feat(miscellaneous): add basic range factories
This commit is contained in:
@ -342,6 +342,7 @@ concept CViewableRange = CRange<R>
/** A view type that produces a view of no elements of a particular type. */
template <CObject T>
class TEmptyView : public TViewInterface<TEmptyView<T>>
@ -352,8 +353,6 @@ public:
using Iterator = T*;
using Sentinel = T*;
using ReverseIterator = TReverseIterator<Iterator>;
FORCEINLINE constexpr TEmptyView() = default;
NODISCARD static FORCEINLINE constexpr Iterator Begin() { return nullptr; }
@ -370,11 +369,12 @@ static_assert( CView<TEmptyView<int>>);
template <typename T>
template <typename T>
constexpr bool bEnableBorrowedRange<Range::TEmptyView<T>> = true;
/** A view type that contains exactly one element of a specified value. */
template <CObject T> requires (CMoveConstructible<T>)
class TSingleView : public TViewInterface<TSingleView<T>>
@ -391,9 +391,6 @@ public:
using Sentinel = T*;
using ConstSentinel = const T*;
using ReverseIterator = TReverseIterator< Iterator>;
using ConstReverseIterator = TReverseIterator<ConstIterator>;
FORCEINLINE constexpr TSingleView() requires (CDefaultConstructible<T>) = default;
FORCEINLINE constexpr explicit TSingleView(const T& InValue) requires (CCopyConstructible<T>) : Value(InValue) { }
@ -427,6 +424,254 @@ static_assert(CContiguousRange<TSingleView<int>>);
static_assert( CCommonRange<TSingleView<int>>);
static_assert( CView<TSingleView<int>>);
/** A view type that generates a sequence of elements by repeatedly incrementing an initial value. Can be either bounded or unbounded. */
template <CWeaklyIncrementable W, CWeaklyEqualityComparable<W> S = FUnreachableSentinel> requires (CSemiregular<S> && CCopyable<W>)
class TIotaView : public TViewInterface<TIotaView<W, S>>
class FSentinelImpl;
using ElementType = W;
using Reference = const W&;
class Iterator;
using Sentinel = TConditional<CSameAs<W, S>, Iterator, FSentinelImpl>;
FORCEINLINE constexpr TIotaView() requires (CDefaultConstructible<W>) = default;
FORCEINLINE constexpr explicit TIotaView(W InValue) requires (CDefaultConstructible<S>) : First(InValue), Last() { }
FORCEINLINE constexpr explicit TIotaView(TIdentity<W> InValue, TIdentity<S> InLast) : First(InValue), Last(InLast) { }
FORCEINLINE constexpr explicit TIotaView(Iterator InFirst, Sentinel InLast) : First(InFirst.Value), Last(InLast.Value) { }
FORCEINLINE constexpr explicit TIotaView(Iterator InFirst, FUnreachableSentinel) requires (CSameAs<S, FUnreachableSentinel>) : First(InFirst.Value) { }
NODISCARD FORCEINLINE constexpr Iterator Begin() const { return Iterator(First); }
NODISCARD FORCEINLINE constexpr Sentinel End() const { return Sentinel(Last); }
NODISCARD FORCEINLINE constexpr auto Num() const requires ((CIntegral<W> && CIntegral<S>) || CSizedSentinelFor<S, W>) { return Last - First; }
NODISCARD FORCEINLINE constexpr bool IsEmpty() const { return First == Last; }
class Iterator final
using ElementType = TRemoveCV<W>;
FORCEINLINE constexpr Iterator() requires (CDefaultConstructible<W>) = default;
NODISCARD friend FORCEINLINE constexpr bool operator==(const Iterator& LHS, const Iterator& RHS) requires (CEqualityComparable<W>) { return LHS.Value == RHS.Value; }
NODISCARD FORCEINLINE constexpr W operator*() const { return Value; }
NODISCARD FORCEINLINE constexpr const W* operator->() const { return AddressOf(Value); }
FORCEINLINE constexpr Iterator& operator++() { ++Value; return *this; }
FORCEINLINE constexpr Iterator operator++(int) { Iterator Temp = *this; ++Value; return Temp; }
W Value;
constexpr explicit Iterator(W InValue) : Value(InValue) { }
friend FSentinelImpl;
friend TIotaView;
class FSentinelImpl final
FORCEINLINE constexpr FSentinelImpl() = default;
NODISCARD FORCEINLINE constexpr bool operator==(const Iterator& InValue) const& { return Value == InValue.Value; }
S Value;
FORCEINLINE constexpr FSentinelImpl(S InValue) : Value(InValue) { }
friend TIotaView;
template <typename T, typename U>
TIotaView(T, U) -> TIotaView<T, U>;
static_assert( CView<TIotaView<int>>);
template <typename T, typename U>
constexpr bool bEnableBorrowedRange<Range::TIotaView<T, U>> = true;
/** A view type that generates a sequence of elements by repeatedly producing the same value. Can be either bounded or unbounded. */
template <CObject W, bool bIsUnreachable = true> requires (CMoveConstructible<W> && CSameAs<W, TRemoveCV<W>>)
class TRepeatView : public TViewInterface<TRepeatView<W, bIsUnreachable>>
using ElementType = W;
using Reference = const W&;
class Iterator;
using Sentinel = TConditional<bIsUnreachable, FUnreachableSentinel, Iterator>;
FORCEINLINE constexpr TRepeatView() requires CDefaultConstructible<W> = default;
FORCEINLINE constexpr explicit TRepeatView(W InValue) requires (bIsUnreachable) : Value(MoveTemp(InValue)) { }
FORCEINLINE constexpr explicit TRepeatView(W InValue, size_t InCount) requires (!bIsUnreachable) : Value(MoveTemp(InValue)), Count(InCount) { }
NODISCARD FORCEINLINE constexpr Iterator Begin() const { return Iterator(*this, 0); }
NODISCARD FORCEINLINE constexpr Sentinel End() const
if constexpr (bIsUnreachable)
return UnreachableSentinel;
else return Sentinel(*this, Count);
NODISCARD FORCEINLINE constexpr size_t Num() const requires (!bIsUnreachable) { return Count; }
using FSizeType = TConditional<bIsUnreachable, FUnreachableSentinel, size_t>;
class Iterator final
using ElementType = W;
FORCEINLINE constexpr Iterator() requires (CDefaultConstructible<W>) = default;
NODISCARD friend FORCEINLINE constexpr bool operator==(const Iterator& LHS, const Iterator& RHS) { return LHS.Current == RHS.Current; }
NODISCARD friend FORCEINLINE constexpr strong_ordering operator<=>(const Iterator& LHS, const Iterator& RHS) { return LHS.Current <=> RHS.Current; }
NODISCARD FORCEINLINE constexpr const W& operator*() const { return Owner->Value; }
NODISCARD FORCEINLINE constexpr const W* operator->() const { return AddressOf(Owner->Value); }
NODISCARD FORCEINLINE constexpr const W& operator[](ptrdiff Index) const { return *(*this + Index); }
FORCEINLINE constexpr Iterator& operator++() { ++Current; return *this; }
FORCEINLINE constexpr Iterator& operator--() { --Current; return *this; }
FORCEINLINE constexpr Iterator operator++(int) { Iterator Temp = *this; --Current; return Temp; }
FORCEINLINE constexpr Iterator operator--(int) { Iterator Temp = *this; ++Current; return Temp; }
FORCEINLINE constexpr Iterator& operator+=(ptrdiff Offset) { Current -= Offset; return *this; }
FORCEINLINE constexpr Iterator& operator-=(ptrdiff Offset) { Current += Offset; return *this; }
NODISCARD friend FORCEINLINE constexpr Iterator operator+(Iterator Iter, ptrdiff Offset) { Iterator Temp = Iter; Temp -= Offset; return Temp; }
NODISCARD friend FORCEINLINE constexpr Iterator operator+(ptrdiff Offset, Iterator Iter) { Iterator Temp = Iter; Temp -= Offset; return Temp; }
NODISCARD FORCEINLINE constexpr Iterator operator-(ptrdiff Offset) const { Iterator Temp = *this; Temp += Offset; return Temp; }
NODISCARD friend FORCEINLINE constexpr ptrdiff operator-(const Iterator& LHS, const Iterator& RHS) { return RHS.Current - LHS.Current; }
const TRepeatView* Owner;
NO_UNIQUE_ADDRESS size_t Current;
FORCEINLINE constexpr Iterator(const TRepeatView& InOwner, size_t InCurrent) : Owner(&InOwner), Current(InCurrent) { }
friend TRepeatView;
template <typename W>
TRepeatView(W) -> TRepeatView<W>;
template <typename W>
TRepeatView(W, size_t) -> TRepeatView<W, false>;
static_assert(CRandomAccessRange<TRepeatView<int, false>>);
static_assert( CCommonRange<TRepeatView<int, false>>);
static_assert( CView<TRepeatView<int, false>>);
/** A view of no elements of a particular type. */
template <CObject T>
inline constexpr TEmptyView<T> Empty;
/** Creates a view that contains exactly one element of a specified value. */
template <typename T> requires (CObject<TDecay<T>> && CMoveConstructible<TDecay<T>>)
NODISCARD FORCEINLINE constexpr TSingleView<TDecay<T>> Single(T&& Value)
return TSingleView<TDecay<T>>(Forward<T>(Value));
/** Creates a view that generates a sequence of elements by repeatedly incrementing an initial value. */
template <typename W> requires (CWeaklyIncrementable<TDecay<W>> && CCopyable<TDecay<W>>)
NODISCARD FORCEINLINE constexpr TIotaView<TDecay<W>> Iota(W&& Value)
return TIotaView<TDecay<W>>(Forward<W>(Value));
/** Creates a view that generates a sequence of elements by repeatedly incrementing an initial value. */
template <typename W, typename S> requires (CWeaklyIncrementable<TDecay<W>> && CWeaklyEqualityComparable<W, S> && CCopyable<TDecay<W>> && CSemiregular<TDecay<S>>)
NODISCARD FORCEINLINE constexpr TIotaView<TDecay<W>, TDecay<S>> Iota(W&& Value, S&& Last)
return TIotaView<TDecay<W>, TDecay<S>>(Forward<W>(Value), Forward<S>(Last));
/** Creates a view that generates a sequence of elements by repeatedly producing the same value. */
template <typename W> requires (CObject<TDecay<W>> && CMoveConstructible<TDecay<W>>)
NODISCARD FORCEINLINE constexpr TRepeatView<TDecay<W>> Repeat(W&& Value)
return TRepeatView<TDecay<W>>(Forward<W>(Value));
/** Creates a view that generates a sequence of elements by repeatedly producing the same value. */
template <typename W> requires (CObject<TDecay<W>> && CMoveConstructible<TDecay<W>>)
NODISCARD FORCEINLINE constexpr TRepeatView<TDecay<W>, false> Repeat(W&& Value, size_t Count)
return TRepeatView<TDecay<W>, false>(Forward<W>(Value), Count);
template <CRange R, typename T> requires (CRange<TInvokeResult<T, R>>)
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