251 lines
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251 lines
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#pragma once
#include "CoreTypes.h"
#include "Memory/Address.h"
#include "Iterators/Utility.h"
#include "Iterators/Sentinel.h"
#include "Miscellaneous/Compare.h"
#include "TypeTraits/TypeTraits.h"
# pragma GCC diagnostic push
# pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wnon-template-friend"
/** A concept specifies a type is an input iterator. It is input iterator, incrementable, and sentinel for itself. */
template <typename I>
concept CForwardIterator = CInputIterator<I> && CIncrementable<I> && CSentinelFor<I, I>;
/** This is an example of a forward iterator, indicate the traits that define a forward iterator. */
template <CReferenceable T>
struct IForwardIterator /* : IInputIterator<T>, IIncrementable, ISentinelFor<IForwardIterator> */
// ~Begin CInputIterator.
using FElementType = TRemoveCVRef<T>;
// ~End CInputIterator.
// ~Begin CIncrementable and CSentinelFor<IForwardIterator>.
IForwardIterator(const IForwardIterator&);
IForwardIterator(IForwardIterator&&); // Also satisfies IInputIterator.
IForwardIterator* operator=(const IForwardIterator&);
IForwardIterator* operator=(IForwardIterator&&); // Also satisfies IInputIterator.
friend bool operator==(const IForwardIterator&, const IForwardIterator&);
// ~End CIncrementable and CSentinelFor<IForwardIterator>.
// ~Begin CInputIterator.
T operator*() const; // Optional satisfies CIndirectlyWritable.
IForwardIterator& operator++(); // Also satisfies CIncrementable.
IForwardIterator operator++(int); // Also satisfies CIncrementable.
// ~End CInputIterator.
// Use IForwardIterator<int> represents a forward iterator.
static_assert( COutputIterator<IForwardIterator<int&>, int>);
/** A concept specifies a type is a bidirectional iterator. Add the decrement operator to the forward iterator. */
template <typename I>
concept CBidirectionalIterator = CForwardIterator<I>
&& requires(I Iter) {
{ --Iter } -> CSameAs<I&>;
{ Iter-- } -> CSameAs<I >;
* This is an example of a bidirectional iterator, indicate the traits that define a bidirectional iterator.
* Regardless of the order in which the increment and decrement operators are applied,
* the result is always the same if both operations are performed the same number of times.
template <CReferenceable T>
struct IBidirectionalIterator /* : IForwardIterator<T> */
// ~Begin CForwardIterator.
using FElementType = TRemoveCVRef<T>;
IBidirectionalIterator(const IBidirectionalIterator&);
IBidirectionalIterator* operator=(const IBidirectionalIterator&);
IBidirectionalIterator* operator=(IBidirectionalIterator&&);
friend bool operator==(const IBidirectionalIterator&, const IBidirectionalIterator&);
T operator*() const;
// ~End CForwardIterator.
IBidirectionalIterator& operator++(); // Also satisfies CForwardIterator.
IBidirectionalIterator& operator--();
IBidirectionalIterator operator++(int); // Also satisfies CForwardIterator.
IBidirectionalIterator operator--(int);
// Use IBidirectionalIterator<int> represents a bidirectional iterator.
static_assert( COutputIterator<IBidirectionalIterator<int&>, int>);
* A concept specifies a type is a random access iterator.
* Add the three-way comparison, addition, subtraction and subscript operators to the bidirectional iterator.
template <typename I>
concept CRandomAccessIterator = CBidirectionalIterator<I> && CTotallyOrdered<I> && CSizedSentinelFor<I, I>
&& requires(I Iter, const I Jter, const ptrdiff N) {
{ Iter += N } -> CSameAs<I&>;
{ Jter + N } -> CSameAs<I >;
{ N + Jter } -> CSameAs<I >;
{ Iter -= N } -> CSameAs<I&>;
{ Jter - N } -> CSameAs<I >;
{ Jter[N] } -> CSameAs<TIteratorReference<I>>;
/** This is an example of a random access iterator, indicate the traits that define a random access iterator. */
template <CReferenceable T>
struct IRandomAccessIterator /* : IBidirectionalIterator<T>, ISizedSentinelFor<IRandomAccessIterator> */
// ~Begin CBidirectionalIterator.
using FElementType = TRemoveCVRef<T>;
// ~End CBidirectionalIterator.
// ~Begin CBidirectionalIterator and CSizedSentinelFor<IRandomAccessIterator>.
IRandomAccessIterator(const IRandomAccessIterator&);
IRandomAccessIterator* operator=(const IRandomAccessIterator&);
IRandomAccessIterator* operator=(IRandomAccessIterator&&);
friend bool operator==(const IRandomAccessIterator&, const IRandomAccessIterator&);
// ~End CBidirectionalIterator and CSizedSentinelFor<IRandomAccessIterator>.
friend strong_ordering operator<=>(const IRandomAccessIterator&, const IRandomAccessIterator&);
T operator*() const; // Also satisfies CBidirectionalIterator.
T operator[](ptrdiff) const;
// ~Begin CBidirectionalIterator.
IRandomAccessIterator& operator++();
IRandomAccessIterator& operator--();
IRandomAccessIterator operator++(int);
IRandomAccessIterator operator--(int);
// ~End CBidirectionalIterator.
IRandomAccessIterator& operator+=(ptrdiff);
IRandomAccessIterator& operator-=(ptrdiff);
IRandomAccessIterator operator+(ptrdiff) const;
IRandomAccessIterator operator-(ptrdiff) const;
friend IRandomAccessIterator operator+(ptrdiff, const IRandomAccessIterator&);
friend ptrdiff operator-(const IRandomAccessIterator&, const IRandomAccessIterator&); // Also satisfies CSizedSentinelFor<IRandomAccessIterator>.
// Use IRandomAccessIterator<int> represents a random access iterator
static_assert( COutputIterator<IRandomAccessIterator<int&>, int>);
* A concept specifies a type is a contiguous iterator.
* Add the operator-> to the random access iterator and requires the operator* returns a true reference type.
template <typename I>
concept CContiguousIterator = CRandomAccessIterator<I> && CLValueReference<TIteratorReference<I>>
&& CSameAs<TIteratorElement<I>, TRemoveCVRef<TIteratorReference<I>>>
&& CSameAs<TIteratorPointer<I>, TAddPointer<TIteratorReference<I>>>
&& requires(I& Iter)
{ ToAddress(Iter) } -> CSameAs<TAddPointer<TIteratorReference<I>>>;
/** This is an example of a contiguous iterator, indicate the traits that define a contiguous iterator. */
template <CLValueReference T>
struct IContiguousIterator /* : IRandomAccessIterator<T> */
// ~Begin CRandomAccessIterator.
using FElementType = TRemoveCVRef<T>;
IContiguousIterator(const IContiguousIterator&);
IContiguousIterator* operator=(const IContiguousIterator&);
IContiguousIterator* operator=(IContiguousIterator&&);
friend bool operator==(const IContiguousIterator&, const IContiguousIterator&);
friend strong_ordering operator<=>(const IContiguousIterator&, const IContiguousIterator&);
// ~End CRandomAccessIterator.
* Dereference operator. See IForwardIterator.
* Specify, the return type must be a true reference type and refer to an element of a contiguous sequence, not a proxy class.
* Also satisfies CRandomAccessIterator.
T operator*() const;
/** Indirection operator. Return the address of the element that the iterator is pointing to. */
TAddPointer<T> operator->() const;
// ~Begin CRandomAccessIterator.
T operator[](ptrdiff) const;
IContiguousIterator& operator++();
IContiguousIterator& operator--();
IContiguousIterator operator++(int);
IContiguousIterator operator--(int);
IContiguousIterator& operator+=(ptrdiff);
IContiguousIterator& operator-=(ptrdiff);
IContiguousIterator operator+(ptrdiff) const;
IContiguousIterator operator-(ptrdiff) const;
friend IContiguousIterator operator+(ptrdiff, const IContiguousIterator&);
friend ptrdiff operator-(const IContiguousIterator&, const IContiguousIterator&);
// ~End CRandomAccessIterator.
// Use IContiguousIterator<int> represents a contiguous iterator
static_assert( COutputIterator<IContiguousIterator<int&>, int>);
// The int* is the most typical example of a contiguous iterator
# pragma GCC diagnostic pop