diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index 8d01bc6a..70660c51 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -29,5 +29,4 @@ notification.mp3
- /inspiration
diff --git a/javascript/images_history.js b/javascript/images_history.js
deleted file mode 100644
index c9aa76f8..00000000
--- a/javascript/images_history.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,200 +0,0 @@
-var images_history_click_image = function(){
- if (!this.classList.contains("transform")){
- var gallery = images_history_get_parent_by_class(this, "images_history_cantainor");
- var buttons = gallery.querySelectorAll(".gallery-item");
- var i = 0;
- var hidden_list = [];
- buttons.forEach(function(e){
- if (e.style.display == "none"){
- hidden_list.push(i);
- }
- i += 1;
- })
- if (hidden_list.length > 0){
- setTimeout(images_history_hide_buttons, 10, hidden_list, gallery);
- }
- }
- images_history_set_image_info(this);
-function images_history_disabled_del(){
- gradioApp().querySelectorAll(".images_history_del_button").forEach(function(btn){
- btn.setAttribute('disabled','disabled');
- });
-function images_history_get_parent_by_class(item, class_name){
- var parent = item.parentElement;
- while(!parent.classList.contains(class_name)){
- parent = parent.parentElement;
- }
- return parent;
-function images_history_get_parent_by_tagname(item, tagname){
- var parent = item.parentElement;
- tagname = tagname.toUpperCase()
- while(parent.tagName != tagname){
- parent = parent.parentElement;
- }
- return parent;
-function images_history_hide_buttons(hidden_list, gallery){
- var buttons = gallery.querySelectorAll(".gallery-item");
- var num = 0;
- buttons.forEach(function(e){
- if (e.style.display == "none"){
- num += 1;
- }
- });
- if (num == hidden_list.length){
- setTimeout(images_history_hide_buttons, 10, hidden_list, gallery);
- }
- for( i in hidden_list){
- buttons[hidden_list[i]].style.display = "none";
- }
-function images_history_set_image_info(button){
- var buttons = images_history_get_parent_by_tagname(button, "DIV").querySelectorAll(".gallery-item");
- var index = -1;
- var i = 0;
- buttons.forEach(function(e){
- if(e == button){
- index = i;
- }
- if(e.style.display != "none"){
- i += 1;
- }
- });
- var gallery = images_history_get_parent_by_class(button, "images_history_cantainor");
- var set_btn = gallery.querySelector(".images_history_set_index");
- var curr_idx = set_btn.getAttribute("img_index", index);
- if (curr_idx != index) {
- set_btn.setAttribute("img_index", index);
- images_history_disabled_del();
- }
- set_btn.click();
-function images_history_get_current_img(tabname, img_index, files){
- return [
- tabname,
- gradioApp().getElementById(tabname + '_images_history_set_index').getAttribute("img_index"),
- files
- ];
-function images_history_delete(del_num, tabname, image_index){
- image_index = parseInt(image_index);
- var tab = gradioApp().getElementById(tabname + '_images_history');
- var set_btn = tab.querySelector(".images_history_set_index");
- var buttons = [];
- tab.querySelectorAll(".gallery-item").forEach(function(e){
- if (e.style.display != 'none'){
- buttons.push(e);
- }
- });
- var img_num = buttons.length / 2;
- del_num = Math.min(img_num - image_index, del_num)
- if (img_num <= del_num){
- setTimeout(function(tabname){
- gradioApp().getElementById(tabname + '_images_history_renew_page').click();
- }, 30, tabname);
- } else {
- var next_img
- for (var i = 0; i < del_num; i++){
- buttons[image_index + i].style.display = 'none';
- buttons[image_index + i + img_num].style.display = 'none';
- next_img = image_index + i + 1
- }
- var bnt;
- if (next_img >= img_num){
- btn = buttons[image_index - 1];
- } else {
- btn = buttons[next_img];
- }
- setTimeout(function(btn){btn.click()}, 30, btn);
- }
- images_history_disabled_del();
-function images_history_turnpage(tabname){
- gradioApp().getElementById(tabname + '_images_history_del_button').setAttribute('disabled','disabled');
- var buttons = gradioApp().getElementById(tabname + '_images_history').querySelectorAll(".gallery-item");
- buttons.forEach(function(elem) {
- elem.style.display = 'block';
- })
-function images_history_enable_del_buttons(){
- gradioApp().querySelectorAll(".images_history_del_button").forEach(function(btn){
- btn.removeAttribute('disabled');
- })
-function images_history_init(){
- var tabnames = gradioApp().getElementById("images_history_tabnames_list")
- if (tabnames){
- images_history_tab_list = tabnames.querySelector("textarea").value.split(",")
- for (var i in images_history_tab_list ){
- var tab = images_history_tab_list[i];
- gradioApp().getElementById(tab + '_images_history').classList.add("images_history_cantainor");
- gradioApp().getElementById(tab + '_images_history_set_index').classList.add("images_history_set_index");
- gradioApp().getElementById(tab + '_images_history_del_button').classList.add("images_history_del_button");
- gradioApp().getElementById(tab + '_images_history_gallery').classList.add("images_history_gallery");
- gradioApp().getElementById(tab + "_images_history_start").setAttribute("style","padding:20px;font-size:25px");
- }
- //preload
- if (gradioApp().getElementById("images_history_preload").querySelector("input").checked ){
- var tabs_box = gradioApp().getElementById("tab_images_history").querySelector("div").querySelector("div").querySelector("div");
- tabs_box.setAttribute("id", "images_history_tab");
- var tab_btns = tabs_box.querySelectorAll("button");
- for (var i in images_history_tab_list){
- var tabname = images_history_tab_list[i]
- tab_btns[i].setAttribute("tabname", tabname);
- tab_btns[i].addEventListener('click', function(){
- var tabs_box = gradioApp().getElementById("images_history_tab");
- if (!tabs_box.classList.contains(this.getAttribute("tabname"))) {
- gradioApp().getElementById(this.getAttribute("tabname") + "_images_history_start").click();
- tabs_box.classList.add(this.getAttribute("tabname"))
- }
- });
- }
- tab_btns[0].click()
- }
- } else {
- setTimeout(images_history_init, 500);
- }
-var images_history_tab_list = "";
-setTimeout(images_history_init, 500);
-document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function() {
- var mutationObserver = new MutationObserver(function(m){
- if (images_history_tab_list != ""){
- for (var i in images_history_tab_list ){
- let tabname = images_history_tab_list[i]
- var buttons = gradioApp().querySelectorAll('#' + tabname + '_images_history .gallery-item');
- buttons.forEach(function(bnt){
- bnt.addEventListener('click', images_history_click_image, true);
- });
- var cls_btn = gradioApp().getElementById(tabname + '_images_history_gallery').querySelector("svg");
- if (cls_btn){
- cls_btn.addEventListener('click', function(){
- gradioApp().getElementById(tabname + '_images_history_renew_page').click();
- }, false);
- }
- }
- }
- });
- mutationObserver.observe(gradioApp(), { childList:true, subtree:true });
diff --git a/javascript/inspiration.js b/javascript/inspiration.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 39844544..00000000
--- a/javascript/inspiration.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
-function public_image_index_in_gallery(item, gallery){
- var imgs = gallery.querySelectorAll("img.h-full")
- var index;
- var i = 0;
- imgs.forEach(function(e){
- if (e == item)
- index = i;
- i += 1;
- });
- var all_imgs = gallery.querySelectorAll("img")
- if (all_imgs.length > imgs.length){
- var num = imgs.length / 2
- index = (index < num) ? index : (index - num)
- }
- return index;
-function inspiration_selected(name, name_list){
- var btn = gradioApp().getElementById("inspiration_select_button")
- return [gradioApp().getElementById("inspiration_select_button").getAttribute("img-index")];
-function inspiration_click_get_button(){
- gradioApp().getElementById("inspiration_get_button").click();
-var inspiration_image_click = function(){
- var index = public_image_index_in_gallery(this, gradioApp().getElementById("inspiration_gallery"));
- var btn = gradioApp().getElementById("inspiration_select_button");
- btn.setAttribute("img-index", index);
- setTimeout(function(btn){btn.click();}, 10, btn);
-document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function() {
- var mutationObserver = new MutationObserver(function(m){
- var gallery = gradioApp().getElementById("inspiration_gallery")
- if (gallery) {
- var node = gallery.querySelector(".absolute.backdrop-blur.h-full")
- if (node) {
- node.style.display = "None";
- }
- gallery.querySelectorAll('img').forEach(function(e){
- e.onclick = inspiration_image_click
- });
- }
- });
- mutationObserver.observe( gradioApp(), { childList:true, subtree:true });
diff --git a/modules/images_history.py b/modules/images_history.py
deleted file mode 100644
index bc5cf11f..00000000
--- a/modules/images_history.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,424 +0,0 @@
-import os
-import shutil
-import time
-import hashlib
-import gradio
-system_bak_path = "webui_log_and_bak"
-custom_tab_name = "custom fold"
-faverate_tab_name = "favorites"
-tabs_list = ["txt2img", "img2img", "extras", faverate_tab_name]
-def is_valid_date(date):
- try:
- time.strptime(date, "%Y%m%d")
- return True
- except:
- return False
-def reduplicative_file_move(src, dst):
- def same_name_file(basename, path):
- name, ext = os.path.splitext(basename)
- f_list = os.listdir(path)
- max_num = 0
- for f in f_list:
- if len(f) <= len(basename):
- continue
- f_ext = f[-len(ext):] if len(ext) > 0 else ""
- if f[:len(name)] == name and f_ext == ext:
- if f[len(name)] == "(" and f[-len(ext)-1] == ")":
- number = f[len(name)+1:-len(ext)-1]
- if number.isdigit():
- if int(number) > max_num:
- max_num = int(number)
- return f"{name}({max_num + 1}){ext}"
- name = os.path.basename(src)
- save_name = os.path.join(dst, name)
- if not os.path.exists(save_name):
- shutil.move(src, dst)
- else:
- name = same_name_file(name, dst)
- shutil.move(src, os.path.join(dst, name))
-def traverse_all_files(curr_path, image_list, all_type=False):
- try:
- f_list = os.listdir(curr_path)
- except:
- if all_type or (curr_path[-10:].rfind(".") > 0 and curr_path[-4:] != ".txt" and curr_path[-4:] != ".csv"):
- image_list.append(curr_path)
- return image_list
- for file in f_list:
- file = os.path.join(curr_path, file)
- if (not all_type) and (file[-4:] == ".txt" or file[-4:] == ".csv"):
- pass
- elif os.path.isfile(file) and file[-10:].rfind(".") > 0:
- image_list.append(file)
- else:
- image_list = traverse_all_files(file, image_list)
- return image_list
-def auto_sorting(dir_name):
- bak_path = os.path.join(dir_name, system_bak_path)
- if not os.path.exists(bak_path):
- os.mkdir(bak_path)
- log_file = None
- files_list = []
- f_list = os.listdir(dir_name)
- for file in f_list:
- if file == system_bak_path:
- continue
- file_path = os.path.join(dir_name, file)
- if not is_valid_date(file):
- if file[-10:].rfind(".") > 0:
- files_list.append(file_path)
- else:
- files_list = traverse_all_files(file_path, files_list, all_type=True)
- for file in files_list:
- date_str = time.strftime("%Y%m%d",time.localtime(os.path.getmtime(file)))
- file_path = os.path.dirname(file)
- hash_path = hashlib.md5(file_path.encode()).hexdigest()
- path = os.path.join(dir_name, date_str, hash_path)
- if not os.path.exists(path):
- os.makedirs(path)
- if log_file is None:
- log_file = open(os.path.join(bak_path,"path_mapping.csv"),"a")
- log_file.write(f"{hash_path},{file_path}\n")
- reduplicative_file_move(file, path)
- date_list = []
- f_list = os.listdir(dir_name)
- for f in f_list:
- if is_valid_date(f):
- date_list.append(f)
- elif f == system_bak_path:
- continue
- else:
- try:
- reduplicative_file_move(os.path.join(dir_name, f), bak_path)
- except:
- pass
- today = time.strftime("%Y%m%d",time.localtime(time.time()))
- if today not in date_list:
- date_list.append(today)
- return sorted(date_list, reverse=True)
-def archive_images(dir_name, date_to):
- filenames = []
- batch_size =int(opts.images_history_num_per_page * opts.images_history_pages_num)
- if batch_size <= 0:
- batch_size = opts.images_history_num_per_page * 6
- today = time.strftime("%Y%m%d",time.localtime(time.time()))
- date_to = today if date_to is None or date_to == "" else date_to
- date_to_bak = date_to
- if False: #opts.images_history_reconstruct_directory:
- date_list = auto_sorting(dir_name)
- for date in date_list:
- if date <= date_to:
- path = os.path.join(dir_name, date)
- if date == today and not os.path.exists(path):
- continue
- filenames = traverse_all_files(path, filenames)
- if len(filenames) > batch_size:
- break
- filenames = sorted(filenames, key=lambda file: -os.path.getmtime(file))
- else:
- filenames = traverse_all_files(dir_name, filenames)
- total_num = len(filenames)
- tmparray = [(os.path.getmtime(file), file) for file in filenames ]
- date_stamp = time.mktime(time.strptime(date_to, "%Y%m%d")) + 86400
- filenames = []
- date_list = {date_to:None}
- date = time.strftime("%Y%m%d",time.localtime(time.time()))
- for t, f in tmparray:
- date = time.strftime("%Y%m%d",time.localtime(t))
- date_list[date] = None
- if t <= date_stamp:
- filenames.append((t, f ,date))
- date_list = sorted(list(date_list.keys()), reverse=True)
- sort_array = sorted(filenames, key=lambda x:-x[0])
- if len(sort_array) > batch_size:
- date = sort_array[batch_size][2]
- filenames = [x[1] for x in sort_array]
- else:
- date = date_to if len(sort_array) == 0 else sort_array[-1][2]
- filenames = [x[1] for x in sort_array]
- filenames = [x[1] for x in sort_array if x[2]>= date]
- num = len(filenames)
- last_date_from = date_to_bak if num == 0 else time.strftime("%Y%m%d", time.localtime(time.mktime(time.strptime(date, "%Y%m%d")) - 1000))
- date = date[:4] + "/" + date[4:6] + "/" + date[6:8]
- date_to_bak = date_to_bak[:4] + "/" + date_to_bak[4:6] + "/" + date_to_bak[6:8]
- load_info = "
- load_info += f"{total_num} images in this directory. Loaded {num} images during {date} - {date_to_bak}, divided into {int((num + 1) // opts.images_history_num_per_page + 1)} pages"
- load_info += "
- _, image_list, _, _, visible_num = get_recent_images(1, 0, filenames)
- return (
- date_to,
- load_info,
- filenames,
- 1,
- image_list,
- "",
- "",
- visible_num,
- last_date_from,
- gradio.update(visible=total_num > num)
- )
-def delete_image(delete_num, name, filenames, image_index, visible_num):
- if name == "":
- return filenames, delete_num
- else:
- delete_num = int(delete_num)
- visible_num = int(visible_num)
- image_index = int(image_index)
- index = list(filenames).index(name)
- i = 0
- new_file_list = []
- for name in filenames:
- if i >= index and i < index + delete_num:
- if os.path.exists(name):
- if visible_num == image_index:
- new_file_list.append(name)
- i += 1
- continue
- print(f"Delete file {name}")
- os.remove(name)
- visible_num -= 1
- txt_file = os.path.splitext(name)[0] + ".txt"
- if os.path.exists(txt_file):
- os.remove(txt_file)
- else:
- print(f"Not exists file {name}")
- else:
- new_file_list.append(name)
- i += 1
- return new_file_list, 1, visible_num
-def save_image(file_name):
- if file_name is not None and os.path.exists(file_name):
- shutil.copy(file_name, opts.outdir_save)
-def get_recent_images(page_index, step, filenames):
- page_index = int(page_index)
- num_of_imgs_per_page = int(opts.images_history_num_per_page)
- max_page_index = len(filenames) // num_of_imgs_per_page + 1
- page_index = max_page_index if page_index == -1 else page_index + step
- page_index = 1 if page_index < 1 else page_index
- page_index = max_page_index if page_index > max_page_index else page_index
- idx_frm = (page_index - 1) * num_of_imgs_per_page
- image_list = filenames[idx_frm:idx_frm + num_of_imgs_per_page]
- length = len(filenames)
- visible_num = num_of_imgs_per_page if idx_frm + num_of_imgs_per_page <= length else length % num_of_imgs_per_page
- visible_num = num_of_imgs_per_page if visible_num == 0 else visible_num
- return page_index, image_list, "", "", visible_num
-def loac_batch_click(date_to):
- if date_to is None:
- return time.strftime("%Y%m%d",time.localtime(time.time())), []
- else:
- return None, []
-def forward_click(last_date_from, date_to_recorder):
- if len(date_to_recorder) == 0:
- return None, []
- if last_date_from == date_to_recorder[-1]:
- date_to_recorder = date_to_recorder[:-1]
- if len(date_to_recorder) == 0:
- return None, []
- return date_to_recorder[-1], date_to_recorder[:-1]
-def backward_click(last_date_from, date_to_recorder):
- if last_date_from is None or last_date_from == "":
- return time.strftime("%Y%m%d",time.localtime(time.time())), []
- if len(date_to_recorder) == 0 or last_date_from != date_to_recorder[-1]:
- date_to_recorder.append(last_date_from)
- return last_date_from, date_to_recorder
-def first_page_click(page_index, filenames):
- return get_recent_images(1, 0, filenames)
-def end_page_click(page_index, filenames):
- return get_recent_images(-1, 0, filenames)
-def prev_page_click(page_index, filenames):
- return get_recent_images(page_index, -1, filenames)
-def next_page_click(page_index, filenames):
- return get_recent_images(page_index, 1, filenames)
-def page_index_change(page_index, filenames):
- return get_recent_images(page_index, 0, filenames)
-def show_image_info(tabname_box, num, page_index, filenames):
- file = filenames[int(num) + int((page_index - 1) * int(opts.images_history_num_per_page))]
- tm = "" + time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S",time.localtime(os.path.getmtime(file))) + "
- return file, tm, num, file
-def enable_page_buttons():
- return gradio.update(visible=True)
-def change_dir(img_dir, date_to):
- warning = None
- try:
- if os.path.exists(img_dir):
- try:
- f = os.listdir(img_dir)
- except:
- warning = f"'{img_dir} is not a directory"
- else:
- warning = "The directory is not exist"
- except:
- warning = "The format of the directory is incorrect"
- if warning is None:
- today = time.strftime("%Y%m%d",time.localtime(time.time()))
- return gradio.update(visible=False), gradio.update(visible=True), None, None if date_to != today else today, gradio.update(visible=True), gradio.update(visible=True)
- else:
- return gradio.update(visible=True), gradio.update(visible=False), warning, date_to, gradio.update(visible=False), gradio.update(visible=False)
-def show_images_history(gr, opts, tabname, run_pnginfo, switch_dict):
- custom_dir = False
- if tabname == "txt2img":
- dir_name = opts.outdir_txt2img_samples
- elif tabname == "img2img":
- dir_name = opts.outdir_img2img_samples
- elif tabname == "extras":
- dir_name = opts.outdir_extras_samples
- elif tabname == faverate_tab_name:
- dir_name = opts.outdir_save
- else:
- custom_dir = True
- dir_name = None
- if not custom_dir:
- d = dir_name.split("/")
- dir_name = d[0]
- for p in d[1:]:
- dir_name = os.path.join(dir_name, p)
- if not os.path.exists(dir_name):
- os.makedirs(dir_name)
- with gr.Column() as page_panel:
- with gr.Row():
- with gr.Column(scale=1, visible=not custom_dir) as load_batch_box:
- load_batch = gr.Button('Load', elem_id=tabname + "_images_history_start", full_width=True)
- with gr.Column(scale=4):
- with gr.Row():
- img_path = gr.Textbox(dir_name, label="Images directory", placeholder="Input images directory", interactive=custom_dir)
- with gr.Row():
- with gr.Column(visible=False, scale=1) as batch_panel:
- with gr.Row():
- forward = gr.Button('Prev batch')
- backward = gr.Button('Next batch')
- with gr.Column(scale=3):
- load_info = gr.HTML(visible=not custom_dir)
- with gr.Row(visible=False) as warning:
- warning_box = gr.Textbox("Message", interactive=False)
- with gr.Row(visible=not custom_dir, elem_id=tabname + "_images_history") as main_panel:
- with gr.Column(scale=2):
- with gr.Row(visible=True) as turn_page_buttons:
- #date_to = gr.Dropdown(label="Date to")
- first_page = gr.Button('First Page')
- prev_page = gr.Button('Prev Page')
- page_index = gr.Number(value=1, label="Page Index")
- next_page = gr.Button('Next Page')
- end_page = gr.Button('End Page')
- history_gallery = gr.Gallery(show_label=False, elem_id=tabname + "_images_history_gallery").style(grid=opts.images_history_grid_num)
- with gr.Row():
- delete_num = gr.Number(value=1, interactive=True, label="number of images to delete consecutively next")
- delete = gr.Button('Delete', elem_id=tabname + "_images_history_del_button")
- with gr.Column():
- with gr.Row():
- with gr.Column():
- img_file_info = gr.Textbox(label="Generate Info", interactive=False, lines=6)
- gr.HTML("
- img_file_name = gr.Textbox(value="", label="File Name", interactive=False)
- img_file_time= gr.HTML()
- with gr.Row():
- if tabname != faverate_tab_name:
- save_btn = gr.Button('Collect')
- pnginfo_send_to_txt2img = gr.Button('Send to txt2img')
- pnginfo_send_to_img2img = gr.Button('Send to img2img')
- # hiden items
- with gr.Row(visible=False):
- renew_page = gr.Button('Refresh page', elem_id=tabname + "_images_history_renew_page")
- batch_date_to = gr.Textbox(label="Date to")
- visible_img_num = gr.Number()
- date_to_recorder = gr.State([])
- last_date_from = gr.Textbox()
- tabname_box = gr.Textbox(tabname)
- image_index = gr.Textbox(value=-1)
- set_index = gr.Button('set_index', elem_id=tabname + "_images_history_set_index")
- filenames = gr.State()
- all_images_list = gr.State()
- hidden = gr.Image(type="pil")
- info1 = gr.Textbox()
- info2 = gr.Textbox()
- img_path.submit(change_dir, inputs=[img_path, batch_date_to], outputs=[warning, main_panel, warning_box, batch_date_to, load_batch_box, load_info])
- #change batch
- change_date_output = [batch_date_to, load_info, filenames, page_index, history_gallery, img_file_name, img_file_time, visible_img_num, last_date_from, batch_panel]
- batch_date_to.change(archive_images, inputs=[img_path, batch_date_to], outputs=change_date_output)
- batch_date_to.change(enable_page_buttons, inputs=None, outputs=[turn_page_buttons])
- batch_date_to.change(fn=None, inputs=[tabname_box], outputs=None, _js="images_history_turnpage")
- load_batch.click(loac_batch_click, inputs=[batch_date_to], outputs=[batch_date_to, date_to_recorder])
- forward.click(forward_click, inputs=[last_date_from, date_to_recorder], outputs=[batch_date_to, date_to_recorder])
- backward.click(backward_click, inputs=[last_date_from, date_to_recorder], outputs=[batch_date_to, date_to_recorder])
- #delete
- delete.click(delete_image, inputs=[delete_num, img_file_name, filenames, image_index, visible_img_num], outputs=[filenames, delete_num, visible_img_num])
- delete.click(fn=None, _js="images_history_delete", inputs=[delete_num, tabname_box, image_index], outputs=None)
- if tabname != faverate_tab_name:
- save_btn.click(save_image, inputs=[img_file_name], outputs=None)
- #turn page
- gallery_inputs = [page_index, filenames]
- gallery_outputs = [page_index, history_gallery, img_file_name, img_file_time, visible_img_num]
- first_page.click(first_page_click, inputs=gallery_inputs, outputs=gallery_outputs)
- next_page.click(next_page_click, inputs=gallery_inputs, outputs=gallery_outputs)
- prev_page.click(prev_page_click, inputs=gallery_inputs, outputs=gallery_outputs)
- end_page.click(end_page_click, inputs=gallery_inputs, outputs=gallery_outputs)
- page_index.submit(page_index_change, inputs=gallery_inputs, outputs=gallery_outputs)
- renew_page.click(page_index_change, inputs=gallery_inputs, outputs=gallery_outputs)
- first_page.click(fn=None, inputs=[tabname_box], outputs=None, _js="images_history_turnpage")
- next_page.click(fn=None, inputs=[tabname_box], outputs=None, _js="images_history_turnpage")
- prev_page.click(fn=None, inputs=[tabname_box], outputs=None, _js="images_history_turnpage")
- end_page.click(fn=None, inputs=[tabname_box], outputs=None, _js="images_history_turnpage")
- page_index.submit(fn=None, inputs=[tabname_box], outputs=None, _js="images_history_turnpage")
- renew_page.click(fn=None, inputs=[tabname_box], outputs=None, _js="images_history_turnpage")
- # other funcitons
- set_index.click(show_image_info, _js="images_history_get_current_img", inputs=[tabname_box, image_index, page_index, filenames], outputs=[img_file_name, img_file_time, image_index, hidden])
- img_file_name.change(fn=None, _js="images_history_enable_del_buttons", inputs=None, outputs=None)
- hidden.change(fn=run_pnginfo, inputs=[hidden], outputs=[info1, img_file_info, info2])
- switch_dict["fn"](pnginfo_send_to_txt2img, switch_dict["t2i"], img_file_info, 'switch_to_txt2img')
- switch_dict["fn"](pnginfo_send_to_img2img, switch_dict["i2i"], img_file_info, 'switch_to_img2img_img2img')
-def create_history_tabs(gr, sys_opts, cmp_ops, run_pnginfo, switch_dict):
- global opts;
- opts = sys_opts
- loads_files_num = int(opts.images_history_num_per_page)
- num_of_imgs_per_page = int(opts.images_history_num_per_page * opts.images_history_pages_num)
- if cmp_ops.browse_all_images:
- tabs_list.append(custom_tab_name)
- with gr.Blocks(analytics_enabled=False) as images_history:
- with gr.Tabs() as tabs:
- for tab in tabs_list:
- with gr.Tab(tab):
- with gr.Blocks(analytics_enabled=False) :
- show_images_history(gr, opts, tab, run_pnginfo, switch_dict)
- gradio.Checkbox(opts.images_history_preload, elem_id="images_history_preload", visible=False)
- gradio.Textbox(",".join(tabs_list), elem_id="images_history_tabnames_list", visible=False)
- return images_history
diff --git a/modules/inspiration.py b/modules/inspiration.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 29cf8297..00000000
--- a/modules/inspiration.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,193 +0,0 @@
-import os
-import random
-import gradio
-from modules.shared import opts
-inspiration_system_path = os.path.join(opts.inspiration_dir, "system")
-def read_name_list(file, types=None, keyword=None):
- if not os.path.exists(file):
- return []
- ret = []
- f = open(file, "r")
- line = f.readline()
- while len(line) > 0:
- line = line.rstrip("\n")
- if types is not None:
- dirname = os.path.split(line)
- if dirname[0] in types and keyword in dirname[1].lower():
- ret.append(line)
- else:
- ret.append(line)
- line = f.readline()
- return ret
-def save_name_list(file, name):
- name_list = read_name_list(file)
- if name not in name_list:
- with open(file, "a") as f:
- f.write(name + "\n")
-def get_types_list():
- files = os.listdir(opts.inspiration_dir)
- types = []
- for x in files:
- path = os.path.join(opts.inspiration_dir, x)
- if x[0] == ".":
- continue
- if not os.path.isdir(path):
- continue
- if path == inspiration_system_path:
- continue
- types.append(x)
- return types
-def get_inspiration_images(source, types, keyword):
- keyword = keyword.strip(" ").lower()
- get_num = int(opts.inspiration_rows_num * opts.inspiration_cols_num)
- if source == "Favorites":
- names = read_name_list(os.path.join(inspiration_system_path, "faverites.txt"), types, keyword)
- names = random.sample(names, get_num) if len(names) > get_num else names
- elif source == "Abandoned":
- names = read_name_list(os.path.join(inspiration_system_path, "abandoned.txt"), types, keyword)
- names = random.sample(names, get_num) if len(names) > get_num else names
- elif source == "Exclude abandoned":
- abandoned = read_name_list(os.path.join(inspiration_system_path, "abandoned.txt"), types, keyword)
- all_names = []
- for tp in types:
- name_list = os.listdir(os.path.join(opts.inspiration_dir, tp))
- all_names += [os.path.join(tp, x) for x in name_list if keyword in x.lower()]
- if len(all_names) > get_num:
- names = []
- while len(names) < get_num:
- name = random.choice(all_names)
- if name not in abandoned:
- names.append(name)
- else:
- names = all_names
- else:
- all_names = []
- for tp in types:
- name_list = os.listdir(os.path.join(opts.inspiration_dir, tp))
- all_names += [os.path.join(tp, x) for x in name_list if keyword in x.lower()]
- names = random.sample(all_names, get_num) if len(all_names) > get_num else all_names
- image_list = []
- for a in names:
- image_path = os.path.join(opts.inspiration_dir, a)
- images = os.listdir(image_path)
- if len(images) > 0:
- image_list.append((os.path.join(image_path, random.choice(images)), a))
- else:
- print(image_path)
- return image_list, names
-def select_click(index, name_list):
- name = name_list[int(index)]
- path = os.path.join(opts.inspiration_dir, name)
- images = os.listdir(path)
- return name, [os.path.join(path, x) for x in images], ""
-def give_up_click(name):
- file = os.path.join(inspiration_system_path, "abandoned.txt")
- save_name_list(file, name)
- return "Added to abandoned list"
-def collect_click(name):
- file = os.path.join(inspiration_system_path, "faverites.txt")
- save_name_list(file, name)
- return "Added to faverite list"
-def moveout_click(name, source):
- if source == "Abandoned":
- file = os.path.join(inspiration_system_path, "abandoned.txt")
- elif source == "Favorites":
- file = os.path.join(inspiration_system_path, "faverites.txt")
- else:
- return None
- name_list = read_name_list(file)
- os.remove(file)
- with open(file, "a") as f:
- for a in name_list:
- if a != name:
- f.write(a + "\n")
- return f"Moved out {name} from {source} list"
-def source_change(source):
- if source in ["Abandoned", "Favorites"]:
- return gradio.update(visible=True), []
- else:
- return gradio.update(visible=False), []
-def add_to_prompt(name, prompt):
- name = os.path.basename(name)
- return prompt + "," + name
-def clear_keyword():
- return ""
-def ui(gr, opts, txt2img_prompt, img2img_prompt):
- with gr.Blocks(analytics_enabled=False) as inspiration:
- flag = os.path.exists(opts.inspiration_dir)
- if flag:
- types = get_types_list()
- flag = len(types) > 0
- else:
- os.makedirs(opts.inspiration_dir)
- if not flag:
- gr.HTML("""
- To activate inspiration function, you need get "inspiration" images first.
- You can create these images by run "Create inspiration images" script in txt2img page,
you can get the artists or art styles list from here
- download these files, and select these files in the "Create inspiration images" script UI
- There about 6000 artists and art styles in these files.
This takes server hours depending on your GPU type and how many pictures you generate for each artist/style
I suggest at least four images for each
You can also download generated pictures from here:
- unzip the file to the project directory of webui
- and restart webui, and enjoy the joy of creation!
- """)
- return inspiration
- if not os.path.exists(inspiration_system_path):
- os.mkdir(inspiration_system_path)
- with gr.Row():
- with gr.Column(scale=2):
- inspiration_gallery = gr.Gallery(show_label=False, elem_id="inspiration_gallery").style(grid=opts.inspiration_cols_num, height='auto')
- with gr.Column(scale=1):
- types = gr.CheckboxGroup(choices=types, value=types)
- with gr.Row():
- source = gr.Dropdown(choices=["All", "Favorites", "Exclude abandoned", "Abandoned"], value="Exclude abandoned", label="Source")
- keyword = gr.Textbox("", label="Key word")
- get_inspiration = gr.Button("Get inspiration", elem_id="inspiration_get_button")
- name = gr.Textbox(show_label=False, interactive=False)
- with gr.Row():
- send_to_txt2img = gr.Button('to txt2img')
- send_to_img2img = gr.Button('to img2img')
- collect = gr.Button('Collect')
- give_up = gr.Button("Don't show again")
- moveout = gr.Button("Move out", visible=False)
- warning = gr.HTML()
- style_gallery = gr.Gallery(show_label=False).style(grid=2, height='auto')
- with gr.Row(visible=False):
- select_button = gr.Button('set button', elem_id="inspiration_select_button")
- name_list = gr.State()
- get_inspiration.click(get_inspiration_images, inputs=[source, types, keyword], outputs=[inspiration_gallery, name_list])
- keyword.submit(fn=None, _js="inspiration_click_get_button", inputs=None, outputs=None)
- source.change(source_change, inputs=[source], outputs=[moveout, style_gallery])
- source.change(fn=clear_keyword, _js="inspiration_click_get_button", inputs=None, outputs=[keyword])
- types.change(fn=clear_keyword, _js="inspiration_click_get_button", inputs=None, outputs=[keyword])
- select_button.click(select_click, _js="inspiration_selected", inputs=[name, name_list], outputs=[name, style_gallery, warning])
- give_up.click(give_up_click, inputs=[name], outputs=[warning])
- collect.click(collect_click, inputs=[name], outputs=[warning])
- moveout.click(moveout_click, inputs=[name, source], outputs=[warning])
- moveout.click(fn=None, _js="inspiration_click_get_button", inputs=None, outputs=None)
- send_to_txt2img.click(add_to_prompt, inputs=[name, txt2img_prompt], outputs=[txt2img_prompt])
- send_to_img2img.click(add_to_prompt, inputs=[name, img2img_prompt], outputs=[img2img_prompt])
- send_to_txt2img.click(collect_click, inputs=[name], outputs=[warning])
- send_to_img2img.click(collect_click, inputs=[name], outputs=[warning])
- send_to_txt2img.click(None, _js='switch_to_txt2img', inputs=None, outputs=None)
- send_to_img2img.click(None, _js="switch_to_img2img_img2img", inputs=None, outputs=None)
- return inspiration
diff --git a/modules/script_callbacks.py b/modules/script_callbacks.py
index 5bcccd67..66666a56 100644
--- a/modules/script_callbacks.py
+++ b/modules/script_callbacks.py
@@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
callbacks_model_loaded = []
callbacks_ui_tabs = []
callbacks_ui_settings = []
@@ -16,7 +15,6 @@ def model_loaded_callback(sd_model):
def ui_tabs_callback():
res = []
for callback in callbacks_ui_tabs:
res += callback() or []
diff --git a/modules/shared.py b/modules/shared.py
index 0aaaadac..5dfd7927 100644
--- a/modules/shared.py
+++ b/modules/shared.py
@@ -321,21 +321,6 @@ options_templates.update(options_section(('sampler-params', "Sampler parameters"
'eta_noise_seed_delta': OptionInfo(0, "Eta noise seed delta", gr.Number, {"precision": 0}),
-options_templates.update(options_section(('inspiration', "Inspiration"), {
- "inspiration_dir": OptionInfo("inspiration", "Directory of inspiration", component_args=hide_dirs),
- "inspiration_max_samples": OptionInfo(4, "Maximum number of samples, used to determine which folders to skip when continue running the create script", gr.Slider, {"minimum": 1, "maximum": 20, "step": 1}),
- "inspiration_rows_num": OptionInfo(4, "Rows of inspiration interface frame", gr.Slider, {"minimum": 4, "maximum": 16, "step": 1}),
- "inspiration_cols_num": OptionInfo(8, "Columns of inspiration interface frame", gr.Slider, {"minimum": 4, "maximum": 16, "step": 1}),
-options_templates.update(options_section(('images-history', "Images Browser"), {
- #"images_history_reconstruct_directory": OptionInfo(False, "Reconstruct output directory structure.This can greatly improve the speed of loading , but will change the original output directory structure"),
- "images_history_preload": OptionInfo(False, "Preload images at startup"),
- "images_history_num_per_page": OptionInfo(36, "Number of pictures displayed on each page"),
- "images_history_pages_num": OptionInfo(6, "Minimum number of pages per load "),
- "images_history_grid_num": OptionInfo(6, "Number of grids in each row"),
class Options:
data = None
diff --git a/modules/ui.py b/modules/ui.py
index a73175f5..fa42712e 100644
--- a/modules/ui.py
+++ b/modules/ui.py
@@ -49,14 +49,12 @@ from modules.sd_hijack import model_hijack
from modules.sd_samplers import samplers, samplers_for_img2img
import modules.textual_inversion.ui
import modules.hypernetworks.ui
-import modules.images_history as images_history
-import modules.inspiration as inspiration
# this is a fix for Windows users. Without it, javascript files will be served with text/html content-type and the browser will not show any UI
mimetypes.add_type('application/javascript', '.js')
+txt2img_paste_fields = []
+img2img_paste_fields = []
if not cmd_opts.share and not cmd_opts.listen:
@@ -1193,16 +1191,7 @@ def create_ui(wrap_gradio_gpu_call):
outputs=[html, generation_info, html2],
- #images history
- images_history_switch_dict = {
- "fn": modules.generation_parameters_copypaste.connect_paste,
- "t2i": txt2img_paste_fields,
- "i2i": img2img_paste_fields
- }
- browser_interface = images_history.create_history_tabs(gr, opts, cmd_opts, wrap_gradio_call(modules.extras.run_pnginfo), images_history_switch_dict)
- inspiration_interface = inspiration.ui(gr, opts, txt2img_prompt, img2img_prompt)
with gr.Blocks() as modelmerger_interface:
with gr.Row().style(equal_height=False):
with gr.Column(variant='panel'):
@@ -1651,8 +1640,6 @@ Requested path was: {f}
(img2img_interface, "img2img", "img2img"),
(extras_interface, "Extras", "extras"),
(pnginfo_interface, "PNG Info", "pnginfo"),
- (inspiration_interface, "Inspiration", "inspiration"),
- (browser_interface , "Image Browser", "images_history"),
(modelmerger_interface, "Checkpoint Merger", "modelmerger"),
(train_interface, "Train", "ti"),
@@ -1896,6 +1883,7 @@ def load_javascript(raw_response):
javascript = f''
scripts_list = modules.scripts.list_scripts("javascript", ".js")
+ scripts_list += modules.scripts.list_scripts("scripts", ".js")
for basedir, filename, path in scripts_list:
with open(path, "r", encoding="utf8") as jsfile:
javascript += f"\n"