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#pragma once
#include "CoreTypes.h"
#include "Templates/Invoke.h"
#include "Templates/Utility.h"
#include "Templates/TypeHash.h"
#include "TypeTraits/TypeTraits.h"
#include "Memory/MemoryOperator.h"
#include "Miscellaneous/Compare.h"
#include "Miscellaneous/AssertionMacros.h"
template <typename... Types> requires (true && ... && CDestructible<Types>)
class TVariant;
template <typename T > struct TIsTVariant : FFalse { };
template <typename... Types> struct TIsTVariant<TVariant<Types...>> : FTrue { };
template <typename TupleType>
struct TVariantNumImpl;
template <typename... Types>
struct TVariantNumImpl<TVariant<Types...>> : TConstant<size_t, sizeof...(Types)> { };
template <typename... Types>
struct TVariantNumImpl<const TVariant<Types...>> : TConstant<size_t, sizeof...(Types)> { };
template <typename... Types>
struct TVariantNumImpl<volatile TVariant<Types...>> : TConstant<size_t, sizeof...(Types)> { };
template <typename... Types>
struct TVariantNumImpl<const volatile TVariant<Types...>> : TConstant<size_t, sizeof...(Types)> { };
template <typename T, typename TupleType>
struct TVariantIndexImpl;
template <typename T, typename U, typename... Types>
struct TVariantIndexImpl<T, TVariant<U, Types...>> : TConstant<size_t, TVariantIndexImpl<T, TVariant<Types...>>::Value + 1>
static_assert(sizeof...(Types) != 0, "Non-existent types in variant");
template <typename T, typename... Types>
struct TVariantIndexImpl<T, TVariant<T, Types...>> : TConstant<size_t, 0>
static_assert((true && ... && !CSameAs<T, Types>), "Duplicate type in variant");
template <typename T>
struct TVariantIndexImpl<T, TVariant<>> : TConstant<size_t, INDEX_NONE> { };
template <typename T, typename... Types>
struct TVariantIndexImpl<T, const TVariant<Types...>> : TVariantIndexImpl<T, TVariant<Types...>> { };
template <typename T, typename... Types>
struct TVariantIndexImpl<T, volatile TVariant<Types...>> : TVariantIndexImpl<T, TVariant<Types...>> { };
template <typename T, typename... Types>
struct TVariantIndexImpl<T, const volatile TVariant<Types...>> : TVariantIndexImpl<T, TVariant<Types...>> { };
template <size_t I, typename TupleType>
struct TVariantAlternativeImpl;
template <size_t I, typename T, typename... Types>
struct TVariantAlternativeImpl<I, TVariant<T, Types...>>
static_assert(I < sizeof...(Types) + 1, "Invalid index in variant");
using Type = TVariantAlternativeImpl<I - 1, TVariant<Types...>>::Type;
template <typename T, typename... Types>
struct TVariantAlternativeImpl<0, TVariant<T, Types...>> { using Type = T; };
template <size_t I, typename... Types>
struct TVariantAlternativeImpl<I, TVariant<Types...>> { };
template <>
struct TVariantAlternativeImpl<0, TVariant<>> { };
template <size_t I, typename... Types>
struct TVariantAlternativeImpl<I, const TVariant<Types...>> { using Type = TAddConst<typename TVariantAlternativeImpl<I, TVariant<Types...>>::Type>; };
template <size_t I, typename... Types>
struct TVariantAlternativeImpl<I, volatile TVariant<Types...>> { using Type = TAddVolatile<typename TVariantAlternativeImpl<I, TVariant<Types...>>::Type>; };
template <size_t I, typename... Types>
struct TVariantAlternativeImpl<I, const volatile TVariant<Types...>> { using Type = TAddCV<typename TVariantAlternativeImpl<I, TVariant<Types...>>::Type>; };
template <typename T, typename... Types>
struct TVariantSelectedType;
template <typename T, typename U, typename... Types>
struct TVariantSelectedType<T, U, Types...>
using TypeAlternativeA = TConditional<CConstructibleFrom<U, T&&>, U, void>;
using TypeAlternativeB = typename TVariantSelectedType<T, Types...>::Type;
using Type = TConditional<CSameAs<TRemoveCVRef<TypeAlternativeA>, void>, TypeAlternativeB,
TConditional<CSameAs<TRemoveCVRef<TypeAlternativeB>, void>, TypeAlternativeA,
TConditional<CSameAs<TRemoveCVRef<TypeAlternativeB>, TRemoveCVRef<T>>, TypeAlternativeB, TypeAlternativeA>>>;
// 0 - Type not found
// 1 - Same type found
// 2 - Multiple types found
// 3 - The type found
static constexpr uint8 Flag = CSameAs<TRemoveCVRef<Type>, void> ? 0 :
CSameAs<TRemoveCVRef<TypeAlternativeA>, TRemoveCVRef<TypeAlternativeB>> ? 2 :
CSameAs<TRemoveCVRef< Type>, TRemoveCVRef< T>> ? 1 :
!CSameAs<TRemoveCVRef<TypeAlternativeA>, void> && !CSameAs<TypeAlternativeB, void> ? 2 : 3;
static constexpr bool Value = Flag & 1;
template <typename T>
struct TVariantSelectedType<T>
static constexpr uint8 Flag = 0;
using Type = void;
template <typename T>
concept CTVariant = NAMESPACE_PRIVATE::TIsTVariant<T>::Value;
template <typename VariantType>
inline constexpr size_t TVariantNum = NAMESPACE_PRIVATE::TVariantNumImpl<VariantType>::Value;
template <typename T, typename VariantType>
inline constexpr size_t TVariantIndex = NAMESPACE_PRIVATE::TVariantIndexImpl<T, VariantType>::Value;
template <size_t I, typename VariantType>
using TVariantAlternative = typename NAMESPACE_PRIVATE::TVariantAlternativeImpl<I, VariantType>::Type;
template <typename... Types> requires (true && ... && CDestructible<Types>)
class TVariant
constexpr TVariant() : TypeIndex(0xFF) { };
constexpr TVariant(FInvalid) : TVariant() { };
constexpr TVariant(const TVariant& InValue) requires (true && ... && CCopyConstructible<Types>)
: TypeIndex(static_cast<uint8>(InValue.GetIndex()))
if (IsValid()) CopyConstructImpl[InValue.GetIndex()](&Value, &InValue.Value);
constexpr TVariant(TVariant&& InValue) requires (true && ... && CMoveConstructible<Types>)
: TypeIndex(static_cast<uint8>(InValue.GetIndex()))
if (IsValid()) MoveConstructImpl[InValue.GetIndex()](&Value, &InValue.Value);
template <size_t I, typename... ArgTypes> requires (I < sizeof...(Types))
&& CConstructibleFrom<TVariantAlternative<I, TVariant<Types...>>, ArgTypes...>
constexpr explicit TVariant(TInPlaceIndex<I>, ArgTypes&&... Args)
: TypeIndex(I)
using SelectedType = TVariantAlternative<I, TVariant<Types...>>;
new(&Value) SelectedType(Forward<ArgTypes>(Args)...);
template <typename T, typename... ArgTypes> requires CConstructibleFrom<T, ArgTypes...>
constexpr explicit TVariant(TInPlaceType<T>, ArgTypes&&... Args)
: TVariant(InPlaceIndex<TVariantIndex<T, TVariant<Types...>>>, Forward<ArgTypes>(Args)...)
{ }
template <typename T> requires NAMESPACE_PRIVATE::TVariantSelectedType<TRemoveReference<T>, Types...>::Value
&& (!CTInPlaceType<TRemoveCVRef<T>>) && (!CTInPlaceIndex<TRemoveCVRef<T>>)
&& (!CSameAs<TRemoveCVRef<T>, TVariant>)
constexpr TVariant(T&& InValue) : TVariant(InPlaceType<typename NAMESPACE_PRIVATE::TVariantSelectedType<TRemoveReference<T>, Types...>::Type>, Forward<T>(InValue))
{ }
constexpr ~TVariant()
if constexpr (!(true && ... && CTriviallyDestructible<Types>)) Reset();
constexpr TVariant& operator=(const TVariant& InValue) requires (true && ... && (CCopyConstructible<Types> && CCopyAssignable<Types>))
if (&InValue == this) return *this;
if (!InValue.IsValid())
return *this;
if (GetIndex() == InValue.GetIndex()) CopyAssignImpl[InValue.GetIndex()](&Value, &InValue.Value);
CopyConstructImpl[InValue.GetIndex()](&Value, &InValue.Value);
TypeIndex = static_cast<uint8>(InValue.GetIndex());
return *this;
constexpr TVariant& operator=(TVariant&& InValue) requires (true && ... && (CMoveConstructible<Types> && CMoveAssignable<Types>))
if (&InValue == this) return *this;
if (!InValue.IsValid())
return *this;
if (GetIndex() == InValue.GetIndex()) MoveAssignImpl[InValue.GetIndex()](&Value, &InValue.Value);
MoveConstructImpl[InValue.GetIndex()](&Value, &InValue.Value);
TypeIndex = static_cast<uint8>(InValue.GetIndex());
return *this;
template <typename T> requires NAMESPACE_PRIVATE::TVariantSelectedType<TRemoveReference<T>, Types...>::Value
constexpr TVariant& operator=(T&& InValue)
using SelectedType = typename NAMESPACE_PRIVATE::TVariantSelectedType<TRemoveReference<T>, Types...>::Type;
if (GetIndex() == TVariantIndex<SelectedType, TVariant<Types...>>) GetValue<SelectedType>() = Forward<T>(InValue);
new(&Value) SelectedType(Forward<T>(InValue));
TypeIndex = TVariantIndex<SelectedType, TVariant<Types...>>;
return *this;
template <size_t I, typename... ArgTypes> requires (I < sizeof...(Types))
&& CConstructibleFrom<TVariantAlternative<I, TVariant<Types...>>, ArgTypes...>
constexpr TVariantAlternative<I, TVariant<Types...>>& Emplace(ArgTypes&&... Args)
using SelectedType = TVariantAlternative<I, TVariant<Types...>>;
SelectedType* Result = new(&Value) SelectedType(Forward<ArgTypes>(Args)...);
TypeIndex = I;
return *Result;
template <typename T, typename... ArgTypes> requires CConstructibleFrom<T, ArgTypes...>
constexpr T& Emplace(ArgTypes&&... Args)
return Emplace<TVariantIndex<T, TVariant<Types...>>>(Forward<ArgTypes>(Args)...);
constexpr const type_info& GetTypeInfo() const { return IsValid() ? *TypeInfos[GetIndex()] : typeid(void); }
constexpr size_t GetIndex() const { return TypeIndex != 0xFF ? TypeIndex : INDEX_NONE; }
constexpr bool IsValid() const { return TypeIndex != 0xFF; }
constexpr explicit operator bool() const { return TypeIndex != 0xFF; }
template <size_t I> constexpr bool HoldsAlternative() const { return IsValid() ? GetIndex() == I : false; }
template <typename T> constexpr bool HoldsAlternative() const { return IsValid() ? GetIndex() == TVariantIndex<T, TVariant<Types...>> : false; }
template <size_t I> requires (I < sizeof...(Types)) constexpr decltype(auto) GetValue() & { checkf(HoldsAlternative<I>(), TEXT("It is an error to call GetValue() on an wrong TVariant. Please either check HoldsAlternative() or use Get(DefaultValue) instead.")); return *reinterpret_cast< TVariantAlternative<I, TVariant<Types...>>*>(&Value); }
template <size_t I> requires (I < sizeof...(Types)) constexpr decltype(auto) GetValue() && { checkf(HoldsAlternative<I>(), TEXT("It is an error to call GetValue() on an wrong TVariant. Please either check HoldsAlternative() or use Get(DefaultValue) instead.")); return MoveTemp(*reinterpret_cast< TVariantAlternative<I, TVariant<Types...>>*>(&Value)); }
template <size_t I> requires (I < sizeof...(Types)) constexpr decltype(auto) GetValue() const& { checkf(HoldsAlternative<I>(), TEXT("It is an error to call GetValue() on an wrong TVariant. Please either check HoldsAlternative() or use Get(DefaultValue) instead.")); return *reinterpret_cast<const TVariantAlternative<I, TVariant<Types...>>*>(&Value); }
template <size_t I> requires (I < sizeof...(Types)) constexpr decltype(auto) GetValue() const&& { checkf(HoldsAlternative<I>(), TEXT("It is an error to call GetValue() on an wrong TVariant. Please either check HoldsAlternative() or use Get(DefaultValue) instead.")); return MoveTemp(*reinterpret_cast<const TVariantAlternative<I, TVariant<Types...>>*>(&Value)); }
template <typename T> constexpr decltype(auto) GetValue() & { checkf(HoldsAlternative<T>(), TEXT("It is an error to call GetValue() on an wrong TVariant. Please either check HoldsAlternative() or use Get(DefaultValue) instead.")); return *reinterpret_cast< T*>(&Value); }
template <typename T> constexpr decltype(auto) GetValue() && { checkf(HoldsAlternative<T>(), TEXT("It is an error to call GetValue() on an wrong TVariant. Please either check HoldsAlternative() or use Get(DefaultValue) instead.")); return MoveTemp(*reinterpret_cast< T*>(&Value)); }
template <typename T> constexpr decltype(auto) GetValue() const& { checkf(HoldsAlternative<T>(), TEXT("It is an error to call GetValue() on an wrong TVariant. Please either check HoldsAlternative() or use Get(DefaultValue) instead.")); return *reinterpret_cast<const T*>(&Value); }
template <typename T> constexpr decltype(auto) GetValue() const&& { checkf(HoldsAlternative<T>(), TEXT("It is an error to call GetValue() on an wrong TVariant. Please either check HoldsAlternative() or use Get(DefaultValue) instead.")); return MoveTemp(*reinterpret_cast<const T*>(&Value)); }
template <size_t I> requires (I < sizeof...(Types)) constexpr decltype(auto) Get( TVariantAlternative<I, TVariant<Types...>>& DefaultValue) & { return HoldsAlternative<I>() ? GetValue<I>() : DefaultValue; }
template <size_t I> requires (I < sizeof...(Types)) constexpr decltype(auto) Get(const TVariantAlternative<I, TVariant<Types...>>& DefaultValue) const& { return HoldsAlternative<I>() ? GetValue<I>() : DefaultValue; }
template <typename T> constexpr decltype(auto) Get( T& DefaultValue) & { return HoldsAlternative<T>() ? GetValue<T>() : DefaultValue; }
template <typename T> constexpr decltype(auto) Get(const T& DefaultValue) const& { return HoldsAlternative<T>() ? GetValue<T>() : DefaultValue; }
template <typename F> requires (true && ... && CInvocable<F, Types>)
FORCEINLINE decltype(auto) Visit(F&& Func) &
checkf(IsValid(), TEXT("It is an error to call Visit() on an wrong TVariant. Please either check IsValid()."));
using ReturnType = TCommonType<TInvokeResult<F, Types>...>;
using FInvokeImpl = ReturnType(*)(F&&, void*);
static constexpr FInvokeImpl InvokeImpl[] = { [](F&& Func, void* This) -> ReturnType { return InvokeResult<ReturnType>(Forward<F>(Func), *reinterpret_cast<Types*>(This)); }... };
return InvokeImpl[GetIndex()](Forward<F>(Func), &Value);
template <typename F> requires (true && ... && CInvocable<F, Types>)
FORCEINLINE decltype(auto) Visit(F&& Func) &&
checkf(IsValid(), TEXT("It is an error to call Visit() on an wrong TVariant. Please either check IsValid()."));
using ReturnType = TCommonType<TInvokeResult<F, Types>...>;
using FInvokeImpl = ReturnType(*)(F&&, void*);
static constexpr FInvokeImpl InvokeImpl[] = { [](F&& Func, void* This) -> ReturnType { return InvokeResult<ReturnType>(Forward<F>(Func), MoveTemp(*reinterpret_cast<Types*>(This))); }... };
return InvokeImpl[GetIndex()](Forward<F>(Func), &Value);
template <typename F> requires (true && ... && CInvocable<F, Types>)
FORCEINLINE decltype(auto) Visit(F&& Func) const&
checkf(IsValid(), TEXT("It is an error to call Visit() on an wrong TVariant. Please either check IsValid()."));
using ReturnType = TCommonType<TInvokeResult<F, Types>...>;
using FInvokeImpl = ReturnType(*)(F&&, const void*);
static constexpr FInvokeImpl InvokeImpl[] = { [](F&& Func, const void* This) -> ReturnType { return InvokeResult<ReturnType>(Forward<F>(Func), *reinterpret_cast<const Types*>(This)); }... };
return InvokeImpl[GetIndex()](Forward<F>(Func), &Value);
template <typename F> requires (true && ... && CInvocable<F, Types>)
FORCEINLINE decltype(auto) Visit(F&& Func) const&&
checkf(IsValid(), TEXT("It is an error to call Visit() on an wrong TVariant. Please either check IsValid()."));
using ReturnType = TCommonType<TInvokeResult<F, Types>...>;
using FInvokeImpl = ReturnType(*)(F&&, const void*);
static constexpr FInvokeImpl InvokeImpl[] = { [](F&& Func, const void* This) -> ReturnType { return InvokeResult<ReturnType>(Forward<F>(Func), MoveTemp(*reinterpret_cast<const Types*>(This))); }... };
return InvokeImpl[GetIndex()](Forward<F>(Func), &Value);
template <typename R, typename F> requires (true && ... && CInvocableResult<R, F, Types>)
FORCEINLINE R Visit(F&& Func) & { return Visit(Forward<F>(Func)); }
template <typename R, typename F> requires (true && ... && CInvocableResult<R, F, Types>)
FORCEINLINE R Visit(F&& Func) && { return MoveTemp(*this).Visit(Forward<F>(Func)); }
template <typename R, typename F> requires (true && ... && CInvocableResult<R, F, Types>)
FORCEINLINE R Visit(F&& Func) const& { return Visit(Forward<F>(Func)); }
template <typename R, typename F> requires (true && ... && CInvocableResult<R, F, Types>)
FORCEINLINE R Visit(F&& Func) const&& { return MoveTemp(*this).Visit(Forward<F>(Func)); }
constexpr void Reset()
if (GetIndex() == INDEX_NONE) return;
if constexpr (!(true && ... && CTriviallyDestructible<Types>))
TypeIndex = static_cast<uint8>(INDEX_NONE);
constexpr size_t GetTypeHash() const requires (true && ... && CHashable<Types>)
if (!IsValid()) return 114514;
using FHashImpl = size_t(*)(const void*);
constexpr FHashImpl HashImpl[] = { [](const void* This) -> size_t { return GetTypeHash(*reinterpret_cast<const Types*>(This)); }... };
return HashCombine(GetTypeHash(GetIndex()), HashImpl[GetIndex()](&Value));
constexpr void Swap(TVariant& InValue) requires (true && ... && (CMoveConstructible<Types> && CSwappable<Types>))
if (!IsValid() && !InValue.IsValid()) return;
if (IsValid() && !InValue.IsValid())
InValue = MoveTemp(*this);
if (InValue.IsValid() && !IsValid())
*this = MoveTemp(InValue);
if (GetIndex() == InValue.GetIndex())
using FSwapImpl = void(*)(void*, void*);
constexpr FSwapImpl SwapImpl[] = { [](void* A, void* B) { Swap(*reinterpret_cast<Types*>(A), *reinterpret_cast<Types*>(B)); }... };
SwapImpl[GetIndex()](&Value, &InValue.Value);
TVariant Temp = MoveTemp(*this);
*this = MoveTemp(InValue);
InValue = MoveTemp(Temp);
static constexpr const type_info* TypeInfos[] = { &typeid(Types)... };
using FCopyConstructImpl = void(*)(void*, const void*);
using FMoveConstructImpl = void(*)(void*, void*);
using FCopyAssignImpl = void(*)(void*, const void*);
using FMoveAssignImpl = void(*)(void*, void*);
using FDestroyImpl = void(*)(void* );
static constexpr FCopyConstructImpl CopyConstructImpl[] = { [](void* A, const void* B) { if constexpr (requires(Types* A, const Types* B) { Memory::CopyConstruct (A, B); }) Memory::CopyConstruct (reinterpret_cast<Types*>(A), reinterpret_cast<const Types*>(B)); else checkf(false, TEXT("The type '%s' is not copy constructible."), typeid(Types).name()); }... };
static constexpr FMoveConstructImpl MoveConstructImpl[] = { [](void* A, void* B) { if constexpr (requires(Types* A, Types* B) { Memory::MoveConstruct (A, B); }) Memory::MoveConstruct (reinterpret_cast<Types*>(A), reinterpret_cast< Types*>(B)); else checkf(false, TEXT("The type '%s' is not move constructible."), typeid(Types).name()); }... };
static constexpr FCopyAssignImpl CopyAssignImpl[] = { [](void* A, const void* B) { if constexpr (requires(Types* A, const Types* B) { Memory::CopyAssign (A, B); }) Memory::CopyAssign (reinterpret_cast<Types*>(A), reinterpret_cast<const Types*>(B)); else checkf(false, TEXT("The type '%s' is not copy assignable."), typeid(Types).name()); }... };
static constexpr FMoveAssignImpl MoveAssignImpl[] = { [](void* A, void* B) { if constexpr (requires(Types* A, Types* B) { Memory::MoveAssign (A, B); }) Memory::MoveAssign (reinterpret_cast<Types*>(A), reinterpret_cast< Types*>(B)); else checkf(false, TEXT("The type '%s' is not move assignable."), typeid(Types).name()); }... };
static constexpr FDestroyImpl DestroyImpl[] = { [](void* A ) { if constexpr (requires(Types* A ) { Memory::Destruct (A ); }) Memory::Destruct (reinterpret_cast<Types*>(A) ); else checkf(false, TEXT("The type '%s' is not destructible."), typeid(Types).name()); }... };
TAlignedUnion<1, Types...> Value;
uint8 TypeIndex;
friend constexpr bool operator==(const TVariant& LHS, const TVariant& RHS) requires (true && ... && CEqualityComparable<Types>)
if (LHS.GetIndex() != RHS.GetIndex()) return false;
if (LHS.IsValid() == false) return true;
using FCompareImpl = bool(*)(const void*, const void*);
constexpr FCompareImpl CompareImpl[] = { [](const void* LHS, const void* RHS) -> bool { return *reinterpret_cast<const Types*>(LHS) == *reinterpret_cast<const Types*>(RHS); }... };
return CompareImpl[LHS.GetIndex()](&LHS.Value, &RHS.Value);
friend constexpr partial_ordering operator<=>(const TVariant& LHS, const TVariant& RHS) requires (true && ... && CSynthThreeWayComparable<Types>)
if (LHS.GetIndex() != RHS.GetIndex()) return partial_ordering::unordered;
if (LHS.IsValid() == false) return partial_ordering::equivalent;
using FCompareImpl = partial_ordering(*)(const void*, const void*);
constexpr FCompareImpl CompareImpl[] = { [](const void* LHS, const void* RHS) -> partial_ordering { return SynthThreeWayCompare(*reinterpret_cast<const Types*>(LHS), *reinterpret_cast<const Types*>(RHS)); }...};
return CompareImpl[LHS.GetIndex()](&LHS.Value, &RHS.Value);
template <typename T, typename... Types> requires (!CSameAs<T, TVariant<Types...>>) && CEqualityComparable<T>
constexpr bool operator==(const TVariant<Types...>& LHS, const T& RHS)
return LHS.template HoldsAlternative<T>() ? LHS.template GetValue<T>() == RHS : false;
template <typename... Types>
constexpr bool operator==(const TVariant<Types...>& LHS, FInvalid)
return !LHS.IsValid();