bmaltais a49fb9cb8c 2023/02/11 (v20.7.2):
- ``lora_interrogator.py`` is added in ``networks`` folder. See ``python networks\lora_interrogator.py -h`` for usage.
        - For LoRAs where the activation word is unknown, this script compares the output of Text Encoder after applying LoRA to that of unapplied to find out which token is affected by LoRA. Hopefully you can figure out the activation word. LoRA trained with captions does not seem to be able to interrogate.
        - Batch size can be large (like 64 or 128).
    - ``train_textual_inversion.py`` now supports multiple init words.
    - Following feature is reverted to be the same as before. Sorry for confusion:
        > Now the number of data in each batch is limited to the number of actual images (not duplicated). Because a certain bucket may contain smaller number of actual images, so the batch may contain same (duplicated) images.
    - Add new tool to sort, group and average crop image in a dataset
2023-02-11 11:59:38 -05:00

188 lines
6.2 KiB

# Convert LoRA to different rank approximation (should only be used to go to lower rank)
# This code is based off the extract_lora_from_models.py file which is based on https://github.com/cloneofsimo/lora/blob/develop/lora_diffusion/cli_svd.py
# Thanks to cloneofsimo and kohya
import argparse
import os
import torch
from safetensors.torch import load_file, save_file, safe_open
from tqdm import tqdm
from library import train_util, model_util
def load_state_dict(file_name, dtype):
if model_util.is_safetensors(file_name):
sd = load_file(file_name)
with safe_open(file_name, framework="pt") as f:
metadata = f.metadata()
sd = torch.load(file_name, map_location='cpu')
metadata = None
for key in list(sd.keys()):
if type(sd[key]) == torch.Tensor:
sd[key] = sd[key].to(dtype)
return sd, metadata
def save_to_file(file_name, model, state_dict, dtype, metadata):
if dtype is not None:
for key in list(state_dict.keys()):
if type(state_dict[key]) == torch.Tensor:
state_dict[key] = state_dict[key].to(dtype)
if model_util.is_safetensors(file_name):
save_file(model, file_name, metadata)
torch.save(model, file_name)
def resize_lora_model(lora_sd, new_rank, save_dtype, device):
network_alpha = None
network_dim = None
# Extract loaded lora dim and alpha
for key, value in lora_sd.items():
if network_alpha is None and 'alpha' in key:
network_alpha = value
if network_dim is None and 'lora_down' in key and len(value.size()) == 2:
network_dim = value.size()[0]
if network_alpha is not None and network_dim is not None:
if network_alpha is None:
network_alpha = network_dim
scale = network_alpha/network_dim
new_alpha = float(scale*new_rank) # calculate new alpha from scale
print(f"old dimension: {network_dim}, old alpha: {network_alpha}, new alpha: {new_alpha}")
lora_down_weight = None
lora_up_weight = None
o_lora_sd = lora_sd.copy()
block_down_name = None
block_up_name = None
print("resizing lora...")
with torch.no_grad():
for key, value in tqdm(lora_sd.items()):
if 'lora_down' in key:
block_down_name = key.split(".")[0]
lora_down_weight = value
if 'lora_up' in key:
block_up_name = key.split(".")[0]
lora_up_weight = value
weights_loaded = (lora_down_weight is not None and lora_up_weight is not None)
if (block_down_name == block_up_name) and weights_loaded:
conv2d = (len(lora_down_weight.size()) == 4)
if conv2d:
lora_down_weight = lora_down_weight.squeeze()
lora_up_weight = lora_up_weight.squeeze()
if device:
org_device = lora_up_weight.device
lora_up_weight = lora_up_weight.to(args.device)
lora_down_weight = lora_down_weight.to(args.device)
full_weight_matrix = torch.matmul(lora_up_weight, lora_down_weight)
U, S, Vh = torch.linalg.svd(full_weight_matrix)
U = U[:, :new_rank]
S = S[:new_rank]
U = U @ torch.diag(S)
Vh = Vh[:new_rank, :]
dist = torch.cat([U.flatten(), Vh.flatten()])
hi_val = torch.quantile(dist, CLAMP_QUANTILE)
low_val = -hi_val
U = U.clamp(low_val, hi_val)
Vh = Vh.clamp(low_val, hi_val)
if conv2d:
U = U.unsqueeze(2).unsqueeze(3)
Vh = Vh.unsqueeze(2).unsqueeze(3)
if args.device:
U = U.to(org_device)
Vh = Vh.to(org_device)
o_lora_sd[block_down_name + "." + "lora_down.weight"] = Vh.to(save_dtype).contiguous()
o_lora_sd[block_up_name + "." + "lora_up.weight"] = U.to(save_dtype).contiguous()
o_lora_sd[block_up_name + "." "alpha"] = torch.tensor(new_alpha).to(save_dtype)
block_down_name = None
block_up_name = None
lora_down_weight = None
lora_up_weight = None
weights_loaded = False
print("resizing complete")
return o_lora_sd, network_dim, new_alpha
def resize(args):
def str_to_dtype(p):
if p == 'float':
return torch.float
if p == 'fp16':
return torch.float16
if p == 'bf16':
return torch.bfloat16
return None
merge_dtype = str_to_dtype('float') # matmul method above only seems to work in float32
save_dtype = str_to_dtype(args.save_precision)
if save_dtype is None:
save_dtype = merge_dtype
print("loading Model...")
lora_sd, metadata = load_state_dict(args.model, merge_dtype)
print("resizing rank...")
state_dict, old_dim, new_alpha = resize_lora_model(lora_sd, args.new_rank, save_dtype, args.device)
# update metadata
if metadata is None:
metadata = {}
comment = metadata.get("ss_training_comment", "")
metadata["ss_training_comment"] = f"dimension is resized from {old_dim} to {args.new_rank}; {comment}"
metadata["ss_network_dim"] = str(args.new_rank)
metadata["ss_network_alpha"] = str(new_alpha)
model_hash, legacy_hash = train_util.precalculate_safetensors_hashes(state_dict, metadata)
metadata["sshs_model_hash"] = model_hash
metadata["sshs_legacy_hash"] = legacy_hash
print(f"saving model to: {args.save_to}")
save_to_file(args.save_to, state_dict, state_dict, save_dtype, metadata)
if __name__ == '__main__':
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument("--save_precision", type=str, default=None,
choices=[None, "float", "fp16", "bf16"], help="precision in saving, float if omitted / 保存時の精度、未指定時はfloat")
parser.add_argument("--new_rank", type=int, default=4,
help="Specify rank of output LoRA / 出力するLoRAのrank (dim)")
parser.add_argument("--save_to", type=str, default=None,
help="destination file name: ckpt or safetensors file / 保存先のファイル名、ckptまたはsafetensors")
parser.add_argument("--model", type=str, default=None,
help="LoRA model to resize at to new rank: ckpt or safetensors file / 読み込むLoRAモデル、ckptまたはsafetensors")
parser.add_argument("--device", type=str, default=None, help="device to use, cuda for GPU / 計算を行うデバイス、cuda でGPUを使う")
args = parser.parse_args()