
623 lines
18 KiB

#pragma once
#include "CoreTypes.h"
#include "TypeTraits/TypeTraits.h"
#include "Templates/Utility.h"
#include "Templates/TypeHash.h"
#include "Memory/Allocator.h"
#include "Memory/MemoryOperator.h"
#include "Iterator/Utility.h"
#include "Iterator/BasicIterator.h"
#include "Iterator/Sentinel.h"
#include "Iterator/ReverseIterator.h"
#include "Range/Utility.h"
#include "Range/Factory.h"
#include "Miscellaneous/Compare.h"
#include "Miscellaneous/AssertionMacros.h"
template <CAllocatableObject T, CMultipleAllocator<T> Allocator = FHeapAllocator>
class TList
struct FNode;
template <bool bConst, typename = TConditional<bConst, const T, T>>
class TIteratorImpl;
using FElementType = T;
using FAllocatorType = Allocator;
using FReference = T&;
using FConstReference = const T&;
using FIterator = TIteratorImpl<false>;
using FConstIterator = TIteratorImpl<true >;
using FReverseIterator = TReverseIterator< FIterator>;
using FConstReverseIterator = TReverseIterator<FConstIterator>;
static_assert(CBidirectionalIterator< FIterator>);
/** Default constructor. Constructs an empty container with a default-constructed allocator. */
Impl.HeadNode = Impl->Allocate(1);
Impl.HeadNode->PrevNode = Impl.HeadNode;
Impl.HeadNode->NextNode = Impl.HeadNode;
Impl.ListNum = 0;
/** Constructs the container with 'Count' default instances of T. */
explicit TList(size_t Count) requires (CDefaultConstructible<FElementType>) : TList()
FNode* EndNode = Impl.HeadNode->PrevNode;
while (Count > Impl.ListNum)
FNode* Node = new (Impl->Allocate(1)) FNode;
EndNode->NextNode = Node;
Node->PrevNode = EndNode;
EndNode = Node;
EndNode->NextNode = Impl.HeadNode;
Impl.HeadNode->PrevNode = EndNode;
/** Constructs the container with 'Count' copies of elements with 'InValue'. */
TList(size_t Count, const FElementType& InValue) requires (CCopyable<FElementType>)
: TList(Range::Repeat(InValue, Count))
{ }
/** Constructs the container with the contents of the range ['First', 'Last'). */
template <CInputIterator I, CSentinelFor<I> S> requires (CConstructibleFrom<FElementType, TIteratorReference<I>>)
TList(I First, S Last) : TList()
FNode* EndNode = Impl.HeadNode->PrevNode;
for (; First != Last; ++First)
FNode* Node = new (Impl->Allocate(1)) FNode(InPlace, *First);
EndNode->NextNode = Node;
Node->PrevNode = EndNode;
EndNode = Node;
EndNode->NextNode = Impl.HeadNode;
Impl.HeadNode->PrevNode = EndNode;
/** Constructs the container with the contents of the range. */
template <CInputRange R> requires (!CSameAs<TRemoveCVRef<R>, TList> && CConstructibleFrom<FElementType, TRangeReference<R>>)
FORCEINLINE explicit TList(R&& Range) : TList(Range::Begin(Range), Range::End(Range)) { }
/** Copy constructor. Constructs the container with the copy of the contents of 'InValue'. */
FORCEINLINE TList(const TList& InValue) requires (CCopyConstructible<FElementType>) : TList(InValue.Begin(), InValue.End()) { }
/** Move constructor. After the move, 'InValue' is guaranteed to be empty. */
FORCEINLINE TList(TList&& InValue) : TList() { Swap(*this, InValue); }
/** Constructs the container with the contents of the initializer list. */
FORCEINLINE TList(initializer_list<FElementType> IL) requires (CCopyConstructible<FElementType>) : TList(Range::Begin(IL), Range::End(IL)) { }
/** Destructs the list. The destructors of the elements are called and the used storage is deallocated. */
FNode* NodeToDeallocate = Impl.HeadNode->NextNode;
for (size_t Index = 0; Index != Impl.ListNum; ++Index)
FNode* NextNode = NodeToDeallocate->NextNode;
NodeToDeallocate = NextNode;
/** Copy assignment operator. Replaces the contents with a copy of the contents of 'InValue'. */
TList& operator=(const TList& InValue) requires (CCopyable<FElementType>)
if (&InValue == this) UNLIKELY return *this;
FIterator ThisIter = Begin();
FConstIterator OtherIter = InValue.Begin();
while (ThisIter != End() && OtherIter != InValue.End())
*ThisIter = *OtherIter;
if (ThisIter == End())
while (OtherIter != InValue.End())
else if (OtherIter == InValue.End())
Erase(ThisIter, End());
Impl.ListNum = InValue.Num();
return *this;
/** Move assignment operator. After the move, 'InValue' is guaranteed to be empty. */
FORCEINLINE TList& operator=(TList&& InValue) { Swap(*this, InValue); InValue.Reset(); return *this; }
/** Replaces the contents with those identified by initializer list. */
TList& operator=(initializer_list<FElementType> IL) requires (CCopyable<FElementType>)
FIterator ThisIter = Begin();
const FElementType* OtherIter = Range::Begin(IL);
while (ThisIter != End() && OtherIter != Range::End(IL))
*ThisIter = *OtherIter;
if (ThisIter == End())
while (OtherIter != Range::End(IL))
else if (OtherIter == Range::End(IL))
Erase(ThisIter, End());
Impl.ListNum = Range::Num(IL);
return *this;
/** Compares the contents of two lists. */
NODISCARD friend bool operator==(const TList& LHS, const TList& RHS) requires (CWeaklyEqualityComparable<FElementType>)
if (LHS.Num() != RHS.Num()) return false;
FConstIterator LHSIter = LHS.Begin();
FConstIterator RHSIter = RHS.Begin();
while (LHSIter != LHS.End())
if (*LHSIter != *RHSIter) return false;
check(RHSIter == RHS.End());
return true;
/** Compares the contents of 'LHS' and 'RHS' lexicographically. */
NODISCARD friend auto operator<=>(const TList& LHS, const TList& RHS) requires (CSynthThreeWayComparable<FElementType>)
FConstIterator LHSIter = LHS.Begin();
FConstIterator RHSIter = RHS.Begin();
while (LHSIter != LHS.End() && RHSIter != RHS.End())
if (const auto Result = SynthThreeWayCompare(*LHSIter, *RHSIter); Result != 0) return Result;
return LHS.Num() <=> RHS.Num();
/** Inserts 'InValue' before 'Iter' in the container. */
FORCEINLINE FIterator Insert(FConstIterator Iter, const FElementType& InValue) requires (CCopyConstructible<FElementType>) { return Emplace(Iter, InValue); }
/** Inserts 'InValue' before 'Iter' in the container. */
FORCEINLINE FIterator Insert(FConstIterator Iter, FElementType&& InValue) requires (CMoveConstructible<FElementType>) { return Emplace(Iter, MoveTemp(InValue)); }
/** Inserts 'Count' copies of the 'InValue' before 'Iter' in the container. */
FIterator Insert(FConstIterator Iter, size_t Count, const FElementType& InValue) requires (CCopyConstructible<FElementType>)
return Insert(Iter, Range::Repeat(InValue, Count));
/** Inserts elements from range ['First', 'Last') before 'Iter'. */
template <CInputIterator I, CSentinelFor<I> S> requires (CConstructibleFrom<FElementType, TIteratorReference<I>>)
FIterator Insert(FConstIterator Iter, I First, S Last)
if (First == Last) return FIterator(Iter.Pointer);
FNode* InsertNode = Iter.Pointer->PrevNode;
const auto InsertOnce = [&]() -> FNode*
FNode* Node = new (Impl->Allocate(1)) FNode(InPlace, *First);
InsertNode->NextNode = Node;
Node->PrevNode = InsertNode;
InsertNode = Node;
return Node;
FNode* FirstNode = InsertOnce();
for (++First; First != Last; ++First)
InsertNode->NextNode = Iter.Pointer;
Iter.Pointer->PrevNode = InsertNode;
return FIterator(FirstNode);
/** Inserts elements from range ['First', 'Last') before 'Iter'. */
template <CInputRange R> requires (CConstructibleFrom<FElementType, TRangeReference<R>>)
FORCEINLINE FIterator Insert(FConstIterator Iter, R&& Range) { return Insert(Iter, Range::Begin(Range), Range::End(Range)); }
/** Inserts elements from initializer list before 'Iter' in the container. */
FORCEINLINE FIterator Insert(FConstIterator Iter, initializer_list<FElementType> IL) requires (CCopyConstructible<FElementType>) { return Insert(Iter, Range::Begin(IL), Range::End(IL)); }
/** Inserts a new element into the container directly before 'Iter'. */
template <typename... Ts> requires (CConstructibleFrom<FElementType, Ts...>)
FIterator Emplace(FConstIterator Iter, Ts&&... Args)
FNode* Node = new (Impl->Allocate(1)) FNode(InPlace, Forward<Ts>(Args)...);
Node->PrevNode = Iter.Pointer->PrevNode;
Node->NextNode = Iter.Pointer;
Node->PrevNode->NextNode = Node;
Node->NextNode->PrevNode = Node;
return FIterator(Node);
/** Removes the element at 'Iter' in the container. */
FIterator Erase(FConstIterator Iter)
FNode* NodeToErase = Iter.Pointer;
checkf(NodeToErase->NextNode != NodeToErase, TEXT("Read access violation. Please check Iter != End()."));
NodeToErase->PrevNode->NextNode = NodeToErase->NextNode;
NodeToErase->NextNode->PrevNode = NodeToErase->PrevNode;
FNode* NextNode = NodeToErase->NextNode;
return FIterator(NextNode);
/** Removes the elements in the range ['First', 'Last') in the container. */
FIterator Erase(FConstIterator First, FConstIterator Last)
FNode* FirstToErase = First.Pointer;
FNode* LastToErase = Last.Pointer;
FirstToErase->PrevNode->NextNode = LastToErase;
LastToErase->PrevNode = FirstToErase->PrevNode;
while (FirstToErase != LastToErase)
FNode* NextNode = FirstToErase->NextNode;
FirstToErase = NextNode;
return FIterator(LastToErase);
/** Appends the given element value to the end of the container. */
FORCEINLINE void PushBack(const FElementType& InValue) requires (CCopyConstructible<FElementType>) { EmplaceBack(InValue); }
/** Appends the given element value to the end of the container. */
FORCEINLINE void PushBack(FElementType&& InValue) requires (CMoveConstructible<FElementType>) { EmplaceBack(MoveTemp(InValue)); }
/** Appends a new element to the end of the container. */
template <typename... Ts> requires (CConstructibleFrom<FElementType, Ts...>)
FORCEINLINE FReference EmplaceBack(Ts&&... Args) { return *Emplace(End(), Forward<Ts>(Args)...); }
/** Removes the last element of the container. The list cannot be empty. */
FORCEINLINE void PopBack() { Erase(--End()); }
/** Prepends the given element value to the beginning of the container. */
FORCEINLINE void PushFront(const FElementType& InValue) requires (CCopyConstructible<FElementType>) { EmplaceFront(InValue); }
/** Prepends the given element value to the beginning of the container. */
FORCEINLINE void PushFront(FElementType&& InValue) requires (CMoveConstructible<FElementType>) { EmplaceFront(MoveTemp(InValue)); }
/** Prepends a new element to the beginning of the container. */
template <typename... Ts> requires (CConstructibleFrom<FElementType, Ts...>)
FORCEINLINE FReference EmplaceFront(Ts&&... Args) { return *Emplace(Begin(), Forward<Ts>(Args)...); }
/** Removes the first element of the container. The list cannot be empty. */
FORCEINLINE void PopFront() { Erase(Begin()); }
/** Resizes the container to contain 'Count' elements. Additional default elements are appended. */
void SetNum(size_t Count) requires (CDefaultConstructible<FElementType>)
if (Count == Impl.ListNum) return;
if (Count < Impl.ListNum)
FIterator First = End();
for (size_t Index = 0; Index != Impl.ListNum - Count; ++Index) --First;
Erase(First, End());
Impl.ListNum = Count;
FNode* EndNode = Impl.HeadNode->PrevNode;
while (Count > Impl.ListNum)
FNode* Node = new (Impl->Allocate(1)) FNode;
EndNode->NextNode = Node;
Node->PrevNode = EndNode;
EndNode = Node;
EndNode->NextNode = Impl.HeadNode;
Impl.HeadNode->PrevNode = EndNode;
/** Resizes the container to contain 'Count' elements. Additional copies of 'InValue' are appended. */
void SetNum(size_t Count, const FElementType& InValue) requires (CCopyConstructible<FElementType>)
if (Count == Impl.ListNum) return;
if (Count < Impl.ListNum)
FIterator First = End();
for (size_t Index = 0; Index != Impl.ListNum - Count; ++Index) --First;
Erase(First, End());
Impl.ListNum = Count;
FNode* EndNode = Impl.HeadNode->PrevNode;
while (Count > Impl.ListNum)
FNode* Node = new (Impl->Allocate(1)) FNode(InPlace, InValue);
EndNode->NextNode = Node;
Node->PrevNode = EndNode;
EndNode = Node;
EndNode->NextNode = Impl.HeadNode;
Impl.HeadNode->PrevNode = EndNode;
/** @return The iterator to the first or end element. */
NODISCARD FORCEINLINE FIterator Begin() { return FIterator(Impl.HeadNode->NextNode); }
NODISCARD FORCEINLINE FConstIterator Begin() const { return FConstIterator(Impl.HeadNode->NextNode); }
NODISCARD FORCEINLINE FIterator End() { return FIterator(Impl.HeadNode); }
NODISCARD FORCEINLINE FConstIterator End() const { return FConstIterator(Impl.HeadNode); }
/** @return The reverse iterator to the first or end element. */
NODISCARD FORCEINLINE FReverseIterator RBegin() { return FReverseIterator(End()); }
NODISCARD FORCEINLINE FConstReverseIterator RBegin() const { return FConstReverseIterator(End()); }
NODISCARD FORCEINLINE FReverseIterator REnd() { return FReverseIterator(Begin()); }
NODISCARD FORCEINLINE FConstReverseIterator REnd() const { return FConstReverseIterator(Begin()); }
/** @return The number of elements in the container. */
NODISCARD FORCEINLINE size_t Num() const { return Impl.ListNum; }
/** @return true if the container is empty, false otherwise. */
NODISCARD FORCEINLINE bool IsEmpty() const { return Num() == 0; }
/** @return true if the iterator is valid, false otherwise. */
NODISCARD FORCEINLINE bool IsValidIterator(FConstIterator Iter) const
FNode* Current = Impl.HeadNode;
for (size_t Index = 0; Index != Impl.ListNum + 1; ++Index)
if (Current == Iter.Pointer)
return true;
Current = Current->NextNode;
return false;
/** @return The reference to the first or last element. */
NODISCARD FORCEINLINE FElementType& Front() { return *Begin(); }
NODISCARD FORCEINLINE const FElementType& Front() const { return *Begin(); }
NODISCARD FORCEINLINE FElementType& Back() { return *(End() - 1); }
NODISCARD FORCEINLINE const FElementType& Back() const { return *(End() - 1); }
/** Erases all elements from the container. After this call, Num() returns zero. */
void Reset()
FNode* NodeToDeallocate = Impl.HeadNode->NextNode;
Impl.HeadNode->PrevNode = Impl.HeadNode;
Impl.HeadNode->NextNode = Impl.HeadNode;
for (size_t Index = 0; Index != Impl.ListNum; ++Index)
FNode* NextNode = NodeToDeallocate->NextNode;
NodeToDeallocate = NextNode;
Impl.ListNum = 0;
/** Overloads the GetTypeHash algorithm for TList. */
NODISCARD friend FORCEINLINE size_t GetTypeHash(const TList& A) requires (CHashable<FElementType>)
size_t Result = 0;
for (const FElementType& Element : A)
Result = HashCombine(Result, GetTypeHash(Element));
return Result;
/** Overloads the Swap algorithm for TList. */
friend FORCEINLINE void Swap(TList& A, TList& B)
Swap(A.Impl.HeadNode, B.Impl.HeadNode);
Swap(A.Impl.ListNum, B.Impl.ListNum);
struct FNode
FNode* PrevNode;
FNode* NextNode;
FElementType Value;
FORCEINLINE FNode() = default;
template <typename... Ts>
FORCEINLINE FNode(FInPlace, Ts&&... Args) : Value(Forward<Ts>(Args)...) { }
static_assert(CMultipleAllocator<FAllocatorType, FNode>);
FNode* HeadNode;
size_t ListNum;
ALLOCATOR_WRAPPER_END(FAllocatorType, FNode, Impl)
template <bool bConst, typename U>
class TIteratorImpl final
using FElementType = TRemoveCV<T>;
FORCEINLINE TIteratorImpl() = default;
FORCEINLINE TIteratorImpl(const TIteratorImpl<false>& InValue) requires (bConst)
: Pointer(InValue.Pointer)
{ }
FORCEINLINE TIteratorImpl(const TIteratorImpl&) = default;
FORCEINLINE TIteratorImpl(TIteratorImpl&&) = default;
FORCEINLINE TIteratorImpl& operator=(const TIteratorImpl&) = default;
FORCEINLINE TIteratorImpl& operator=(TIteratorImpl&&) = default;
NODISCARD friend FORCEINLINE bool operator==(const TIteratorImpl& LHS, const TIteratorImpl& RHS) { return LHS.Pointer == RHS.Pointer; }
NODISCARD FORCEINLINE U& operator*() const { return Pointer->Value; }
NODISCARD FORCEINLINE U* operator->() const { return &Pointer->Value; }
FORCEINLINE TIteratorImpl& operator++() { Pointer = Pointer->NextNode; return *this; }
FORCEINLINE TIteratorImpl& operator--() { Pointer = Pointer->PrevNode; return *this; }
FORCEINLINE TIteratorImpl operator++(int) { TIteratorImpl Temp = *this; ++*this; return Temp; }
FORCEINLINE TIteratorImpl operator--(int) { TIteratorImpl Temp = *this; --*this; return Temp; }
FNode* Pointer = nullptr;
FORCEINLINE TIteratorImpl(FNode* InPointer)
: Pointer(InPointer)
{ }
template <bool, typename> friend class TIteratorImpl;
friend TList;
template <typename I, typename S>
TList(I, S) -> TList<TIteratorElement<I>>;
template <typename R>
TList(R) -> TList<TRangeElement<R>>;
template <typename T>
TList(initializer_list<T>) -> TList<T>;