model ' s directory (without extension) / 変換後のモデル、拡張子がある場合はcheckpoint、ない場合はDiffusesモデルとして保存 " )
2023-03-22 00:20:57 +00:00
return parser
if __name__ == ' __main__ ' :
parser = setup_parser ( )
2022-12-03 11:23:25 +00:00
args = parser . parse_args ( )
2023-01-15 16:05:22 +00:00
convert ( args )