#!/usr/bin/env python3 import re import cv2 import time import struct import socket import _thread import threading import RPi.GPIO as GPIO stop = False interval = 0.1 udp_addr = ("", 6000) GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BCM) speedl_pin = 18 speedr_pin = 17 GPIO.setup(speedl_pin, GPIO.IN) GPIO.setup(speedr_pin, GPIO.IN) speed_mutex = threading.Lock() speedl_count = 0 speedr_count = 0 def speedl_callback(pin): global speedl_count global speed_mutex speed_mutex.acquire() speedl_count = speedl_count + 1 speed_mutex.release() def speedr_callback(pin): global speedr_count global speed_mutex speed_mutex.acquire() speedr_count = speedr_count + 1 speed_mutex.release() GPIO.add_event_detect(speedl_pin, GPIO.RISING, callback = speedl_callback) GPIO.add_event_detect(speedr_pin, GPIO.RISING, callback = speedr_callback) ultrasound_tri_pin = 13 ultrasound_ech_pin = 16 GPIO.setup(ultrasound_tri_pin, GPIO.OUT) GPIO.setup(ultrasound_ech_pin, GPIO.IN) ultrasound_distance = 0.0 def ultrasound_thread(): global stop global ultrasound_tri_pin global ultrasound_ech_pin global ultrasound_distance while not stop: GPIO.output(ultrasound_tri_pin, True) time.sleep(0.00001) GPIO.output(ultrasound_tri_pin, False) count = 10000 while GPIO.input(ultrasound_ech_pin) != True and count > 0: count = count - 1 start = time.time() count = 10000 while GPIO.input(ultrasound_ech_pin) != False and count > 0: count = count - 1 finish = time.time() pulse_len = finish - start ultrasound_distance = pulse_len / 0.000058 time.sleep(interval * 0.01) motor_mutex = threading.Lock() motor_pins = [21, 26, 20, 19] motor_pwms = [] GPIO.setup(motor_pins, GPIO.OUT) for motor_index in range(0, 4): motor_pwms.append(GPIO.PWM(motor_pins[motor_index], 500)) motor_pwms[motor_index].start(0) motor_mode = 0 motor_time = 0 motor_speed = 0 def motor_thread(): global stop global motor_mode global motor_time global motor_speed global motor_mutex while not stop: motor_mutex.acquire() if motor_time < time.time(): motor_pwms[0].ChangeDutyCycle(0) motor_pwms[1].ChangeDutyCycle(0) motor_pwms[2].ChangeDutyCycle(0) motor_pwms[3].ChangeDutyCycle(0) elif motor_mode == 0: motor_pwms[0].ChangeDutyCycle(motor_speed) motor_pwms[1].ChangeDutyCycle(0) motor_pwms[2].ChangeDutyCycle(motor_speed) motor_pwms[3].ChangeDutyCycle(0) elif motor_mode == 1: motor_pwms[0].ChangeDutyCycle(0) motor_pwms[1].ChangeDutyCycle(motor_speed) motor_pwms[2].ChangeDutyCycle(0) motor_pwms[3].ChangeDutyCycle(motor_speed) elif motor_mode == 2: motor_pwms[0].ChangeDutyCycle(0) motor_pwms[1].ChangeDutyCycle(motor_speed * 0.75) motor_pwms[2].ChangeDutyCycle(motor_speed * 0.75) motor_pwms[3].ChangeDutyCycle(0) elif motor_mode == 3: motor_pwms[0].ChangeDutyCycle(motor_speed * 0.75) motor_pwms[1].ChangeDutyCycle(0) motor_pwms[2].ChangeDutyCycle(0) motor_pwms[3].ChangeDutyCycle(motor_speed * 0.75) elif motor_mode == 4: motor_pwms[0].ChangeDutyCycle(motor_speed) motor_pwms[1].ChangeDutyCycle(motor_speed) motor_pwms[2].ChangeDutyCycle(motor_speed) motor_pwms[3].ChangeDutyCycle(motor_speed) motor_mutex.release() time.sleep(interval * 0.01) def cap_thread(): global stop global udp_addr cap = cv2.VideoCapture(0) cap.set(3, 256) cap.set(4, 256) sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) if cap == None: return while not stop: for chunk_index in range(0, 256): if chunk_index % 32 == 0: ret, frame = cap.read() if ret == False: return chunk_bytes = struct.pack("!H", chunk_index) + frame.tobytes()[chunk_index * 768 : chunk_index * 768 + 768] sock.sendto(chunk_bytes, udp_addr) if stop: return cap.release() clp_pin = 23 near_pin = 27 is_pins = [22, 24, 25, 12, 5] GPIO.setup(clp_pin, GPIO.IN, pull_up_down = GPIO.PUD_DOWN) GPIO.setup(near_pin, GPIO.IN, pull_up_down = GPIO.PUD_DOWN) GPIO.setup(is_pins, GPIO.IN, pull_up_down = GPIO.PUD_DOWN) def udp_thread(): global stop global udp_addr global speedl_count global speedr_count global speed_mutex global motor_mode global motor_time global motor_speed global motor_mutex sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) sock.bind(("", 6000)) sock.setblocking(False) while not stop: try: (data, source) = sock.recvfrom(1024) if len(data) == 8: udp_addr = source order, param = struct.unpack("!ii", data) if order >= 0 and order < 5: motor_mutex.acquire() motor_mode = order motor_speed = param if motor_speed < 0.0: motor_speed = 0.0 elif motor_speed > 100.0: motor_speed = 100.0 motor_time = time.time() + 0.13 motor_mutex.release() except socket.error: motor_mode = 0 data = bytes() clp_state = GPIO.input(clp_pin) == True near_state = GPIO.input(near_pin) == True data = data + struct.pack("!??", clp_state, near_state) for is_pin in is_pins: is_state = GPIO.input(is_pin) == True data = data + struct.pack("!?", is_state) speed_mutex.acquire() data = data + struct.pack("!BB", speedl_count, speedr_count) speedl_count = 0 speedr_count = 0 speed_mutex.release() data = data + struct.pack("!f", ultrasound_distance) sock.sendto(data, udp_addr) time.sleep(interval) sock.close() threads = [] try: threads.append(threading.Thread(target = ultrasound_thread, args = ())) threads.append(threading.Thread(target = motor_thread, args = ())) threads.append(threading.Thread(target = cap_thread, args = ())) threads.append(threading.Thread(target = udp_thread, args = ())) for thread in threads: thread.start() while True: time.sleep(interval) except KeyboardInterrupt: print("\nKeyboardInterrupt") finally: stop = True for thread in threads: if thread.isAlive(): thread.join() GPIO.cleanup() print("Exit")