
410 lines
16 KiB
Raw Normal View History

import contextlib
import json
import math
import os
import sys
import torch
import numpy as np
from PIL import Image, ImageFilter, ImageOps
import random
from modules.sd_hijack import model_hijack
from modules.sd_samplers import samplers, samplers_for_img2img
from modules.shared import opts, cmd_opts, state
import modules.shared as shared
import modules.gfpgan_model as gfpgan
import modules.images as images
# some of those options should not be changed at all because they would break the model, so I removed them from options.
opt_C = 4
opt_f = 8
def torch_gc():
if torch.cuda.is_available():
class StableDiffusionProcessing:
def __init__(self, sd_model=None, outpath_samples=None, outpath_grids=None, prompt="", seed=-1, sampler_index=0, batch_size=1, n_iter=1, steps=50, cfg_scale=7.0, width=512, height=512, prompt_matrix=False, use_GFPGAN=False, do_not_save_samples=False, do_not_save_grid=False, extra_generation_params=None, overlay_images=None, negative_prompt=None):
self.sd_model = sd_model
self.outpath_samples: str = outpath_samples
self.outpath_grids: str = outpath_grids
self.prompt: str = prompt
self.negative_prompt: str = (negative_prompt or "")
self.seed: int = seed
self.sampler_index: int = sampler_index
self.batch_size: int = batch_size
self.n_iter: int = n_iter
self.steps: int = steps
self.cfg_scale: float = cfg_scale
self.width: int = width
self.height: int = height
self.prompt_matrix: bool = prompt_matrix
self.use_GFPGAN: bool = use_GFPGAN
self.do_not_save_samples: bool = do_not_save_samples
self.do_not_save_grid: bool = do_not_save_grid
self.extra_generation_params: dict = extra_generation_params
self.overlay_images = overlay_images
self.paste_to = None
def init(self):
def sample(self, x, conditioning, unconditional_conditioning):
raise NotImplementedError()
class Processed:
def __init__(self, p: StableDiffusionProcessing, images_list, seed, info):
self.images = images_list
self.prompt = p.prompt
self.seed = seed
self.info = info
self.width = p.width
self.height = p.height
self.sampler = samplers[p.sampler_index].name
self.cfg_scale = p.cfg_scale
self.steps = p.steps
def js(self):
obj = {
"prompt": self.prompt,
"seed": int(self.seed),
"width": self.width,
"height": self.height,
"sampler": self.sampler,
"cfg_scale": self.cfg_scale,
"steps": self.steps,
return json.dumps(obj)
def create_random_tensors(shape, seeds):
xs = []
for seed in seeds:
# randn results depend on device; gpu and cpu get different results for same seed;
# the way I see it, it's better to do this on CPU, so that everyone gets same result;
# but the original script had it like this so I do not dare change it for now because
# it will break everyone's seeds.
xs.append(torch.randn(shape, device=shared.device))
x = torch.stack(xs)
return x
def process_images(p: StableDiffusionProcessing) -> Processed:
"""this is the main loop that both txt2img and img2img use; it calls func_init once inside all the scopes and func_sample once per batch"""
prompt = p.prompt
assert p.prompt is not None
seed = int(random.randrange(4294967294) if p.seed == -1 else p.seed)
os.makedirs(p.outpath_samples, exist_ok=True)
os.makedirs(p.outpath_grids, exist_ok=True)
comments = []
prompt_matrix_parts = []
if p.prompt_matrix:
all_prompts = []
prompt_matrix_parts = prompt.split("|")
combination_count = 2 ** (len(prompt_matrix_parts) - 1)
for combination_num in range(combination_count):
selected_prompts = [text.strip().strip(',') for n, text in enumerate(prompt_matrix_parts[1:]) if combination_num & (1 << n)]
if opts.prompt_matrix_add_to_start:
selected_prompts = selected_prompts + [prompt_matrix_parts[0]]
selected_prompts = [prompt_matrix_parts[0]] + selected_prompts
all_prompts.append(", ".join(selected_prompts))
p.n_iter = math.ceil(len(all_prompts) / p.batch_size)
all_seeds = len(all_prompts) * [seed]
print(f"Prompt matrix will create {len(all_prompts)} images using a total of {p.n_iter} batches.")
all_prompts = p.batch_size * p.n_iter * [prompt]
all_seeds = [seed + x for x in range(len(all_prompts))]
def infotext(iteration=0, position_in_batch=0):
generation_params = {
"Steps": p.steps,
"Sampler": samplers[p.sampler_index].name,
"CFG scale": p.cfg_scale,
"Seed": all_seeds[position_in_batch + iteration * p.batch_size],
"GFPGAN": ("GFPGAN" if p.use_GFPGAN else None)
if p.extra_generation_params is not None:
generation_params_text = ", ".join([k if k == v else f'{k}: {v}' for k, v in generation_params.items() if v is not None])
return f"{prompt}\n{generation_params_text}".strip() + "".join(["\n\n" + x for x in comments])
if os.path.exists(cmd_opts.embeddings_dir):
model_hijack.load_textual_inversion_embeddings(cmd_opts.embeddings_dir, p.sd_model)
output_images = []
precision_scope = torch.autocast if cmd_opts.precision == "autocast" else contextlib.nullcontext
ema_scope = (contextlib.nullcontext if cmd_opts.lowvram else p.sd_model.ema_scope)
with torch.no_grad(), precision_scope("cuda"), ema_scope():
for n in range(p.n_iter):
if state.interrupted:
prompts = all_prompts[n * p.batch_size:(n + 1) * p.batch_size]
seeds = all_seeds[n * p.batch_size:(n + 1) * p.batch_size]
uc = p.sd_model.get_learned_conditioning(len(prompts) * [p.negative_prompt])
c = p.sd_model.get_learned_conditioning(prompts)
if len(model_hijack.comments) > 0:
comments += model_hijack.comments
# we manually generate all input noises because each one should have a specific seed
x = create_random_tensors([opt_C, p.height // opt_f, p.width // opt_f], seeds=seeds)
if p.n_iter > 1:
shared.state.job = f"Batch {n+1} out of {p.n_iter}"
samples_ddim = p.sample(x=x, conditioning=c, unconditional_conditioning=uc)
x_samples_ddim = p.sd_model.decode_first_stage(samples_ddim)
x_samples_ddim = torch.clamp((x_samples_ddim + 1.0) / 2.0, min=0.0, max=1.0)
for i, x_sample in enumerate(x_samples_ddim):
x_sample = 255. * np.moveaxis(x_sample.cpu().numpy(), 0, 2)
x_sample = x_sample.astype(np.uint8)
if p.use_GFPGAN:
x_sample = gfpgan.gfpgan_fix_faces(x_sample)
image = Image.fromarray(x_sample)
if p.overlay_images is not None and i < len(p.overlay_images):
overlay = p.overlay_images[i]
if p.paste_to is not None:
x, y, w, h = p.paste_to
base_image = Image.new('RGBA', (overlay.width, overlay.height))
image = images.resize_image(1, image, w, h)
base_image.paste(image, (x, y))
image = base_image
image = image.convert('RGBA')
image = image.convert('RGB')
if opts.samples_save and not p.do_not_save_samples:
images.save_image(image, p.outpath_samples, "", seeds[i], prompts[i], opts.samples_format, info=infotext(n, i))
unwanted_grid_because_of_img_count = len(output_images) < 2 and opts.grid_only_if_multiple
if not p.do_not_save_grid and not unwanted_grid_because_of_img_count:
return_grid = opts.return_grid
if p.prompt_matrix:
grid = images.image_grid(output_images, p.batch_size, rows=1 << ((len(prompt_matrix_parts)-1)//2))
grid = images.draw_prompt_matrix(grid, p.width, p.height, prompt_matrix_parts)
except Exception:
import traceback
print("Error creating prompt_matrix text:", file=sys.stderr)
print(traceback.format_exc(), file=sys.stderr)
return_grid = True
grid = images.image_grid(output_images, p.batch_size)
if return_grid:
output_images.insert(0, grid)
if opts.grid_save:
images.save_image(grid, p.outpath_grids, "grid", seed, prompt, opts.grid_format, info=infotext(), short_filename=not opts.grid_extended_filename)
return Processed(p, output_images, seed, infotext())
class StableDiffusionProcessingTxt2Img(StableDiffusionProcessing):
sampler = None
def init(self):
self.sampler = samplers[self.sampler_index].constructor(self.sd_model)
def sample(self, x, conditioning, unconditional_conditioning):
samples_ddim = self.sampler.sample(self, x, conditioning, unconditional_conditioning)
return samples_ddim
def get_crop_region(mask, pad=0):
h, w = mask.shape
crop_left = 0
for i in range(w):
if not (mask[:, i] == 0).all():
crop_left += 1
crop_right = 0
for i in reversed(range(w)):
if not (mask[:, i] == 0).all():
crop_right += 1
crop_top = 0
for i in range(h):
if not (mask[i] == 0).all():
crop_top += 1
crop_bottom = 0
for i in reversed(range(h)):
if not (mask[i] == 0).all():
crop_bottom += 1
return (
int(max(crop_left-pad, 0)),
int(max(crop_top-pad, 0)),
int(min(w - crop_right + pad, w)),
int(min(h - crop_bottom + pad, h))
def fill(image, mask):
image_mod = Image.new('RGBA', (image.width, image.height))
image_masked = Image.new('RGBa', (image.width, image.height))
image_masked.paste(image.convert("RGBA").convert("RGBa"), mask=ImageOps.invert(mask.convert('L')))
image_masked = image_masked.convert('RGBa')
for radius, repeats in [(64, 1), (16, 2), (4, 4), (2, 2), (0, 1)]:
blurred = image_masked.filter(ImageFilter.GaussianBlur(radius)).convert('RGBA')
for _ in range(repeats):
return image_mod.convert("RGB")
class StableDiffusionProcessingImg2Img(StableDiffusionProcessing):
sampler = None
def __init__(self, init_images=None, resize_mode=0, denoising_strength=0.75, mask=None, mask_blur=4, inpainting_fill=0, inpaint_full_res=True, **kwargs):
self.init_images = init_images
self.resize_mode: int = resize_mode
self.denoising_strength: float = denoising_strength
self.init_latent = None
self.image_mask = mask
self.mask_for_overlay = None
self.mask_blur = mask_blur
self.inpainting_fill = inpainting_fill
self.inpaint_full_res = inpaint_full_res
self.mask = None
self.nmask = None
def init(self):
self.sampler = samplers_for_img2img[self.sampler_index].constructor(self.sd_model)
crop_region = None
if self.image_mask is not None:
if self.mask_blur > 0:
self.image_mask = self.image_mask.filter(ImageFilter.GaussianBlur(self.mask_blur)).convert('L')
if self.inpaint_full_res:
self.mask_for_overlay = self.image_mask
mask = self.image_mask.convert('L')
crop_region = get_crop_region(np.array(mask), 64)
x1, y1, x2, y2 = crop_region
mask = mask.crop(crop_region)
self.image_mask = images.resize_image(2, mask, self.width, self.height)
self.paste_to = (x1, y1, x2-x1, y2-y1)
self.image_mask = images.resize_image(self.resize_mode, self.image_mask, self.width, self.height)
self.mask_for_overlay = self.image_mask
self.overlay_images = []
imgs = []
for img in self.init_images:
image = img.convert("RGB")
if crop_region is None:
image = images.resize_image(self.resize_mode, image, self.width, self.height)
if self.image_mask is not None:
if self.inpainting_fill != 1:
image = fill(image, self.mask_for_overlay)
image_masked = Image.new('RGBa', (image.width, image.height))
image_masked.paste(image.convert("RGBA").convert("RGBa"), mask=ImageOps.invert(self.mask_for_overlay.convert('L')))
if crop_region is not None:
image = image.crop(crop_region)
image = images.resize_image(2, image, self.width, self.height)
image = np.array(image).astype(np.float32) / 255.0
image = np.moveaxis(image, 2, 0)
if len(imgs) == 1:
batch_images = np.expand_dims(imgs[0], axis=0).repeat(self.batch_size, axis=0)
if self.overlay_images is not None:
self.overlay_images = self.overlay_images * self.batch_size
elif len(imgs) <= self.batch_size:
self.batch_size = len(imgs)
batch_images = np.array(imgs)
raise RuntimeError(f"bad number of images passed: {len(imgs)}; expecting {self.batch_size} or less")
image = torch.from_numpy(batch_images)
image = 2. * image - 1.
image = image.to(shared.device)
self.init_latent = self.sd_model.get_first_stage_encoding(self.sd_model.encode_first_stage(image))
if self.image_mask is not None:
latmask = self.image_mask.convert('RGB').resize((self.init_latent.shape[3], self.init_latent.shape[2]))
latmask = np.moveaxis(np.array(latmask, dtype=np.float64), 2, 0) / 255
latmask = latmask[0]
latmask = np.tile(latmask[None], (4, 1, 1))
self.mask = torch.asarray(1.0 - latmask).to(shared.device).type(self.sd_model.dtype)
self.nmask = torch.asarray(latmask).to(shared.device).type(self.sd_model.dtype)
if self.inpainting_fill == 2:
self.init_latent = self.init_latent * self.mask + create_random_tensors(self.init_latent.shape[1:], [self.seed + x + 1 for x in range(self.init_latent.shape[0])]) * self.nmask
elif self.inpainting_fill == 3:
self.init_latent = self.init_latent * self.mask
def sample(self, x, conditioning, unconditional_conditioning):
samples = self.sampler.sample_img2img(self, self.init_latent, x, conditioning, unconditional_conditioning)
if self.mask is not None:
samples = samples * self.nmask + self.init_latent * self.mask
return samples