#pragma once // NOTE: This file is not intended to be included directly, it is included by 'String/String.h'. #include "Templates/Tuple.h" #include "Templates/Utility.h" #include "TypeTraits/TypeTraits.h" #include #include #pragma warning(push) #pragma warning(disable : 4146) NAMESPACE_REDCRAFT_BEGIN NAMESPACE_MODULE_BEGIN(Redcraft) NAMESPACE_MODULE_BEGIN(Utility) // NOTE: These functions are used to format an object to a string and parse a string to an object. // If the user-defined overloads a function with the 'Fmt' parameter, fill-and-align needs to be handled. // The formatting function should produce a string that can be parsed by the parsing function, if the parsing function exists. // NOTE: These functions are recommended for debug programs. #define LEFT_BRACE LITERAL(T, '{') #define RIGHT_BRACE LITERAL(T, '}') #define ESCAPE_LEFT_BRACE TStringView(LITERAL(T, "#{")) #define ESCAPE_RIGHT_BRACE TStringView(LITERAL(T, "}#")) NAMESPACE_PRIVATE_BEGIN template struct TStringHelper { FORCEINLINE static bool FormatObject(auto& Result, TStringView Fmt, auto& Object) requires (bIsFormat) { using U = TRemoveCVRef; if constexpr (!CConst>) { checkf(false, TEXT("Unsafe formatting for a variable that is non-const.")); return false; } return false; } FORCEINLINE static bool ParseObject(TStringView& View, TStringView Fmt, auto& Object) requires (!bIsFormat) { using U = TRemoveCVRef; if constexpr (CConst>) { checkf(false, TEXT("Cannot assign to a variable that is const.")); return false; } return false; } FORCEINLINE static size_t Do(auto& Result, TStringView Fmt, auto ArgsTuple) { size_t FormattedObjectNum = 0; size_t ArgsIndex = 0; auto ParseFormat = [&FormattedObjectNum, &ArgsIndex, ArgsTuple](auto& Self, auto& String, TStringView& Fmt) -> bool { bool bIsFullyFormatted = true; while (!Fmt.IsEmpty()) { if (Fmt.StartsWith(ESCAPE_LEFT_BRACE)) { Fmt.RemovePrefix(ESCAPE_LEFT_BRACE.Num()); if constexpr (!bIsFormat) { if (!String.StartsWith(LEFT_BRACE)) return false; String.RemovePrefix(1); } else String += LEFT_BRACE; continue; } if (Fmt.StartsWith(ESCAPE_RIGHT_BRACE)) { Fmt.RemovePrefix(ESCAPE_RIGHT_BRACE.Num()); if constexpr (!bIsFormat) { if (!String.StartsWith(RIGHT_BRACE)) return false; String.RemovePrefix(1); } else String += RIGHT_BRACE; continue; } if (Fmt.StartsWith(LEFT_BRACE)) { Fmt.RemovePrefix(1); int SubplaceholderNum = -1; size_t PlaceholderBegin = -1; size_t PlaceholderEnd = -1; // Find the end of the placeholder. do { while (true) { PlaceholderBegin = Fmt.FindFirstOf(LEFT_BRACE, PlaceholderBegin + 1); if (PlaceholderBegin == INDEX_NONE) break; if (Fmt.First(PlaceholderBegin + 1).EndsWith(ESCAPE_LEFT_BRACE)) { ++PlaceholderBegin; } else break; } while (true) { PlaceholderEnd = Fmt.FindFirstOf(RIGHT_BRACE, PlaceholderEnd + 1); if (PlaceholderEnd == INDEX_NONE) break; if (Fmt.Substr(PlaceholderEnd).StartsWith(ESCAPE_RIGHT_BRACE)) { ++PlaceholderEnd; } else break; } if (PlaceholderEnd == INDEX_NONE) { checkf(false, TEXT("Unmatched '{' in format string.")); if constexpr (bIsFormat) String += Fmt; Fmt = LITERAL(T, ""); return false; } ++SubplaceholderNum; } while (PlaceholderBegin != INDEX_NONE && PlaceholderBegin < PlaceholderEnd); TStringView Subfmt = Fmt.First(PlaceholderEnd); Fmt.RemovePrefix(PlaceholderEnd + 1); bool bIsSuccessful = true; // The subformat string size are usually smaller than 16. TString> FormattedSubfmt; // Recursively format the subformat string. if (SubplaceholderNum > 0) { if constexpr (bIsFormat) bIsSuccessful = Self(Self, FormattedSubfmt, Subfmt); else bIsSuccessful = TStringHelper::Do(FormattedSubfmt, Subfmt, ArgsTuple); Subfmt = FormattedSubfmt; } if (bIsSuccessful) { // Find the placeholder index delimiter. size_t IndexLength = Subfmt.FindFirstOf(LITERAL(T, ':')); if (IndexLength == INDEX_NONE) IndexLength = Subfmt.Num(); TStringView PlaceholderIndex = Subfmt.First(IndexLength); TStringView PlaceholderSubfmt = IndexLength != Subfmt.Num() ? Subfmt.Substr(IndexLength + 1) : LITERAL(T, ""); size_t Index; if (IndexLength != 0) { if (PlaceholderIndex.FindFirstNotOf(LITERAL(T, "0123456789")) != INDEX_NONE) { checkf(false, TEXT("Invalid placeholder index.")); if constexpr (bIsFormat) { String += LEFT_BRACE; String += Subfmt; String += RIGHT_BRACE; bIsFullyFormatted = false; } else return false; continue; } verify(PlaceholderIndex.Parse(LITERAL(T, "{}"), Index) == 1); } else Index = ArgsIndex++; checkf(Index < ArgsTuple.Num(), TEXT("Argument not found.")); bIsSuccessful = ArgsTuple.Visit( [&String, Subfmt = PlaceholderSubfmt](auto& Object) mutable { if (Subfmt.StartsWith(LITERAL(T, ':'))) Subfmt.RemovePrefix(1); if constexpr (bIsFormat) return TStringHelper::FormatObject(String, Subfmt, Object); else return TStringHelper::ParseObject(String, Subfmt, Object); }, Index ); } if (!bIsSuccessful) { if constexpr (bIsFormat) { String += LEFT_BRACE; String += Subfmt; String += RIGHT_BRACE; bIsFullyFormatted = false; } else return false; } else ++FormattedObjectNum; continue; } check_code({ if (Fmt.StartsWith(RIGHT_BRACE)) check_no_entry(); }); if constexpr (!bIsFormat) { if (TChar::IsSpace(Fmt.Front())) { Fmt.RemovePrefix(1); while (TChar::IsSpace(String.Front())) { String.RemovePrefix(1); } continue; } if (!String.StartsWith(Fmt.Front())) return false; String.RemovePrefix(1); } else String += Fmt.Front(); Fmt.RemovePrefix(1); } return bIsFullyFormatted; }; bool bIsSuccessful = ParseFormat(ParseFormat, Result, Fmt); if constexpr (bIsFormat) return bIsSuccessful; return FormattedObjectNum; } }; NAMESPACE_PRIVATE_END template Allocator> template TString TString::Format(TStringView Fmt, const Ts&... Args) { // The Unreal Engine says that the starting buffer size catches 99.97% of printf calls. constexpr size_t ReserveBufferSize = 512; TString Result; Result.Reserve(ReserveBufferSize); NAMESPACE_PRIVATE::TStringHelper::Do(Result, Fmt, ForwardAsTuple(Args...)); return Result; } template template size_t TStringView::Parse(TStringView Fmt, Ts&... Args) const { TStringView View = *this; return NAMESPACE_PRIVATE::TStringHelper::Do(View, Fmt, ForwardAsTuple(Args...)); } #undef LEFT_BRACE #undef RIGHT_BRACE #undef ESCAPE_LEFT_BRACE #undef ESCAPE_RIGHT_BRACE NAMESPACE_MODULE_END(Utility) NAMESPACE_MODULE_END(Redcraft) NAMESPACE_REDCRAFT_END #pragma warning(pop)