597 lines
19 KiB
597 lines
19 KiB
#include <Miscellaneous/FileSystem.h>
#include "Numerics/Bit.h"
#include "Numerics/Math.h"
#include "Templates/ScopeHelper.h"
#include "Containers/StaticArray.h"
#include <cstdio>
# undef TEXT
# include <windows.h>
# undef CreateDirectory
# include <unistd.h>
# include <dirent.h>
# include <sys/stat.h>
#pragma warning(push)
#pragma warning(disable: 4996)
bool LoadFileToArray(TArray<uint8>& Result, FStringView Path)
if (!FileSystem::Exists(Path)) return false;
FILE* File = std::fopen(*Path, "rb");
if (File == nullptr) return false;
auto FileGuard = TScopeCallback([=] { Ignore = std::fclose(File); });
if (std::fseek(File, 0, SEEK_END) != 0) return false;
const long Length = std::ftell(File);
if (!Math::IsWithin(Length, 0, TNumericLimits<long>::Max())) return false;
if (std::fseek(File, 0, SEEK_SET) != 0) return false;
if (std::fread(Result.GetData(), sizeof(uint8), Length, File) != static_cast<size_t>(Length)) return false;
if (std::fclose(File) != 0) return false;
return true;
bool SaveArrayToFile(TArrayView<const uint8> Data, FStringView Path)
FILE* File = std::fopen(*Path, "wb");
if (File == nullptr) return false;
auto FileGuard = TScopeCallback([=] { Ignore = std::fclose(File); });
if (std::fwrite(Data.GetData(), sizeof(uint8), Data.Num(), File) != Data.Num()) return false;
if (std::fclose(File) != 0) return false;
return true;
template <CCharType T>
bool LoadFileToString(TString<T>& Result, FStringView Path, FileSystem::EEncoding Encoding /* = FileSystem::EEncoding::Default */, bool bVerify /* = false */)
if (!FileSystem::Exists(Path)) return false;
FILE* File = std::fopen(*Path, "rb");
if (File == nullptr) return false;
auto FileGuard = TScopeCallback([=] { Ignore = std::fclose(File); });
if (std::fseek(File, 0, SEEK_END) != 0) return false;
long Length = std::ftell(File);
if (!Math::IsWithin(Length, 0, TNumericLimits<long>::Max())) return false;
if (std::fseek(File, 0, SEEK_SET) != 0) return false;
TStaticArray<uint8, 4> Buffer = { 0xAA, 0xAA, 0xAA, 0xAA };
Ignore = std::fread(Buffer.GetData(), sizeof(uint8), Buffer.Num(), File);
// Auto-detect the encoding if it is not specified.
if (Encoding == FileSystem::EEncoding::Default)
// Check if the file is a UTF-32 encoded file.
if (Buffer[0] == 0x00 && Buffer[1] == 0x00 && Buffer[2] == 0xFE && Buffer[3] == 0xFF) Encoding = FileSystem::EEncoding::UTF32BE;
else if (Buffer[0] == 0xFF && Buffer[1] == 0xFE && Buffer[2] == 0x00 && Buffer[3] == 0x00) Encoding = FileSystem::EEncoding::UTF32LE;
// Check if the file is a UTF-16 encoded file.
else if (Buffer[0] == 0xFF && Buffer[1] == 0xFE) Encoding = FileSystem::EEncoding::UTF16LE;
else if (Buffer[0] == 0xFE && Buffer[1] == 0xFF) Encoding = FileSystem::EEncoding::UTF16BE;
// Check if the file is a UTF-8 encoded file.
else if (Buffer[0] == 0xEF && Buffer[1] == 0xBB && Buffer[2] == 0xBF) Encoding = FileSystem::EEncoding::UTF8;
// Check if the file is a wide character encoded file.
else if (Buffer[0] == 0x00 || Buffer[1] == 0x00 || Buffer[2] == 0x00 || Buffer[3] == 0x00) Encoding = FileSystem::EEncoding::Wide;
// Check if the file is a narrow character encoded file.
else Encoding = FileSystem::EEncoding::Narrow;
// Jump to the BOM character if the file is a UTF-8, UTF-16 or UTF-32 encoded file.
switch (Encoding)
case FileSystem::EEncoding::Narrow:
case FileSystem::EEncoding::Wide: { Length -= 0; if (std::fseek(File, 0, SEEK_SET) != 0) return false; } break;
case FileSystem::EEncoding::UTF8: if (Buffer[0] == 0xEF && Buffer[1] == 0xBB && Buffer[2] == 0xBF) { Length -= 3; if (std::fseek(File, 3, SEEK_SET) != 0) return false; } break;
case FileSystem::EEncoding::UTF16BE: if (Buffer[0] == 0xFE && Buffer[1] == 0xFF) { Length -= 2; if (std::fseek(File, 2, SEEK_SET) != 0) return false; } break;
case FileSystem::EEncoding::UTF16LE: if (Buffer[0] == 0xFF && Buffer[1] == 0xFE) { Length -= 2; if (std::fseek(File, 2, SEEK_SET) != 0) return false; } break;
case FileSystem::EEncoding::UTF32BE: if (Buffer[0] == 0x00 && Buffer[1] == 0x00 && Buffer[2] == 0xFE && Buffer[3] == 0xFF) { Length -= 4; if (std::fseek(File, 4, SEEK_SET) != 0) return false; } break;
case FileSystem::EEncoding::UTF32LE: if (Buffer[0] == 0xFF && Buffer[1] == 0xFE && Buffer[2] == 0x00 && Buffer[3] == 0x00) { Length -= 4; if (std::fseek(File, 4, SEEK_SET) != 0) return false; } break;
default: check_no_entry();
check(Math::EEndian::Native == Math::EEndian::Big || Math::EEndian::Native == Math::EEndian::Little);
const bool bByteSwap =
Math::EEndian::Native == Math::EEndian::Big ? Encoding == FileSystem::EEncoding::UTF16LE || Encoding == FileSystem::EEncoding::UTF32LE :
Math::EEndian::Native == Math::EEndian::Little ? Encoding == FileSystem::EEncoding::UTF16BE || Encoding == FileSystem::EEncoding::UTF32BE : false;
const auto LoadImpl = [File, Length, bByteSwap]<typename U>(TString<U>& String) -> bool
if (Length % sizeof(U) != 0) return false;
String.Reserve(Length / sizeof(U));
while (true)
U Char;
const size_t ReadNum = std::fread(&Char, 1, sizeof(U), File);
if (ReadNum == 0) break;
if (ReadNum != sizeof(U)) return false;
if (bByteSwap) Char = Math::ByteSwap(static_cast<TMakeUnsigned<U>>(Char));
if (!String.IsEmpty() && String.Back() == LITERAL(U, '\r') && Char == LITERAL(U, '\n'))
# endif
return true;
bool bCompatible = false;
if constexpr (CSameAs<T, char>) bCompatible |= Encoding == FileSystem::EEncoding::Narrow;
else if constexpr (CSameAs<T, wchar>) bCompatible |= Encoding == FileSystem::EEncoding::Wide;
else if constexpr (CSameAs<T, u8char>) bCompatible |= Encoding == FileSystem::EEncoding::UTF8;
else if constexpr (CSameAs<T, u16char>) bCompatible |= Encoding == FileSystem::EEncoding::UTF16BE || Encoding == FileSystem::EEncoding::UTF16LE;
else if constexpr (CSameAs<T, u32char>) bCompatible |= Encoding == FileSystem::EEncoding::UTF32BE || Encoding == FileSystem::EEncoding::UTF32LE;
else static_assert(sizeof(T) == -1, "Unsupported character type");
if (!bCompatible || bVerify)
switch (Encoding)
case FileSystem::EEncoding::Narrow: { FString Temp; if (!LoadImpl(Temp)) return false; if (!Result.DecodeFrom(Temp)) return false; break; }
case FileSystem::EEncoding::Wide: { FWString Temp; if (!LoadImpl(Temp)) return false; if (!Result.DecodeFrom(Temp)) return false; break; }
case FileSystem::EEncoding::UTF8: { FU8String Temp; if (!LoadImpl(Temp)) return false; if (!Result.DecodeFrom(Temp)) return false; break; }
case FileSystem::EEncoding::UTF16BE:
case FileSystem::EEncoding::UTF16LE: { FU16String Temp; if (!LoadImpl(Temp)) return false; if (!Result.DecodeFrom(Temp)) return false; break; }
case FileSystem::EEncoding::UTF32BE:
case FileSystem::EEncoding::UTF32LE: { FU32String Temp; if (!LoadImpl(Temp)) return false; if (!Result.DecodeFrom(Temp)) return false; break; }
default: check_no_entry();
else if (!LoadImpl(Result)) return false;
if (std::fclose(File) != 0) return false;
return true;
template REDCRAFTUTILITY_API bool LoadFileToString<char> (FString&, FStringView, FileSystem::EEncoding, bool);
template REDCRAFTUTILITY_API bool LoadFileToString<wchar> (FWString&, FStringView, FileSystem::EEncoding, bool);
template REDCRAFTUTILITY_API bool LoadFileToString<u8char> (FU8String&, FStringView, FileSystem::EEncoding, bool);
template REDCRAFTUTILITY_API bool LoadFileToString<u16char>(FU16String&, FStringView, FileSystem::EEncoding, bool);
template REDCRAFTUTILITY_API bool LoadFileToString<u32char>(FU32String&, FStringView, FileSystem::EEncoding, bool);
template <CCharType T>
bool SaveStringToFile(TStringView<T> String, FStringView Path, FileSystem::EEncoding Encoding /* = FileSystem::EEncoding::Default */, bool bWithBOM /* = true */)
bool bCompatible = Encoding == FileSystem::EEncoding::Default;
if constexpr (CSameAs<T, char>) bCompatible |= Encoding == FileSystem::EEncoding::Narrow;
else if constexpr (CSameAs<T, wchar>) bCompatible |= Encoding == FileSystem::EEncoding::Wide;
else if constexpr (CSameAs<T, u8char>) bCompatible |= Encoding == FileSystem::EEncoding::UTF8;
else if constexpr (CSameAs<T, u16char>) bCompatible |= Encoding == FileSystem::EEncoding::UTF16BE || Encoding == FileSystem::EEncoding::UTF16LE;
else if constexpr (CSameAs<T, u32char>) bCompatible |= Encoding == FileSystem::EEncoding::UTF32BE || Encoding == FileSystem::EEncoding::UTF32LE;
else static_assert(sizeof(T) == -1, "Unsupported character type");
if (bCompatible)
FILE* File = std::fopen(*Path, "wb");
if (File == nullptr) return false;
auto FileGuard = TScopeCallback([=] { Ignore = std::fclose(File); });
if (bWithBOM)
if constexpr (CSameAs<T, u8char>)
if (std::fwrite(U8TEXT("\uFEFF"), 1, 3, File) != 3) return false;
else if constexpr (CSameAs<T, u16char>)
constexpr TStaticArray<uint8, 2> BufferBE = { 0xFE, 0xFF };
constexpr TStaticArray<uint8, 2> BufferLE = { 0xFF, 0xFE };
if (Encoding == FileSystem::EEncoding::UTF16BE) { if (std::fwrite(BufferBE.GetData(), 1, BufferBE.Num(), File) != BufferBE.Num()) return false; }
else if (Encoding == FileSystem::EEncoding::UTF16LE) { if (std::fwrite(BufferLE.GetData(), 1, BufferLE.Num(), File) != BufferLE.Num()) return false; }
else if (std::fwrite(U16TEXT("\uFEFF"), 1, sizeof(T), File) != sizeof(T)) return false;
else if constexpr (CSameAs<T, u32char>)
constexpr TStaticArray<uint8, 4> BufferBE = { 0x00, 0x00, 0xFE, 0xFF };
constexpr TStaticArray<uint8, 4> BufferLE = { 0xFF, 0xFE, 0x00, 0x00 };
if (Encoding == FileSystem::EEncoding::UTF32BE) { if (std::fwrite(BufferBE.GetData() , 1, BufferBE.Num(), File) != BufferBE.Num()) return false; }
else if (Encoding == FileSystem::EEncoding::UTF32LE) { if (std::fwrite(BufferLE.GetData() , 1, BufferLE.Num(), File) != BufferLE.Num()) return false; }
else if (std::fwrite(U32TEXT("\uFEFF"), 1, sizeof(T), File) != sizeof(T)) return false;
check(Math::EEndian::Native == Math::EEndian::Big || Math::EEndian::Native == Math::EEndian::Little);
const bool bByteSwap =
Math::EEndian::Native == Math::EEndian::Big ? Encoding == FileSystem::EEncoding::UTF16LE || Encoding == FileSystem::EEncoding::UTF32LE :
Math::EEndian::Native == Math::EEndian::Little ? Encoding == FileSystem::EEncoding::UTF16BE || Encoding == FileSystem::EEncoding::UTF32BE : false;
for (T Char : String)
if (Char == LITERAL(T, '\n'))
T Return = LITERAL(T, '\r');
if (bByteSwap) Return = Math::ByteSwap(static_cast<TMakeUnsigned<T>>(Return));
if (std::fwrite(&Return, 1, sizeof(T), File) != sizeof(T)) return false;
# endif
if (bByteSwap) Char = Math::ByteSwap(static_cast<TMakeUnsigned<T>>(Char));
if (std::fwrite(&Char, 1, sizeof(T), File) != sizeof(T)) return false;
if (std::fclose(File) != 0) return false;
return true;
FString PathWithNull;
PathWithNull.Reserve(Path.Num() + 1);
PathWithNull += Path;
PathWithNull += '\0';
switch (Encoding)
case FileSystem::EEncoding::Narrow: { FString Temp; if (!Temp.DecodeFrom(String)) return false; if (!FileSystem::SaveStringToFile(Temp, PathWithNull, FileSystem::EEncoding::Narrow, bWithBOM)) return false; break; }
case FileSystem::EEncoding::Wide: { FWString Temp; if (!Temp.DecodeFrom(String)) return false; if (!FileSystem::SaveStringToFile(Temp, PathWithNull, FileSystem::EEncoding::Wide, bWithBOM)) return false; break; }
case FileSystem::EEncoding::UTF8: { FU8String Temp; if (!Temp.DecodeFrom(String)) return false; if (!FileSystem::SaveStringToFile(Temp, PathWithNull, FileSystem::EEncoding::UTF8, bWithBOM)) return false; break; }
case FileSystem::EEncoding::UTF16BE: { FU16String Temp; if (!Temp.DecodeFrom(String)) return false; if (!FileSystem::SaveStringToFile(Temp, PathWithNull, FileSystem::EEncoding::UTF16BE, bWithBOM)) return false; break; }
case FileSystem::EEncoding::UTF16LE: { FU16String Temp; if (!Temp.DecodeFrom(String)) return false; if (!FileSystem::SaveStringToFile(Temp, PathWithNull, FileSystem::EEncoding::UTF16LE, bWithBOM)) return false; break; }
case FileSystem::EEncoding::UTF32BE: { FU32String Temp; if (!Temp.DecodeFrom(String)) return false; if (!FileSystem::SaveStringToFile(Temp, PathWithNull, FileSystem::EEncoding::UTF32BE, bWithBOM)) return false; break; }
case FileSystem::EEncoding::UTF32LE: { FU32String Temp; if (!Temp.DecodeFrom(String)) return false; if (!FileSystem::SaveStringToFile(Temp, PathWithNull, FileSystem::EEncoding::UTF32LE, bWithBOM)) return false; break; }
default: check_no_entry(); return false;
return true;
template REDCRAFTUTILITY_API bool SaveStringToFile<char> (FStringView, FStringView, FileSystem::EEncoding, bool);
template REDCRAFTUTILITY_API bool SaveStringToFile<wchar> (FWStringView, FStringView, FileSystem::EEncoding, bool);
template REDCRAFTUTILITY_API bool SaveStringToFile<u8char> (FU8StringView, FStringView, FileSystem::EEncoding, bool);
template REDCRAFTUTILITY_API bool SaveStringToFile<u16char>(FU16StringView, FStringView, FileSystem::EEncoding, bool);
template REDCRAFTUTILITY_API bool SaveStringToFile<u32char>(FU32StringView, FStringView, FileSystem::EEncoding, bool);
size_t FileSize(FStringView Path)
if (!FileSystem::Exists(Path)) return static_cast<size_t>(-1);
FILE* File = std::fopen(*Path, "rb");
if (File == nullptr) return static_cast<size_t>(-1);
auto FileGuard = TScopeCallback([=] { Ignore = std::fclose(File); });
if (std::fseek(File, 0, SEEK_END) != 0) return static_cast<size_t>(-1);
const long Length = std::ftell(File);
if (!Math::IsWithin(Length, 0, TNumericLimits<long>::Max())) return static_cast<size_t>(-1);
if (std::fclose(File) != 0) return static_cast<size_t>(-1);
return Length;
bool Delete(FStringView Path)
return std::remove(*Path) == 0;
bool Exists(FStringView Path)
DWORD Attributes = GetFileAttributesA(*Path);
if (Attributes == INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES) return false;
return !(Attributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY);
struct stat FileInfo;
FileInfo.st_size = -1;
if (stat(*Path, &FileInfo) != 0) return false;
if (!S_ISREG(FileInfo.st_mode)) return false;
return true;
# endif
return false;
bool Copy(FStringView Destination, FStringView Source)
if (!FileSystem::Exists(Source)) return false;
FILE* FileA = std::fopen(*Source, "rb");
if (FileA == nullptr) return false;
auto FileGuardA = TScopeCallback([=] { Ignore = std::fclose(FileA); });
FILE* FileB = std::fopen(*Destination, "wb");
if (FileB == nullptr) return false;
auto FileGuardB = TScopeCallback([=] { Ignore = std::fclose(FileB); });
size_t ReadSize;
constexpr size_t BufferSize = 4096;
TStaticArray<uint8, BufferSize> Buffer;
ReadSize = std::fread(Buffer.GetData(), 1, BufferSize, FileA);
if (std::fwrite(Buffer.GetData(), 1, ReadSize, FileB) != ReadSize) return false;
while (ReadSize == BufferSize);
if (std::fclose(FileA) != 0) return false;
if (std::fclose(FileB) != 0) return false;
return true;
bool Rename(FStringView Destination, FStringView Source)
return std::rename(*Source, *Destination) == 0;
bool CreateDirectory(FStringView Path, bool bRecursive /* = false */)
if (Path.Num() == 0) return false;
if (bRecursive)
if (Path.Back() == '/' || Path.Back() == '\\') Path = Path.First(Path.Num() - 1);
FStringView Parent = Path.First(Path.FindLastOf("/\\"));
if (!FileSystem::ExistsDirectory(Parent) && !FileSystem::CreateDirectory(Parent, true)) return false;
return CreateDirectoryA(*Path, nullptr) != 0;
return mkdir(*Path, 0755) == 0;
# endif
return false;
bool DeleteDirectory(FStringView Path, bool bRecursive /* = false */)
if (bRecursive)
FString Temp;
bool bSuccessfully = FileSystem::IterateDirectory(Path, [&](FStringView File, bool bIsDirectory) -> bool
Temp += Path;
Temp += '/';
Temp += File;
Temp += '\0';
if (bIsDirectory)
if (!FileSystem::DeleteDirectory(Temp, true)) return false;
if (!FileSystem::Delete(Temp)) return false;
return true;
if (!bSuccessfully) return false;
return RemoveDirectoryA(*Path) != 0;
return rmdir(*Path) == 0;
# endif
return false;
bool ExistsDirectory(FStringView Path)
DWORD Attributes = GetFileAttributesA(*Path);
if (Attributes == INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES) return false;
DIR* Directory = opendir(*Path);
if (Directory == nullptr) return false;
Ignore = closedir(Directory);
return true;
# endif
return false;
bool IterateDirectory(FStringView Path, TFunctionRef<bool(FStringView /* Path */, bool /* bIsDirectory */)> Visitor)
FString FindPath;
FindPath.Reserve(Path.Num() + 3);
FindPath += Path;
FindPath += '\\';
FindPath += '*';
FindPath += '\0';
HANDLE FindHandle = FindFirstFileA(*FindPath, &FindData);
auto FindGuard = TScopeCallback([=] { Ignore = FindClose(FindHandle); });
if (FindHandle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) return false;
const FStringView FilePath = FindData.cFileName;
if (FilePath == "." || FilePath == "..") continue;
const bool bIsDirectory = (FindData.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) != 0;
if (!Visitor(FilePath, bIsDirectory)) return false;
while (FindNextFileA(FindHandle, &FindData) != 0);
if (!FindClose(FindHandle)) return false;
return true;
DIR* Directory = opendir(*Path);
if (Directory == nullptr) return false;
auto DirectoryGuard = TScopeCallback([=] { Ignore = closedir(Directory); });
dirent* Entry;
while ((Entry = readdir(Directory)) != nullptr)
const FStringView FilePath = Entry->d_name;
if (FilePath == "." || FilePath == "..") continue;
const bool bIsDirectory = Entry->d_type == DT_DIR;
if (!Visitor(FilePath, bIsDirectory)) return false;
if (closedir(Directory) != 0) return false;
return true;
# endif
return false;
#pragma warning(pop)