488 lines
14 KiB
488 lines
14 KiB
#pragma once
#include "CoreTypes.h"
#include "TypeTraits/TypeTraits.h"
#include "Templates/Utility.h"
#include "Ranges/Utility.h"
#include "Numerics/Limits.h"
#include "Algorithms/Basic.h"
#include "Memory/Allocators.h"
#include "Memory/Address.h"
#include "Containers/Array.h"
#include "Strings/Char.h"
#include "Miscellaneous/AssertionMacros.h"
#include <charconv>
#pragma warning(push)
#pragma warning(disable : 4146)
template <typename R>
concept CStringRange = CInputRange<R> && CCharType<TRangeElement<R>>;
template <typename I>
concept CStringIterator = CInputIterator<I> && CCharType<TIteratorElement<I>>;
* Parses a boolean value from the given string range.
* Ignore leading and trailing spaces and case-insensitive.
* - "True" become true.
* - "False" become false.
* @param Range - The range of characters to parse.
* @param Value - The boolean value to parse.
* @return true if the value is successfully parsed, false otherwise.
template <CStringRange R>
constexpr bool Parse(R&& Range, bool& Value)
using FCharTraits = TChar<TRangeElement<R>>;
if constexpr (CSizedRange<R&>)
checkf(Algorithms::Distance(Range) >= 0, TEXT("Illegal range. Please check Algorithms::Distance(Range)."));
auto Iter = Ranges::Begin(Range);
auto Sent = Ranges::End (Range);
bool Result;
// Ignore leading spaces.
while (Iter != Sent && FCharTraits::IsSpace(*Iter)) ++Iter;
if (Iter == Sent) return false;
// Parse the true value.
if (Iter != Sent && (*Iter == LITERAL(TRangeElement<R>, 't') || *Iter == LITERAL(TRangeElement<R>, 'T')))
Result = true;
if (Iter != Sent && (*Iter == LITERAL(TRangeElement<R>, 'r') || *Iter == LITERAL(TRangeElement<R>, 'R'))) ++Iter; else return false;
if (Iter != Sent && (*Iter == LITERAL(TRangeElement<R>, 'u') || *Iter == LITERAL(TRangeElement<R>, 'U'))) ++Iter; else return false;
if (Iter != Sent && (*Iter == LITERAL(TRangeElement<R>, 'e') || *Iter == LITERAL(TRangeElement<R>, 'E'))) ++Iter; else return false;
// Parse the false value.
else if (Iter != Sent && (*Iter == LITERAL(TRangeElement<R>, 'f') || *Iter == LITERAL(TRangeElement<R>, 'F')))
Result = false;
if (Iter != Sent && (*Iter == LITERAL(TRangeElement<R>, 'a') || *Iter == LITERAL(TRangeElement<R>, 'A'))) ++Iter; else return false;
if (Iter != Sent && (*Iter == LITERAL(TRangeElement<R>, 'l') || *Iter == LITERAL(TRangeElement<R>, 'L'))) ++Iter; else return false;
if (Iter != Sent && (*Iter == LITERAL(TRangeElement<R>, 's') || *Iter == LITERAL(TRangeElement<R>, 'S'))) ++Iter; else return false;
if (Iter != Sent && (*Iter == LITERAL(TRangeElement<R>, 'e') || *Iter == LITERAL(TRangeElement<R>, 'E'))) ++Iter; else return false;
else return false;
// Ignore trailing spaces.
while (Iter != Sent && FCharTraits::IsSpace(*Iter)) ++Iter;
if (Iter != Sent) return false;
Value = Result;
return true;
* Parses a boolean value from the given string range.
* Ignore leading and trailing spaces and case-insensitive.
* - "True" become true.
* - "False" become false.
* @param First - The iterator of the range.
* @param Last - The sentinel of the range.
* @param Value - The boolean value to parse.
* @return true if the value is successfully parsed, false otherwise.
template <CStringIterator I, CSentinelFor<I> S>
FORCEINLINE constexpr bool Parse(I First, S Last, bool& Value)
if constexpr (CSizedSentinelFor<S, I>)
checkf(First - Last <= 0, TEXT("Illegal range iterator. Please check First <= Last."));
return Algorithms::Parse(Ranges::View(MoveTemp(First), Last), Value);
* Parses an integral value from the given string range.
* Ignore leading and trailing spaces and case-insensitive.
* If the ingeter value is unsigned, the negative sign causes the parsing to fail.
* Allow parsing base prefixes: "0x" for hexadecimal, "0b" for binary, and "0" for octal.
* @param Range - The range of characters to parse.
* @param Value - The integral value to parse.
* @param Base - The base of the number, between [2, 36], or 0 for auto-detect.
* @return true if the value is successfully parsed, false otherwise.
template <CStringRange R, CIntegral T> requires (!CConst<T> && !CVolatile<T> && !CSameAs<T, bool>)
constexpr bool Parse(R&& Range, T& Value, uint Base = 0)
using FCharTraits = TChar<TRangeElement<R>>;
checkf(Base == 0 || (Base >= 2 && Base <= 36), TEXT("Illegal base. Please check the Base."));
if constexpr (CSizedRange<R&>)
checkf(Algorithms::Distance(Range) >= 0, TEXT("Illegal range. Please check Algorithms::Distance(Range)."));
auto Iter = Ranges::Begin(Range);
auto Sent = Ranges::End (Range);
// Ignore leading spaces.
while (Iter != Sent && FCharTraits::IsSpace(*Iter)) ++Iter;
if (Iter == Sent) return false;
bool bNegative = false;
// Parse the negative sign.
if constexpr (CSigned<T>)
if (*Iter == LITERAL(TRangeElement<R>, '-'))
bNegative = true;
// Parse the positive sign.
if (!bNegative && *Iter == LITERAL(TRangeElement<R>, '+')) ++Iter;
// Auto-detect the base.
if (Base == 0)
if (Iter == Sent) return false;
if (*Iter == LITERAL(TRangeElement<R>, '0'))
// Return zero if the string has only one zero.
if (Iter == Sent || FCharTraits::IsSpace(*Iter))
while (Iter != Sent && FCharTraits::IsSpace(*Iter)) ++Iter;
if (Iter != Sent) return false;
Value = 0;
return true;
if (*Iter == LITERAL(TRangeElement<R>, 'x') || *Iter == LITERAL(TRangeElement<R>, 'X'))
Base = 16;
else if (*Iter == LITERAL(TRangeElement<R>, 'b') || *Iter == LITERAL(TRangeElement<R>, 'B'))
Base = 2;
else if (FCharTraits::IsDigit(*Iter, 8)) Base = 8;
else return false;
else Base = 10;
// Parse the base prefix.
else if (Base == 2 || Base == 16)
if (Iter == Sent) return false;
if (*Iter == LITERAL(TRangeElement<R>, '0'))
// Return zero if the string has only one zero.
if (Iter == Sent || FCharTraits::IsSpace(*Iter))
while (Iter != Sent && FCharTraits::IsSpace(*Iter)) ++Iter;
if (Iter != Sent) return false;
Value = 0;
return true;
if (Base == 16 && (*Iter == LITERAL(TRangeElement<R>, 'x') || *Iter == LITERAL(TRangeElement<R>, 'X'))) ++Iter;
if (Base == 2 && (*Iter == LITERAL(TRangeElement<R>, 'b') || *Iter == LITERAL(TRangeElement<R>, 'B'))) ++Iter;
if (Iter == Sent) return false;
check(Base >= 2 && Base <= 36);
if (!FCharTraits::IsDigit(*Iter, Base)) return false;
using FUnsignedT = TMakeUnsigned<T>;
FUnsignedT LastValue = 0;
FUnsignedT Unsigned = 0;
uint Digit = FCharTraits::ToDigit(*Iter);
// Break if the char is not a digit.
if (Digit >= Base) break;
LastValue = Unsigned;
Unsigned = LastValue * Base + Digit;
// Fail if the value is overflowed.
if (Unsigned < LastValue) return false;
while (Iter != Sent);
// Ignore trailing spaces.
while (Iter != Sent && FCharTraits::IsSpace(*Iter)) ++Iter;
if (Iter != Sent) return false;
if constexpr (CSigned<T>)
// Fail if the value is overflowed.
if (!bNegative && Unsigned >= static_cast<FUnsignedT>(TNumericLimits<T>::Max())) return false;
if ( bNegative && Unsigned >= static_cast<FUnsignedT>(TNumericLimits<T>::Min())) return false;
// Reverse if the value is negative.
if (bNegative) Unsigned = -Unsigned;
Value = Unsigned;
return true;
* Parses an integral value from the given string range.
* Ignore leading and trailing spaces and case-insensitive.
* If the ingeter value is unsigned, the negative sign causes the parsing to fail.
* Allow parsing base prefixes: "0x" for hexadecimal, "0b" for binary, and "0" for octal.
* @param First - The iterator of the range.
* @param Last - The sentinel of the range.
* @param Value - The integral value to parse.
* @param Base - The base of the number, between [2, 36], or 0 for auto-detect.
* @return true if the value is successfully parsed, false otherwise.
template <CStringIterator I, CSentinelFor<I> S, CIntegral T> requires (!CConst<T> && !CVolatile<T> && !CSameAs<T, bool>)
FORCEINLINE constexpr bool Parse(I First, S Last, T& Value, uint Base = 0)
if constexpr (CSizedSentinelFor<S, I>)
checkf(First - Last <= 0, TEXT("Illegal range iterator. Please check First <= Last."));
return Algorithms::Parse(Ranges::View(MoveTemp(First), Last), Value, Base);
* Parses a floating-point value from the given string range.
* Ignore leading and trailing spaces and case-insensitive.
* Automatically detect formats if multiple formats are allowed.
* Allow parsing base prefixes: "0x" for hexadecimal.
* @param Range - The range of characters to parse.
* @param Value - The floating-point value to parse.
* @param bFixed - Allow parsing fixed-point values.
* @param bScientific - Allow parsing scientific notation values.
* @param bHex - Allow parsing hex floating-point values.
* @return true if the value is successfully parsed, false otherwise.
template <CStringRange R, CFloatingPoint T> requires (!CConst<T> && !CVolatile<T>)
constexpr bool Parse(R&& Range, T& Value, bool bFixed = true, bool bScientific = true, bool bHex = true)
if (!bFixed && !bScientific && !bHex) return false;
using FCharTraits = TChar<TRangeElement<R>>;
if constexpr (CSizedRange<R&>)
checkf(Algorithms::Distance(Range) >= 0, TEXT("Illegal range. Please check Algorithms::Distance(Range)."));
auto Iter = Ranges::Begin(Range);
auto Sent = Ranges::End (Range);
// Ignore leading spaces.
while (Iter != Sent && FCharTraits::IsSpace(*Iter)) ++Iter;
if (Iter == Sent) return false;
bool bNegative = false;
// Parse the negative sign.
if (*Iter == LITERAL(TRangeElement<R>, '-'))
bNegative = true;
// Parse the positive sign.
else if (*Iter == LITERAL(TRangeElement<R>, '+')) ++Iter;
if (Iter == Sent) return false;
// Fail if the string has multiple signs.
if (*Iter == LITERAL(TRangeElement<R>, '-')) return false;
if (*Iter == LITERAL(TRangeElement<R>, '+')) return false;
NAMESPACE_STD::chars_format Format = NAMESPACE_STD::chars_format::general;
if ( bFixed && !bScientific) Format = NAMESPACE_STD::chars_format::fixed;
else if (!bFixed && bScientific) Format = NAMESPACE_STD::chars_format::scientific;
else if (!bFixed && !bScientific) Format = NAMESPACE_STD::chars_format::hex;
// Auto-detect the hex format.
if (bHex)
if (*Iter == LITERAL(TRangeElement<R>, '0'))
// Return zero if the string has only one zero.
if (Iter == Sent || FCharTraits::IsSpace(*Iter))
while (Iter != Sent && FCharTraits::IsSpace(*Iter)) ++Iter;
if (Iter != Sent) return false;
Value = static_cast<T>(bNegative ? -0.0 : 0.0);
return true;
if (*Iter == LITERAL(TRangeElement<R>, 'x') || *Iter == LITERAL(TRangeElement<R>, 'X'))
Format = NAMESPACE_STD::chars_format::hex;
if (Iter == Sent) return false;
T Result;
// Copy to a buffer if the range is not contiguous.
if constexpr (!CContiguousRange<R> || !CSameAs<TRangeElement<R>, char>)
TArray<char, TInlineAllocator<64>> Buffer;
for (; Iter != Sent; ++Iter)
auto Char = *Iter;
// Ignore trailing spaces.
if (FCharTraits::IsSpace(Char)) break;
// Assert that floating-point values must be represented by ASCII.
if (FCharTraits::IsASCII(Char)) Buffer.PushBack(static_cast<char>(Char));
else return false;
const char* First = Buffer.GetData();
const char* Last = Buffer.GetData() + Buffer.Num();
NAMESPACE_STD::from_chars_result ConvertResult = NAMESPACE_STD::from_chars(First, Last, Result, Format);
if (ConvertResult.ec == NAMESPACE_STD::errc::result_out_of_range) return false;
if (ConvertResult.ec == NAMESPACE_STD::errc::invalid_argument) return false;
// Assert that the buffer is fully parsed.
if (ConvertResult.ptr != Last) return false;
const char* First = ToAddress(Iter);
const char* Last = ToAddress(Iter) + Algorithms::Distance(Iter, Sent);
NAMESPACE_STD::from_chars_result ConvertResult = NAMESPACE_STD::from_chars(First, Last, Result, Format);
if (ConvertResult.ec == NAMESPACE_STD::errc::result_out_of_range) return false;
if (ConvertResult.ec == NAMESPACE_STD::errc::invalid_argument) return false;
// Move the iterator to the end of the parsed value.
Algorithms::Advance(Iter, ConvertResult.ptr - First);
// Ignore trailing spaces.
while (Iter != Sent && FCharTraits::IsSpace(*Iter)) ++Iter;
if (Iter != Sent) return false;
Value = bNegative ? -Result : Result;
return true;
* Parses a floating-point value from the given string range.
* Ignore leading and trailing spaces and case-insensitive.
* Automatically detect formats if multiple formats are allowed.
* Allow parsing base prefixes: "0x" for hexadecimal.
* @param First - The iterator of the range.
* @param Last - The sentinel of the range.
* @param Value - The floating-point value to parse.
* @param bFixed - Allow parsing fixed-point values.
* @param bScientific - Allow parsing scientific notation values.
* @param bHex - Allow parsing hex floating-point values.
* @return true if the value is successfully parsed, false otherwise.
template <CStringIterator I, CSentinelFor<I> S, CFloatingPoint T> requires (!CConst<T> && !CVolatile<T>)
FORCEINLINE constexpr bool Parse(I First, S Last, T& Value, bool bFixed = true, bool bScientific = true, bool bHex = true)
if constexpr (CSizedSentinelFor<S, I>)
checkf(First - Last <= 0, TEXT("Illegal range iterator. Please check First <= Last."));
return Algorithms::Parse(Ranges::View(MoveTemp(First), Last), Value, bFixed, bScientific, bHex);
#pragma warning(pop)