#pragma once #include "CoreTypes.h" #include "Memory/Address.h" #include "Memory/Allocator.h" #include "Containers/Array.h" #include "Templates/Utility.h" #include "Templates/TypeHash.h" #include "Containers/StaticArray.h" #include "TypeTraits/TypeTraits.h" #include "Miscellaneous/Compare.h" #include "Miscellaneous/Iterator.h" #include "Miscellaneous/Container.h" #include "Miscellaneous/AssertionMacros.h" NAMESPACE_REDCRAFT_BEGIN NAMESPACE_MODULE_BEGIN(Redcraft) NAMESPACE_MODULE_BEGIN(Utility) inline constexpr size_t DynamicExtent = INDEX_NONE; /** * The class template TArrayView describes an object that can refer to a contiguous sequence of objects with the first element of * the sequence at position zero. A TArrayView can either have a static extent, in which case the number of elements in the sequence * is known at compile-time and encoded in the type, or a dynamic extent. */ template class TArrayView { public: using ElementType = T; using Reference = T&; class Iterator; using ReverseIterator = TReverseIterator; static_assert(CContiguousIterator); static constexpr size_t Extent = InExtent; /** Constructs an empty array view. */ FORCEINLINE constexpr TArrayView() requires (Extent == 0 || Extent == DynamicExtent) { Impl.Pointer = nullptr; if constexpr (Extent == DynamicExtent) { Impl.ArrayNum = 0; } } /** Constructs an array view that is a view over the range ['InFirst', 'InFirst' + 'Count'). */ template requires (CConvertibleTo(*)[], ElementType(*)[]>) FORCEINLINE constexpr explicit (Extent != DynamicExtent) TArrayView(I InFirst, size_t InCount) { checkf(Extent == DynamicExtent || Extent == InCount, TEXT("Illegal range count. Please check InCount.")); Impl.Pointer = ToAddress(InFirst); if constexpr (Extent == DynamicExtent) { Impl.ArrayNum = InCount; } } /** Constructs an array view that is a view over the range ['InFirst', 'InLast'). */ template S> requires (CConvertibleTo(*)[], ElementType(*)[]>) FORCEINLINE constexpr explicit (Extent != DynamicExtent) TArrayView(I InFirst, S InLast) { checkf(Extent == DynamicExtent || Extent == InLast - InFirst, TEXT("Illegal range iterator. Please check InLast - InFirst.")); Impl.Pointer = ToAddress(InFirst); if constexpr (Extent == DynamicExtent) { Impl.ArrayNum = InLast - InFirst; } } /** Constructs an array view that is a view over the array 'InArray'. */ template requires (Extent == DynamicExtent || N == Extent) FORCEINLINE constexpr TArrayView(ElementType(&InArray)[N]) { Impl.Pointer = InArray; if constexpr (Extent == DynamicExtent) { Impl.ArrayNum = N; } } /** Constructs an array view that is a view over the array 'InArray'. */ template requires (CConvertibleTo) FORCEINLINE constexpr TArrayView(TStaticArray& InArray) : TArrayView(InArray.GetData(), InArray.Num()) { } /** Constructs an array view that is a view over the array 'InArray'. */ template requires (CConvertibleTo) FORCEINLINE constexpr TArrayView(const TStaticArray& InArray) : TArrayView(InArray.GetData(), InArray.Num()) { } /** Constructs an array view that is a view over the array 'InArray'. */ template requires (CConvertibleTo) FORCEINLINE constexpr TArrayView(TArray& InArray) : TArrayView(InArray.GetData(), InArray.Num()) { } /** Constructs an array view that is a view over the array 'InArray'. */ template requires (CConvertibleTo) FORCEINLINE constexpr TArrayView(const TArray& InArray) : TArrayView(InArray.GetData(), InArray.Num()) { } /** Converting constructor from another array view 'InValue'. */ template requires ((Extent == DynamicExtent || N == DynamicExtent || N == Extent) && CConvertibleTo) FORCEINLINE constexpr explicit (Extent != DynamicExtent && N == DynamicExtent) TArrayView(TArrayView InValue) { checkf(Extent == DynamicExtent || Extent == InValue.Num(), TEXT("Illegal view extent. Please check InValue.Num().")); Impl.Pointer = InValue.GetData(); if constexpr (Extent == DynamicExtent) { Impl.ArrayNum = InValue.Num(); } } /** Defaulted copy constructor copies the size and data pointer. */ FORCEINLINE constexpr TArrayView(const TArrayView&) = default; /** Assigns other to *this. This defaulted assignment operator performs a shallow copy of the data pointer and the size. */ FORCEINLINE constexpr TArrayView& operator=(const TArrayView&) noexcept = default; /** Compares the contents of two array views. */ NODISCARD friend constexpr bool operator==(TArrayView LHS, TArrayView RHS) requires (CWeaklyEqualityComparable) { if (LHS.Num() != RHS.Num()) return false; for (size_t Index = 0; Index < LHS.Num(); ++Index) { if (LHS[Index] != RHS[Index]) return false; } return true; } /** Compares the contents of two array views. */ NODISCARD friend constexpr auto operator<=>(TArrayView LHS, TArrayView RHS) requires (CSynthThreeWayComparable) { const size_t NumToCompare = LHS.Num() < RHS.Num() ? LHS.Num() : RHS.Num(); for (size_t Index = 0; Index < NumToCompare; ++Index) { if (const auto Result = SynthThreeWayCompare(LHS[Index], RHS[Index]); Result != 0) return Result; } return LHS.Num() <=> RHS.Num(); } /** Obtains an array view that is a view over the first 'Count' elements of this array view. */ template requires (Extent == DynamicExtent || Extent >= Count) NODISCARD FORCEINLINE constexpr TArrayView First() const { checkf(Count <= Num(), TEXT("Illegal subview range. Please check Count.")); return TArrayView(Begin(), Count); } /** Obtains an array view that is a view over the first 'Count' elements of this array view. */ NODISCARD FORCEINLINE constexpr TArrayView First(size_t Count) const { checkf(Count <= Num(), TEXT("Illegal subview range. Please check Count.")); return TArrayView(Begin(), Count); } /** Obtains an array view that is a view over the last 'Count' elements of this array view. */ template requires (Extent == DynamicExtent || Extent >= Count) NODISCARD FORCEINLINE constexpr TArrayView Last() const { checkf(Count <= Num(), TEXT("Illegal subview range. Please check Count.")); return TArrayView(End() - Count, Count); } /** Obtains an array view that is a view over the last 'Count' elements of this array view. */ NODISCARD FORCEINLINE constexpr TArrayView Last(size_t Count) const { checkf(Count <= Num(), TEXT("Illegal subview range. Please check Count.")); return TArrayView(End() - Count, Count); } /** Obtains an array view that is a view over the 'Count' elements of this array view starting at 'Offset'. */ template requires (Extent == DynamicExtent || Count == DynamicExtent || Extent >= Offset + Count) NODISCARD FORCEINLINE constexpr auto Subview() const { checkf(Offset <= Num() && (Count == DynamicExtent || Offset + Count <= Num()), TEXT("Illegal subview range. Please check Offset and Count.")); constexpr size_t SubviewExtent = Count != DynamicExtent ? Count : (Extent != DynamicExtent ? Extent - Offset : DynamicExtent); if constexpr (Count != DynamicExtent) { return TArrayView(Begin() + Offset, Count); } else { return TArrayView(Begin() + Offset, Num() - Offset); } } /** Obtains an array view that is a view over the 'Count' elements of this array view starting at 'Offset'. */ NODISCARD FORCEINLINE constexpr auto Subview(size_t Offset, size_t Count = DynamicExtent) const { checkf(Offset <= Num() && (Count == DynamicExtent || Offset + Count <= Num()), TEXT("Illegal subview range. Please check Offset and Count.")); if (Count != DynamicExtent) { return TArrayView(Begin() + Offset, Count); } else { return TArrayView(Begin() + Offset, Num() - Offset); } } /** Obtains an array view to the object representation of the elements of the array view. */ NODISCARD FORCEINLINE constexpr auto AsBytes() { constexpr size_t BytesExtent = Extent != DynamicExtent ? sizeof(ElementType) * Extent : DynamicExtent; if constexpr (!CConst) { return TArrayView(reinterpret_cast(GetData()), NumBytes()); } else { return TArrayView(reinterpret_cast(GetData()), NumBytes()); } } /** Obtains an array view to the object representation of the elements of the array view. */ NODISCARD FORCEINLINE constexpr auto AsBytes() const { constexpr size_t BytesExtent = Extent != DynamicExtent ? sizeof(ElementType) * Extent : DynamicExtent; return TArrayView(reinterpret_cast(GetData()), NumBytes()); } /** @return The pointer to the underlying element storage. */ NODISCARD FORCEINLINE constexpr ElementType* GetData() const { return Impl.Pointer; } /** @return The iterator to the first or end element. */ NODISCARD FORCEINLINE constexpr Iterator Begin() const { return Iterator(this, Impl.Pointer); } NODISCARD FORCEINLINE constexpr Iterator End() const { return Iterator(this, Impl.Pointer + Num()); } /** @return The reverse iterator to the first or end element. */ NODISCARD FORCEINLINE constexpr ReverseIterator RBegin() const { return ReverseIterator(End()); } NODISCARD FORCEINLINE constexpr ReverseIterator REnd() const { return ReverseIterator(Begin()); } /** @return The number of elements in the container. */ NODISCARD FORCEINLINE constexpr size_t Num() const { if constexpr (Extent == DynamicExtent) { return Impl.ArrayNum; } return Extent; } /** @return The number of bytes in the container. */ NODISCARD FORCEINLINE constexpr size_t NumBytes() const { return Num() * sizeof(ElementType); } /** @return true if the container is empty, false otherwise. */ NODISCARD FORCEINLINE constexpr bool IsEmpty() const { return Num() == 0; } /** @return true if the iterator is valid, false otherwise. */ NODISCARD FORCEINLINE constexpr bool IsValidIterator(Iterator Iter) const { return Begin() <= Iter && Iter <= End(); } /** @return The reference to the requested element. */ NODISCARD FORCEINLINE constexpr Reference operator[](size_t Index) const { checkf(Index < Num(), TEXT("Read access violation. Please check IsValidIterator().")); return Impl.Pointer[Index]; } /** @return The reference to the first or last element. */ NODISCARD FORCEINLINE constexpr Reference Front() const { return *Begin(); } NODISCARD FORCEINLINE constexpr Reference Back() const { return *(End() - 1); } /** Overloads the GetTypeHash algorithm for TArrayView. */ NODISCARD friend FORCEINLINE constexpr size_t GetTypeHash(TArrayView A) requires (CHashable) { size_t Result = 0; for (Iterator Iter = A.Begin(); Iter != A.End(); ++Iter) { Result = HashCombine(Result, GetTypeHash(*Iter)); } return Result; } ENABLE_RANGE_BASED_FOR_LOOP_SUPPORT private: struct FImplWithoutNum { ElementType* Pointer; }; struct FImplWithNum : FImplWithoutNum { size_t ArrayNum; }; TConditional Impl; public: class Iterator final { public: using ElementType = TRemoveCV; FORCEINLINE constexpr Iterator() = default; FORCEINLINE constexpr Iterator(const Iterator&) = default; FORCEINLINE constexpr Iterator(Iterator&&) = default; FORCEINLINE constexpr Iterator& operator=(const Iterator&) = default; FORCEINLINE constexpr Iterator& operator=(Iterator&&) = default; NODISCARD friend FORCEINLINE constexpr bool operator==(const Iterator& LHS, const Iterator& RHS) { return LHS.Pointer == RHS.Pointer; } NODISCARD friend FORCEINLINE constexpr strong_ordering operator<=>(const Iterator& LHS, const Iterator& RHS) { return LHS.Pointer <=> RHS.Pointer; } NODISCARD FORCEINLINE constexpr T& operator*() const { CheckThis(true ); return *Pointer; } NODISCARD FORCEINLINE constexpr T* operator->() const { CheckThis(false); return Pointer; } NODISCARD FORCEINLINE constexpr T& operator[](ptrdiff Index) const { Iterator Temp = *this + Index; return *Temp; } FORCEINLINE constexpr Iterator& operator++() { ++Pointer; CheckThis(); return *this; } FORCEINLINE constexpr Iterator& operator--() { --Pointer; CheckThis(); return *this; } FORCEINLINE constexpr Iterator operator++(int) { Iterator Temp = *this; ++*this; return Temp; } FORCEINLINE constexpr Iterator operator--(int) { Iterator Temp = *this; --*this; return Temp; } FORCEINLINE constexpr Iterator& operator+=(ptrdiff Offset) { Pointer += Offset; CheckThis(); return *this; } FORCEINLINE constexpr Iterator& operator-=(ptrdiff Offset) { Pointer -= Offset; CheckThis(); return *this; } NODISCARD friend FORCEINLINE constexpr Iterator operator+(Iterator Iter, ptrdiff Offset) { Iterator Temp = Iter; Temp += Offset; return Temp; } NODISCARD friend FORCEINLINE constexpr Iterator operator+(ptrdiff Offset, Iterator Iter) { Iterator Temp = Iter; Temp += Offset; return Temp; } NODISCARD FORCEINLINE constexpr Iterator operator-(ptrdiff Offset) const { Iterator Temp = *this; Temp -= Offset; return Temp; } NODISCARD friend FORCEINLINE constexpr ptrdiff operator-(const Iterator& LHS, const Iterator& RHS) { LHS.CheckThis(); RHS.CheckThis(); return LHS.Pointer - RHS.Pointer; } private: # if DO_CHECK const TArrayView* Owner = nullptr; # endif T* Pointer = nullptr; # if DO_CHECK FORCEINLINE constexpr Iterator(const TArrayView* InContainer, T* InPointer) : Owner(InContainer), Pointer(InPointer) { } # else FORCEINLINE constexpr Iterator(const TArrayView* InContainer, T* InPointer) : Pointer(InPointer) { } # endif FORCEINLINE constexpr void CheckThis(bool bExceptEnd = false) const { checkf(Owner && Owner->IsValidIterator(*this), TEXT("Read access violation. Please check IsValidIterator().")); checkf(!(bExceptEnd && Owner->End() == *this), TEXT("Read access violation. Please check IsValidIterator().")); } friend TArrayView; }; }; template TArrayView(I, S) -> TArrayView>>; template TArrayView(T(&)[N]) -> TArrayView; template TArrayView(TStaticArray&) -> TArrayView; template TArrayView(const TStaticArray&) -> TArrayView; template TArrayView(TArray&) -> TArrayView; template TArrayView(const TArray&) -> TArrayView; NAMESPACE_MODULE_END(Utility) NAMESPACE_MODULE_END(Redcraft) NAMESPACE_REDCRAFT_END