#pragma once // Turns an preprocessor token into a real string #define PREPROCESSOR_TO_STRING(X) PREPROCESSOR_TO_STRING_INNER(X) #define PREPROCESSOR_TO_STRING_INNER(X) #X // Concatenates two preprocessor tokens, performing macro expansion on them first #define PREPROCESSOR_JOIN(X, Y) PREPROCESSOR_JOIN_INNER(X, Y) #define PREPROCESSOR_JOIN_INNER(X, Y) X##Y // Concatenates the first two preprocessor tokens of a variadic list, after performing macro expansion on them #define PREPROCESSOR_JOIN_FIRST(X, ...) PREPROCESSOR_JOIN_FIRST_INNER(X, __VA_ARGS__) #define PREPROCESSOR_JOIN_FIRST_INNER(X, ...) X##__VA_ARGS__ // Expands to the second argument or the third argument if the first argument is 1 or 0 respectively #define PREPROCESSOR_IF(Condition, X, Y) PREPROCESSOR_JOIN(PREPROCESSOR_IF_INNER_, Condition)(X, Y) #define PREPROCESSOR_IF_INNER_1(X, Y) X #define PREPROCESSOR_IF_INNER_0(X, Y) Y // Expands to the parameter list of the macro - used for when you need to pass a comma-separated identifier to another macro as a single parameter #define PREPROCESSOR_COMMA_SEPARATED(First, Second, ...) First, Second, ##__VA_ARGS__ // Expands to nothing - used as a placeholder #define PREPROCESSOR_NOTHING // Removes a single layer of parentheses from a macro argument if they are present - used to allow // brackets to be optionally added when the argument contains commas, e.g.: // // #define DEFINE_VARIABLE(Type, Name) PREPROCESSOR_REMOVE_OPTIONAL_PARENS(Type) Name; // // DEFINE_VARIABLE(int, IntVar) // expands to: int IntVar; // DEFINE_VARIABLE((TPair<int, float>), PairVar) // expands to: TPair<int, float> PairVar; #define PREPROCESSOR_REMOVE_OPTIONAL_PARENS(...) PREPROCESSOR_JOIN_FIRST(PREPROCESSOR_REMOVE_OPTIONAL_PARENS_IMPL,PREPROCESSOR_REMOVE_OPTIONAL_PARENS_IMPL __VA_ARGS__) #define PREPROCESSOR_REMOVE_OPTIONAL_PARENS_IMPL(...) PREPROCESSOR_REMOVE_OPTIONAL_PARENS_IMPL __VA_ARGS__ #define PREPROCESSOR_REMOVE_OPTIONAL_PARENS_IMPLPREPROCESSOR_REMOVE_OPTIONAL_PARENS_IMPL // Creates a string that can be used to include a header in the form "Platform/Header.h", like "Windows/Platform.h" #define COMPILED_PLATFORM_HEADER(Suffix) PREPROCESSOR_TO_STRING(PREPROCESSOR_JOIN(PLATFORM_HEADER_NAME/, Suffix))